//------------------------------// // Chapter 34: The Alicorn Flu // Story: Children of Harmony // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// It's been a week since their time in the Crystal Empire and things are doing very well. Right now, Twilight, the twins are having blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Twilight is feeding the baby with his baby bottle. Ame and Yuki has already dress since they are going to play with their friends. Twilight is going out to lunch with her friends. Little Tsubasa is going to be with Twilight and going to have fun with his baby friends. Twilight starts to notice that her oldest daughter, Sakura, isn't here for breakfast, even though she already call her. Yuki asks her mother, "Hm, I wonder where Sakura is?" "I don't know. I called her for breakfast and she never answer," Twilight questionably says Ame gets up and flies towards the stair to see if he can wake up his sister. Ame screams, "Sakura! Time for breakfast!" "Coming," Sakura answers in a tired tone. Sakura walks downstairs wearing her light purple nightgown. When her mother sees Sakura, she starts to notice that her daughter is looking tired and pale. Twilight asks, "Sakura, are you feeling okay?" "Yeah. You look sick," Ame asks still flying in the air. For some strange reason, Sakura doesn't seem to be responding like she can seem to hear what they are saying at all. This cause everyone in the room to grow concern seeing Sakura looking weak and tired. She is just standing next to the table not saying a word. Yuki comes over and asks, "How long have you've been like this, sis?" Sakura hears Yuki and turns to face her. Yuki is shocked to see that Sakura looking very sick and looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep either. Sakura weakly says, "I've been like this since last night. My throat hurts, my nose is stuffy, and... I feel dizzy." Before Sakura can say or do anything else, her vision is starting to get very blurry and she seems to be getting worse. The sickness she is experiencing is too much for her, so she collapses and faints on the kitchen floor. Yuki scaredly screams, "Sakura!" Twilight walks towards her daughter to see what is wrong with her. Twilight can tell that Sakura isn't very well at all. Twilight touches her head and feels that she is burning up. Twilight sadly says, "She has a terrible fever." Ame walks over to his mom and says, "I can fly to Doctor Stables and Nurse Red Heart, if you need to?" "I think it's a good idea Ame, but please hurry," Twilight says. "Yes mom," Ame replies. With that, Ame leaves the house using his wings to fly to the Ponyville hospital to get Doctor Stables and Nurse Red Heart. Twilight and Yuki takes Sakura and Tsubasa to the living room and making sure Sakura is taken care of while Ame gets the doctor. Some time later, Ame brings the doctor and the nurse to attend to Sakura who is now lying on the sofa. They examine her very carefully trying to see what is wrong with her. After some time they know what is wrong with her. Twilight worriedly asks, "How is she?" Doctor Stables turns to Twilight and answers, "Judging by the systems she's having, I say she has a serious case of the alicorn flu." "Alicorn flu? What is the alicorn flu?" Yuki asks. "It's an illness that only alicorn has and it only happens once in their entire lifetime," Doctor Stables explains. "Guess it's best for her to get it now so she won't have to worry about it in the future," Ame says. Doctor Stables and Nurse Red Heart nod their heads in reply. Twilight is kind of glad that the doctors are helping, but worried that Sakura is having a sickness that only alicorns can get. Nurse Red Heart sadly says, "But there is a problem, we don't have any experience with alicron sickness." Twilight and the twins are starting to feel concern that the doctor and the nurse can't do much for Sakura. They are wondering if there anything else they can do for her. "Then how is Sakura going to get better?" Ame asks. Doctor Stables turns to Twilight and says, "I know it's going to be difficult, but Sakura needs to be transferred to the hospital in Canterlot. I have a cousin who been studying as a doctor as well and she's been taught about sickness of alicorns." Twilight is shocked to hear that she needs to go to Canterlot. She thinks it does make since, when she think about it. She used to live in Canterlot and the hospital has the best medical service. "You mean Sakura has to go to Canterlot to get the treatment she needs," Ame asks. "I'm afraid so," Nurse Red Heart sadly answers. Twilight sadly asks, "So there's no other way?" "Yes. They have more experience because the princesses lived in Canterlot and have better medications for them," Doctor Stables answers. Twilight doesn't feel okay about her daughter being taken so far