//------------------------------// // What's A Changeling? "That's What You Are! But They're Usually Black And Blue, Who Are You?" // Story: Hello! My Name Is Midnight Demon. // by Taken-By-Insanity //------------------------------// After wandering around for about two hours and Sunset having to deal with some wolves made of wood every once in a while we found a village and got out of that calming, at least to me, but dangerous forest. After we got out everyone sighed in relief, since their not wood wolf food I bet, and we continued down the road. "Stay with me girls and don't talk to anyone. They're probably going to think we're their version of ourselves," Sunset instructed us when we entered the town. Turns out we didn't need to since as soon as these beings saw me they screamed and went under lock down. A tumbleweed passed by because of how quite it was. "Never mind. Let's get going, Twilight can send us back through the portal and we'll be home free!" Sunset said with excitement in her voice. We eventually stopped at a large tree made of crystal which shouldn't be possible according to Professor Starswirl's very thorough research on physics and how the world worked. 'Wait. Who the hay is Starswirl?' I asked myself. M.S. answered by saying, 'Only the most greatest scientist to ever live! He's the whole reason we have the kind of technology we do now thanks to some of his theories on how electricity could be used.' I think I heard D.S growl in annoyance at M.S's fangirling. Me and the group quickly entered before closing the doors with haste. "Is anyone here?" Sunset yelled through the hall, getting an echo in return. "One moment!" Was that Twilight? But she's right next to me! But then again, Sunset did mention this was a parallel dimension so she's just this world's version of her or someone that just sounds exactly like her. Yeah, it's another Twilight. This second Twilight, wearing no glasses, came up to us slowly and stopped in front of Sunset with a slight bit of surprise coming off of her. "Oh! Sunset, what'er you doing here and how did I not see you go through the portal?" the pony Twilight asked. Then she noticed me,"Watch out!" Why did she blast a bolt of something, probably magic, at me! A strange black vine with spikes blasted through the door and took the hit before tying itself around Twilight and her horn, likely making her unable to use magic. "Midnight stop!" Sunset told me. 'Hmm, it seems she got Gaia's magic when she faded from here,' D.S helpfully said. I no longer felt the need to be protected and, surprisingly, the vine let go of Twilight before leaving the castle and going back into the ground. I immediately said, "Wasn't me!" Twilight face-palmed with her hoof before saying, "Your horn was the only one glowing, I'm not fooled that easily changeling." I rolled my eyes before saying, "Well I'm sorry but I don't even know how to use magic. We all just got here from our dimension after Midnight Sparkle somehow made a rift between our dimension and your's, causing us to be stuck here since Midnight literally wants to know EVERYTHING about magic and Equestria!" I was slightly panting after my little rant with the Twilight from my world looking at me in surprise, worry, and fear. "Midnight Sparkle is still around?" she asked me with surprise. I simply nodded, explained my small situation, and asked where the library is. "Down the hall then take a right, it's past the door at the end of that hall," the other Twilight then said. I thanked her and followed her directions until I made it to my destination. I then basically did a Twilight and made a mess of the library while reading every. Single. Book! Only to get rid of Sparkle of course and not because I was very curious myself at all. After I read them all and put the books away I heard M.S. cheer in joy at all the knowledge and fade away but unlike last time, with Gaia Everfree, I had a surge of memories and knowledge swarm my brain. I saw Twilight talking to her dog, Spike, about her doubts and fears, I saw her draining the girls of their magic, I even saw her getting threatened by classmates in her previous school. It was very strange. I sorted the memories and looked through them, the last memory being when Twilight was no longer afraid of Midnight Sparkle during Camp Everfree and the beginning during the time she was a little girl. 'Finally! Now I don't have to be stuck with that idiot anymore,' I heard D.S. say in my head. Something tells me that she won't be leaving for a very long time no matter what I do. I turned around and saw the girls looking at their doubles and the Twilight's were staring at me strangely. I cleared my throat, snapping the girls out of their trance or whatever, and said, "Now that I know everything about Equestria and M.S. is gone, how about we go back home before our families get sick from worry." They jumped at the suggestion and pony Twilight lead us to a spare room connected to the library that was mostly empty except for a large mirror connected to some contraptions and some furniture. "This mirror is our side of the portal, when you walk through you should turn back to your old selves and be home free!" Twilight exclaimed. Everyone said their goodbyes and left one at a time with me and Sunset being the last ones. "Well, it felt nice to be back even though it was only for a day. Until next time everypony," Sunset jumped through after that farewell. "AdiĆ³s then I guess, Midnight Demon out. Goodnight as well," I said before jumping from a wall straight through the mirror, it's a rainbow tunnel in there if you were wondering. My momentum was still there when I went through and I landed doing a cartwheel. "Nice entrance," Rainbow complimented. She was her old self except for a pair of wings, a ponytail hair do, and pony ears on her head that were slowly fading away as I was taking note of it, the others had the same thing happening to them except the wings, subtracting Fluttershy, including myself but the wings were insect like. I thanked Dash for the compliment and tried using some magic here with the new knowledge of spell casting I have. I succeeded in making a few flowers grow quickly and tried to make a portal to the orphanage which also had positive results. "What street do you all live in?" I asked the girls. Fluttershy informed me that it was 'Sweet Friend Drive' and I made a portal to there after closing my previous one. "There we go, you may want to go through. A controlled rift like this is slightly hard to maintain and I would like you all to have an easier time getting home after everything," I told the seven girls. They thanked me and said goodnight before going through. I sighed, relieved of no longer having to keep that portal open and made one to my room at home. I walked in and changed into my blue night wear before going to bed and closing my eyes. My dreams weren't kind that night.