Mystery Scootaloo

by thedarktome

Chapter 02 - Unknown Restoration

"And Rainbow found this photo," Twilight finished. After Rainbow Dash informed the group of their findings, they all came back to the Castle of Friendship so she could tell Celestia what happened. They were all situated once more in the library, telling everything they could. Well, Rainbow anyway.

"There was a whole wall of them," she said, dramatizing what she saw. "Of birthdays, smiles, and a whole bunch of other stuff that didn't make any sense. There was a photo of them walking in front of a building called Honeycomb Movie Theater, whatever that is. That seemed the happiest."

"I don't know what that is," Twilight commented. "But if it's human stuff, I'm sure Sunset knows."

"So....are you saying that Scootaloo could be a.....human?" Celestia asked. Rainbow nodded her head eagerly.

"That's what it looked like."

"But that doesn't make any sense," Celestia asked. "From what I've been told, Scootaloo's been here long before the mirror to earth was activated. When Sunset came through. There's no other way to Earth except through that portal. It's impossible for her to get through without us noticing."

The group got quiet before Twilight took on a eye-slitted serious expression. "Then we take this to the one pony that has never made sense. They would have an explanation. And possibly records about it."

Rainbow looked at her quizzically before she gasped. " don't mean..... That's insane, Twilight! Her prices alone will drain us all of our sanity!"

"We have no other choice!" Twilight retorted before looking at everypony else in complete focus. "It's time to see......the P.I." A loud thunderous sound filled the room while the others gasped. After that dramatic moment passed, Twilight raised an eyebrow at what that loud noise was a second ago.

"Was that thunder? Why is there thunder?" She asked, looking around.

"Oh, sorry!" They all looked towards the doorway at Spike, who was picking up a metal trash can lid. "I dropped this while I was uhh....walking by."

In a room, on the second floor of a building that made absolutely no sense in a town that was WAY too friendly, there were seven ponies. Including Princess Celestia, all looking at the silhouette of a messy maned pony tossing something from her left hoof to her right hoof on the opposite side of a desk that contained only a lamp, positioned away from the pony and pointed forward slightly, leaving their identity a complete mystery.

There was a clock behind her, the only thing making noise in the room at the moment. Tick......tock......tick......tock.

"So," she said, breaking the silence and taking a bite out of the something that was in her hoof. "You want to know......about strange happenings in Equestria."

"Yes," Twilight said while she took another bite out of the item. "And you're the only pony in all of Equestria that keeps up with this.....Madam P.I."

She nodded, her mane bouncing in the shadows. "My prices aren't cheap, Sparkle." She took another bite out of the item, chewed, and swallowed before continuing. "You know what I want."

"Please, is there any other way, I don't wanna go insane!" Rainbow whined. The mysterious mare chuckled before stuffing the last bit of the item into her mouth.

"My.....prices.....will not make you insane, Rainbow Dash," she replied. "Just curious. I have information on everything that has occured around Equestria. From the Badlands to the Frozen North, all of it. On record. What exactly are you looking for, Princess?"


The mare placed a vanilla folder onto the table titled, "Sightings: Portals Q3E."

"That's everything on Portals in Equestria, Quarter three this year. Fall. There is only two occurrences, so the price is simple. I'll be using the Castle of Friendship for this one, Ms. Sparkle."

Twilight placed her hoof on the folder to drag it towards her before the investigator's hoof stopped it. "Do we have a deal?"

Twilight looked towards the others who sighed and nodded. She turned around and nodded to the mare.

"I want to hear you seal it," she demanded, not letting go. Twilight inhaled sharply, not believing her ears. "Seal it, Ms. Sparkle. And the information is all yours. And do the motions."

Twilight sighed before looking back up at her. "Cross my heart....hope to fly.....stick a cupcake in my eye."

The pony reached up and pulled the cord on a bigger and brighter lamp, revealing herself.