from home, but she knows that Sakura really needs some medical treatment. Twilight asks, "Is the alicorn flu very serious." "The flu is a serious matter, but not enough to be life threatening," Doctor Stables answers. Twilight sighs in relief after hearing it. She is glad that she doesn't need to go through something like it again. Twilight nods her head and says, "I understand. I'll have to send a letter to Princess Celestia so she can help provide a room at the hospital for Sakura." "That sounds like a wise choice. After all, your daughter is the princess own student now and she consider you her good friend," Nurse Red Heart replies. "Yeah." Twilight says. Twilight leaves so she can send a letter to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about Sakura's illness. She then Twilight sadly says to herself, "Speaking of friends, I wonder her Sakura's and mine are going to react when they find out what happened to Sakura." After some time of sending the letter, Princess Celestia teleports herself in no time flat. She then teleport Sakura who is wrap in a blanket to the Canterlot Hospital. After that, Twilight, the twins, and the baby leave to go see their friends and to explain to them what happen to Sakura. When they reach Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight explains to everypony about the event that happened this morning and about what Sakura is going through. When she explains to them about the situation, everypony shockley screams, "She's sick!" "Yes. She's sick," Twilight repeats it. "What happened?" Fluttershy asks. "She has the alicorn flu. According to the doctor, she thinks it will be best for Sakura to be put in Canterlot Hospital for her treatment," "Have you…" Baked Apple is about to ask her a question. Before he can ask, Twilight says, "Yes. I already sent a letter to the princess and she said it a very good idea to have her put in Canterlot Hospital so she can get treated properly," "Why she has to be put in Canterlot Hospital. Can't she stay in the hospital in Ponyville?" Aerial Ace asks. Before Twilight can answer, Rarity says, "I think I know why, since the doctors in Canterlot had experiences with the princesses. They probably know more about illnesses from alicorns than any other clinic in Equestria. Not to mention, it's one of the best medical care in Equestria." After Rarity explains, the others can see why Sakura needs to be taken there. Even though Ponyville has a good hospital, Canterlot seems to have more experiences with alicorns and have more medication. "Sounds reasonable to me," Raspberry replies. Eden asks, "Where's Sakura now?" "Princess Celestia has already been taken to the doctor as soon she got my message," Twilight answers. Just then Raspberry asks, "Won't Princess Celestia get sick?" "I asked her about it and she said that since she and Luna already had the flu they can't get it again," Twilight explains. Applejack says, "That's good to know." "I hope Sakura will do okay," Fluttershy says sounding concern. "I hope so to Fluttershy," Twilight replies. The girls can tell that Twilight is very worried about her daughter. Little do they know, this kind of situation has happened to Sakura before and she isn't sure about telling her friends just yet. Rarity can tell something is bothering her, she comes to Twilight and asks, " Twilight, are you… feeling alright?" Twilight turns to Rarity and answers, "No. It's just… I remember the first time Sakura had to go to the hospital for a serious condition." Everyone hear what Twilight saying and it really surprised them. Dragon Ruby asks, "What happened?" Twilight sighs in defeat and decides to explain to them about the story. Twilight says, "It happened about ten years ago. Me, my husband, and Sakura were driving go out for dinner until we notice that she was experiencing sharp pain and screaming uncontrollably and then she passed out." Twilight starts to shed tears and says, "When we both got to her, she can't seem to wake up, like she in a coma. My husband called the doctor to took her to the hospital. When we got there the doctor told us she had appendicitis." "What's appendicitis?" Rainbow asks. Twilight starts to shed more tears uncontrollably and says, "It happens to human. It's when the appendix become infested and causes pain. If Seiichiro hadn't got her to the hospital when our car broke down it would… it would..." Twilight covers her face with hooves shedding tears and seems very scared about something. The girls are starts to see that something serious would have happened if her husband hasn't reach the hospital. Applejack hugs Twilight and asks, "It would have what?" Twilight then finds the courage to say it but in a scared tone, "It would have killed her?" Everyone gasps with horror that a sickness that could be that life threatening. Then