//------------------------------// // One Cool Cat // Story: After The Storm // by Bluecatcinema //------------------------------// The streets of Canterlot were often subject to the hustle and bustle of multiple ponies going about their business. The damage from the Storm King's invasion had left no lasting impact, so life had quickly returned to normal in Equestria's capital. Except for one morning, where an usual being walked the streets, and his name was Capper. Being the only bipedal creature in the area, he naturally got a few odd looks from ponies as he passed. But most onlookers recognized him as one of the heroes from outside Equestria who had helped Twilight and her friends fend off the Storm King. "Mornin', folks." Capper waved pleasantly as he passed by. "Nice day, isn't it?" Some ponies waved back, while others politely stepped aside to allow him to pass by, guessing that he had returned to Canterlot for some important matter. And they were correct. Capper was in Canterlot to discuss trade agreements between Equestria and Klugetown. True to her word, Twilight had brought up the matter with Celestia. And, not long after finding himself as the unofficial new leader of Klugetown, Capper had received word via mail that the Princesses would like to discuss the matter of trade with them. Several more letters were exchanged, Capper making it clear that he was the closest thing to an authority figure the town had, which had quickly led to a request for him to come to Canterlot and discuss matters. So, having utilized a small airship (that had once belonged to Verko), Capper had made his way to Canterlot, and was making a beeline for the Princesses' castle. While Capper couldn't be more pleased at the idea of building better relations with Equestria, the idea that he would be the one to help build those relations was more than a little overwhelming. 'When did I suddenly become a diplomat?' Capper thought to himself as he made his way through the streets, the castle in sight. 'Seems like just yesterday I was a regular, run-of-the-mill con artist, and now look at me... about to talk about some major political business with a couple of Princesses. What if I can't hack it? What if I mess up? Ruin the best chance I have to make things better?' He shook his head, hoping it would rid him of the doubts building up within. 'Won't know 'til I try, I guess...' With each step he took in the direction of the castle, Capper felt like his paws were getting heavier and heavier. If he had been wearing shoes, he would have sworn they were slowly being filled with rocks. Somehow, his current situation seemed more daunting than when he and his new friends were preparing to enact their plans to free Canterlot from the Storm King's control. 'Facing a couple hundred Storm Guards and a gigantic hurricane doesn't seem so bad right now.' Capper cringed. He shook his head again. 'Come on, Capper. You've helped take down an army. Compared to that, this is a piece of cake. ...Right?' Despite his attempts at calming his own frantic mind, Capper was unable to shake off off his mounting thoughts of apprehension. He was able to keep on going for several more steps, the castle getting nearer and nearer, until it all became too much for him. He suddenly stopped, and turned away from the castle. "Why did I even come here?" He said aloud. "I'm no politician. I don't have any business being here..." "Capper?" Capper turned around, seeing the most welcome of Rarity smiling at him. "Well, hello again, Rarity." Capper smiled. "Hello, yourself." Rarity beamed. "So good to see you again, darling." "Not that I'm not glad to see you too, dear lady, but... what are ya doin' here?" Capper asked. "Don't ya live in... Ponyville, is it?" "Indeed I do." Rarity nodded. "However, I do own a boutique here in Canterlot, which I was visiting today in order to help with arrangements for the new fashion season." "So you manage your own fashion store?" Capper asked. "Three stores, if you wish to get technical." Rarity corrected him nonchalantly. "The others are in Ponyville and Manehattan." "Wow." Capper grinned. "A full-fledged fashion empire under your belt. You really are a pony of many talents, milady." "And you're still quite the flatterer." Rarity smiled, fluttering her eyelashes. "Now, may I enquire as to why you are in Canterlot at this time? You're quite far from Klugetown, aren't you?" "That's kind of a long story." Capper answered. "And it sounds like you're busy, so I don't want to take up any more of your valuable time." "I think I can spare a few more minutes." Rarity assured him. "Besides, it never hurts to catch up with an old friend." "Well, if you insist." Capper pretended to shrug, secretly glad of the excuse to delay his journey. Capper quickly informed Rarity of what had happened during his return to Klugetown, and his reasons for being in Canterlot. "...So that's pretty much why I'm here." Capper finished his story. "That is quite a tale." Rarity mused. "Sounds like you've been doing quite well for yourself since we last saw each other." "That's one way of lookin' at it." Capper smiled weakly. "I'm finally outta debt, thanks in no small part to the bags of Bits you were gracious enough to give me." "It was my pleasure." Rarity nodded. "It's good to know you put them to such excellent use." "And with Verko finally out of the picture, everybody in Klugetown no longer has to worry about gettin' ripped off by that oversized rat." Capper smiled. "So it turned out marvellously for all." Rarity noted. "I love a happy ending. Or a new beginning, as it were." "'Beginning' is right." Capper nodded. "Today's just the next step. And it's all resting on my shoulders. Everybody back home's counting on me. Because they all seem to think I'm the one who's gonna make everything better..." "Whatever's the matter, darling?" Rarity asked. "It's... it's nothing." Capper shook