A party for Chaos +1

by MaskedPony

1. The Princess of Chaos & Harmony Awakens

Years Ago,
Chaos Capital

Deep within the Chaos Capital that was Ponyville, Discord was laughing as he sat upon his throne. H was victorious. He had caused the other Element Bearers to turn against one another along with destroying Twilights hope of opposing him, even if he’d technically cheated by causing Rainbow to abandon her friends. Still, he was the Lord of Chaos. It would’ve been less chaotic of him had he not cheated.

Either way, the elements of harmony were no more. He could not be opposed.

The more he laughed, the more he enjoyed his new self-inauguration as the King of Chaos. Ponies around him were running from the random things, some who were opposed to him were stuck on Cotton Candy Clouds, while those who were forced to entertain him were dress as clowns. All of Ponyville and soon all of Equestria, would accept their fate. They were doomed.


Within the chaotic town, Pinkie Pie was walking around, glaring at anything and everything, yet somehow... looking like she was fighting herself. Passing by each pony she saw, ponies knew that she was no help and fell humiliated whenever she just ignored what they were dealing with.

Deep down Pinkie knew that this wasn’t usually herself. However, she was in no control of her element since her connection was discorded. Due to losing to Discord and falling for his chaotic misleading of manipulation, she couldn't fight back.

As she continued to ignore others instead of trying to make them smile she began to feel sudden headaches.

"Nnnngh, who’s throwing something at me?!" Pinkie barked, only for ponies to be frightened, even one Vinyl Scratch getting dragged by the dancing ballet bears and Octavia who was discorded to dance ballet non stop.

"Pinkie...listen.....Stop.....Discord...."" said a disembodied voice.

Hearing this caused Pinkie to look around curiously. Out of nowhere, even in the Chaos land, some pony was talking to her, but no matter where she looked, all the ponies were scared of her at plain site. No matter who she looked at they were too terrified to be the one who’d spoken.

Pinkie gave a glare and continued to walk her way as if it was just a hallucination or one of King Discords tricks to mess with his subjects.

"There is a way....to stop Discord....trust me Pinkie...." the disembodied voice returned.

Frustrated, Pinkie looked around and, still seeing nopony who likely was talking to her, instead began to grow angry and looked at the ponies who were around her running from all the chaos. Somepony was trying to get her attention, but weren’t showing themselves. Were they playing a game? She hated games!

"WHO’S CALLING ME?!" Pinkie shouted.

While this just scared most ponies more, some stopped, curious, only to then be hit by the chaotic nature things that were chasing. Fortunately for Derpy, she was tripped by a cruel Fluttershy who began to taunt the poor cross eye pony who began slipping on the soap roads, so avoided the anvil that had been about to hit her.

Gritting her teeth, she shook her head and move to continue through town, intent on trying to pretend she hadn’t actually heard anything.

Lo and behold, she yet again heard the disembodied voice.

"No pony "is" calling you Pinkie Pie....Only me...I am, Queen Solaria. Please.....listen. I beg of you...."

The chaotic Pinkie paused in surprise. She couldn't actually believe what she was hearing, or refused to believe what she was hearing. She could remember from the old archives and ancient Equestria books that Twilight always bragged about. Some of the books mentioned one of the most legendary ponies who ruled Equestria for countless years till the now dethroned princesses took the throne; Queen Solaria, the Queen of Equestria.

"Yeah, and I am the Princess of Uranus!" Pinkie said sarcastically.

"Pinkie, this is no time for sarcasm. Solariareplied patiently, if a still a little bit anxiously. am Queen Solaria. Listen, I know, deep down, you want to be your real self again, but the illusion of your friends supposedly laughing at you has you blinded. Please, there is no time! There is hope to save Equestria!"

Halting in position, Pinkie was dumbfounded and annoyed. Not only had Queen Solaria somehow invaded her mind, but she was telling her there was actually a way to defeat Discord? It was like she was bluffing her way to encourage Pinkie to never give up hope in the new land and be her usual self.

However, one thing is for certain, to Pinkie. The way Solaria is wording it, it was like there was actually a way to save Equestria. "Well if there is a way, how come you can't have your daughters do it?!" Pinkie snapped stubbornly

Whether annoyed or stunned Pinkie knew she was their mother, Solaria remained silent, hinting at the fact something had happened to Celestia and Luna. With no other choice, Solaria began to give Pinkie instructions to a location in the Everfree forest.

Pinkie would have rathered just ignore her… but having Solaria constantly repeating the instructions on loop became unbearably annoying after just a few minutes, so, if only to shut her up, Pinkie turned in the direction of the chaotic forest.


Normally, the Everfree Forest was a fearful place, but now, due to what was going on, the Everfree was changed. It was like a circus in there. Being cautious not to stray from the path that she is forced to follow by the former queen of Equestria’s instructions (a difficult task in and of itself with how it dipped and twirled due to the many of the chaotic energy investing the forest), she made her way through.

