//------------------------------// // Bye, Bye Love // Story: Surviving Sand Island // by The 24th Pegasus //------------------------------// Rainbow stared up at the sight before her in awe. Where once a beautiful unicorn had stood, a stunning white siren now lay curled up on the stones. Rarity’s transformation had been both horrifying and mesmerizing as her body shifted and rippled at the behest of Melody’s magic, and Rainbow hadn’t been able to look away. Every detail of that transformation had been seared into her brain, and she knew she’d never forget it. But now the metamorphosis was over, and she had to admit, Rarity was beautiful, even as a siren. Though Rainbow felt really small, weak, and vulnerable between two sirens, even if one was her marefriend, she was in awe of Rarity’s new form. Her ivory coat had been replaced with an equivalent set of snowy white scales, glistening more so than glittering like Melody’s in the silver light of the magical torches. It reminded Rainbow of a sheet of ice on a winter’s morning, and coupled with the tall, royal purple fins protruding from Rarity’s neck, back, and tail, the effect was something akin to looking upon royalty. If she didn’t know better, Rainbow would have thought she was expected to bow before her. As beautiful as Rarity’s siren body was, however, it wasn’t without its blemishes and imperfections. Rarity’s scars and missing ear had translated onto her new draconian face, with a deep ridge of damaged scales cutting down over her eye, and one of her new, sharp ears was still missing entirely. On top of that, the green gem sticking out of her chest didn’t quite fit with the white and purple color scheme the rest of her body had adopted—even Rainbow could tell as much. But apart from that, it was very difficult to find anything visually to complain about on Rarity’s figure. Even her sword-like teeth meshed in perfect alignment, though Rarity tended to keep her mouth idly open instead of let the razors in her mouth rest around her gums. She also kept flicking her tongue up to the inside of her beak, and Rainbow knew the hard protrusion around her nose and the front of her mouth was bothering her. But then again, what wasn’t bothering the poor mare, so suddenly yanked out of her natural equine form and into something more reptilian and alien in nature? “This is so strange,” Rarity said, looking her body over. “Everything feels so wrong and so right at the same time!” “Your mind is equine but you have a siren’s heartstone in your chest,” Melody said. “The body feels at home but your mind doesn’t.” “Will that… go away?” Rarity slapped her tail on the stone a few times, listening to the sound it made with her new ears. “It’s very disorienting.” “Given enough time as a siren, I’m sure it will,” Melody assured her. “What’s the biggest difference? I’m somewhat curious, I have to admit.” “Apart from the size difference?” Rainbow asked, her eyes sliding between the two sirens. Though Rarity wasn’t anywhere near as large as Melody, she was still roughly three quarters her size, and much, much larger than a pony. Rainbow wondered if that had something to do with the size of the heartstone they’d used for the transformation. At least that meant Rarity wasn’t too enormous. Rainbow could deal with that, as awkward as it would be. “The size difference is certainly one thing,” Rarity said. “Perhaps the biggest thing is my senses. Everything just feels sharper and more detailed. I don’t think my eyesight has ever been clearer, the same for my sense of smell. And my hearing! I feel like I’ve spent my entire life with my head in the dirt, listening to the muffled sounds coming through the ground.” “Even with a missing ear?” Rainbow asked. Rarity touched the wound with a cleft hoof. “Yes, even with that. Though I’m surprised I still have my injuries. You couldn’t fix that, Melody?” “Not without a lot more work,” Melody said. “I just reshaped your existing body through the heartstone into a siren’s body. I’d need to add things like your ear on my own, and I don’t know if I could really pull that off.” Rarity huffed, and Rainbow could tell she was a little bit disappointed by that answer. “Oh well. I suppose it can’t be helped. Even missing an ear there, my hearing is still much better than it was when I still had two functioning pony ears.” “A lot of your everything is much better than when you were a pony,” Melody said. She smirked and winked at Rainbow. “Sirens are just better.” “I bet you couldn’t fly as fast as me if I really got going,” Rainbow countered. “I know you can fly somehow, but not as fast as a pegasus.” “You can’t shape reality with your voice.” Rainbow fidgeted. “Well, no…” “I think I’ll be able to settle this debate in some time,” Rarity said with a bemused, toothy grin. “I’m starting to like this more by the second.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Just wait until you realize you’re too big to fit inside a door.” “I’m sure there’s a song for that.” Rarity shifted her focus back to Melody. “You need to teach me some songs. I want to try doing things with my voice!” “You’ll probably need to collect some magic first,” Melody said. “And you have a green heartstone, so you’ll draw from loneliness and homesickness like me. But that’s something we can worry about later. You’ll be fine for the time being.” “Right.” Rarity nodded her scaly head. “So, I suppose we should get started, then?” “That’s probably a good idea,” Rainbow said. “So, Melody, you’re just gonna take Rares down deep into the temple and get the statuette thingy?” “If it’s that simple, which I doubt it will be,” Melody said. “What will you do in the meanwhile? Wait for us to get back?” “I think I’ll rally the crew and wait for your return,” Rainbow said. “It’ll probably help if I have some time to warn them that they’re going to get visited by two sirens shortly.” “That would certainly frighten anypony,” Rarity said. “Especially if one of the two was recently a pony until a few hours ago.” “So, that’s settled, then,” Melody said. “Rarity, I’ll take you down into the tomb after I bring Rainbow back to the surface. I’ll give her the unicorn statuette, and then we can once we’re done, we can all meet up again. What island were you all at? The archipelago?” Rainbow shook her head. “No, the east island. With the lagoon and the hill?” “I know the one,” Melody said. “The acoustics there are better than most other places on the islands. I like to use it for working on new songs. It gives me a better feel on how my notes are shaping up.” “I can show her exactly where to go,” Rarity said. “Once I figure out how to swim, I guess.” “It’ll come naturally. Trust me,” Melody said. “Especially if you’ve done this once before, like you said.” “True enough.” “Right, so that’s settled then,” Rainbow said. Then, shuddering, she looked askance at Melody. “Let me just mentally prepare myself for the return trip, and then we can go. I’d ask Rarity to do it, but her head’s a lot smaller than yours.” Rarity giggled. “That would certainly be a spin on our relationship, wouldn’t it?” she said. “So long as you don’t get into friggin’ stuff like vore…” Rainbow grumbled. She fluttered up to Rarity and hesitated a few tail lengths away from her marefriend’s beak. “Gosh, this is awkward.” She drifted a little bit closer and kissed Rarity’s beak, right between her nostrils, and apologetically smiled back at her. “I’d rather you didn’t try to kiss me back with that thing… no offense.” Rarity rolled slitted eyes and leaned forward, letting Rainbow embrace her scaly muzzle instead. “I’d be wary, too,” she admitted. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back to normal before you know it.” “I certainly hope so. Otherwise I’ll feel like I’m starring in an award winning movie or something.” She nuzzled Rarity’s beak, then flew over to Melody. “I’ll see you in a bit.” “See you, darling,” Rarity said, kneading her cloven hooves together. “Hopefully with the final statuette in tow.” “Hopefully…”