The Lone hunter

by Viper Pit

chapter 4 edited

Waking up was extremely cozy inside my makeshift den as Barbra had pulled the materials out of what she calls a Dryer which makes things warm somehow. At any rate, I'm hungry as it has been a while since I have had anything to eat.

"When was that? I think it was those changelings I had before the giants found me, and that was about what number of moons? Gaah I hate numbers they are confusing," I think as my stomach rumbles. Leaving my den, I start sniffing to find some food.

Following the scent of something rather different than anything I smelled. It didn't smell of magic or changeling instead it was something lighter? I think that would be a good way of saying it. I manage to get out of the very weird tree with the help of my pin missile spell to break down the moving wall that Servent and Barbra use all the time.

Once outside I followed the scent for a good while as I pass by various buildings, houses, or whatever they are called until I pick up the scent of the changeling and it smells fresh so I instantly change course and start following that scent. The changeling's scent was very erratic often doubling back on itself or going in circles being very familiar with the tactic I stay true to the path that this prey went... I think this meal crossed did this so much that I honestly think I spent a good chunk of the day just walking in circles trying to find the right way to go.

"You are going to taste so good when I find you," I growl as I eventually come across a rather strange building it looked nothing like anything I have seen before. I would describe it but I have nothing to describe it with. It is like trying to describe a color you really can't.

Going inside the building I notice that I can't smell anything apart from the light scent from earlier. "SUPRISE!!!" A loud eruption of noise so I naturally did what any Scorpony would do. I fired off my Pin missile spell in front of me in sheer panic.

No, I did not scream like a kit and don't believe what anypony else says I did not scream for my mommy.

"Umm, what the buck just happened?" I hear somepony say and I look from under my hooves. I see a blue giant with lots of colors, a pink giant that looks a little overweight, Servant, Fluttershy, and the orange giant with the good looking brother.

"Viper had a bad reaction I'll talk to her and you guys start cleaning up." Servant said as the others nodded and went to do stuff. "Hey Viper are you alright."

"I'm fine thank you very much." I puffed my chest to show that I wasn't scared at all.

"Alright so, I know you were scared," Figures Servant would know, the chubby pink giant was in the middle of de-pinning the bakery as we talked "and it's kind of Pinkies fault for just assuming you'd wouldn't get scared by a surprise, but your reaction could use some work, usually it's scream, see what it is, then attack if it's appropriate,"

"Hey, My reactions are from years of experience that just doesn't go away." I snap causing her to flinch. "Now explain what the buck is going on here." Everypony gasped for some reason. "What?"

"Umm, Viper can you not use buck like that its rather rude." Servant then turned to the others and bowed. "I'm sorry everypony but Viper doesn't know any better." The others started whispering. "But I will get her ready for pony society it will just take some time to teach her is all." For whatever ancestral reason they all seem happy with that. Why? I couldn't tell you.

"Well as entertaining as this was I'm leaving." I then go to leave.

"PINKIE DON'T." only to feel something grab my tail and I instantly turn and bite whatever grabbed my tail. I see it's the pink one and she looks surprised. "I tried to warn you she doesn't like her tail touched." Servant then flicks my nose causing me to sneeze.

"Wow she has a hecka set of choppers." The pink one says as she lets go to tend to the bite mark on her arm. She wasn't bleeding as I don't have sharp teeth but it will bruise.

I leave and go to find my own food and water. "I don't need those giants taking care of me any way." I say as I sniff the air to try and find that changeling scent from earlier. No luck all I smell is the sweetness of the pink one, blowing my nostrils I keep walking.

"I'm a stong predator and don't need no help...outside of finding a mate." I tell myself.

"A mate you say?" I give a sigh as I turn to see another giant. This one was black with white patches of fur along her body. She also had "I'm down for a good time as much as the next pony but finding a 'mate' mite be a little hard for one of your kind." She says casually as some other giant just tries (and fails) to sneak away.

"I still gotta find someone. Servant says I'm something called a 'endangered species', whatever that means," I huff.

This new giant just nods. "Lets talk. I know a spot near by." She puts on some of the weird stuff that all the Giants seem to have on. Once she's "dressed" I follow her while still sniffing for that potential meal. She takes me to a small hill were she sits down and pats the grass next to her.

"My name is Leech and I'm a jack of all trades kinda mare." She starts once I sit down. I say nothing and I just look at her. "You see hun this is the part were you tell me about yourself."

"I'm me and a predator of changelings not much to tell." I reply she seems to smile.

""There you go. It may not be much, but it's a start," she says as she goes to do something to me, but a swift tail placement stops her course of action. "Not much of a hugger. Got it." She pulls back. "But I don't think you are in the right area, as this town is like the pinnacle of craziness. And friendly...? Not much room for somecreature of your diet."

"I'm beginning to see why." I mutter.

"Well let's get you back to the others they are probably worried about you." Leech said as she quickly picked me up. I would of struggled but I was to tired to do so.

What it's been a long day.

Anyway she brings me back to the sweet smelling place were once inside their were a lot less Giants except for a few of them.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" the pink one who I bite early repeated making me uncomfortable.

"Okay I don't know what this "sorry" means, but if it means you submit then you made a wise choice fluffy one." I say as I place my hoof on her leg.

The remaining giants talked for a bit while I just got cozy and tried to relax after today I'm feeling drained.

"Well I better get going if I don't wanna miss my train." Leech said said after a while.

"Have a safe trip." Servant shook her hand and the others all said their goodbyes as I yawned and went to sleep.