Over-Powered Shapeshifter. "At Least I'm Not A Mary Sue."

by Taken-By-Insanity

I've Had Weird Dreams But This Is The Weirdest I've Had Yet.

In The Dream Realm

After I went to sleep I found myself in a starry void. "Too empty," I commented. Then the scene changed to my home in Equestria. I walked outside to see the Tantabus, anthro obviously, terrorizing Ponyville. "Huh and I thought it was just me doing something about my dream," I said calmly as my reaction.

After Walking To Dream Ponyville

When I made it to Ponyville after turning to my pony persona I saw an anthro version of that one episode with the Tantabus except with alicorn Twilight along with the crystal castle she lives in. "Please explain what's going on," I said to Fluttershy when I found her.

"Princess Luna has been tormenting herself with something called the Tantabus, a being made to give nightmares to anyone it has contact with," was her response. I sighed.

Now I just let it go the way the episode went basically along with helping closing the tear with just snapping my right hand. Except when Luna tried getting rid of the Tantabus there was an explosion instead and it was launched into me. "Ouch," I said after getting up. I altered everyone's memory so it looked like the Tantabus was merged into Luna since I don't want anyone going in a panic because they don't know where it went.

"Well have a good night everyone," I said before disconnecting from Luna's grip on my dream. And I have found myself back at the red void...."I'm going back," I said. After going back I said, "Never mind." Luna is looking at me in surprise, probably because I was able to cut off of her grip on my dream. "To the Everfree Forest I go," I said in a little tune.

After Walk To The Dream Everfree Forest

I walked into the Everfree humming a song called Discord(Swing Jazz Vocal Mix).

Until Luna walked from behind a tree. "Oh hello Princess Luna," I said while bowing to her. "Rise little pony," she said, with me doing as she said. "So how can I help you on this sunny day," when I said that it was suddenly daytime. After a moment she shook her head and said, "I would like to know how you were able to be cut off from the dream, along with how you made it suddenly daytime." It took me a second to think up an explanation other than that's it's because of the Tantabus and it was, "I do not know princess, I just do it somehow."

Then we heard someone groaning and when we looked, it was Starlight Glimmer. "Ouch, what happened?" she asked after getting up.
She was wearing this. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpre00.deviantart.net%2Fea4d%2Fth%2Fpre%2Ff%2F2017%2F149%2F6%2F9%2Fequestria_girls_specials_starlight_glimmer_3_by_joshstacy-dbatjhf.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fjoshstacy.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FEquestria-girls-specials-Starlight-Glimmer-3-683302371&docid=TUD4s4mttNSJiM&tbnid=aE1AuAfY933ZUM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwipo8inqvbZAhWBr4MKHWl8CkYQMwjAASgDMAM..i&w=774&h=1032&bih=622&biw=1366&q=equestria%20girls%20starlight%20glimmer&ved=0ahUKEwipo8inqvbZAhWBr4MKHWl8CkYQMwjAASgDMAM&iact=mrc&uact=8

"Nice hat and I have no idea what happened to you, but their was the whole deal with the Tantabus and everything," was my response. "Oh yeah Princess Luna did mentioned it to the girls earlier," she said. "Yes now I must get going, there are nightmares I must deal with," Princess Luna said kinda slowly and after she said that I was back in that stupid starry void. "I wonder, can I visit another's dream after all I did travel between my dream and the combined dream Ponyville was having," I said to myself out loud.

So I went and tried going to Pinkie's dream. I found a candy wonderland with everyone having their favorite treats all happy and such. "Hi Shade how are ya?" Pinkie appeared into my vision saying this, not even making me flinch. "I am fine Pinkie, wait what's going on?" I asked her since the scene was going grey and ponies were getting sad. "Oh no, don't be sad everyone, I've got just the treat," Pinkie said in a worried tone. I got a headache and gripped my head with one hand. Somehow the Elements showed up in the dream and replaced their dream construct selves.

"What's going on?" asked Twilight.

"Hey what gives I was kicking evil changeling butt and now I'm here?" complained Rainbow.

"I was just making the most beautiful dress and now I'm here?" complained Rarity. Then the scene changed and we were in front of Canterlot High. "How did we get here?" asked Twilight in surprise. And now I replaced the statue but I'm still next to Pinkie. Now the other me turned to an inverted color version of me, white coat, white mane and tail, blue eyes, and grey clothes still, and started playing a familiar song I listened to a lot.

While the song was playing, things appeared according to what the other me said, except the rape luckily. After the song was over, me and the girls turned into the equestria girls versions of ourselves.

Everyone except me and Twilight freaked out for a second or two. After they were done with their freak out Twilight started to access the situation."Okay so we're in the human world somehow-" Before she said anything else I held up my hand and her mouth vanished. "And this is all a combined dream, there's a simple solution to this," I lowered my hand, making Twilight have a mouth again, after saying that.

"How did ya do that?" asked Applejack. "Unknown," was my answer. "Anyways the answer to this is walk through the statue, bu bye," I finished and walked through the statue like I said and found myself in Equis as myself. Then I woke up.

In The Waking World

I woke up in bed as my real self, my changeling form in red pajamas, and I got ready for the day ahead. First I took a shower. Second I changed to my regular grey clothes but I decided to wear blue instead. Third I took my pony form and brushed my teeth. Then finally I had breakfast, which was some apples with orange juice.

After that was all done I checked the time and found it to be seven o'clock. Old habits die hard I thought. "Hey me, when exactly am I going to have drones as you say," I asked me. You didn't let me finish last time, you only have drones when you want drones or if you have children the way most beings have was the other me's response. I blushed hard at the last part because he meant you know what. I looked in the mail box and I found two letters. After I went inside and sat at my couch in front of the fireplace, I opened the one with the seal of three butterflies since it must be from Fluttershy.

Dear Shade Mirror,
I am hoping you might make it to a some tea time at my home with Discord.
Please don't freak out that Discord has tea with me every now and then. Also, the event will be at this Friday, sorry for such short notice.
From Fluttershy.

How nice of her to invite me, I thought. I looked into the next one which had a seal of three diamond, which must means it's from Rarity probably.

Dear Shade Mirror,
Hello dear I was hoping that you could come with me and Fluttershy to the spa today, sorry for the short notice, and we will be there waiting for you around noon and I will understand if you are unable to come along.
From Rarity.

I think going to the spa would be nice I thought. So I decided to take a walk through the Everfree to kill time after sending letters to Fluttershy and Rarity that I will be available for the spa and tea time.