again there are sickness that are like that in Equestria. Twilight looks at her friends, "I'm sorry for this, but when I learned she has an alicorn flu. I'm… I'm just afraid like what happened ten years ago would happen again." Fluttershy comes over and says, "Oh Twilight, we have no idea you went through something that awful." "It must have been terrible," Rarity says. Yes. It was, but I'm glad Seiichiro was able to get her there in time," Twilight says. Rainbow Dash asks, "How was the doctor was able to help her. Twilight says and answers, "Well, the doctors has to put her in an operation and had to remove her appendix. I'm just glad the alicorn flu isn't life threatening." "Oh my," Fluttershy replies. Rainbow comes up to her and says, "I guess I understand why you are concern about being away from Sakura. You didn't want her to go through it alone, especially so far from home." Twilight nods her head in reply. The friends can see that Sakura might be sick and scared from that experience and Twilight was scared this incident will happen again. Ace comes up to Twilight and asks, "Do you think we can go visit her?" Twilight answers, "It might a few days or so before we can visit her." Just then Pinkie declares, "Well, when we do get to visit her, we will give her a lot of get well presents. Twilight friends nod their heads and everyone thinks it will be a good idea to cheer Sakura up. Twilight is glad to have great friend and glad Sakura has good friends as well. With that, Twilight and the others are going to start making get well presents and go visit her at the Canterlot hospital. At the Canterlot Hospital, a few days later: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are at the Canterlot hospital to see Sakura's progress is doing. They both remember their time to have the Alicorn flu, so they know what Sakura is going through right now. When they got her to the hospital they gone right to work. They are able to get it so she isn't that sick, but Sakura has to stay in the hospital for at least two weeks. Checking on Sakura, two doctors and two nurses come out of the room Sakura is staying in and looks a bit calm and tired. "How is she doing?" Princess Celestia asks in a calm tone. "She doing really well. We manage to get the fever down after the past few days, but she still at 101 degrees," Doctor Cold Fever says. "I see," Princess Celestia replies. "We'll go get some medicine and then she can get some rest," The doctor says. The doctors and the nurses leave to go get some things that Sakura might need while she is in the hospital. After they're gone, Princess Celestia and Princess Lula thinks it will be a good idea to see Sakura to see how she is doing, but there is something on their minds right now. Princess Luna sighs and says,"I never thought she would be getting the alicorn flu this soon." "Well, I wouldn't be surprised that she and her sibling would be experiencing illnesses from Equestria as much as her home world in this Japan, she calls it, sooner or later," Princess Celestia replies. "Yes, but it seems rather early for Sakura to receive this kind of illness. She and her family have only been here for a few months," Princess Luna says. Princess Celestia walks towards the door of Sakura's room and says, "I know. I'll go check on Sakura to see how she is feeling." "I'll come too," Princess Luna says, going with her sister to see their friend. As they go to the door, Luna asks, "Have you sent the letter yet?" "Yes. I did, they will be here in a while," Celestia answers. When they go to Sakura's hospital room, they can see that Sakura is up, but her eyes are a bit droopy and her face is a bit red. Princess Celestia walk towards Sakura with a calm smile, "Hello Sakura. How are you feeling?" "I still don't feel too well," Sakura weakly answers. "Are you able to eat anything?" Princess Luna asks. "I don't think so," Sakura answers tiredly. "Well, then I'll ask the doctor to get you something hot to eat and then you can take your medicine," Princess Celestia says. "Okay," Sakura says. "Until then, you should get some rest," Luna adds. Sakura falls right to sleep while Princess Celestia and Princess Luna leave the room to ask the doctor to give Sakura something to drink so she can take her medicine. When they leave the room, they can see Twilight coming towards to where they are. Princess Celestia says, "Hello Twilight, I take it you're here to see Sakura." "Yes. I'm here to see how my daughter is doing," Twilight says. "Well, you'd be happy to know that Sakura is in good recovery. She will be in the hospital for another two weeks," Luna replies. "Thank you princess," Twilight replies. Celestia asks, "But where are Ame, Yuki, and the baby?" "I left them with Rarity while I go check up on her, but I'll bring them the next time I come to visit