his head. "I'm just... being dumb." "Let me be the judge of that." Rarity offered. "Nah, you've got better things to do with your time than listen to me jabberin' on about my problems." Capper politely declined. "Like running that boutique of yours." "The boutique can wait." Rarity said firmly. "Right now, you are my top priority." She placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Now, talk to me. Please." "It's, well... I did not expect any of this." Capper admitted. "After leaving Canterlot, I figured I'd show the rest of Klugetown a little generosity, like you did for me. And now, suddenly, it's like the fate of the entire town is on my shoulders." "And is that such a bad thing?" Rarity asked. "I never asked to be put in charge." Capper frowned. "But it happened anyway. Even if it's not official, it's like everybody's looking to me to lead Klugetown into a bright new future. When I left this morning, there was a whole bunch of 'em in the streets, cheering me on, like I was this big hero. It was almost like they were expecting me to bring back a whole ton of gold and goods. Or at least, come back with the promise of all of that stuff." "They must really think a lot of you to give you such trust." Rarity mused. "Yeah, but... what if I don't deserve that trust?" Capper voiced his worries. "What if I end up making a mess of things, and have to head back home with my tail between my legs, tellin' them that their big hero totally messed up?" His face lit up with panic. "What if they're so disappointed about me messing up that they throw me outta town, like they did Verko?" "...I think we can classify that as the 'worst case scenario'." Rarity deadpanned. "It could happen." Capper frowned. "I like to think I've made some progress on making all the folks back home less selfish and dependant on cash, and more open to sharing what they've got with each other. But it probably didn't hurt that I got on their good sides first by givin' 'em good money and convincing them to get rid of Verko. I can't help but feel like that's all gonna go out the window once I make my first mistake..." "Do you really think they'll reject you?" Rarity pressed. "After all you've done for them?" "They were a pretty fickle bunch, not too long ago." Capper pointed out. "They followed anyone who could get them the most money. Can't expect that to change overnight..." "Perhaps, but they put you in charge - if unofficially - for a reason." Rarity declared. "You showed them a new and better way of doing things." "Only because I had you and your friends' example to go by." Capper pointed out. "You taught me generosity, and the others taught me how to stand up for what's right. If you ponies hadn't wandered into town, I'd still be connin' folks for pawfuls of coins right now." "Well, it's not like you didn't have the chance to return the favor." Rarity pointed out. "We may not have even gotten into Canterlot without your inspired cake ruse." "It felt good to be playing a con for the right reasons." Capper admitted. "But I still stand by my point. None of that would have happened if you hadn't fixed my coat outta the goodness of your heart." "That's the wonderful thing about generosity." Rarity smiled. "It can be spread between others easily. All it takes is one generous act, which will inspire another to commit an act of generosity of their own, and it all grows from there. Look at what you did for the citizens of Klugetown. You showed them what generosity is all about. The only denizen I succeeded in enlightening during our brief stay there was you. But you opened practically all their eyes. I'd say that puts you ahead of me in some respects." "I'll consider that praise from the master." Capper said humbly. "And from the sounds of things, it seems as though you have the makings of being a great leader too." Rarity declared. "Convincing an entire town to rise up against that awful Verko? Now that is impressive." "Well, it's not like I planned all of that or anything." Capper shrugged. "It just kinda... Happened." "Regardless of the circumstances, you led them to make the right choice." Rarity beamed. "Not everyone has it in them to accomplish such a deed." "That's what I'm worried about." Capper frowned. "What if it was just a one-time thing? What if I don't have it in me to keep it going? What if I end up making Klugetown even worse than it was when Verko was running the place?" "No offense, but I highly doubt that's possible." Rarity scoffed. "I know full well that taking charge of others isn't easy." Rarity admitted. "And I too have felt the fear of letting them down." "You do?" Capper asked. "Being the owner of three separate boutiques in three locations, I can honestly say 'yes'." Rarity nodded. "So how do you handle it?" Capper asked. "It wasn't easy at first." Rarity admitted. "In fact, the early days of running the Canterlot Carousel were quite a challenge in themselves..." She chuckled. "But I soon got a handle on things. It just took a little while to get into the groove, as they say. Given time, I'm sure you can do the same." "Well, when you it that way, it sounds so simple." Capper mused. "But that's not the only worry I have right now." "It's not?" Rarity frowned. "I'm also worrying about what'll happen over in Klugetown while I'm out here, talking with the Princesses." Capper admitted. "I can't shake the feeling that things are gonna fall apart over there. Like havin' me around was the only reason they had to try and be better, and they wound up turnin' on each other the second I left?" "I'm sure things are just fine." Rarity smiled. "I also know the worries that develop about what might happen if you aren't around to supervise your employees... or in your case, followers." Rarity continued. "As long as you trust in them to do the right thing, that trust will be rewarded. That's one of the most important traits a true leader can possess: Having faith in those they lead. You must have faith that the citizens of Klugetown will hold on to the values you showed them while you're away." "But how can I be sure?" Capper asked. "Simple." Rarity smiled. "You just have to remember that they have been looking to you for guidance. Guidance that you provided, and they freely listened to. Trust that they'll take that guidance to heart, and they will make you proud." "I'll try." Capper nodded. "But still, trusting them may actually be easier than trusting myself." "It's only natural to doubt oneself every so often." Rarity admitted. "Even I have my doubts when it comes to supervising my boutiques." "Then what's the trick?" Capper asked. "It's tricky, but you need to put those doubts to one side, just long enough to do what needs to be done." Rarity announced. "When there are others counting on you to guide them, you must focus on proving you are worthy of that trust, by attending to the job at hoof, and leading them to success. It's not always easy, but if you can attain your goal, the results will be well worth the effort." It took a moment for Rarity's words to sink in. As they did, a contented smile emerged on Capper's face. "Thank you, my lady." He bowed. "Once again, you've helped me to see the light." "That's what friends do, darling." Rarity smiled. "Besides, generosity isn't only limited to material things. Good advice, and steadfast support, cost nothing, but they can be more valuable than gold." "Boy, aren't those words to live by." Capper grinned. "Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a certain trade discussion I'm overdue to attend." "And I really must be heading over to Canterlot Carousel." Rarity declared. "As good as it was seeing you again, I too have responsibilities that can be put off no longer. Organization of the new fabric delivery must be well underway by now, but I'm sure an offer of a little extra help won't be refused. To say nothing of the jewel inventory..." "Good luck, dear lady." Capper declared. "And to you, darling." Rarity beamed. With that, the two friends parted ways. As Rarity made her way to Canterlot Carousel, Capper continued on his path to the castle. As he walked, he found his paws no longer felt heavy at all; In fact, he felt more like he was walking on air. His talk with Rarity had helped clear his head of his nagging doubts, at least long enough for him to attend to business. 'Unofficial or not, I'm still a leader.' He told himself. 'And this is what leaders do: look out for their followers.' Moments later, he found himself at the front of the castle, where two Guards were standing. "Hey." Capper smiled. "Name's Capper. I think I'm expected." "Of course, sir." One of the Guards nodded. He opened the door. "Please, follow me." "You got it." Capper nodded. Capper followed the Guard inside, being led through the corridors of the castle. As he did, he took note of the grandeur within. 'Whoa.' He thought. 'And I thought this place looked fancy on the outside...' Soon, Capper and the Guard reached the throne room, where Celestia and Luna were waiting. "The representative form Klugetown has arrived, your highnesses." The Guard announced. "Welcome, Capper." Celestia smiled as she and Luna approached. "It is good to see you in Canterlot again." Luna added. "It's good to be back in your wonderful city." Capper nodded. "Especially since the place looks so much better than it did after the Storm King decided to pay a visit." "I'm certain the damage would have been far worse if you and those other brave souls hadn't come to help us in our time of need." Celestia noted. "Maybe." Capper shrugged. "But I'm pretty sure you didn't invite me here just to talk about old adventures." "Indeed." Luna nodded. "At Princess Twilight Sparkle's urging, we have decided to open trade with Klugetown. As the chosen representative, your input on this matter will surely be invaluable." "That's the plan." Capper nodded. "Now, let's get to work, your highnesses." Over the next few hours, Capper and the Princesses discussed at length how they could bring their two cities closer together, throwing out such ideas as creating trade routes between them, and having a stop for the Equestrian train line built there. Eventually, the talks came to an end, with many promising avenues of action agreed upon. "I think that will do for today." Celestia declared. "Especially considering I have a moon to raise." Luna added. "Of course." Capper nodded. "Don't let me keep you." "Hopefully, we will be able to meet again soon, and discuss further ways for Canterlot and Klugetown to not only build trade routes, but improve relations between each other." Celestia offered. "I'd like that very much, your highness." Capper nodded. "But right now, I really should be heading for home. I have a whole town to provide guidance to. You know how it is." "We cerainly do." Luna nodded. "And rest assured, we will continue our correspondence, and negotiate with you a time and date for a new discussion soon." "I'll be waiting." Capper bowed respectfully. "And thank you for your time." "It was our pleasure." Celestia nodded regally. "Truly." The Guard escorted Capper outside, and he made his way out of Canterlot, so he could take his newly-acquired airship back to Klugetown. As he kept walking, his thoughts turned to Rarity, the generous Unicorn who had once again helped him see things in a whole new perspective. 'Thanks, Rarity.' He thought. 'That's two I owe ya. And I sure don't mind being in debt to you...' Thanks to Rarity, Cappers worries of letting down his subjects had evaporated for the moment. Though, as Rarity had pointed out, those doubts would likely return in time. But as long as he focused on what needed to be done for Klugetown and those who lived there, Capper was certain he could keep those doubts at bay. 'Guess I really am a good leader after all.' He thought proudly.