//------------------------------// // Letters of Dread // Story: Friendship is Hopeless // by DisneymlpZeldalover //------------------------------// Twilight sat in the Golden Oak Libary, surrounded by her new allies. “I killed her…” Twilight whispered again, still in utter shock. “Nah, she’s useful, she’ll be fine.” Rainbow smirked. Pinkie immediately leapt away, looking irritated by her closeness to them. Twilight stood, taking off her tiara and tilted it to see the element of hopelessness shimmer back. “These are the elements of disharmony?” “Yes.” Rarity replied, admiring hers. “Now, since no pony else wants them, quietly give them to me.” Twilight looked surprised. “Why would we-?” The others practically threw the elements at her, all looking distrustful of them. “Why would you not want them? They are precious and powerful relics, intrusted to us!” Twilight insisted. “Um, hello? Do you even have a brain in there?” Fluttershy laughed. “They’re called the elements of disharmony for a reason. They bring evil to this world.” “Then why did the Queen use them on her sister?” Twilight asked. They were all silent. “You don’t need to know that, Twilight.” Pinkie finally said softly. Twilight frowned. Later that day, all her allies had gone home, to rest after the long journey, and prepare for a ceremony that was to be held in thier honor the next day. Twilight took the opportunity to practice her dark magic. It was one thing to learn normal magic, but a complete other to learn dark. Spike sat silent on her bed, watching her. Twilight gave a grunt in concentration, a black aura coming out of her horn. She nearly felt sick, this magic always made her feel light-headed. She was currently trying to turn her vase of flowers to stone, but she soon fell over in tiredness. “I’ll never get this, it’s hopeless.” Twilight sighed, closing her burning eyes. Spike hopped off the bed and ran down to help Twilight up. “Thank you, Spike.” Twilight whispered, still shaky. “Whatever. You need to try harder, Twilight, you’re failing, and Celestia doesn’t accept failures.” “You act as if I don’t know that.” Rarity was sorting through her gems once more, not paying any mind to the servent who was working vigorously behind her, sewing a new dress. The unicorn turned to it and scoffed. “You call that fashion? I’ve seen dirty Earth ponies wear things better than that.” The servant whispered a apology and then levatited a letter over to Rarity. “This arrived about a hour ago, mistress…. I was wondering-” “Ah!” Rarity covered her slave’s mouth and gave a coy smile. “I don’t keep you here to talk about your thoughts. Now, get back to work, and after you finish the dress, you’ll polish the silver, make the beds, mop the floors, clean Opal’s litter box, and then clean Opal herself, understand?” “Understood.” The servent whispered. The slave quietly walked off as Rarity opened the letter. She read though it, then once more. She then dropped the paper and called out to the only other pony in her home. “I’m leaving now! Lock the doors, and the windows, and don’t open the door to anypony, alright?” “What’s wrong?” The other pony gasped, running in the room shaken. “Do as I tell you to!” Applejack sat stubbornly on her bed, she had thrown that damned letter away. She couldn’t do this anymore. She suddenly heard a knock on her window and turned to see Rainbow Dash peering in. The Earth pony walked up with a sigh and opened the rusty window. “What do you want?” “I want you to get on that train, you know it won’t leave until we’re all on.” Rainbow growled. “If I don’t get on the train? I don’t know what will happen then.” Applejack lied. Rainbow gave a moan. “Listen, we all don’t want to go, but you know we don’t have a choice… unless you want to be dragged out by the guards.” Applejack narrowed her eyes, and then blew a blond strand out of her face. “Let’s go.” They were all silent on the train to Canterlot in the beginning… They had made this trip so many times before, it seemed pointless to stay in Ponyvile. But the Queen demanded they stay there, and so there they stayed. “... This is all your fault.” Rainbow glanced up to see Fluttershy glaring at her from across the aisle. “You don’t know that.” Pinkie rolled her eyes and gave a huff. “Yes, we do. You’re the one who saved us.” “Yeah, you’re welcome for that.” Rainbow growled. “Don’t you get it?” Applejack snarled, snapping her head to the mare. “You could’ve made Twilight think you’re loyal to her! And you know where that would lead us.” “It just felt wrong to leave you all… I know that deep down, you all felt something when you did your part, and that wasn’t joy.” The others couldn’t look at her, they didn’t want to let her think she was right. “Personally, I don’t care if it feels wrong, I still get things out of greed.” Rarity sighed softly with a tiny grin as she admired herself in her mirror. “Look on the bright side darlings, our families are safe, our town is safe, and most importantly, we’re safe, as long as we obey her, we’ve known that since we were children.” “When we were children, we had ponies who loved us.” Pinkie whispered sadly. They all looked surprised at the mare’s sudden words and turned to her. “After all, how can they love the ponies that bring this on them?” Pinkmenia smirked in deranged sadness. Suddenly, the train screeched to a hault and they all didn’t care to look at the guards that were waiting to escort them to her.