//------------------------------// // A Beautiful New Chapter. // Story: A Different View 7: A Beautiful New View. // by Polaris Solarmoon //------------------------------// [A Beautiful New Chapter.] Alternative Universes work in all sorts of different ways, not one universe is the same, however there are a select few that are nearly similar like the Different View Universe, a world where myself and my friends are swapped around, I've been studying this world for a few months now and I believe that I have learned all I can about that world and now I want to see the other universes that are out there and thanks to the "Universe Swap Spell" that Glitter Brightstar taught me, I can! -Princess Twilight Sparkle (Polaris Solarmoon presents: A Different View 7: ABeautiful New View.) "It's is almost ready, I've finally mastered the universe swap spell that Glitter taught me, now all I have to do make sure that my preparations are in order before I cast it." A certain purple Alicorn says to herself as she was getting ready to test out the universe swap spell again. "Hey Twilight? I got the book you asked me. " Spike says as he runs in with a book in hand. "Thanks Spike, okay time to test this spell again. Stand back Spike." Twilight says as she preps the universe swap spell. "Be careful Twilight." Spike said. "Oh don't worry Spike I'll be fine, What's the worst thing that could happen? " Twilight says right before she casts the spell. "I was afraid she'd say that.." Spike mutters to himself before the room was bathed in a bright purple light. When the light faded, Twilight was gone. When Twilight recovers from casting the spell, she finds herself still within her castle except now it was really messy. "What happened here? I better clean this up" Twilight says as she starts cleaning up the mess. As she does a purple Alicorn walks in and sees her cleaning up. "Hi,Hi! You new, I "Twi-Twi" !" the unicorn apparently named "Twi-Twi" said. "Oh um hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle. You must be my counterpart here." Twilight says to "Twi-Twi" who had simply tilted her head to the side. "*giggles* you talk funny, do you wanna pway with me? " Twi says cheerfully. "Sorry, I can't right now, I'm looking for whoever is the Element of Magic in this world." Twilight said. "Aww, okay. You go to Prisma she really smart." Twi said. "Prisma? Okay I'll go check, thank you *snickers to self* "Twi-Twi"." Twilight says before leaving. "Bye!" Twi says cheerfully. Twilight then leaves the castle and starts to look around for any other residents of this world but for some reason nothing else seems to have changed from her own world until she finds... "Rainbow Dash!? " Twilight says as she spots said pony walking around. "Huh? Wait, Twilight!? Is that really you!? " Rainbow Dash said. "Yes it's me, what happened to you!? We were all looking for you!" Twilight said. "I don't know, I just found myself here a while ago, I thought you were all playing a prank on me! " Rainbow Dash said . "We already did that a few weeks ago Rainbow, come on let's get you home." Twilight says but right before she casts her spell she was stopped by a pegasus who looked a bit like Fluttershy. "Hold it Purple! Noponies taking Rainy anywhere or else their gonna have to deal with me!" the pegasus said. "It's okay, I'm her friend Twilight Sparkle. " Twilight said. "Yeah,cool it Whisper! " Rainbow Dash said. "Oh, sorry 'bout that Purple, thought you were that Glitter Brightstar girl, she came here and took Prisma someplace." Whisper said. "What!? We have got to go find her! " Twilight says as she preps the universe swap spell. "Awesome I'm comin' too! You comin' as well Rainy? " Whisper said. "Yeah I'm coming." Rainbow Dash said. "Cool let's go! " Whisper says as Twilight uses the universe swap spell. After the spell was cast the three mares found themselves in Glitter Brightstar's home along side Prisma. "Oh goodness! Who are you two?" Prisma says as they appered near her. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and this is Rainbow Dash." Twilight said. "What lovely names, I am Prisma Rainbowing. But you may call me Prisma for short, I am a world famous author, poet and fashionista." Prisma said. Twilight was about to say something but she was interrupted by the door opening. "Oooo! You made it! And here I thought you all would be late!" Glitter Brightstar says as she bounces inside her home. "You! Give back Prisma or I give you a knuckle sandwich!" Whisper said. "But that's Prism Shine..." Glitter Brightstar said. "I have told you already that my name is Prisma not Prism!" Prisma said. Glitter Brightstar: I'm so sorry Prisma, can you forgive me? Prisma thought about it for a little while before eventually forgiving Glitter and letting her bring herself , Whisper Wing,Twilight and Rainbow back home. "I'm so glad to be back home, Thank you Glitter Brightstar." Prisma says as she walks to her home. "Your welcome Prisma, again I'm really sorry for taking you away from your home like that, I really thought you were Prism Shine." Glitter Brightstar said. "Don't not worry Miss Glitter you're forgiven and besides I actually had some fun on my little trip." Prisma says before she hugs Glitter. "Farewell until we meet again." She then says before leaving. Glitter Brightstar simply says her goodbyes as well and then returns to her world with the knowledge that not only has she now made a new friend but to not try to take someone who looks like a friend of yours from there world without permission, Glitter made sure to return Twilight and Rainbow home as well so she was really tired when she got back from her adventure, she then goes home and can rest happy knowing that she was forgiven in the end... *one long explanation later* "And that's what happened." Rainbow Dash says to her friends after telling them of her adventure. "Oh my, I'm just happy your home Rainbow, We were worried about you." Fluttershy said. "Fluttershy's right dear. You could've gotten hurt." Rarity said. "I could've handled myself." Rainbow Dash said. "Oh really now? Care to test that theory?" Glitter Brightstar says in a dark threatening tone as she suddenappears next to Rainbow. "n-no..." Rainbow Dash says nervously. "That's what I thought" Glitter Brightstar says before Giggling. [The End...?]