Avoiding slipping from the slippery roads and being careful of pitfalls, she finally made it to the location she was being directed to, deep within the Everfree and, while it did look like a circus all around, in front of her was something out of the ordinary for such. Normally the Everfree is nothing but animals, dangerous plants, and even poison joke but, in front of her look like it never originated from the Forest. Right before her was some sort of stone that gave some sort of feeling that felt both mystical and powerful. More whatsoever, the feeling of aura from magic.

Pinkie glared at it violently. "Is that what you bought me here to see? A ROCK?! Is this some sort of patheic prank on me because I lived on a ROCK FARM?!" Pinkie snapped, her nostrils flaring.

"Pinkie, calm down. Let me explain!" Solaria murmured assuringly.

"You better."

"This is no ordinary rock. This is a Magic infused stone full of Chaos Magic. It is how Discord obtained his Chaos Magic. He has been abusing it." Solaria informed. "This is why I had you come here. I want you to absorb it."

Despite being discorded, upon hearing this, Pinkie was given pause. Thinking back when Celestia told her and her now supposed ex-best friends to stop Discord, there was no mention of a stone in her story whatsoever. Among it all now there were two sides of the story, thanks to the Chaos Stone. Even more strange, she was being told to absorb it. Although Pinkie Pie would just leave and go back to what her discorded self was making her do, somewhere, deep down, she knew this wasn't right.

No matter how she tried to tell herself that, she could not open up her own eyes to what was the truth and what was false.

"Pinkie, please....absorb it. I beg you!" Solaria begged.

Groaning, Pinkie knew she couldn't turn back, anemly because she knew the pony in her head was clearly not going to shut up about it.

So, rolling her eyes, she walked up to the stone andshe put her hoof on it. "I don't feel anything. Are you just...?" Pinkie began, only to be interrupted by an intense flow of what felt like magic flowing from the stone into her body. Every flow of her body made her feel somewhat powerful and like a Princess, even a alicorn except she had no horn or wings. Sparks of magic began to appear around her body as the surge of energy began to intensify, causing some bizarre things to happen to her.

"NNNNGH, why do I feel funny like I usually do?" Pinkie squued as her colors began to return, along with some changes.

"Yes, it's working! Don't let go Pinkie, just a few more minutes."

The energy of Chaos Magic kept flowing within Pinkie’s body faster and faster, and soon, Pinkie began to grow to the size of Princess Luna. Surprisingly enough, while Pinkie was unaware, a horn and a pair of wings began to show up on her body as the flow of energy continued. Minutes have passed and soon, the Stone turned had dull.

Pinkie stumbled back, giggling like a filly. "That was fun, Let's do it again!" Pinkie exclaimed happily jumping, the ground under her becoming rubbery.

"It worked!" Solaria exclaimed with relief.

"Psh, of course it worked silly. If it wouldn't work I would’ve been my mean cruel grouchy self," Pinkie rambled happily.

With Pinkie back to her happy self, she and Solaria began to talk in earnest.

Since Discord wasn't meant to find the stone originally, he became a brute. However, Solaria sensed that Pinkie was the right pony to become the new holder of Chaos due to being stable. While talking, Solaria developed a plan, a plan to end Discord once and for all, with the reward being Pinkie Pie crowned a Princess officially by Solaria. Knowing herself real well, Pinkie decided to follow the plan. But first....she had to get her friends.


When she returned to town after coming out of the Everfree, the residents thought they were in for worse when they saw Pinkie, but then seemed to notice she looked different. Instead of Pinkie laughing at their misery and misfortune and unhappiness caused by Discord, she helped those stuck in Cotton Candy clouds get unstuck by eating the areas to free them.

Either this was some sort of prank, or the real Pinkie returned. They were unsure. Though were more confused by the new height, wings and horn she was sporting.

One by one, the residents headed to a safe place they were directed to by Pinkie, where they’d be safe until the Chaos was resolved.

However, while Pinkie knew she had to get her friends, she didn't realize the rainbow light that shined in the sky hit her friends, freeing them from Discords grasp when she went through her full transform.

Heading to the library, she saw not only Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy, but to her shock, Rainbow Dash, who ditched them due to Discord, was there with looking ashamed.

When Pinkie came to view, their expressions turn from relief, to disbelief. When they saw Pinkie Pie last, she was just a mere earth pony, now, she was the size of Princes Luna, her poofy Mane and Tail were long and majestic, and, to their surprise, she was an Alicorn.

"Sweet Celestia, Pinkie, what in Equestria happened to you?" Rarity asked as Pinkie approached and hugged the unicorn.

