The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer

by ratedoni

Interlude: Redbone

For many, the battlefield would be as scary as it could be possible, with the danger of death and destruction being a very real possibility considering big battlefields were chaotic and could create mayhem the likes Lordran haven’t seen in centuries, maybe even millennia. Probably the last real war the land had seen was against the dragons and that some time ago, considering Oolacile was basically yesterday in comparison with the dragons and everlasting trees.

She didn’t hate the battlefield, she thrived in it after all, or she used to do before she became what she was currently; it was in a way what she had originally done, kill anything and destroy anything in the name of darkness and her ‘father’, well, that haven’t gone the way her father had envisioned, which got a good laugh from her once she realized that she had shown a middle finger to destiny and all that. It was just her luck that destiny got the last laugh; more ironical was the fact it got its revenge on the day of her wedding.

She liked battle and now that technically speaking she was one of the good guys and that she was beating down things that for all purposes had to be death, that deserved to be death even, well, she had very little compunctions to leave them be. Her hair being up and once more wearing tight black clothes, she enjoyed battling, it was one of the few things she enjoyed these days. Since she had woken up in the middle of nothing, which was indeed nothing considering she was basically floating among starts and the like, she had only let herself go with the current. One minute she was getting married, the next she disappeared, then she was back, just… not entirely right.

Ranma had tried to explain to her what had happened to them, but she stopped listening due to the convoluted and massive amount of techno babble that had been thrown at her. It was ironic, the fact that Green, from all people, ended up becoming one of the smartest creatures in the multiverse; apparently Ranma had the theory that after ‘awakening’ due to Mother’s powers, they always returned changed in an ironic way. White and her gentle, elegant way; Blue had become almost silent, completely different to the usual monks at her temple; Golden apparently haven’t changed that much, but considering she was the one that talked the less, she could only take Green’s words for it.


Oh how she hated that word, she hated it so much that when she killed one of the Oolacile monsters she almost slashed it in half due to how mad she became due to it; she had to tone it down, they were trying to not call too much attention after all.

The word ‘Mother’ had never had good connotations for her; while Green still had good memories of her own, despite the problems due to her previous curse, Red didn’t have good memories of her own, not that the way their relationship ended as anything better, after all, she had ended up impaling her with an arrow; so yeah, being tortured all her childhood just so she could become the perfect weapon didn’t make her exactly a fan of the word Mother, no matter how much Ranma praised it for their awakening into the multiverse. Hey, if it allowed her to have a real wedding AND a true wedding night, she was all for it.

Ducking under one claw, Red finally returned to the battlefield, after all, this was easy, these monsters were easy, she was after all waiting for the real monster that brought these things from the past, or maybe created them again. Whoever it was, it definitely smelled of the void; it was an ever bigger stench that the stupid serpents. It was a smell that clinged to you, trying to pull you down until you became one with it, until your body turned into ashes and your mind was lost, and a stench that was slowly encircling this world and many others.

So killing monsters, being in battlefield and stopping the end of reality itself. Who says you cannot have fun with your job? Now, if only she could find whoever thought it was a good idea to bring these things into the path, well, she will gladly put a knife between its eyes and if it was the serpent’s meddling even better, she always wanted serpent skin boots.