//------------------------------// // The Ultimate Battle Royale // Story: Rise of Equestria 2: Cannon Fodder // by Israel Yabuki //------------------------------// With the Elements of Harmony back under the control of Twilight and her friends, the gang soon heads out of the cave and travels farther and farther away from Ponyville. As they have explained before back in Canterlot, there is a slight chance of taking control of the dragons who were hypnotized by the Song of Dragons. Whether their plan does or doesn't work, the gang can't risk putting Ponyville and Canterlot in danger. In order to insure the safety of the ponies, both the Elements of Harmony and Elements of Freedom travel into a vast wide open valley where only a few mountains in the distance are in their sights. Once they've reached a far enough distance from the town, Sunset approaches Melodia. "Melodia, this is it. We should be good to go out here. Go ahead and use it," Sunset says. Melodia smirks and walks in front of the group and stops just a few feet away from them. Melodia unfolds her wings and takes in a deep breath before she vocalizes her voice as loud as she can. Everyone watched in anticipation, holding their breaths in to see if their plan to take control of the dragons is really working. One thing they can say, though, is that Melodia's voice can hardly go unoticed. One might say it can even be heard by those who might be deaf. However, that's beside the point, for it seems like their plan doesn't seem to be working, no matter how long Melodia keeps this up. Just as the gang is about to hang their heads down... "Everypony, look up there!" Fluttershy exclaimed, pointing her hoof at the sky. Their eyes dart upwards and notice a flock of dragons in the distance all heading in the group's general direction. "Sunset, the plan's working! The dragons are under Melodia's command now!" "True, but now the tricky part comes into play: now that I've got control over the dragons, I'll need you all to cover me while I snap these weakings out of their hypnotized state. Put up a barrier if you have to, because this will probably take a while," Melodia explains. "Alright. Sunset, Eternal, come here," Twilight commands. Sunset and Eternal both approach Twilight. "You heard her, let's put up a barrier so she'll be able to concentrate." the two unicorns nod and tap their horns together, lighting them up and aiming the spell close to Melodia. A beam shoots in her general direction on the ground and splits into two more beams, circling around her and the dragons. Once the magic beams connect, a clear dome of magic forms around them, protecting Melodia and the dragons. "As long as one of us is still still standing, the barrier won't break. We've also made sure to soundproof the barrier so Zoor won't take control of the dragon again," Twilight explains. Even though Melodia can't hear her, she can still read her lips and gave Twilight a nod before getting to work. Right on schedule, Shadow Force's body tenses up when he senses Zoor's magic. "Get ready, guys. She's getting close, I can sense it," he said, gazing at the sky. Twilight and Sunset turn their heads to the sky and notice a black dot appearing out of the sky. As it grows bigger, the group instantly recognizes the same alicorn menace that hypnotized Spike and turned him into a giant rampaging dragon before. They all recognize Zoor, formerly known as Clover the Clever. She lands on the ground with a loud, audible thud and folds her wings. The evil alicorn glares at the group with her glowing, red eyes. No pupils can be seen, just 2 red glows that seem to go on for an eternity. "How dare you miserable ponies take away my dragon army! The whole world would have trembled in fear and bowed to me if you hadn't got in the way! You think you can stop me just because I'm without army? If so, then I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. Even without those pathetic creatures, I still have plenty of magical energy I absorbed from that hybrid creature and those silly trinkets you have on you!" Zoor monologues. "You might have an unmeasurable amount of magic inside of you, but there's a big difference to having it and being able to control it. As far as I'm concerned, you're just calling your bluff," Eternal replies. "And don't even bother trying to take back the dragons. As long as that barrier is up, you can't lay a hoof on Melodia or the