//------------------------------// // Chapter 16 - Tense Situations // Story: Twilight Daylight // by thedarktome //------------------------------// Arcadia looked at the Equestrians nonchalantly. They all wore a smug look on their faces. More than likely trying to make themselves seem desirable. "No." Wait, what? Applejack looked at her confused. "'No' what?" "The positions for directors during our wedding have all been filled. I have chosen those from Earth to help me with my wedding." The Equestrians all looked at her in shock. She knew them first but they weren't allowed to help?! "Arcadia," Madun whispered in her ear. "Maybe it'd be wise to have the Cyan one allowed in. Just her. She could direct the aerial performance during the reception. Give a little show for the Pserateps." Arcadia's ear twitched before she hummed in thought, looking at Rainbow Dash who was looking back at her confused. That did sound like a good idea. But she really didn't want the Equestrians getting in her way. Her parents either. But she should at least her mother in. She at least offered to try and fix things while the others were just watching. Meaning she was really willing to patch things up. The rest weren't going to do anything unless somebody ordered them to. That's another reason why she didn't truly forgive them. It wasn't in their hearts to apologize, so somebody had to remind them. So she barely trusted them. Not even to hold a bouquet of flowers. But in the end, she sighed. If it would make Madun happy, she would do it. "Okay. I will allow only three ponies-" Pinkie was about to rush forward. "That I have already chosen. Rainbow Dash and my parents. The Rainbow Dash from earth, now that I think about it, probably doesn't want anything to do with the wedding. She just wants to stick around and look at everything. Right, Rainbow?" "That's right," the pony in question said, trotting forward from behind her. "I'll attend your wedding, but I can't help out. I don't even know how to use these things!" She pointed to her wings and groaned. "So unless you have like a sports thing going down, I doubt I'll be of any use. I'm checkin' out." "You're leaving already?" "Well.......maybe? I don't know. I mean it's already past noon here, but I don't know what that means for everywhere else. Time is different here than it is on Equestria I bet." The Equestria girls responded by nodding their heads, agreeing that it was time to go. "I'm not so sure, I just look at the sun and tell the time that way. But before you all go, I need you to promise—" "Not to tell anyone, anything, in any type of way," Rarity interrupted. "We understand darling. Trust me. Not a word is coming out of my mouth about Psera, I promise. See ya' later, Sunset dear." The other girls repeated what she said before they walked into the mirror, headed back home. Once they were all gone, Arcadia turned around to face the others. "Now, me and Madun have to speak to the Pserateps about the wedding. I am sure they are a little impatient by now." The two began to walk back towards the offices, leaving the others. Once they and the guards were out of sight, Celestia had to speak. "I can't believe my own student doesn't want me to help her with her wedding," she sighed while Luna rubbed her back. "And I understand why," Merry said, walking towards them. They looked up at her while she explained. "What was Arcadia.....Twilight like before?" "She was smart," Rarity answered sadly. "Always looking for magical items, properties, and so much more that had to do with magic. Her favorite conjurer was Starswirl the Bearded." "Oh yeah, I saw some of those books in her room when she was helping Psera and I was........browsing." "Actually, I have a few questions about Psera," Celestia said, catching Molten Ice's attention. "How is it that you're so advanced and we have not heard of you? That's impossible." "Not really," Her Majesty said, walking forward. "Psera is a supercontinent that was, from what the scientists from one of our cities have told us, the first location of civilization of organisms of any kind. Later on, which was estimated at around one hundred thousand years, organisms arrived on Equestria. Over there you have your own history, which was estimated to be centuries behind our own. Including your buildings. "Equestria, by all accounts, is old fashioned. Having multiple princesses to handle different aspects of your lifestyle while Psera only needs one or two co-rulers. In the past we have had instances where there were indeed multiple rulers per city. There was no mayor or governor. Only Royalty. We took that out when we realized that a lot of problems could be in place and lowered their ranks down to advisors to assist the King and Queen in decision making." "In the past, Psera was not like this," Blazing Fire said. He stepped forward and clarified, "Psera was, according to Her Majesty Molten Ice, EXACTLY like