//------------------------------// // Chapter 13 - Chatter With Royalty // Story: Twilight Daylight // by thedarktome //------------------------------// During the time Twilight was in Equestria, the Pserateps were addressed in an emergency broadcast by King Madun. Thanks to a spell Twilight had created for the Psera Government in case of an incoming object or objects that the Psera Detection System had installed. The pony in charge would use it and inform the public about the incoming attack, and give orders on what each city should do. This time Madun used it to address the ponies all over the continent through the ring of stations throughout each city that held a speaker on top of their Crystal Obelisk. He told them that the bear tried to attack again and that Arcadia, along with two hundred soldiers, had taken it back to another land, lead by her. The land was safe thanks to Arcadia and the Military of Psera. The ponies cheered their voices all over the continent. It was a wonder somepony else out there hadn't discovered them yet by the sheer volume their voices were producing. It was so loud. Madun smiled and decided to listen for a bit before he walked back down the main station, for the ground. The center was actually in the middle of the structure, with windows clearly visible from the outside. Arcadia told him that she got the idea from her living situation back in Ponyville, which was an entirely crystal structure. So she created a version of it that would actually work for a much more important purpose. His guards led him out of the building and into the clapping and cheering ponies all celebrating. The first test of the Alicorn-Pseratep, and the first test of the PDS, was a success. The only way someone was going to be on their land was if the king allowed them to. Or a possible Queen based on how things were going. A few hours later, a large purple and indigo portal opened up above Merōl, capturing the attention of the Pserateps down below and the Pserateps living in Psera Skies East. A moment later, the two hundred Pseratep soldiers arrived through the portal with an actual completed mission that they ever had in centuries. The other Pserateps below and above began to cheer, stomp their hooves, and fly around in celebration. After the last one came through, the large wings of Arcadia flew through next back into the air of Psera. Then snapped the portal shut immediately behind her before the princesses could get through. The only way to open a portal was for her to know where she was going, the same way it works with teleportation. Since she didn't actually know where the swarm of Changelings came from, she had no idea where to go. So she opened a portal over Smoky Mountain in Equestria and flew from there all the way to the Badlands. She didn't even know where the Princesses came from. But they somehow knew she was there. She had a feeling it was the backlash of her power giving them headaches. Apparently it didn't affect the Pserateps that were around her as much, but it affected the Equestrians. It must be because they weren't that used to that much magic. If she wanted to she could control the sun. But she needed to worry about that backlash for Hearth's Warming coming up. She sighed and looked behind her towards the Pserateps flying around and her boyfriend, King Madun, flying over to her with pride on their faces. Then turned back to stare over the expanse off the ocean behind her once more. She gently took the crown off her head and looked at it in her hooves. The Element of Magic. The Equestrians were so scared without it. She wanted to punish them, not have them fear her. What type of leader is that? "Arcadia," King Madun said. He captured her attention with a smile. "The Pserateps are celebrating that your plan worked. The PDS was a success and it seemed that the Changelings were successfully delivered." Twilight grinned and gave him a kiss on the cheek before the General shook her hoof with other ranking officers that were there to greet her. But after all of that she looked down at the crown in her left hoof. The reason for all their troubles and thinking about the possible outcomes. Madun could see something was bugging her. Out of the little time he's known Twilight, he's been able to decipher her expressions. Madun hovered closer and asked, "What is it?" "It's just . . . The Princesses were so desperate that they tried to attack," she answered. Much to his disgust. "What?! How dare—" She laughed and soothed him down with a hoof to his chest. "Calm down, your highness. They never laid a hoof on me. But I've been thinking that they are so blind by their defenselessness that they didn't see the real issue. So I've made up my mind." She turned around and let the crown hover in front of her, preparing to speak to it. "I need you to go back to Celestia. You are still under me, but go back to her." The crown shimmered for a second before the gem twinkled in the light. Twilight smiled before giving it some of her magic for the four hour long trip and gave it a firm nudge towards the ocean. It flew away from her at the