//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: When I Dream, I Dream of Him // by Midnight Ronin //------------------------------// When I dream, I dream of him, a boy from another world, another galaxy, another universe. An entirely different reality of its own design, its own rules and its own creations. My dreams are solely on him, watching his life as if I was watching a play. A play with so much emotion and life. I would see and hear the various things that happens around him, and on very rare occasions I would smell the various fragrances that lingered around him, that times I would question if these were dreams at all. This strange creature that has captured my mind’s interest, forever locked upon him, watching his life, listening to the grass that would crunch under his feet when he walks or his tender voice that would cause my ears to flutter. This creature who has caught my attention, what is he? Who is he? Why do I dream of him? Why do I dream of his world? His reality? A boy with a mane as black as the night and length that stretches down his back, which he keeps wild and untamed. He also has some of his long mane that reaches down on both of his shoulders and stops just at his chest, that portion of his mane has what I would assume to be a white wrapping around it near the top where his ears are, possibly to keep it from getting in his eyes. His eyes are golden and his smile is like the beauty of diamonds that glisten in the light of my auntie’s sun. In my dreams I usually see him wearing something I think is a bathrobe of dark blue and light grey with a golden symbol of what I can assume is the moon on the back of his clothing. Even though I would call it a bathrobe...I’m still a bit unsure because from what my dreams show me, it is possible that it is made of a high quality fabric. This creature along with the many others I’ve seen following the view of the boy, are all bipedal. Unlike me and the ponies of my world, we walk on four hooves. These creatures not only walk on two… I guess I’ll call them hooves for now. I’m not sure what to call them. Now that I think about it, these creatures hold many traits to the various creatures from my world. They have arms with..fingers? So in a way they have the arms and appendages of a centaur except for the fact that these creatures have five fingers instead of four, and at the lower section of their body, these creatures hold a similarity to my species, their legs, which of course is all I can find similar. Instead of having hooves, these creatures have what dragons have at the bottom of their legs, feet. Except it was bare of scales,  so I shall call their two appendages that are connected to the sides of their body, arms and hands and the lower portion of their frame, legs and feet. And just like their hands, they have five toes on each foot, just like dragons. Most of my dreams of him start this way. He stands underneath a tree of golden brown leaves as a creature that looks like him approaches. This creature I believe to be female stops in front of him with a wide smile on her face. She motions her hand to beckon him to follow her more into the open space in the flora area and then they began. “I hope you’ve been training brother.” says the female as she held up her hands and spread her feet in a stance that looked like a stance for fighting. The young boy who is her brother nodded his head as he took a similar stance. “L-Lets begin.” While I don’t understand their customs, I do see the bond they share with each other. It is now dusk and the boy lays on his back beside his sister who is sitting down with her legs crossed, both dirty and exhausted. Even though they sparred until they collapsed, I can’t help be see how much they care for each other. While in Equestria we do have our royal guards who spar with each other and training to strengthen the Canterlot’s projection, we never let ponies around that foal stage join, let alone train like they were doing. They even went as far as to use throwing weapons and knives, which I’ve come to learn are shuriken and kunai and that’s not mentioning the swords and chained weapons they used against each other. I wish to know more about this world, and why I dream of this reality, but as always with the few dreams I have of this world, it will end and with any luck, I’ll dream of something new. Why is my mind solely on him. Why do I keep dreaming of this world…. It has been a week since I last dreamt up a new dream, I always had the same exact dream for nearly a full month now, only changing after last week. This dream is no different. I’ve had this dream several times before like the few others I’ve had, but it was a nice change, because this is one of my favorite dreams of him. I learn so much about him and his family, or clan as I’ve heard him refer to others, when addressing his family. I not only learn about his mother and father, but I also learn a bit about his clan’s brand of magic. Unlike Equestria, while we call our unique abilities and the reason behind the many things we are capable of as magic, they, the Otsuksuki Clan, calls their magical power, chakra. I mean it could be its own unique power, native to their world, but the dynamics in how it works, is similar to magic in our world, well as far as I know. I don’t know the full limitations of the substance called chakra. For one, the one called Elder of All, who looks to be around the age appearance of auntie Celestia, gives a lot of explanation to his, apparently super great grandson, aka that boy I’ve been telling you about. Apparently this clan has this unique power called the Sharingan which exists in all the clan members and then the Rinnegan that only the boy’s father and his auntie possess. Okay so this is kinda hard to explain, but I’ll try to make this as simple as possible from what I understand. The Sharingan is what they call a dojutsu, or eye technique. It’s appearance on the pupil of the user’s eyeball as red with a black dot in the center and three black commas around the eye. These eyes grants the one who has them a unique variety of powers, such as cast illusion spells, which they call genjutsu (oh that’s right, I never went over the categories of their magic or jutsu as they like to call it! I’ll mention