Equestria. This entire continent wasn't populated like it was. It was maybe only one third populated. And we did not run on magic." "When we first discovered Equestria," Merry added. "You were in the midst of war with a few other certain type of ponies and organisms. The weapons you used were outdated to say the least. You were using gold as weapons, which we copied. We had plenty of it to spare, we realized, after we compared it with our own metals here. It was the exact same. Except.....we had faaaaaarrrr more. So we armed ourselves in case of any attacks. Which came in handy. A group of ponies, who are believed to now be extinct, came to our land and tried to take it over for what we had. We had so many soldiers that we overpowered them at first. And eventually, we pushed them back. During that time, we realized our wings, which at the time were as small as yours, were very strong and a vital tool during the time of war. So we trained ourselves in different tactics on how to use our wings." "We never heard about magic," Molten took over. "So it came as a big surprise to us when we realized our wings could grow somehow. Eventually, maybe a thousand years later, we realized it came from admiration." "Love?" Luna asked carefully. Molten nodded and confirmed, "Yes, love. The pony body can somehow absorb the pheromones that is admiration and apply it to themselves. Which will then change part of their DNA to grow their wings. Making us faster and stronger flyers. We have done so much in the past by using only our wings. Recently, we didn't even know we had magic in us until Lady Arcadia told us we were a different type of Pegasi. A superpowered Pegasi. She even demonstrated by using one of our guards to push a cloud out to the sea. We were truly stunned. That was how we got rid of the dusty cloud layer that appeared after the Changeling attack." "Psera itself is entirely Pegasi run," Blazing Fire explained. "There are no other ponies here, nor were there any records of ponies that had horns or nothing at all. There was absolutely no record either about magic. So imagine how truly at awe we were when Arcadia came upon our shores and made grass with magic." "I'm guessing speechless?" Rainbow inquired. "Very speechless," Merry responded. "But back to the history. Psera had a lot going on when we encountered how to use water with different objects by stripping away it's molecules and applying it to different things." "Not to mention the mountain range which contains so much building materials," Molten said. "That is where our mines are located. We also have managed to expand and create cities. Thousands of years ago, we only had three. And before Arcadia arrived, we had nine, including Cop which is directly in the center. We were able to stay off the map by having patrols take boats and go to sea, where they would stop and continue the rest of the way by air. They would do patrols, and if anypony was seen, they would spin around over the water in a circle and go up, creating a very large waterspout. Large and strong enough to pick up your ship and throw it out to sea, breaking it upon impact. We were not going to have another war over our land. So we took drastic measures on how to stop visitors from coming by. Over a hundred years later, after nothing else came, we stopped the patrols and drew our soldiers back in." "Wait.....that sounds familiar," Celestia said, looking at the stallion suspiciously. "You said you created a giant Waterspout?" "Yes. Massive." Celestia tapped her hoof against her chin before she, Luna, and Cadance gasped loudly. "The Barrier!" They all yelled at once, pointing a hoof at each other in realization. The Pserateps were looking at them confusedly, giving them the cue to explain. "Back in the years when Discord was in rule, ponies would try to escape Equestria by boat, going to different lands," Luna explained. "A large group of ponies who had banded together decided to leave Las Pegasus and take to the western sea to search for new land to call home, only to be turned around by what they called a barrier fifty something miles out from Equestria's coast. It was described as a huge wall of water that had multiple waterspouts that stretched for twenty miles left to right. A giant ship had actually tried to go through only to be ripped to shreds. There were only twenty ponies left, out of two hundred, who turned back and told us what happened. Many ponies thought it to be Discord, who blatantly denied it, saying that his power doesn't reach all the way out there." "During his rule, ponies would call it a living thing," Celestia said. "They said that when a pony would successfully get in, they would be forced away by something that would grab and literally throw them back out at a speed that was deemed unnatural. They called it 'The Barrier'. Was that—" "That was more than likely the Pseratep soldiers keeping back other ponies who were in route to