speed of a normal Pegasus towards the east with a destination towards the land of Equestria. The Pserateps watched as it flew away from beside Arcadia. Then looked back towards her expectantly once it was out of sight. "The only thing I have now that is Equestrian is the books in my room," she said before turning to the king with a smile. "Now we relax and celebrate before going back to work." Madun smiled and nuzzled her cheek before the group flew back at a relaxed pace towards Cop to celebrate their first defense success. Thanks to her. After the drop off of the Changelings and the fight with Twilight, the princesses returned back to the castle in bad shape. Cadance's back was hurting, Luna was limping slightly, and Celestia was just plain dirty, nearly giving Rarity a heart attack. Luna dropped down to relax her aching hoof and admitted in a huff, "We . . . We could not stop her. She dropped off a whole hive of Changelings. Queen Chrysalis' new hive to be exact." "And she would not listen to the law of Equestria," Celestia added to the Elements. "And we still do not have the Element of Magic." "Then we need to go take it!" Rainbow Dash yelled, flying up into view. "The Egghead won't give us the weapon, then we have to go and get it!" "I agree!" Applejack said before everyone else voiced their opinions. "I am aware that we must take affirmative action, my little ponies. But....where is she? We cannot do what we did last time and go searching all over Equestria." "Can't your magic find her, Princess?" Pinkie asked. "We have tried but she has somehow hidden herself from us," Celestia answered. "I cannot even find her dreams," Luna continued. "Nor any sign of her magic." "Her magical footprint is gone," Cadance said finally. "It's like she took everything that had her magic with her. There are no clues to where she could have went. Nor anything else that we can track. We also think she is using the Element of Magic to conceal herself. But even if that is the case, it would not do us any good to track it. Twilight is either blocking the Element of Magic's feedback, the element of Magic is blocking her feedback, or it is both. They are hiding each other." "So one must be present to find the other," Rarity figured. The Princesses nodded. "So...unless one shows up, we'll never know where she is." Cadance raised a sudden hoof and reminded them, "That is if our theory is correct. She could just be shielding herself as a backup if that's not the case." "So if we—" The group all looked around trying to find the source of a loud metallic noise that interrupted Cadance before Celestia gasped behind them. "The Element!" She pointed towards the broken window behind them where the crown was coming towards them. It came to a hover in front of Celestia who scanned it to make sure it was legit. "It's real. But it also has a bit of Twilight's magic on it as . . . A command spell." "What does that mean?" Cadance asked. She took it in her hooves and studied it with the others. "It means she gave it back. But why? And our theory was wrong, I still cannot feel where she is. She is using her own magic to hide herself." They all turned to her before glancing back at the crown. "Maybe she felt guilty about what she did and decided to return it," Rainbow Dash hoped. Applejack shook her head in denial and replied, "I don't think it was that, Rainbow. If she wanted to come back, she would've returned with the crown, not just the crown. There's somethin' else goin' on here." "I agree, but what?" Luna inquired. That question weighed heavily on everyone's minds while they stared at the returned element. What was Twilight planning? *** Actually, Twilight was planning on living a life where she didn't have to worry about being used by ponies ever again. And serving ponies that appreciated her. Like the Pserateps who were currently cheering for her when she landed on the steps of the insanely large castle, applauding her for a job well done. She turned around and smiled happily at the Pserateps before they all stopped and bowed quickly, confusing her. She looked over to her boyfriend who was smiling at the area behind her. It must've been behind her. Taking a glance, she gasped and bowed quickly at the sight of what must've been Her Majesty Molten Ice. She definitely lived up to that name. She was as tall as Princess Celestia and had a coat that was ice blue on her back that gradually changed into a fiery red by the time it reached her hooves. Her mane and tail were red as well. No wonder they called her Molten Ice. "All rise my subjects of Psera," she said, allowing everyone to get up. "I heard your message my son. I am proud of you....and our permanent resident Lady Twilight 'Arcadia' Sparkle. Great work." Twilight bowed again and replied, "T-Thank you, your majesty." "Ah bup bup bup," Molten ordered. "No need for that, Lady Arcadia. From now on, you can treat me like family." Twilight looked up at her in surprise. "From what I have heard, you have not only restored Psera to its former glory.....but have also created more room for the growing population, advised on