Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 1: Savannah

"Only a fool fears that which is different or unknown."

He sat up rapidly and breathed hard, sucking in a lungful of air as if starved for oxygen. Slowing his breathing down, the figure closed his eyes from the piercing glare of the sun as it set, choosing to instead just listen to his surroundings.

Eyes opening and scanning the surrounding land all he could see was tall grass that bent and swayed in the breeze with the occasional acacia tree, this was not the desert of the valley he had become accustomed too. Standing on shaky legs as if they had been asleep for too long he turned slowly and took in his surroundings trying to figure out what had happened and how he had wound up on the other side of the world.

Not that he minded, everything was gone now.

A rough dirt trail wound its way through the grass and moved off into the distance, disappearing over the curve of the earth. Walking to the trail and staring off first one way then another a debate began to form as to which way to go: left or right.

Turning left and walking down the trail it was obvious few traveled it but hooves had passed along it going left at some point along with a few wagons that had forced down the grass at their passing. With any luck they would not be that far ahead of him yet and within a little luck either catch up to them or follow the tracks to somewhere other than the middle of nowhere.

With the sun dipping low new concerns began to rise as the mind settled itself: this was the Savannah and that meant everything that came with it. Not even a knife was on his person, only the clothes he had been wearing that day which would not be enough if anything decided to snack on him that night.

Picking up the pace in the hopes the travelers were not too far ahead of him he hurried onward along the trail before the sun could set. Perhaps fortune favored him in some way though for there was a lack of animal noises which suited him just fine: so long as whatever lived out here was somewhere else those that fed on them would be elsewhere as well.

Legs faltered sometime later as the sun suddenly dipped below the horizon and a moon moved clearly into view. This sudden change of day and night brought any movement to a halt as his head looked up trying to figure out what had happened.

A distant cackle brought his mind back to the world around him. Though he had never seen or heard that sound in the living flesh he recognized it: hyenas. There was some silver lining to the sound however as it was far and distant, barely a whisper and upwind of him at that in the opposite direction he was traveling. Unless they could see him it was unlikely they would know he was there.

Bright silvery light lit up the landscape making it easy to travel despite being night. Some would say now was the time to stop and make a fire, settle in for the night and get your bearings but the opposite was true in this case.

Too many questions, not enough answers and without a weapon of any kind would make it very hard to stave off a hungry predator without risking a great deal. Fire? Yes, rub two sticks together and pray that you cause enough friction that something catches and burns if you are lucky. No, there would be no fire tonight not that he had ever really bothered to try such primitive means, instead it was wiser to chase down the wagons while he had the chance.

Fire also brought unwanted attention contrary to popular belief be it friendly or otherwise and since he was one and "they" tended to travel in packs...

Also with the sun down the heat had begun to settle and was replaced with the cool breeze from behind that meant traveling farther and faster than in the blazing heat of the day without water, the night was his best opportunity to make for time without burning up.

It is impossible to tell the time at night, only fatigue and tripping slightly on the occasional rock broke the monotony of the hurried pace being kept, the bent stalks of grass that had been crushed down by passing wagon wheels had a "glow" to them in the moonlight and as time had passed they were laying flatter and flatter meaning he was catching up to whoever he was chasing.

Ears straining to pick up the slightest sound yielded nothing and eyes focused forward rarely did the figure look behind to see if anything was following. An eternity would pass before the first flicker of hope appeared in the distance: a small glow.

Fire. Someone had built a fire in the distance and moving faster to close the gap it was some time before additional fires became apparent along with shadowy figures moving about or sitting.

Slowing the pace new concerns came to mind: he had no idea who was around those fires, considering the part of the world he was in that could bode very well or very ill.

Deciding on caution he kept to the trail as the distance between them closed, two were standing on the outskirts of the camp keeping watch but had not seen him yet, strangely enough one carried a spear and shield. Getting closer their hushed voices could be heard on the wind but little else, as luck would have it the sentry that had been "watching" his direction moved off to look elsewhere as he got closer.

Three wagons had been pulled up and were loaded with large clay pots, jars and other supplies, most that he could see carried no weapons as most were left leaning again the wagons.

What struck him as the gap finally closed however was that they were all zebras, zebras that walked upright, talked, cooked, argued and even a few wore clothes. A few. Most wore little to nothing and those that did dressed in tattered rags for the most part, one wore nothing but a brown cloak tugged around his body to ward off the "cold."