Psera," Molten Ice confirmed. They all stared at her in shock. "Like I said. Psera is a very strong and very big superpower. We are not one to be toyed with. In the past we have gone to war with other nations out there, where we would win and they would leave empty hoofed. After a discovery, we stopped all trade, and erased ourselves from the history books of those nations by sending in highly trained spies who would go into the place of holding, the archives, take the Pseratonian item, burn it, and throw the ashes to the air, never to be seen again. If Madun wants, he could give the order to have your records of this place completely gone. However, since Arcadia decided to give you a chance, I do not think that would be the case. He loves her way too much. And I have grown to admire her spirit." "Aren't you the older queen though?" Cadance inquired. "That means you have more power than Arcadia." "Not anymore. When a pony has been granted the title Lady in Waiting, it practically means you are already Queen. You are only missing some permissions. Those missing would be executive military command, money spending, executive orders, budget cuts, and more. Once Arcadia is Queen though, all the power is in her and my son's hooves. Since I am no longer Queen, I have gained a title of respect and history among my ponies. I am just like a famous retired citizen. Being paid from my former job and still have respect and recognition among everypony. I have come into a position where a pony who has taken my place can come to me for my advice and I will be happy to give it to them. As well as teach them as much as I can. But to take back up the role, no. I will not be coming out of retirement and taking up the throne. I stepped down and allowed my son to take it up instead. Merry didn't want all that responsibility." "So-" "But back on topic," Merry interrupted before they could ask anymore questions. Arcadia didn't trust these ponies and neither did she. "We have gotten way off. Arcadia doesn't want you helping....because she doesn't trust you yet. You deceived her for years and then out of the blue you expect her to allow you to help her with the most important thing in her life. To be honest, I don't think anypony would even consider it." "I agree with Merry," Molten said, gesturing to her daughter. "Arcadia has been hurt by you and you have lost her partnership, let alone friendship. So she does not consider you a friend, let alone an ally. The only reason she allowed the blue one and her parents is because they have value. Her parents hold....parental values and the blue one I don't know. I did not hear what Madun whispered in her ear. If Madun didn't say something, all of you would be back home right now." "So Madun is the one in charge?" Rarity asked. "No, they are a joint team. You cannot break them apart. Now, enough questions. I must go and see how everything is going out there." Molten took her leave and started to walk away, leaving only Merry and Blazing Fire to contend to them. Celestia watched her go while she had a thought on her mind. What did she mean when she said, "After a discovery, we stopped all trade?" What exactly were they hiding? And did Twilight have a hoof in it? "Leave it to mom to make me talk to visitors. Follow us and....we'll do something, I don't know." Merry walked away with Blazing, heading towards their home. "Are you hungry? I'm surprised Arcadia hasn't sent you back yet since it's almost dinner." "You really want us to go don't ya'?" Applejack joked. "Actually yes. I want you all to leave." They all dropped their smiles when Merry looked over her shoulder. "You have no place here. None of you. The second you arrived you threatened our guards. Not to mention.....disrespected Lady Arcadia." "We have some great food here in Psera," Blazing interrupted happily before it could get worse, motioning towards the giant windows on the side. Outside you could see the sun setting......along with the vast amount of Pserateps gathered around a stage where Arcadia and Madun were standing, telling the ponies about what was going to happen. There were probably hundreds of what looked like advanced cameras and some type of other device that was actively placing them on a giant screen on the sides, displaying their faces. "Is it alright if we listen?" Celestia asked, making them stop. Merry trotted towards a window, unlatched it by sliding a bar that was on the bottom and pulling it inwards by the mechanism, allowing the large glass window to open up and hear the couple's voices. "......and I have decided," Arcadia said through some type of device that enhanced her voice. "That I will become your Queen of Psera. I will continue to help the Pserateps during their time of need as well as listen to the voices that cry out for a better world. I am engaged to King Madun and we have decided..." She looked to King Madun and asked a question, making him nod