"Thanks, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said, dropping the act and pushing the folder to her. "The information's all yours! Wanna cupcake? I have soooo many back here! Gummy made them this morning!" She lifted her tail that the reptile was currently biting on, having absolutely no other motion.

"No thanks, Pinkie. When is that massive party?" She responded.

"Tomorrow. It's going to blow your mind!" She dramatized, throwing her hooves out.

"Yeah, I was afraid of that," Rainbow commented before turning to the Princesses. "If I die tomorrow, turn my house into a museum."

"All of our houses are going to be museums, and the castle is going to be the biggest memorial and tourist attraction," Twilight replied, standing up. "Thanks Pinkie."

The group turned around and walked out of Pinkie's closet in her room on the second floor of Sugarcube corner.

"You're welcome, Twilight!"

Scootaloo woke up a few hours later, the fire begining to dwindle and the cold biting at her. She squinted her eyes, and looked around. Nothing was disturbed that she could see. Good.

She checked the gash on her leg, observing the stitching holding it together so it could heal. It still stung, but it didn't hurt. Once again, good riddance. Time for dinner. She slid the blanket off of her and placed the photo on top of the book before the flame went out, shrouding the area in darkness while she made her way to and out the tunnel.

Pushing the box aside, she poked her head out and began shivering. It was a cold night. Stupid fall. Always making her extremely uncomfortable.

Brushing it off, she got out of the burrow and pushed the box over it, keeping it out of sight once more. After that task, Scootaloo walked to the end of the alley, peeking out to check for anypony out there. Luckily, there was not a soul. It was night, which meant everypony was asleep. The moon was out thankfully, which was the only thing actually lighting her path.

Finding it safe, she darted out and towards another alley, keeping herself hidden from pony eyes. Or so she thought.

Twilight looked down from the rooftop of one of the buildings while Rainbow Dash flew out of a nearby cloud, watching her while Rarity peeked out from above a nearby empty vegetable stand. "The Orange has left the basket," she muttered before Pinkie popped out beside her, wearing camouflage and looking through a pair of binoculars.

"I knew she'd wake up eventually," Twilight whispered to Rainbow Dash who landed beside her. Scootaloo ran directly below them, coming out of the town and headed towards the farm.

Twilight lit her horn, sending out a signal to one of the animals nearby that could actually hear it. Winona's ears perked up before she lifted her head from the roadside. She whimpered and stood up, her tail wagging as she began barking towards the road that came to the farm.

Applejack sighed and looked through a pair of binoculars, seeing a small object running up the path to her farm with a few more behind it, two of them high in the air.

"She's headed right for the farm," Twilight presumed, looking at her from the air. "AJ, drop the bag, come on."

The pony in question pushed a bag of fresh apples, three of them, out onto the path Scootaloo was running on before going back into cover with Winona, listening to the tiny pats getting closer and closer.

Scootaloo slowed down, preparing to turn when she saw the little bag. Raising an eyebrow, she looked around, making sure no one was around before she approached it.

"She's going for it," Rainbow whispered, her and Twilight landing on a loose cloud above, watching the area below lit by the full moon. "Take it, Scoots."

The filly stopped at it before looking around again. Finding no ponies around, she sniffed the bag and opened it, seeing three red apples. "Hmmm......why were these randomly in the open? Totally illogical, suspicious.....but tempting at the same time. Especially at this time of night."

Applejack raised an eyebrow from inside the bush right beside Scootaloo. She sounded like a full grown mare! What was with that?

She sniffed one of the apples tentatively, shivering from the cold before she took a bite, examining the taste and status.

"Unblemished," she said. "Non-deficient and good on the taste buds. Satisfactory and can be added to tonight's haul." She closed the bag and grabbed it with her teeth before walking......into the empty apple orchard across from the main farm, confusing the five ponies watching.

"What is she doing?" Rarity asked as they regrouped. "There's nothing in there."

"I don't know, but let's follow her," Twilight said. "It could be dangerous." The group quietly followed the tiny hoofsteps Scootaloo created, taking cover behind trees before the filly stopped in a clearing.