it after I talk about the Rinnegan.), being able to see the flow of chakra, copying and performing another’s jutsu and following movements. Besides the copying jutsu, the other powers I’m not able to tell when they perform it since I can’t see chakra, but from what was shown in their sparring matches, it’s really interesting to say the least. As for the Rinnegan, there’s not much to say. The reason why is because my dreams have never shown much of anything of the boy’s father using his powers. The only times I see his father, is when he’s being a caring dad, but for the most part, the Rinnegan has a ripple pattern like the inside of a tree if it is sliced across and is colored purple, in case of the father, but for the auntie, it is shown to be red like the Sharingan. I don’t want to spend too much time on this so to break it down as quickly as possible, I’ll talk about the easier to explain jutsu categories, starting with Taijutsu. Taijutsu is basically their form of physical combat, like hoof to hoof combat is to ours. They have their own types of jutsu within this area like a Primary Lotsu, which has the user kicking their opponent into the air before slamming them back down into the ground. It’s a really messy picture to describe, but it leaves a huge crater in the ground when it’s done. Another category of their jutsu is called Genjutsu. As I mentioned earlier, it allows them to cast illusions on their target and makes them experience things that aren’t real, affecting all five senses and lastly is one of the more complicated jutsus they have, ninjutsu. Ninjutsu is...well it’s more in line of what unicorns can do, manipulate the elements, teleporting, creating clones, transformation, enhance speed and strength and even more unorthodox skills like taking control of another person’s body by controlling their shadow or turning matter into dust and that’s just to give you an idea of what these creatures can do. Unlike the other dreams I have of his world, this is one of the very few that I actually enjoy. A year after having that dream about his family, I started to get nightmares. Whenever I wake up, I always cry, because I feel his pain and then I witness a change in both his personality and in his eyes. In this dream of the boy, he’s much older now, possibly in his teens.This dream is always so...grim. Dark skies casted overhead as it cries over the terrain. A terrain that was soaked in blood and covered in fire. Multiple husks of these creatures covers the ground, pierced with various weapons, some still complete, while others were disassembled. The land held nothing but death and despair with the melody of rain and cries of the boy of my dreams to add to this harmonic horror. “H-How, how did this happen? Why...did this...happen?!” The boy hugged a form in his arms, the form of a young female with blood dripping from a gash in her torso, soaking not just the ground but also her brother. Tears pours down his eyes as he looks into the glazed over crimson eyes of his beloved sister as she slowly parts her lips to speak. “Do..not cry.” his sister wheezed as blood slowly filled her lungs. “Y-You need...to run...they...they will... kill you.” “Who did this to you!?” “W-Why does it matter?” “I’LL KILL THEM!!!” The boy yelled as his eyes transformed into the same crimson as her own, revealing to her his Sharingan. She slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. L-Look, I want you to...run.. “What?!” She wheezed as she coughed up more blood. “They will be coming for you soon…. They will come because you’re  the last fraction of our clan that holds power over them. I-If you run now, then they might just give up and take over with your absence.” As the rain poured he listened. His body trembled fear and resentment. The desire to live was visible in his actions, but...there was something else, something darker. He wanted blood, he wanted the life of the one responsible, to take away what was precious to them just as they did to him, let them be the last thing they see. Before the boy could respond, several creatures like himself appear, cladded in various armor. They weren’t his allies and I’m only guessing that by the way they are looking at him, as if victory was theirs and by the actions of this female who walks ahead of the group with a smug grin on her face, stopping only ten feet away. How I would love to buck her through the teeth, to knock out every tooth with one swift jab. “Hello nephew.” This woman who claims to be his aunt, held a bloody sword, which uncomfortably fitted with her Sharingan eyes and blood stained white hair. She wore black armor with black pants and sandals. “I didn’t expect to find you here. I thought you would still be with your father, holding his corpse.” Even though he never spoke through these last few moments of my dream, I could feel the fury that radiated off of him. He nearly dropped his sister from the shock of hearing those words from someone he considered family. With one shallow breathe he slowly lowered his sister to the ground and stood back up and then something happened. His eyes, his eyes had changed, no longer did it have the dominated red with the commas that circled the center dot. It was now completely black with a red swirl starting from the center of the eye and going out to meet the edge of the pupil. With a mighty roar he rushed forward towards his auntie with two kunai in his hand and as if on que, the group of ninja from before charged as well to help their supposed leader and like always, it would end. I never see what happens beyond this. Is he alive, or is he dead? The boy of my dreams, what became of him? Will he ever find peace? I wish I knew, I wish I he was safe. I wish I was by his side to help him through his pain, to let him know that his world doesn’t have to end, that he could find some way to live on and to let him know that I understand that it isn’t easy to move on from such pains, but throwing away your life… it just isn’t worth it. But then again, who am I to say? I never had to live a life like his. I never lost someone, especially like that and at the hands of someone who is family. All I have are my ideals, so all I can do is look over this child as I long for a day that we may finally meet, the boy of my dreams.