"Oh, you know, finding a mysterious stone to help make Ponyville miserable, getting Chaos abilities that might surpass Discord. Now I feel like I can take Discord on with my party cannon!" Pinkie said cheerfully as she pulled her party cannon out of nowhere, getting a laugh from her friends. "Well, that is a story for another day. Come on girls. Let's go stop this two week insanity once and for all."

One by one, each element was put back around the neck of its Bearer. Pinkie’s, however, had evolved into a royal version of the neckless, while she held the Stone of Chaos under her wing.

Secretly, Pinkie knew that while her friends weren't aware, she was getting a feeling about Discord. It felt like, since Pinkie found the stone, he was growing weaker and weaker.

As the six ponies headed to where he was, a question approached Pinkie’s mind. Why was a stone like that in the Everfree? Why was it filled with Chaos? And what significant meaning was behind it?

Approaching where Discord sat upon his throne, they saw him was still laughing and enjoying the Chaos. Above it all, it was like he was enjoying himself way too much, despite being the lord of chaos.

Pinkie began to approach, while her friends were trying to stop her. "Your fun ends here Discord! Your reign of unhappiness and misery ends now!" Pinkie barked, thrusting a hoof at him.

"You're doing great,” Solaria murmured. “Show him you are what balanced Chaos is."

Looking at Pinkie, Discord was very confused. "Oh, has the party pony come to take me down with her randomness or her Party Cannon?" Discord laughed. "Oh, this is too good.... Wait. Something is different about you."

Glaring at Discord very seriously it was like a Mono against mono situation. Even the other Element Bearers were clueless on what the hay was going on. It was like Pinkie Pie was like a different pony. Even they thought that Pinkie was possessed or something. While they were going to use the Elements, Pinkie gave them the hoof meaning to hold on.

Unknowingly, when Pinkie showed the stone, Discords reaction, was one that sent chills down their spines. "WH....WH....WHERE DID YOU GET THE STONE OF CHAOS?!" Discord panicked, only to be greeted by the laughter of Pinkie Pie.

"Oh come on silly. You left the rock for me to find due to you being so lazy. However, seems I absorbed all of its magic. How about we play a good ol game of pin the tail on the draconequus." Pinkie said as she held Discords tail with her magic causing him to freak out.

"N...No, HOW?! That stone is mine! I'm the Chaos King, me!" Discord exclaimed after attempting to use Chaos Magic.

Pinkie couldn't help but laugh at the now weakened Discord. No matter how hard he tried to summon Chaos magic, he couldn't do any. He tried snapping his claws but, nothing. Tried pulling things out of nowhere, nothing. Tried to juggle his eyeballs, can't.

It was like something miraculous happened that the girls saw, Pinkie Pie actually weaken him to the point he was nothing but just a draconequus.

"Pinkie, now! Have your friends reimprison him in stone for eternity! Afterwards, free my daughters from their prisons!" Solaria told Pinkie only to get a nod.

"GIRLS, NOW!" Pinkie shouted.

Shocked and confused, the girls were surprise at what was going on. Discord was now a weakened foe, and Pinkie Pie was managing to defeat him, by absorbing all the Chaotic magic in the stone to the point he was defenseless.

Twilight wanted to understand so much, but knew now was not the time and decided to ask later. Getting into position, they began to activate the Elements of Harmony. With their Elements powering up and Twilight in the middle, they fired their Harmony Rainbow at Discord and soon, he began to turn back into stone, and this time, unable to break out. Discord, was no more.

After landing on the ground, Pinkie saw the now stoned shell of Discord. Due to the fact since absorbing all the Chaos Magic from the stone has not only made her a Chaotic entity, but stole Discords thus making him mortal, he couldn't escape his prison anymore. Discord, was no more but a statue of a empty shell in a form of a statue.

Pinkie couldn't believe it, Solaria's plan work. Her plan actually worked. Pinkie couldn't help but smile. Not only had she pulled through with her Chaos Magic, but now due to what happened, she was the new Chaos. And to top that off, she was promised Princesshood given by Solaria herself.

"You did well Pinkie Pie....now, for your first task of being the Princess of Chaos and Laughter, I want you to....


Equestria couldn't believe that Pinkie and the rest of the Element Bearers had defeated Discord, though, typically, the nobles were more upset that it had taken two weeks instead of being done right away, as if they could’ve done any better, even with Pinkies full blown transformation due to the Stone.

However, the most surprising tidbit was the fact not only did the Main 6 defeat Discord, but due to Pinkie weakening him from absorbing all the Chaos Magic from the stone, Discord was proclaimed to be no more upon defeat and being stoned. Now once was a being bend on bringing Chaos and unhappiness, to a lifeless statue of a body of an empty shell with Discords soul waiting eternal punishment from Nethalio.

During the victory Party, Pinkie, who was trying to control her wings, was partying with the ponies. For the first time in weeks, every pony was smiling and enjoying a fun party. Among it all, the rest of her friends were having fun even after reconciling due to what Discord had caused them to do.