her," Twilight answers with a smile. Then Celestia says, "That will be alright. Sakura is a little tired so she might not be able to talk to you right away." "Yes Princess," Twilight says. After the conversation, Twilight walks towards Sakura's room while the two sisters leave to go back to the castle for their royal work back at the castle. Twilight enters the room to see how Sakura is doing. When she reaches Sakura's bed, she use her hoof to move her a bit and says, "Sakura, it's time to wake up." Sakura turns to where the voice is coming from and opens her eyes. She can see her mother with a warm smile. Sakura smile a little and says, "Hi mom, when did you get here?" "I just arrived here," Twilight answers. Sakura is glad to see her mother, but notice that her brothers and sister aren't with her. Sakura asks, "Where's Ame, Yuki, and Tsubasa?" "Oh, I left them with Rarity while I come visit you," Twilight answers. Sakura starts to get this strange feeling like something doesn't seem right. She knows her mother better than anyone, so why she is getting a strange suspicion from her. Sakura then asks, "So… what are your plans after your visit?" "Well… after I finish, I'm going to get some groceries and then I'm going to visit your father at his work," Twilight answers giving a weak smile. Sakura eyes widen when Twilight mention about her father. Now she knows that this pony in front of her is not her mother. Her mother lived in the other world for a long time and her father died before they lived in Equestria. Sakura narrow her eyes and decides to confront her. She says, "You're not my mom, aren't you." At first, Twilight doesn't say anything, all she does is stare at Sakura for about a minute. Just then, Sakura sees that Twilight's eyes flashes a strange bluish green like eyes. Twilight chuckles evilly and says, "So you've seen through my disguised… just like your mother did twenty years ago." Just then Twilight, who is actually an imposter, uses her hor to drop the disguise and show Sakura her true form. Sakura is so shocked by what the pony is doing that she gets off the bed scared of what the pony is up to. "What's going on?" Sakura horribly screams. When the transformation is done, the pony who tries to impersonate Twilight is someone nopony has seen for years. Sakura is shock because she remember what her mother and friends told them about the creature and their ruler. Sakura says with fear, "You… you're a changeling!" "I'm not only a changeling, I'm their queen The name is Queen Chrysalis," The changeling queen clarifies. Sakura gasps with fear and worries, especially since she been told a lot about them. The problem that Sakura is going to have is that the changeling queen has come here for something and she won't stop until she gets it. Queen Chrysalis grins evilly and says, "It's nice to finally meet you… Sakura Hinata." Outside the hospital: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are walking to their chariots to go back to the castle. They know that they still have some work to do. Just then a familiar voice catches their attention, "Princess Celestia. Princess Luna." Princess Celestia and Princess Luna turns to where the voice is coming from. To their surprise and shock, they see Twilight her children, along with her friends and family walking towards the hospital. Princess Celestia surprisingly says, "Twilight!" "Wh-what a surprise?" Luna says with a shock. "Hi Princess, it's good to see you," Twilight replies. "We came to see how Sakura doing," Fluttershy says. As they are talking, everyone notice that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are shocked about something and think it will be a good idea to ask then why. "Uh, are you feeling okay?" Twilight asks in concerns. Princess Celestia calms herself down and says, "It's just… we just saw you heading to Sakura's room." Twilight questionably says,"Huh?! There must be a mistake princess, my friends and I just got here on the balloons," Then Luna fearfully asks, "But if you're here, then who did we just saw?" Everyone in the group are trying to figure out who is the pony that is pretending to be Twilight can be. Just then, Twilight remembers that something like this happen before, about twenty years ago. Hoping her suspicions are wrong, she runs towards in the hospital at the speed of light. Applejack screams while asking, "Twilight! Where are you going?" Twilight turns her head around as she runs and screams, "I think Sakura's in trouble!" "Trouble," Eden says with a shock. Ace turns to his friends and says, "We better go see." "The friends nod their heads agreeing to the idea and run after Sakura. Their parents and the princesses run after her. They are starting to get a bad feeling that Sakura is in danger. With her being sick, using her magic will be very hard on her.