She looked around before planting her hooves in the ground and focusing. The group poked their heads out and turned to Twilight, who shrugged in return, not understanding either before Scootaloo grunted, catching all of their attention.

She got a little louder, making them all look and lean forward in anticipation. Suddenly, she let out a yelp as a silver wave cascaded down from her forehead to her hooves, the ground, and climbed up the surrounding trees before she sat down, doing nothing.

"What did she just do? And was that magic......again?" Twilight whispered to Rarity beside her.

"I don't know, darling," she whispered back. Looking back, she gasped lightly and pointed at one of the trees. "Look."

One of the trees beside Scootaloo began shaking before she grabbed the apple bag and dragged it over to the tree. One of the branches on the tree shook violently before something sprouted from the tip. It was multicolored, round, and made Applejack gasp in disbelief. This only happened once a year!

"A zapapple," she muttered as it grew to full size. Scootaloo walked and jumped onto the tree, climbed it, and plucked the apple off, throwing it down into the open bag.

"Look," Twilight said motioning towards the other trees. They began shaking before growing more of the apples, ten of them. How was this possible?! Zapapples only grew in the Everfree forest!

Scootaloo plucked them all and dropped them into the bag below before jumping back down and taking a bite out of one. "Non-deficient with a high volume of fructose and sucrose, and a medium volume of citric acid. And obviously, natural sugars. No wonder they're good. You're mine now." She tied the bag up while all the observers shared a glance of disbelief.

"What.....the.....buck?" Twilight muttered before they took cover again. Scootaloo walked past them with the bag trailing behind her, pulling it with her teeth.

Twilight and Rainbow flew up, landing on a cloud while everyone else stalked her, trying to see what she was going to do with those apples. They followed her all the way back into town and into the alley, where she jumped back in the hole and placed the cover back over it.

"She.......she created they were nothin'!" Applejack exasperated, confusing the others.

"Are you......offended?" Rarity asked.

"I...I...I-I don't know, should I be? Granny Smith works hard to get them Zapapples to grow and all she does is.....I guess a tiny wave of magic and poof! They're right there and ripe for the pluckin'!"

"Did you hear her vocabulary?" Twilight asked. "Non-deficient? Fructose and Sucrose? Medium volume? Citric acid? Natural sugars?! Does she even know what they mean?! We're going to confront her again tomorrow. We have to ask her questions about all of this. A Pegasus using magic who is seemingly smarter than Rainbow Dash is a red flag. Applejack, we're coming to your farm tomorrow where she always meets her friends on Sunday."

The next morning was a little warm, perfect for a Sunday. There was dew in the air and the ponies were once again beginning to go about their weekly business.

For a local farmer though this business was to investigate this filly. She knew Celestia ordered them not to approach her.....but they needed to know more. Applejack stopped by the gate of her farm, looking at the main road where Scootaloo will no doubt come from. Waiting.

After a few more minutes, she heard the buzzing and saw a tiny dust cloud in the distance headed down the path. She's coming. Scootaloo took another bite out of a Zapapple, the second one that morning, and shivered from the wondrous taste.

"Oh my god, these are great," she moaned. "And I get them for free." She took a few more bites and looked back up to see a pony in the road. Just sitting there. Applejack. What was she up to? She didn't trust these ponies after they literally yelled in her face and chased her all over town.

She screeched to a halt a few feet away, sending dirt flying up, and just stared at her, who stared back in return. "What do you want?"

"Scootaloo, I need ta' have a word with ya," she said nonchalantly, not moving.

"About what?"

"Well for one, that zapapple you're holdin'." The filly's eyes widened before she glanced down at the half eaten fruit. Shrugging, she took another bite.

"What about it? You're gonna kidnap me and start yelling in my face again?" She asked with a chuckle.

"No, but we are gonna ask some questions." She looked behind her to see Twilight approaching with the others. "Some very important questions," Twilight clarified.

"Well, don't expect an answer." She tried to leave again only to find her Scooter immobile, bound by Twilight's magic.