and step forward to the microphone. "That the wedding will be held at Events at Eventa on February 14th," he said, motioning towards the West. "We are looking for ponies who can help by bringing their expertise in cooking, decoration, music, and dancing! For all of the singers and dancers of Rayray! Please consult with our interviewers tomorrow in front of the castle when they arrive. This will be the biggest event for Psera and will mark another page in our history books. A new Queen after fifty years has arrived, who has helped Psera and strengthened our military from another strike. As well as replenished our building materials for the next evolution of our homes! Cities! Towns! All hail Lady Arcadia!" The ponies down below started cheering her name before Madun leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek, causing her to blush, grin and wave at the crowd. "Come at around three in the afternoon seven days from today to Events at Eventa!" She told them. "We will be there!" They continued to wave while they walked off the stage, heading for the side entrance to the castle. "So they're holding a talent show of some sort it seems," Rarity assumed, turning back to the Pserateps beside them. "Yes," Merry confirmed. She took the window and pulled it back in. Then closed and locked it back in place while she spoke. "In the history of Psera, there has always been a chosen team to assist in the way a very important event would be handled. Optimized to provide the best experience for those attending. Singers, dancers, cooks, spokesponies, you name it. They are chosen by a team of advisors, which is lead by a Head Advisor, on who to pick. The head advisor is the most trusted individual. It is a very big opportunity because the pony chosen to perform is usually called upon again by big businesses, standard ponies, and celebrities. Even fashion designers get a spot in fame, not to mention a small place in history. So this is a very big opportunity. And a very rare one. It usually happens once or twice every three years. Luckily, there will be two chances this time around for these ponies to show their stuff. The first will be at the wedding, and the second will be at Lady Arcadia's coronation." "Oh! Oh! I want to be the flower pony! Can I be the flower pony, puh-leeease?" Flurry cried from her mother's head. "You would have to ask your aunt that," Blazing Fire chuckled. "She is so adorable." "Yes, she is my little Flurry Heart. Do you have any kids of your own?" Cadance asked them. "No....but I would really like some," Merry answered, shocking her husband. He quickly turned his head to her, giving her a small smile. They were definitely talking about this later. "Aunty Twilight, Aunty Twilight!" Flurry yelled. She jumped off her mother's head and landed on the floor, running towards her Alicorn-Pseratep aunt. She just got back up onto their floor and was walking alongside another Pseratep, giving them instructions and more on what to do for the wedding. The filly ran up and jumped on her back, making her jump a little before she realized who it was. "Oh, hello Flurry," she greeted happily before turning back to the pony in front of her. "Have the guards and team at Eventa by next Sunday morning at nine to set up. Have a stage for singers and dancers, along with a microphone for the PA system. Have a kitchen setup for the cooks and bakers. And have a room setup for the decorators. I will have my fashion designers tell you exactly what will be needed in those rooms. Also, have a ride ready for the advisors. Most of them do not have wings and those who do cannot fly very well." The mare in front of her wrote down everything she just said at a very fast speed, impressing even Arcadia. Her light green eyes were narrowed and focused entirely on the notepad she was writing on, the pen in her mouth moving faster than twilight could write within her magic. Once she was finished she looked back up to the Lady in Waiting and took the pen out of her mouth, offering her a smile. "Anything else, Lady Arcadia?" "Yes, what is your name?" She asked, chuckling. "You remind me a lot of myself when I saw how much attention you were pouring into your work. I did a lot of that, even on my spare time." "Oh, my name is Gardeen Daisy, your highness," the silver coated Pseratep greeted, bowing deeply before getting back up to her hooves. "I'm one of the assistants here in the Castle." "I admire your style. Greatly." "Thank you, your highness." "I hope you are able to fulfill these requests. We'll be expecting them." "Consider it done." She bowed once more before she shuffled off back down the hall to do her job. Arcadia watched her go with a smile before she looked up to Flurry. "What do you think, my niece? Should she be my personal assistant?" Spike flinched a little. A new...... assistant? "Well.......yeah, sure. Now can I be your flower pony? Huh, huh?!" The Lady in Waiting chuckled