Starlight's dream

by Uzlesniz Savage

Starlight's dream

*Earlier this week*.

It was a normal day just walking to my mom's house, still thinking the same thing I do every week, ”this is going to be so boring. All we had to do was walk in to town and have lunch, normal tuesday. She greets me the same way, as usual ”Hey sweetie, hows it going? Met any nice mates lately?” She always had a smile on her face when she said that, and so did I. She always knew the answer but she kept asking.

”no i haven't ma, ive been to busy with work, you know that." We left her house and started to trot down mane st, which for this time of the day was really empty. Then my mom said something that caught me off guard.

"hey, do you think we could go someplace else this week, just to change it up a bit?" I said sure, why not. I thought that it would change nothing, but i was wrong. We reached the intersection of mane st, and celestial avenue, and when i got halfway into the intersection and i noticed something, My mom had stopped to catch her breathe. I turned to face her, no big deal, it was a slow day, and when i wasnt paying attention, a cabbage cart came rolling down celestial avenue. My mom saw it and started jumping at me to get me out of the way. I remember what she said, "starlight, look out!!” I got up, dusted myself off and ran over to see if my mom was okay. I tried to wake her up, but she wouldnt respond. Thats were everything went horribly wrong

*3 days ago*

” I'm sorry to say, but your mother was hit with do much force, that she has fallen into a coma. From the los of the severity of the hit, she may never wake up from this again, I'm truely sorry.” I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mom might not wake up again., this can't be happening.

”Are you sure theres nothing more you can do?” The doctor only nodded in disappointment. ”Can I at least stay with her, Just for now?”

”of course, stay as long as you'd like.” He put his hoof on my shoulder and then left slowly. I really didn't care if he stayed or not, I was just gonna sit there and hold her hoof.

*present day*
I haven't left my mom's side in there days, except to use the restroom, and that's all that's been necessary . Nurse red heart had brought me everything I've needed, wether it be food, drinks, anything.

"Hey mom, how you felling? I'm still here and i want you to know that i will always love you." I would occasionally talk to her, just to keep myself sain. I knew there would be no response, but it just felt right to talk to her.i finally decided that it was time i get some shut-eye and take a nap. I layed there for what felt like a hour with my eyes closed, but i just couldn't fall asleeep. Finally i was about to when a familiar voice rang out threw the room.

"Hello Starlight, how is she doing today? A better question would probably be how are you feeling today." She snickered a little bit at her little joke, but i just jumped up out of my seat. I almost knocked over my water and practically scared princess celestia half to death.

"Princess, how are you? Im fine, just a little tired is all. Thanx for asking."

"Im doing fine, thank you. How is your mother doing? Anything new with her." She sounded calm, and truely, it was kind of soothing.

"She's fine, nothing new. I just wish she could talk to me so i could knows it's going to be alright."

"But starlight, you heard what the doctor said. She might not wake up from this, and if she doesn't, then your going to have to move on with you life. Listen sweetheart, I've had many a pupils throughout my long life, but by far twilight was my favorite. And some day, there will be another just like her, and i will have to move on as well. I think for the sake of us all it would be best that she not suffer any longer."

I couldnt believe what i was hearing. How could she say i should pull the plug on her? I couldnt do that to her, i loved her to much. "Princess celestia, i dont think i could pull the plug yet. She still might wake up and if she does everything will be backto normal." All she could do was look at me and feel nothing but sorrow.

"Starllight, i think its time, but its up to you. I'll leave you to get some sleep, okay?

"Thank you princess, i'll call you if anything changes." She nodded her head and then did something she had never done to me before. She gave me a hug, and it felt right. I always thought of her as kind of a grandmother figuree., but i never got a hug before. It felt nice, just like my mom had given me. She ended the hug and then walked out of the room, and once i could no longer hear her hoofsteps i looked at the clock. It read 5:02 pm and i noticed something. That was the time my mom said i was born at, so i shut my eyes and started to drift off.

"Starlight...." i was awoken by the sweet sound of my mom's voice. But thats impossible, how could she be talking to me. " your eyes sweet heart." Thats definitely her voice. My eyes shot open and there. Tthere on the edge of the bed sat a mare. That mare was my mom, twilight.

"Mom, is that really you?" I had to know if it was real so i got up to touch her.

"Yes, well sot of. Im lying on the bed right there, but your dreaming right know. I'm. Actually in you dream, so. How you feeling honey?" Her voiced flowed and almost made me cry.

"I'm doing fine now that i can talk to you. But why are you doing this?"

"Im doing this because your not think rationally. The doctor said i might wake up, but i can tell you now that its my time to pass on."

"No, you cant. What will i do without you?"

"Grow older, find a nice mare and have fillies. Just like you wanted to when you were younger. You did say you had a crush on pinkie pie's daughter didnt you?"

"Well, ya, but she wouldn't go out with a guy like me."

"Trust me on this darling, she'd love to date you, but thats not why im here. Starlight, it's time to let go and move on."

"But...but i...." i couldnt respond to that. I just couldnt think of anything to say.

"'s time." She repeated and this time, i started crying.

"Alright, i understand." That was all i could manage to get out before i chocked up from the tears.

"I want you to know this starlight. No matter what anypony said, no matter what and dragon, dog, bird, or anything else says, i will always love you. I will love you with all of my heart, and that will never change." She hugged me with all of her might, which i could feel was slipping away in my dream.

"I will always love you too, mom. Good bye" we ended the hug and my mom got off the bed and started to walk towards the door. She turned and blew a kiss towards me and started out the door. She faded away out of the door and the next thing i know is nurse red heart is trying to wake me up.

"Starlight, get up. It's noon!" I opened my eyes to see nurse red heart putting a food tray down for me. " you must eat to keep some stregth with you."

"Nurse.......i think it's time." She gave me a confused look and the looked over at my mom. She understood perfectly now.

"Alright darling. The switch is over there." She pointed to a red switch on the respirator. I walk slowly over to and put my hoof on it. I didnt flip thee switch, not just yet. I turned to my mom and said:

"Goodbye twilight sparkle, i love you mom." And with that, i flipped the switch and the room went silent. All the machines shut down and everything turned off. I only let one lone tear roll down my cheek, and thats all

"Your a good son, starlight. That took alot of love."

"Thanx nurse red heart. Your a good friend. There's just one more thing i gotta do." I walked over to the phone and dialed the private number of princess celestia.

"Hello?" She had picked up.

"Yes, princess celestia? It's starlight. She's left us....."