better armor for our troops, provided an 'Early Detection System', and has won over the heart of my son." She lightly chortled before continuing on with her message. "You have won over the hearts of millions of Pserateps within a few months. I have would like to speak to you in private about something that I have been thinking about deeply." "Of course." "Good. The Pserateps will continue celebrating while we are in my chamber. HAVE A FANTASTIC PARTY FOR THE GLORIOUS POWER THAT PSERA HAS GAINED TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT, MY PONIES!" The crowd cheered at the sheer volume of her voice, which could rival the Royal Sister's Canterlot voice, before somehow, somewhere, music began playing, leaving the ponies to dance, chat, and party all over the continent. "Shall we go, Lady Arcadia?" The Alicorn-Pseratep looked over and nodded before Madun came over and gave her a quick nuzzle. Once that was done, the two walked inside of the castle, the doors shutting behind them. "I am very proud of you. Although I don't know much about you. I heard you come from the land of Equestria. Can you tell me what their niche is?" "Magic," she responded before they walked into a box on the side. An elevator? She didn't even know they had one. "Everything there is operated on magic. But not magic as strong as my own. The rulers there are Princess Cadance, the Princess of Love and my sister-in-law. She rules over the Crystal Empire. Princess Flurry Heart, her daughter and my niece. But she's only four. Princess Celestia, the Princess of the Sun. And Princess Luna—" "The Princess of the Night," she interrupted. She knew of the Princesses? "I know of Celestia and Luna. I was in Equestria during the Nightmare Moon altercation." "What?" The elevator stopped at the top floor of the castle then he two walked out. Twilight observed the grandeur of the hallway. There were a bunch of windows on the left side that she ran over and looked out of. They were on the very top floor of the castle. eaving the nationwide party behind on the ground far below. Molten walked over and stared down with her. "Excellent view isn't it? You should see the observatory. I'll be turning it into a Greenhouse soon." She continued walking towards the ornate steel doors on the end that had a crystal insignia in the center of each. Pretty expensive since Psera didn't specialize in diamonds, rubies, or any other rare rock. Arcadia followed along before they stopped at the doors and the guards standing beside them pulled it open for the two. "I was a young traveler," she explained as they walked inside. The area was big. Really big. There was a large library on the right, a bigger kitchen on the left with a refrigerator that looked more like a giant box, and a flight of grand stairs made of glass in front of them that they began walking up. "I first started traveling to the land of Equestria in the exact same way you did, albeit a different reason. Following clouds. In schools here, they teach you about science. About chemistry and the way things were created. So I knew the clouds coming here weren't of Psera origin. Mind you this was when Psera was still small. But Equestria was much, much smaller. The talk of friendship there was still abundant as I think it is now." "That might change soon," Arcadia commented as they walked up the stairs. "I was the pony others would come to about Friendship, and I spreaded the logic to wherever it was needed. But now, I'm gone. Unless somepony else is given the mocking title, 'Princess of Friendship', they will have a big problem." "That is why you left? They mocked you?" "For four years, yes." The two stopped in another room that was really high up. It was mainly a glass area where you could see the sky above you and everything else around you. "They called me a 'Princess of Friendship', had me crowned, and gave me a castle. Which was really just a fancy looking house with a big library. I had absolutely no privileges like a Princess of Equestria. And that was four years ago. Five coming up. I was used and underappreciated for my excellence in magic and academics. So I left." "I see." The two looked out of one of the windows towards the ground below. Towards the Pserateps have a grand time. Molten stated, "That sounds out of character for Equestria." "It was all a lie. But here . . . Here I found happiness. Joy . . . Love." Molten smirked and glanced down to Twilight. She had the look of a pony looking towards a bright future. Her eyes were glazed towards the ground. Madun was killing time down there by speaking with a few more higher officers below. "Yes, I've heard of you courting my son from my daughter. And might I say I have never seen a better suitor for him." Arcadia looked over while Molten took a seat. "Before you arrived, Madun could barely lead. He had absolutely no idea what to do, and had to constantly come back and forth to me for guidance. He lacked confidence and a firm backbone. "But when you arrived, he hasn't visited me for guidance, but to brag about how much the mare he has been courting has inspired him. How Twilight