and levitated the excitable young Alicorn off her back. She had absolutely no idea what she meant. "Yes, but you'll probably have to work beside a long line of other fillies and colts. There are a lot of Pserateps trying to win those spots. And there will be a very wide aisle. You'll be the most peculiar one though." "I can do it, I can do it!" "Okay then." She let the filly go and run back towards her mother before she walked up to Merry, looking at her suspiciously. She leaned in close and squinted her eyes. The fashionista backed up a little at the close proximity. "There's something on your face," Arcadia said. "Really? Where is it?" "It's all over," Arcadia responded, making a gesture with her hooves. "And it's not good. You're planning something again." Merry scoffed and pushed the laughing Royal back. "For your information, I was thinking about something special that I actually need to talk to you about." "Oh!" Arcadia looked at her in surprise. "Let's head to the suite, get some tea, and talk about it!" The two women started to walk away before the Lady in waiting remembered something. "Wait," she said, placing a hoof on her shoulder. She looked behind her at the Equestrians who were waiting in the hall staring at them before she pulled her to the side to whisper in her ear. "What do you think about them taking part in a simulated audience?" She whispered. "Madun suggested it earlier, and I was obviously against the idea, but I do believe he has a point about the Pserateps auditioning to have one. What do you think I should do?" "Well," she whispered back. "How do they normally act around a talented pony?" "Reserved." "Okay, well I think that you should at least give them this one time chance. One time chance to at least earn one point out of the one thousand you're giving them." Arcadia sighed and glanced back at the Equestrians who were currently in a conversation at the window. It was becoming dark and Luna was lowering the moon for Equestria. Not to mention for Psera. "......fine, I'll give them a chance," she sighed. "But I will NOT enjoy it. My niece, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, and Starlight are another matter entirely. I enjoy their company. In fact.....should I give them a personal tour? I actually miss their company." "Sure. A great attraction to start is what Psera looks like from thousands of feet in the air at night. Have some of the guards fly a chariot up there with you." "Great idea. When I return, we are having this discussion that's on your mind. Go and annoy your brother, I know you want to. And let him know where I am." Merry gave her a look that said, "Do you even have to ask?" "I don't technically annoy him," Merry corrected. "But just make him sigh in annoyance. Where is he?" "The throne room, talking to his advisors. He should be getting out soon." Merry quickly trotted off while Arcadia turned around and walked back to the group. "Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, and Starlight Glimmer." They all stopped talking before the mares in question. "Yes, Twilight?" Starlight answered. "I want to show you something. Care to stay behind a little longer?" The three of them shrugged and nodded to Twilight. "Great! Everypony else you have to leave. I'll open a portal for you." She lit her horn and fired a beam into the hall, creating a purple portal in front of her. "Have a good night." "Will we see you again? Before February?" Celestia asked her hopefully. Arcadia gave her a nonchalant look, deep in thought before she responded. "Maybe, maybe not. I may have given you a chance, but it's a small one. So don't expect much, if anything at all. You are not to tell anypony about this. That includes you too, Flurry Heart. Come and give me a hug." The filly trotted up to her aunt and gave her a giant squeeze around her legs, making Twilight chuckle and spread her large wings in glee. Rainbow was a little jealous, evident by her groaning. "I'll see you soon, okay?" "Alright!" She backed away and got back on Cadance's back while they all trotted into the portal, leaving the Lady in Waiting with the chosen Equestrians behind. They all tried to give her reassuring gazes, but she didn't return. Definitely still upset. She placed a hoof on the last pony's, Celestia, shoulder, stopping her before she could walk through that doorway. "One more thing," she said. "Watch your back for the annoying Prince. He's still crazy about me and he may be a big issue in the future." "Of course. Farewell, Twilight...Arcadia." The mare in question let her walk through the portal before closing it immediately behind her. Leaving her alone with Blazing and the three ponies. Getting out of her serious mode, she offered them a sincere grin. "I want to show you girls something that I think you'll find beautiful. Guards?" The two guards accompanying her saluted. "Get a chariot ready. We're going for a high velocity flight."