Too many questions and not enough answers. Answers they held and he needed, now was not the time to be picky.

Figuring one of them would spot him long before his arrival at the edge of their camp, he was let down somewhat when the "sentry" failed to notice him at all. Most were too busy with their little bowls of food or the cooking pots as they finished off their dinner, nearby two were using a rope to bring water up from a well.

Standing at the edge of their camp and just out of the light he let out a sigh then stepped forward before letting out a loud cough.


Heads snapped in his direction as eyes widened, bowls fell from hands save a few but it had been the ones yelp about bandits that made him twitch, it was insulting but also a good sign: he somehow understood their language. A mass scramble began for the wagons and weapons as others jumped up ready for a fight.

One of the larger zebras leveled a spear at him.

"We not paying you for safe passage. Piss off!" His voice was deep and baritone as he motioned with the tip of his spear.

Eyes narrowed but he held his ground despite the threat and growing number of armed zebras that huddled close to the wagons, one of them had a knobbed throwing stick raised and ready for flight but instead he focused on the one that remained apart from the rest of them dressed in nothing but a raggedy loin cloth.

He was a giant of a zebra compared to the rest at some seven feet tall and built like a brick dog house. Locking the gaze neither moved for a minute but he decided there was at least one way of calming things down without having to leave: he sat down near one of the fires.

"I am not a bandit, lost actually... Been following your wagon trail since before nightfall and was hoping you could tell me where exactly I am and what you are..."

Taking a quick look around the zebra looked him over carefully before motioning another well armed zebra. Approaching they sat nearby and watched for a moment.

"Dis trail leads to Madinat Alzamard, many days travel that way." The zebra pointed off into the darkness. "We are Wete (Weh-Teh) tribe, what are you?"

"Zebras of the Wete tribe... I am Verik, no tribe."

One zebra had scooted off slightly to one side, no doubt one of the sentries was probably standing somewhere directly behind him by now but they had not attacked yet so that accounted for something.

"What are you?"

Verik debated answering that one but decided to brush it off. "That is up for philosophical debate but I am me and that is all that matters, so who are you?"

"I am Sefu (Seh-Fu)."

A long pause held in the air as they continued to stare at each other.

"Sefu... As you can see I have nothing but the clothes on my back and the boots on my feet, I could use a little help in trying to figure all of this out..."

"You ask many questions."

"Yes I do, so would you were the roles reversed."

The cluster of other zebras were getting bored with the slow conversation and began to filter back to their spots in the camp. Soon water was being brought up again and after a couple of minutes staring at each other another walked up and nudged Sefu.

Standing he retreated to a log he had been sitting on and placing his weapons close at hand but kept a close eye on Verik as others began going back to eating or trying to sleep. The one who had nudged Sefu sat down along with two others that had taken a little interest.

"I am Zuberi (Zoo-Berry), that is my sister Zuri (Zoo-Ree), we are responsible for the caravan. Sefu, he is responsible for our protection. You are lost then yes? Where are you from?"

Drawing quickly on the ground a rough map of the region was presented and Zuberi pointed.

"I think that I have traveled a great deal farther than this so could you tell me what continent I am on?" Verik shook his head as he looked over the rough depiction.

"Zebrica. Eastern Zebrica, are you from Saddle Arabia?"

Names that went clear over his head but rang with familiarity, Verik shook his head before muttering to himself about impossibilities and different planets but his audience just looked at each other curiously without understanding.

"Verik... Maybe you tell us how you got here, yes?"

Closing his eyes and shaking his head he let out a sigh. "I have no idea how I got here Zuberi, I woke up on the Savannah... That is what this is called correct?" Zuberi nodded. "I woke up before nightfall, I have no memory of how I got here."

Suspicion was clearly written on their faces as they exchanged looks, Zuri stood and walked over and squatting beside Verik looked his head over carefully before looking at her brother and shaking her head.

"Maybe a potion."

It was hard not to keep looking at her as she had walked over then away as the only things she wore were a few strips of cloth to cover specific bits of her body, her neck had a bronze ring around it and her brother was one of the few that wore actual "clothing" if a pair of "shorts" was the standard.

"Potion?" Verik looked at Zuri curiously.

"Yes, maybe someone give you potion, make you forget."

"Must pack quite the punch."

"Many, many potions, do many things. Good and bad..."

Sefu let out a cough having never taken his eyes off Verik making the others turn for a moment before Zuberi continued.