"Scootaloo, this is important! You're a Pegasus that uses Unicorn magic, light AND dark!" Twilight said, trotting in front of her with a smile on her face. "This could revolutionize the Pegasi community! did you use magic?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She jumped off her scooter and began to run before a rope flew over her and tied her legs, making her fall.

"You're not goin' anywhere," Applejack said, walking over to her. "Not until you tell me where you got got that Zapapple from."

"You just put me in a lasso!" Scootaloo yelled. "And before that you cornered me! And before that, you put me in a box in Twilight's castle! And before THAT, you were yelling in my face!!! Take your questions to somepony else, I'm not answering any of your questions!"

"You're not going-" *ZAP* Scootaloo teleported onto the farm, catching their attention and making Twilight groan. She teleported in front of the filly, making her slide to a stop. "Scootaloo, stop!" *ZAP*

She teleported around Twilight and continued running before Rainbow swiped her up. *ZAP* She teleported out of her arms and, unfortunately, all the way behind her on Applejack's back. She jumped off and ran to her Scooter. Twilight was getting a little desperate. She had information that could change the way ponies thought. Acted. Behaved. She needed that knowledge!

"Stop or I'll......I'll have you arrested for trespassing! As well as reveal what you are!"

The filly screeched to a halt and slowly turned her head. "What are you talking about 'trespassing?' And 'what I am?'"

"We saw you come here last night....and make those zapapples." Her eyes widened before she jumped off the scooter, looking at them horrified.

" were following me?" She asked. "Why were you following me?"

"To see what you were doin' at ten o'clock at night," Applejack asked. "And as for who you are......we know you're a human Scootaloo."

It's like her mind just froze. How could they know that?! She left no visible clues about her origins! Everything about her was......they didn't......

" went in my sanctuary," she said in disbelief, her eyes narrowed. "You went inside my......"

"We had no other-" Scootaloo jumped on the farmer with incredible strength, knocking her onto her back.

"YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO GO IN THERE!" She yelled while Rainbow tried to pull her off. "THAT IS A PLACE OF RESPECT AND YOU VIOLATED IT!"

Twilight levitated her off, allowing Applejack to get up. Tears were coming down the filly's face while she tried to reach her, her hooves swiping out at her.

"Scootaloo, we found you a threat to the ponies of Ponyville," Princess Twilight explained, approaching her. "So we tracked you down in the burrow and we sort of......encountered some things."

" invaded my privacy?! What kind of Princess are you?!" Scootaloo yelled in anger, pointing a hoof at her. "I'm telling Celestia about this!!" She teleported out of their sights and Twilight's grip again, getting yards away from them and running back into town. She didn't even care about the scooter. Along the way, she noticed she was getting that headache again that caused that mega scream years ago. But this was much stronger. How she remembered? She didn't know!!!

Panting, she darted around a group of ponies walking past, nearly knocking them off their hooves. No doubt Rainbow and Twilight were in pursuit of her. If only she knew how to properly use this magic she had gotten ahold of years ago, they would have left her alone by now.

The Princess suddenly landed in front of her, causing her to yelp and slide to a stop. "Scootaloo, stop! We just want to-"

"I don't care what you want, you stupid pony!" She tried to run the other way, instead bumping into a pair of Cyan hooves.

"Scootaloo, you need to calm down," Rainbow said

"I'm not calming down until you all leave me alone!" She yelled, pointing an accusing hoof at all of them. The others seemed to have just arrived and were now surrounding her. The headache in her head was getting even stronger, making it hard to think.

"Scootaloo, if you don't take a deep breath I'm going to use a sleeping spell on you," Twilight said, lighting her horn. That did it. Scootaloo's coat started to glow brighter, confusing them.

"Leave me alone," she said through gritted teeth. She was looking down with her hooves planted firmly into the ground. "I'm warning you."

"Scootaloo. All we need are some questions answered," Twilight said firmly, stomping her foot in the ground. "And as a Princess of Equestria, you will answer these questions."

