//------------------------------// // Welcome to Thrilltopia (a.k.a Reverb) // Story: Hot Wheels Equestria Girls // by Speedy Silverstreak //------------------------------// The girls were amazed at the car and the driver also they never heard of Thrilltopia before. All the girls except Pinkie who had a huge excited smile had their mouths open. They have never seen car that looked it was made for extreme speeds. Then the man said to the shocked girls. "Um excuse me…" Then scratched his head and continued. "why girls look like you just came out of a roller coaster." The man pointed to the remains of the Loopster as the girls looked at their broken vehicle. It was a smoldering wreak and now they don't how in the world they got to Thrilltopia. Then Rainbow turned around and said to the man. "Uh yeah. We just did. The fastest roller coaster in the entire world." Then Applejack asked the man. "Now who in tarnation are you sir?" The man then said with a smile. "My name is Speedy Silverstreak. But my friends call me Speedy. I'm one of the best drivers on Thrilltopia. By the who are you girls?" Then Sunset cleared her throats and said. "My name is Sunset Shimmer…" Then Sunset pointed back at Rainbow and said. "That's Rainbow Dash…" Rainbow gave a friendly wave to saying hello. Then Sunset looked at Applejack and pointed to her and said. "This is Applejack…" Applejack tipped her hat to Speedy in reply. Then Sunset showed Speedy Rarity and said. "This is Rarity…" Rarity looked at Speedy's clothes and said. "Well Speedy you sure have a weird way of style. Blue skin and messy blue hair does look good with your outfit." Speedy said in reply. "Uh thanks Rarity. I wear different outfits everyday." Then Sunset showed Speedy Pinkie Pie and said, "This is Pinkie Pie…" Pinkie then said to him, "Hi!" Then Sunset showed Speedy Fluttershy and said, "This is Fluttershy…" Fluttershy tried to say something to Speedy, but all that came out was a whimper. Speedy understood that she was shy and he'll let her open up to her once she gets to know her more. Then Sunset said to Speedy as she showed him Twilight, "And finally this is Twilight." Then Twilight waved and said, "Hello." Speedy then said to her, "Hello to you too." Then after introductions were done Rainbow looked around and asked, "Um Speedy what is this place anyway?" Then Speedy replied to Rainbow's question with a smile, "This place is called Thrilltopia Rainbow. The biggest baddest race track in the entire world!" The girls looked at each other with confusion they never heard Thrilltopia before and it didn't sound familiar either. Then Speedy said to them, "Now that I think about I hadn't seen you 7 around here before. How in the world did you girls get here?" Applejack shrugged and said, "Ya got us Speedy. We don't know ourselves." Then suddenly a thought came into Sunset's brain and said to her friends, "Wait remember that portal that suddenly opened out of nowhere maybe the roller coaster must have gone faster than what it suppose to go at! I think when we reached 300 MPH it must of warped time and space around us and transported us here!" Then Twilight's eyes went wide and said, "Sunset are you saying that we…!" Sunset nodded and finished saying Twilight's sentence, "Traveled into another dimension!" Then Rainbow exclaimed with shock, "Then how in the world are we going to get back home?!" Then Speedy had a idea and said, "Well how about I show you 7 seven around Thrilltopia and take you 7 back to my garage I might have something there that could help all of you get back home." The girls looked at each other for a minute and nodded and looked back at Speedy and Twilight said, "Thanks Speedy." Speedy smiled and said, "Your welcome Twilight. Now lets get in my car so I can show you 7 around." Realizing that he couldn't take all of the girls in his car it was only able to carry two He was just about to tell them the problem they heard a sound of another car from the same road that he came out from which got louder and louder as it got closer to them. Then the engine sound got very loud as a red flatbed truck jumped into the air and landed right next to Speedy's car with a mighty thud and came to a complete stop with the sound screeching of the tires on the truck which created smoke. Then its engine turned off and the driver side door opened reviling a girl who had dark red colored skin and had yellow hair in a ponytail with a red and blue beanie. She was wearing a pink sweatshirt and a blue skirt with white dots on it too. She walked up to Speedy and said, "There you are Speedy! I've been looking for you for 30 minutes! Where have you been?!" Speedy then said, "Oh hey Wire, I guess I forgot about everything." Then the girl looked at the Humane seven and asked Speedy, "Who are these seven girls? I've never seen them around here before." Speedy then looked at his new friends and said, "Uh girls this is my cousin Hot Wire. Hot Wire these are Twilight and her friends." Twilight walked up to Hot Wire and held out her hand and said, "Nice to meet you!" Wire shook her hand and said, "Nice to meet you too. So are you girls from?" Twilight told Wire about how they got to Thrilltopia and through a long explanation. Wire was surprised and said after Twilight finished her explanation, "Wow that's some story and all of you don't know how you got here?" Then Twilight said, "I think we maybe opened some kind of portal into this world when we were on the roller coaster back in our world.” Then Rainbow said, "Yeah and we need to find a way back so any help would be useful!" Speedy and Wire looked at each other and nodded as Wire said to the Humane seven "Come with us. I think we might know how to get you home. You can ride in my Haulinator since all of you need a ride." The girls climbed onto Wire's vehicle and Rainbow, Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy climbed into the cab while Sunset, Applejack, and Pinkie got on the flatbed of the truck. Speedy then said to Hot Wire, "I'll