Green and Friends - Saga 1 - Domestics

by blaa6

Chapter 1 - Finale - Rainbow Dash and the Party

Green woke to some noise below him. He looked around and, even though it was dark, he saw he was in Pinkie's room and in Pinkie's bed. "Whoa!" Green hurried and got out of her bed... and fell on the floor in the process.

"Need some help there?" A voice cut through the darkness. He looked up to see a hoof reaching to him. He took it, stood up and was now inches away from Rainbow Dash's face. In response, he blushed heavily and flew back so fast, he could have made a sonic greenboom.

"WHA-WHA?" He stammered, shaking nervously. Dash frowned, looking him over as she inched closer.

"Are you ok?" He shook his head while he stopped the rest of his body.

"No. Not really." He stood up. "I've been embarrassed too long. Every time I've seen you, I just freeze up. Not to mention what happened just now and a bit ago in the kitchen."Green frowned. Dash sighed.

"First off, you've been out for 4 hours. Party started 2 hours ago." He lowered his head. Dash slightly panicked. "But it's still going. Still got plenty of time." She sat in front of him as he sat down too. "Second...I may not know much about romance, but I'm pretty sure you're in love...with me." He looked like he was about to cry. "Wait a minute. I haven't said anything yet." She put a hoof on his shoulder. "I'd like you to confess to me." He looked up at her and blushed.

"Really?! But you already-"

"Please. Just do it for me." He took a deep breath.

"Rainbow Dash, I am in love with you. I've been in love with you for a long time." He sighed. She blushed as she stood up and trotted to the stairs. "Wait. What about-" She stopped before she descended.

"You're a cute guy. You've been nothing but kind to me and my friends since you arrived. You're a little odd, but that's not bad." She turned her head to face him, her face was covered in a massive blush. "I'm gonna need some time to think about it. I hope that's ok." He stood up.

"Of course. Take all the time you need." He trotted up to her. She smiled.

"Thanks." She smirked. "C'mon, stud. Let's party," she said teasingly as she went down first. He followed after her, the pop music getting clearer as they they continued.