"Twilight," Fluttershy said, poking her shoulder. The Princess had her eyes closed while she took on a regal pose and failed to notice the glowing cyan orbs circling around the filly. " might want to open your eyes." Twilight did, looked down, and gasped. The Elements slowly backed away as the orange coat glowed brighter and brighter, and the orbs orbited faster and faster.

"What....what's goin' on, Twi?" Applejack asked fearfully. The ground underneath their hooves started shaking, eventually becoming far worse than a mere tremble and becoming more like a full on Earthquake. The ponies in Ponyville started shouting, screaming and running into buildings, taking cover under tables and anything else that could fit them.

"I-I don't know!" The Princess yelled. The earthquake caused them to lose their balance and fall. But Scootaloo remained standing, the orbs rotating around her turning into a very bright blur, encasing her body in a white sphere. She started to yell before she screamed loudly, rivaling the royal Canterlot voice, and let loose.

The elements' ears rang from whatever the heck just happened. They saw nothing but white and felt weightless from the giant blast that came from the tiny filly, unknowingly destroying buildings, plant life, and the Friendship castle completely. And going to a height that had moved the clouds over Equestria away, attracting Celestia's attention.

She turned her head from her throne room, where she was listening to a pony in her day court and gasped at the humongous white sphere that could probably be seen as far as the Crystal empire. "Guard!" A soldier ran inside the room and saluted. "Get me my chariot! And grab Luna! Now!"

The ponies hiding inside the supposedly protective structures in Ponyville were flung back and out of the town, raining down on the train station and the Everfree Forest painfully.

The Elements eyesight returned, finally letting them see that they were soaring into the sky. HIGH into the sky. They had even breached the cloud layer, and went far higher than that. They all glanced at each other, then screamed as they flew higher and higher, going up thousands of feet before gravity took over, causing them to plummet back down towards the ground. Rainbow reacted quickly, flying around and catching them as fast as she could before they hit the ground hard enough to bruise or break something, and slid to a stop. All was silent besides the residual breeze in the air, washing over their coats and staining them with dirt.

The Princess coughed from the large amount of dust in the air, nearly causing her lungs to breach. Thinking quickly, she used a spell to place a bubble over her head. "Everypony!!! Sound off!!!!" A yell of choruses caught her attention. She listened closely, hearing all of her friends and some more ponies, who also seemed to be choking on the dust.

"WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT?!!" Rainbow yelled, before she started coughing violently. "I can't even see anything, what did Scootaloo do?!!"

"I don't know!" Twilight said worriedly, using a spell to clear out some of the dust, revealing a horrible sight. "" The entire town was destroyed and anything else around it, including the Everfree Forest. There was nothing left standing and all the green was gone. Everything.....was gone. The trees, the water, the buildings. It was all flat, brown, and lifeless land.

"What..." Rarity muttered, looking in disbelief at what just happened. There was a huge line of ponies beside them, all sharing the same expression. Their home was destroyed. Then they freaked out.

"What do we do?!"

"I need to find my kids!!"

"We're homeless!"

"The Princess will know what to do!" The citizens all looked and walked towards Princess Twilight. It looks like they've all been through war. There was dirt all over their coats, their faces, and hair. They began asking questions, requesting instructions on what to do now.

"Everypony......EVERYPONY!" She yelled, getting them to be quiet. "Rainbow Dash!" The Cyan pony ran forward and saluted. "You're the fastest pony here! Head to Canterlot and get us some help fast!"

"Right!" She took off into the air, flying towards the mountainside to see a large fleet of Royal guards headed their way, with Princess Celestia and Luna. "Never mind, they're coming!"

"Everypony else! Look for anymore survivors! Let's go!"