meet you back at the garage Wire." Wire then said to her cousin, "Ok and don't do anything dumb on the way there." Speedy said to her annoyed, "Hey! I'm always careful! You know that!" Twilight and her friends watched the two argue like they were a brother and sister as Wire sighed and facepalmed and said, "Yeah like the few times you almost totaled one of your Bone Shakers when you got sent into a tailspin and crashed into the ocean. I had to work on its repairs for weeks!" Then Speedy explained to her, "I got pushed off the track by another racer during the race! You thought I did it on purpose!" Wire said with a grin, "Yeah like you try to beat a pack of supercars with a muscle car and ended up get your butt handed to you." Then Speedy snapped back at her, "Hey I came in fourth place three places behind first place during that race!" Wire said in annoyance, "Just get back to the garage and we can discuss this later." Then Speedy grumbled away to his Bone Shaker and opened the driver side door of the of the cool muscle car. Then a few seconds later the car's engine roared to life and the back wheels screeched on the road as smoke came off the back tires as they tried to get traction. A second later after getting traction Speedy's car raced off and went over the hill near where he found Twilight and her friends. Wire sighed and said to herself and shook her head, "Boys. They never listen." She walked back towards her car and opened the driver side where Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy were and saw the argument between the two cousins and they were already buckled up and ready to go. Wire leaned out the window and looked back at the rest of the girls in the back of the vehicle and said, "You three back there better hang on tight! It's about to get windy!" Then Wired put the keys into the ignition and started the vehicle with a loud muscle car like roar. Seconds later Wire put the car into 1st gear and stepped on the gas pedal which made the tire spin around creating smoke as it gained traction. The car raced forward as it gained speed and left the spot it was parked in. Twilight and her friends never went this fast in vehicle that looks like a vehicle transport truck. Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy were being pushed back into the seat as the truck started accelerating faster. Sunset, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie on the other were sitting down behind the cab of the truck as it reached around 190 mph and climbing up to 210 mph. Wire turn the vehicle on the curves that were angled as her vehicle kept up its speed and went through the curves going left and right. It was just like on the roller coaster back in their world except it was in a car. Little did they know things were about to get crazier. Sunset spotted a blue sports car racing up to  the passenger side. The window rolled down as a teenage boy medium tinted bright blue skin with a wild blue hairdo called out loud to Wire, "Hey Wire! Want to race?!" Wire looked down at the car next to her vehicle and said out loud, "Sonic? What you doing here?" Then the teenager replied back to Wire, "I'm heading for Speedy's place. Are you heading there too?" Wire nodded and said, "Yes, I also have some new friends from another world." Sonic smiled and then said, "Wow that's cool. Hey race you to Speedy's place first one through the fire ring wins!" Wire looked at Twilight and her friends who nodded to this proposal and Wire looked back at Sonic in his car and replied to him with a grin, "Your on!" Then Sonic smiled and said back to Wire, "Catch me if you can!" Sonic's car raced ahead with a burst of speed and soon Wire's car started picking up speed too as Wire gave it more gas. The Humane 7 were hanging on tight especially Sunset, Pinkie, and Applejack who was hanging on to her hat as the car caught up with Sonic's car. Sonic looked to the side and smiled as the car carrying extra passengers was neck and neck with his Reverb. The two cars soon went through 3 tight curves as they drifted through them and soon they were coming to ramp with a ring of fire in front of the jump. Then Sonic looked at Wire and yelled at her, "See at the finish line!" Then Sonic pressed a button on his dashboard and suddenly blue colored flames ignited from his car's tires as he accelerated at an insane speed leaving a trail of blue flamed tire tracks behind his car. Then Wire said out loud with smile, "Oh no you don't Sonic!" Soon Wire pressed a button on her car's dashboard and just like Sonic's car Wire's tires created flames that were orange instead of blue and left a trail of orange colored flaming tire tracks from her car. The girls were hanging on as the car's speed reach around 280 mph and it was climbing too. Then the both Sonic's and Wire's cars were neck and neck again as both vehicles raced off the ramp and flew through the ring of fire and soon the cars landed on the ground with a thud and they were coming up to a garage not far away as Wire slammed on the breaks and reached the building first while Sonic's car followed behind her car. Wire turned her car around and skidded to a stop in front of the building as the tire screamed like it was in a animated action packed car movie. Then Sonic's car pulled up and skidded to a stop as black tire track appeared from when Sonic used his breaks. He was still smiling and although he lost he sure had fun.  Wire poked her head of the driver side window and said to Sonic, "Well Sonic I win." Sonic just replied to her with a smile, "Yeah you did. What do you say…" Then Wire and Sonic said together in unison, "Beat That!!!" Twilight and her friends were amazed by the cars' performance and power and the trick for the flaming tire tracks. Rainbow was so pumped thanks to the jump and that they made through the fire ring. She wondered what else was on Thrilltopia. Little did they know things were about to get hot for them and they were about to get into the driver seat real soon.