However, as she was dancing, Celestia and Luna suddenly pulled her away from the party to talk.

Within the castle hallways, Pinkie, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia began to talk privately, bringing along a worried Twilight Sparkle. While walking in the hallways, Princess Celestia looked at Pinkie.

"Pinkie Pie, from what we heard from the residents of Ponyville as they arrived before Discord’s defeat, it seemed something did happen to you, and by my mane, we can see that something did happen," Princess Celestia addressed.

Pinkie, who was trying to take it all in that she was a true hero and now trying to get used to her new body after what she had gone through, smiled as she walked with them. "Well, it is a lot to take in. I mean, it’s super-duper fun to be like this and my new found Chaos abilities that I got from that stone," Pinkie said gleefully, bouncing, making sure to watch out for Twilights tail. "But, without this supposed voice who claims to be Solaria’s help, I would’ve been a super dull pony. And now she’s crowned me the Princess of Chaos."

Celestia and Luna froze in place, their eyes wide, an expression shared by a shocked looking Twilight. From Pinkie’s own words, the two sisters heard one name that they never thought of hearing again, their own mother’s name.

Last time they heard that name was when Solaria descended to be the ruler of the Heavenlands while their father, Nethalio, became the ruler of Tartarus. Topping it up off, not only had their own mother apparently helped Pinkie save Equestria, but crowned her Princess. They couldn't believe it.

"Pinkamena Diane Pie! By that statement, you are implying, that our own mother from above helped you save Equestria? Because if you are lying, there are grave consequences!" Celestia warned.

"Saying are mother helped you is far beyond a serious statement.” Luna exclaimed sternly. “You better not be lying or you be facing a serious consequence!"

Pinkie gulped. She had no idea mentioning the royal holy Queen’s name and stating she helped her would make the sisters so aggressive. Pinkie felt like she was being cornered and walking on thin ice while holding her party cannon. She was trying to find the words, but they wouldn't come out due to fear they wouldn't believe her. However, it didn't take that long for Twilight to gasp and realize Pinkie’s actions during the their fight with Discord and his reaction to the Chaos Stone was not of Pinkie’s doing. Especially Pinkie wouldn't know about the stone.

"Pinkie....A....A....Are you actually SERIOUS?! Queen Solaria helped you save the day?! But...you told us...." Twilight cried, only get a cupcake in the mouth by Pinkie.

"Oh, silly Twilight. You shouldn't shout when there is a party out there. Of course Queen Solaria did help me. She told me where I should go to find this Stone and absorb the stone to harness the Chaos from it, which made me like this and caused Discord to become weak. She even proclaimed me the new Chaos holder and Princess. Plus, she’s been instructing me to keep quiet till I was with the Princesses."

It was pretty hard to believe for the Royal Sisters. No matter how hard they wished that Pinkie was a whistling dixie, Pinkie Pie was true to her word. Even explaining the fact and confirming her descending into Alicornhood was due to the stone, and due to the fact Solaria was helping her. Their own mother crowned Pinkie a Princess for her actions and following Solaria plan to save Equestria, and them.

"Tia....if our mother has crowned Pinkie a Princess for her bravery, it is official. Pinkie is a new Princess." Luna murmured. "We can't question mother."

Celestia couldn't do more than nod. "I am fully aware of that. While Alicorn descending are done by magic, Pinkie’s was done by the stone to become the new deity of Chaos. Plus, mother did the right thing choosing Pinkie. Knowing her, she is very capable of handling it far better then Discord." Celestia sighed. "I think we need to have an official coronation, when the time is right."

With their conversation done, they decided to head back to the party. Twilight, however, hugged Pinkie who was happy for her friend that gave every pony hope that party and smiles would return along with peace and harmony. Pinkie, giggling, hugged Twilight. It was surprising to Twilight that Pinkie was now Luna size.

"If you want to learn magic, maybe you can come to the Library. It’d be great to help you learn how to use magic." Twilight suggested, only to get a smile from Pinkie.

"That’d be fantastic and super-duper fun, Twilight," Pinkie bounced, causing the ground to become rubbery.

"Okay mc-bouncy, stop bouncing, because you’re going to make the palace floor into a giant trampoline." Twilight joked, Pinkie to join in laughing.

Only three weeks ago, they were in a Chaos world ruled by a tyrant, now, they were saved by Pinkie Pie with the help of the former Queen watching over her, telling her what to do to save Equestria. With every story one journey begins as their lives turns to a new page to begin a new life.

If it weren't for Pinkie and Solaria, the Element Bearers wouldn't have been able to go on the journeys they have gone and met new ponies and Pinkie wouldn't have restored the horn of their new friend, Tempest. Right here and now, Pinkies legacy of being the best Party and Chaos Princess is only the beginning with help from friends and a future heir to the throne.