Scootaloo woke up a few minutes later with a groan, holding her head while she sat up. "Uggh," she moaned, not even registering where she was. "What...what happened?" She opened her eyes and gasped. The ground in front of her was brown and lifeless. " no no." She looked all around her, finding the same result. This was exactly like last time. Only much worse. There was nothing there in front of her that was standing. The land was flattened with trees knocked over like toothpicks. "Oh my god....what.....whoa." She looked down at her hooves to see them shimmering and glowing. A wave of different colors was washing over them. Orange, green, purple, red, yellow, Magenta. Coming down from what seemed to be her head, which had something protruding from it. She could feel it. Reaching up with her glowing hooves, she felt.....a horn? She traced it down, feeling it to see if it was.....yep. It was attached to her skull. But...THAT MADE ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE!

"I have a bucking horn?!!" She yelled. Her magic accidentally spiked, sending out a light blue spark that hit the ground. A spark of green grew out from it, making her curious. The green spread out before it turned into pink then purple, creating a circle around the glowing filly. She shifted the wings on her back, unaware that they had gotten longer and could more than possibly lift her into the air. The area around her had been changed into a beautiful scenery. How she did it, she didn't even know. But it gave her a brilliant idea.

She looked around, finally realizing she was in a large crater. Just like last time. Deciding that it was time to assess, she climbed out, getting dirt and dust all over her constantly color shifting coat. She didn't even notice her eyes were glowing a bright white too while she turned around to see what she exactly did with that magic. She had created a whole garden of flowers. She looked at it for a moment, tuning out the calls from the other ponies trying to see if there were anypony else out there.

And after all of that, she didn't even blow up? The town looks like an atomic bomb hit it! Yet, here she was, the actual atomic bomb, still fully intact. Along with some extra parts that had somehow appeared. She pushed those thoughts out of her mind and got back to the task at hand. Assessing her situation. Just like she did when she first arrived. The entire town was destroyed and there were over a hundred ponies, fillies, and colts without homes. Because of her. She sighed in despair.

She had to do something about this. Reverse time or something. Right then, when she thought about reversing time, a spark licked her mind. Time.......

She lifted a hoof, which in turn lit her horn, and closed her eyes, trying out an experiment. A slight sound that sounded like sand moving along the ground caught her attention. But she ignored it, keeping her eyes closed. It got louder and faster, causing her to focus harder. A few seconds later it stopped, allowing her to open her eyes and gasp. Right there in front of here was....a building. A brand, spanking, new building that looked like it had never been damaged. Did she just convert matter? "That's....impossible," she muttered. She stared at her hooves and caught a grin. She could help. She could fix everything! She lowered her hooves and did it again. This time with her eyes open. Once again, another building, along with grass and flowers was created. Even a freaking sidewalk. She walked along the ground, lowering her hooves while she did it with her horn instead, effortlessly and far faster. It was like a blur. She went from a walk while she was working, to a trot, then to a full on run.

The buildings were starting to build themselves at this rate as she used her magic that she finally had control help rebuild the town that she destroyed. And it was working. She didn't even have to lift her hooves anymore!

"Twilight!" Celestia yelled as she and Luna made their way over. They were looking at the scene in horror. The entire town was wiped. The purple mare was looking over injuries from ponies that had been thrown against things from the blast when they stopped next to her, catching her attention. "What happened here?!"

Twilight sighed and looked at the dusty landscape in sadness. She could barely see past the dusty barrier that was stinging her eyes. "It was...Scootaloo."

Celestia looked at her confused. "She used magic like I told you, so we decided to ask her questions. I think we overwhelmed her or something because she started glowing. Then some bright blue orbs started to rotate around her. Going faster and faster along with the earthquake. Then....the flash. And now......this." She waved out at the dust. They weren't registering the glowing in the distance, too busy looking at the devastation. "Whatever it was threw us all at least a mile. But it looks like the blast went farther than a mile."

"Try reaching the bottom of the mountain of Canterlot," Luna corrected, shocking Twilight. "Whatever it was took out everything that was in a fifty mile radius of Ponyville. Including most of the Everfree forest."

"But.....h-how? How could a filly like that hold that much power?!"

"Are you absolutely sure she did it?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah, she did it!" Rainbow yelled, coming over and landing next to them. "She literally exploded! I don't know where she is and I don't know if she survived it."