"Yes, yes... Never mind him... Hmm... You help us we take you with us and maybe you find way home yes?"

Verik let out a small laugh that made them exchange confused looks.

"I think I would be better off here."

"So you remember where you are from?"

"Oh yes. Very well then Zuberi, I accept your offer."

Zuberi smirked a moment before nodding.

"Not that you had much choice though Mmm?"

"One always has a choice Zuberi, always, even if they are bad ones."

Zuberi chuckled before standing and walking away while Zuri followed quickly leaving only the younger mare still squatting and staring at him. Dressed in rotting rags that exposed more than it hid, a slanted "skirt" with enough holes and tears in it to leave little to the imagination Verik eyed the young zebra mare right back.

Two stripes came down from under her eyes and ran under the jawline but more than anything she had the most pretty emerald eyes.

When they had heard the cough from the side of the camp a few had glanced up but when Eshe (Eh-She) yelled "bandit" a panic had started which led to a stampede for the wagons to grab weapons that Sefu had warned them were better kept closer at hand not that they had listened.

Racing into the safety of the cluster they grabbed anything at hand and realizing that she had drawn the short end of the stick wound up with a heavy walking stick. Fear however was quickly replaced as the figure walked to a fire and sat down quietly, Sefu talked to him for a bit while a sentry stalked through the grass and was ready to lunge onto them from behind but did not.

What a strange creature. Pale skinned, flat, reddish mane that was tied back and a large beard it talked for a time and the cluster of zebras waited in hushed silence as the two conversed. Tall to, not as tall as Sefu at seven-two but still quite tall.

It was lost, had tracked them in the dead of night without any issue what so ever and then got past the two sentries granted no one really trusted Bwnai to keep watch and thus he got first watch while everyone was still awake.

Sefu had largely lost interest after the first few minutes, it was clear this unarmed thing was not a bandit, it was dressed far too well to be a bandit. It wore actual clothing. Clean, undamaged clothing! Watching the caravan master nudge Sefu away she took her chance and joined them at the fire and squatting kept staring at the odd creature.

Occasionally it would glance her way, eyes darting over her before moving back to Zuberi, waiting for them to loose interest she closed the gap a little when they left.

"You hungry?"

Verik stared at the zebra a moment before motioning with his hands, her voice was feminine but somewhat deep flowing almost like honey. There was a little confusion at first as she studied his motion before it clicked and retrieving two bowls from the wagon she plopped a few scoops of mush into it and gave it to him before going and filling the bowl with water.

"What is this?"

He poked at the mush with small red beans in it.

"Ugali and beans. Filling. Travel food."

He stared into the bowl a minute before tipping the bowl towards his mouth and with some effort shook some of the goop out.


"Very good, but who are you?"

She smiled a moment after hearing his compliment.

"Asha (Ah-Shah). What are you? Traveler? You dress very well..." She reached out and began touching his shirt and pants with a degree of wonder. "Must be very rich to afford this and such large, heavy boots for your hooves."

"I have feet not hooves and no I am not rich, broke actually, always have been. Laborer, for whatever pitiful pay came my way, I preferred to study history and philosophy though."

"Your a scholar? You know how to read and write?"

"Yes... Cant you?"

Asha shook her head. "Sefu, Zuberi, Zuri and a few others in tribe know how, most do not."


She shrugged. "Dont know."

"You ever try to learn?"

"No time, always running..." Stopping herself she quickly looked up. "You travel with us now yes?"

"Yes. You are very curious..." Verik watched as she kept poking at his boots while others watched and quietly chuckled amongst themselves at the spectacle.

"So strange, you tell me more tomorrow, now we sleep."

Verik watched quietly as Asha pulled a dusty reed mat over and laid down facing away from him. Looking around the camp most of the others had already gone to sleep but Sefu was still sitting on his log with a bored expression as he kept staring.

"How did you get past the sentries..."

"He walked away."

Sefu glared a moment before standing up and disappearing into the darkness, moments later there was a loud slap and yelp. Some yelling and arguing later he came back and roused another zebra and sent them off into the dark before laying down himself.

Laying back on the grass and staring up at the starry sky Verik pondered his predicament if it could be considered one, true he was on an alien world that was clearly obvious but neither was he in any great danger. Bandits? Depending on where you went back on earth you could face far worse.

Something or someone had given him a new start, a chance to not only get away from it all but also the greatest chance anyone had ever been given: the chance at a new life on a new world.