Sparkle has come and done the impossible, giving him the idea that he could accomplish the impossible too." Twilight turned her body to face Molten and fawned, "Awww, that's so sweet. I didn't know I had that kind of effect on him." "You have, in reality, so much over him that I am surprised he has not stepped down and made you queen." Arcadia blushed and glanced away while the royal chuckled. "Don't worry. He will more than likely ask you to rule by his side. Which is what I wanted to speak to you about." Twilight looked to her once again in surprise. "Your eyes will soon pop out of your skull, Arcadia. But I want to know. And answer honestly. How would you feel if you were Queen? And what would you do if you were?" Twilight never gave that any real thought. At least in Psera. She rubbed her chest and answered timidly, "Well I guess I'd feel honored. The Pserateps, who have stuck to themselves for hundreds of years, trusting a foreign pony so much that they make her a ruler speaks volumes. It makes me feel amazing. Honored. And if I were the Queen, i would focus on innovation. Psera could reach new heights in speed, defense, technology, and intelligence. Already having a higher leverage above Equestria before I arrived, and without magic nonetheless . . . Can you imagine what we could be if it were all innovated? We would be an unknown superpower! And it would bring more jobs! Pserateps here would be so happy!" Molten Ice smiled at her before giving her a nod. "I was expecting more along the lines of 'I would feel loved' and transportation. But once again you have exceeded my expectations. You not only want to innovate transportation but everything it would seem." "That's right." "You have my blessing to marry my son, Twilight Sparkle." Arcadia gasped and gaped at her again. Forcing Molten to give out the most happiest laugh she's ever heard. "You need to control your facial expressions! But you heard me right. In Psera, it is customary to ask the parents or parent permission and blessing. I give you permission to marry my son should it ever come to that point. The second the ring is placed, you will be titled 'Lady Arcadia.' Short for Lady in Waiting. And after your crowning in the city of Eventa, you will then be titled Queen Arcadia. Can I add something to your name? If it's alright." "Sure." "Arcadia Nova. Queen Arcadia Nova of Psera is what you will be called. You would rule beside my son until you move onto the stars, pass down the title to your descendants, the Pserateps vote for your impeachment, or step down. Of course that will all be in place the second you accept, and IF you accept his hoof in marriage." "I . . . I-I don't know what to say...." Twilight stammered with a flustered expression. "Twilight, a simple thank you will suffice." "Thank you, Molten Ice." "You are welcome, Lady Arcadia. But I really hope on the day he proposes you will accept." She stood back up and motioned for the young pony to follow. Then they both walked back down the stairs. "Although you are classified as an Alicorn-Pseratep, you are actually already a Queen Pseratep, based on your wing length." Arcadia nodded and stated, "I've heard about that." "Yes, but did you learn that the love and admiration not only increases your wing length and flight speed...but also increases your longevity?" Twilight stopped breathing temporarily. "But I'm already an Alicorn, I'll be living for thousands of years already!" "And you'll be living for thousands more. You are a Queen Class Pseratep legitimately. You just have to accept the position to be an official. There is a whole science behind the ponies who are chosen anonymously by the Pserateps here. The magical boost is only a bonus that I will never understand." Arcadia laughed before the doors to the quarters were opened and she stepped out. "And Arcadia?" She looked back and gave her full attention. "Please accept the position. And if or when you do, and need advice from the top royal of Psera . . . Do not hesitate to ask. I will always be happy to help." "Thank you, Molten Ice." "You are welcome. Now go give my son a dance, I'm pretty sure he's on the sidelines watching." She gave the smaller pony a gentle push far away from the door. "Heeeyyyy!" "Guards, help Lady Arcadia back to the party, please. I will see you in the future.....Arcadia Nova." *** King Madun watched from the stairs of the castle at the ponies dancing in celebration from the music playing in the city, the foals running around chasing each other. All from the success of two ponies. Himself and his girlfriend. But mostly his girlfriend. Arcadia. She literally flew in and fixed everything within half a year, and provided them with a foresight of hope. All because of her. "Thinking of me?" He turned to his right and grinned at the sight of the violet goddess that must've teleported next to him or something. "You read my mind," he responded. The two shared a deep and emotional but slow nuzzle that expressed their love and admiration. He presented his hoof and pulled away. "May I have this dance?" She grinned and took it in her own. "Of course."