"We all saw it," Rarity inputted as she walked over, backing up Rainbow Dash's story. "The source of that flash was Scootaloo."

"What?!" They looked behind them at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Diamond Tiara, all of them a dirty mess. It's a wonder Rarity hasn't had a conniption yet. "What are you goin' on about?! Scoots did this?! That's impossible!"

"Believe it, we were there!" Applejack said, looking at all the ponies. "There's nothing all. But-" Something started creaking behind them but they didn't notice it until a guard screamed.

"Get down!" He yelled, pointing behind them. They all fell to the ground by instinct and screamed at a huge piece of metal that flew over their heads, creaking loudly and heading towards the center of the used-to-be-a-town, disappearing into the dust and out of view.

"What...what was THAT?!" Sweetie Belle yelled before two more flew right over. This time they paid more attention to it. It looked like dirt that was morphing into something before they landed on the ground, upright.

"I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out," Twilight said, taking a step forward before she felt movement by her hooves. Looking down, her curiosity piquesd by the odd feeling, she gasped. The dirt around her hooves was crawling towards the center of the town quickly, eager to get wherever it needed to get to. And it was happening all around her. "Look down!" The citizens and guards stared at the dirt as it soared past, turning into whatever before it repeated.

"What....what is this, Celestia?" Luna asked, getting on the defensive.

"I do not know," she replied, lighting her horn. "But we need to clear this dust!" She sent out a spell, moving the dust out of the way to reveal a wondrous sight, making them all stare, breathless at the scene.

Scootaloo danced to a little tune she was playing in her head and waved her horn at another section, turning that plot of land into grass, sidewalk, and a building. Like it was snap of a finger. A shop was there before last time, and it was back once more. Since she remembered what every building was like in Ponyville, she could easily create it. Down to the flower pot in the window. She did the same to the area beside it, the area across it, and so forth. Eventually rebuilding Rarity's boutique, Sugarcube Corner, and the Castle of Friendship. She flapped her wings and laughed, not even realizing that the dusty cloud layer was being pushed to the side, revealing her work of the single-handed rebuilding of Ponyville. Not to mention herself. So far it was looking good. She could do better. Flapping her wings, she flew upwards and sent her magic out with a mind of its own, instructing it to build this building here, and that tree there.

"'re flying!" Rainbow yelled, trying to get her attention.

"Is that all you're seeing right now Rainbow?!" Twilight said. She was in total shock and awe, not believing what she was seeing. "She's an...a-an alicorn!" The glowing, white-eyed filly raced right up to them, not even listening to what they were saying, and grabbed a loose piece of metal that had gotten behind the astonished crowd with her magic and threw it towards the city, shocking the ponies. It turned into dirt first before it changed into a wooden door, slowing down and hinging itself into a house that was currently being built by an unknown force.

"WHAT?!" Luna yelled in shock. Celestia shared the exact same expression. Mouth wide open and catching flies. "How did she.....did she just..."

"She just converted matter," Twilight whispered, looking at the scene. "That's impossible." Things were getting more and more faster now, the buildings and nature becoming much more abundant. The grass and trees were currently being restored, including every last one of the Apple Trees. Even the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse her friends were in when the blast happened. After a few more minutes, the environment had gone back to its original state, leaving nothing but stunned silence. Everything, as far as the eye could see, was back to normal. Then Scootaloo flew around at a speed that would have Rainbow Dash grinning in glee if she didn't have an expression of shock, clearing the dusty atmosphere. Once it was all done and clear, Scootaloo flew towards the other ponies and landed in front of the princesses to look at her work, not even registering they were all looking at her.

Twilight was opening and closing her mouth like a fish while Celestia and Luna were looking down at the smiling Pegasus who apparently had turned into an Alicorn very violently. Her coat was still changing colors and her eyes were still a bright white. The only thing that had changed was her wing length and the horn on her head which had finally stopped glowing. What....did she just do?