dragons, and you definitely can't take control of them! That barrier is soundproof, so how do you like that, Zoor, or should we call you... Clover the Clever?" Rainbow Dash asked, smirking. "No pony... and I mean NO PONY... calls me by that name anymore! That pony is long gone and she's going to stay gone for all of eternity! I am Zoor now!" Zoor snaps. "Whether you're Zoor or Clover the Clever, one thing is certain: You went against Starswirl's wishes and used that spell to transform yourself into an alicorn for your own selfish desires! Starswirl sealed you away as the alicorn amulet once before and we're going to do the same!" Twilight replies, determined. Zoor laughs at Twilight, unfazed by her threat. "If you think you can seal me away, then be my guest!" she challenges with an evil grin. Twilight raises her left forehoof up in the air and points it at Zoor. Right away, the stallions all charge at the evil alicorn, who yawns at their reckless and predictable assault. Zoor lights up her horn and aims it at them, shooting off small sparks of assault magic at the guys. The Elements of Freedom split up into two teams, circling around Zoor and hold their positions, staring directly at her. "I know what you're all up to..." Zoor says. "You're planning to use the stallions and their trinkets to hold me down while you girls use those little trinkets of yours to banish the evil from within me right. Your efforts amuse me, so I'll allow you one shot to "stop me." "Boast all you want, but the end result is the same: You're finished before you could even start!" Eternal retorts as he lighs up his horn. Using his magic to boost the crown atop his head and the necklaces around the other guys, the group all aimed six white magic beams at Zoor. She grunts a bit from the pain. Zoor still holds her ground, enduring the pain coming from the Elements of Freedom. "TWILIGHT, NOW!" Eternal shouted. "Alright girls, let's give these guys a helping hoof!" Twilight says. She lights up her horn and levitates her and the rest of the Mane 6 up into the air. She and her friends shoot out a magic rainbow, trapping Zoor inside of it with no way for her to escape from their clutches. But then, Sunset gets this uneasy feeling in her gut like something's wrong. Inside the rainbow tornado, Sunset can still see Zoor and her glowing red eyes. Another thing that catches her eyes is another faint red glow coming from the small jewel embedded in Zoor's necklace. "Everypony, stop!" Sunset yells out. But it's too late. In a slow-glowing flash of light, the whole group is blinded and they all stopped using their elements. What they see next leaves them all shocked: Zoor still stands strong and looks as if they didn't faze her at all, like it had no effect on her. What seems more disturbing is the ruby embedded in her necklace as it blinks bright red before it fades and simmers down. Zoor chuckles lowly, slowly getting louder and turned into a full-on evil cackle with her wings springing out wide and menacingly. "No... it... it can't be!" Twilight says, shocked and backing up. "But... how? How's it possible?" Rarity asks, feeling just as shocked as ever. "Everypony, watch out! I think she must have absorbed our magic!" Eternal warns. "You catch on quick, young stallion," Zoor says. Then, with a swift flap of her wings and a spark from her horn, Zoor blows the whole team away from her using a magic sonic wave. Everyone is completely knocked off their hooves, but are only taken by surprise and are completely shocked at how much Zoor's magical power has grown, despite their best efforts to expel the evil from within her. Zoor turns her attention to Eternal Flames. The young prince is seen getting up on all fours, keeping his glaring gaze locked on the alicorn as she approaches him with an evil smirk. "Come near me and I'll--" Eternal says, before Zoor cuts him off. "You'll do what, assault me with your magic? Don't push your luck, little colt. Any magic that you use on me will only make me grow stronger. I've absorbed more than enough magic to destroy you easily with just a tap of my horn and no matter how many times you try to stop me with those trinkets, I'll always absorb the magic and grow stronger than ever before. So why don't you make it easy on yourself and just surrender to me as your new ruler of Equestria?" Zoor boasts. "I bow down to no pony!" Eternal growls through his teeth. Zoor chuckles and swats at Eternal, knocking him 32 feet to the side and walks over to him again. "Perhaps I should rephrase that question and change it into an order: bow down to me!" Zoor orders, but Eternal Flames gets up and glares at Zoor as she approaches closer to him. "You still choose to defy me? Do you not value your life, you simple-minded fool?" she asks, growing impatient. "Hey, back off, you crazy old nut!" Shadow Force calls out, charging at her. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Zoor shouts. She looks at Shadow and blasts him with her magic. The magic makes contact with his body and creates shock waves throughout his entire body. He yells in pain, standing on his hinde legs before collapsing to the ground with an audible thud. "Shadow!" Ground Breaker calls out. "Oh no!" Fluttershy adds. "No pony... absolutely NO PONY INSULTS ME LIKE THAT!!!" Zoor yells, enraged. "Twilight, you go and get Shadow Force, I'll provide some cover for Eternal!" Sunset says. Twilight nods and rushes over to help Shadow Force. Sunset takes this opportunity to help Eternal out. She rushes over and gets in front of Eternal, standing strong and glares at Zoor. "Hey you!" she calls out. "Do not address me that way!" Zoor shouts at Sunset. "I'll address you any way I want. Now listen up: If you think you can take over Equestria just because you absorbed some of our magic, then you're sadly mistaken! It doesn't matter how much magic you have at your disposal, because as long as we have each other, we'll put a stop to your madness once and for all, so be prepared to face the music, Zoor!" Sunset says in her determined voice. Zoor's anger is then replaced by her evil laughs. She doesn't say a word as her horn begins to emit dark magic sparks and the ground below everyone starts to shake. Zoor points her horn up in the air and launches several magic blasts into the air and aims them at the gang. The blasts come crashing down and the gang scurries around, trying as hard as they can to avoid getting hit. Then, in the midst of the scurry, Rainbow Dash and Spark Burst flew up to Zoor, ready to attack. Zoor immediately sees them coming and flies up into the air, avoiding their team attack. Zoor wasn't quick enough to dodge and attack from Hurricane Breeze, so she blocked him using her hooves. She grabs Hurricane by the neck, attempting to squeeze the life out of him. Fluttershy isn't liking what Zoor's doing to him and feels a hint of rage surge through her body. She charges straight at Zoor and flies up to her, delivering a direct hit to her right side with her hinde legs. Zoor's grip on Hurricane loosens up and the evil alicorn is knocked to the ground. Hurricane falls down, kneeling just to keep himself from completely collapsing. He grips his throat, coughing a little bit from the stranglehold. Fluttershy flies down to help Hurricane. "Thanks, Fluttershy," Hurricane says. "It's no problem. You really need to be more careful!" Fluttershy implies. "I'll be sure to take a note of that," Hurricane replies. "INCOMING!" Ground Breaker calls out as he jumps over Hurricane and Fluttershy and lands in front of them and then locks his forehooves with Zoor's as she comes back. "Both of you... clear the way!" he shouts. Hurricane and Fluttershy fly out of Zoor's grasp while Ground Breaker still tries to get a firm grip on her. "I don't know what pushed you to change into this, but I do know this: you won't rule Equestria!" "Silence! I will not allow an inferior earth pony tell me what I can or can't do!" Zoor shouts. In a fit of anger, Zoor lights up her horn and levitates Ground Breaker off the ground before she slams him back down. Ground Breaker grunts in pain from the impact, but he gets back up on his hooves. Applejack rushes over to help him gain some of his strength back. "Easy there, sugarcube, ya might have gotten a couple o' broken bones, ya have to rest up a bit," AJ implied. "I'll try, but holy Celestia, that hurt!" Ground breaker grunts. He nearly stumbles back down, but AJ catches him just in time before she lays him down gently. "Ya'd better rest up fer a fer minutes. Ah'll take care o' tall dark 'n gruesome," AJ says confidently. She runs up to Zoor and gets out her rope. AJ twirls it around and throws it in Zoor's direction, wrapping her rope around Zoor's hooves as she was distracted by her bitter anger. With one huge tug, AJ causes Zoor to lose her balance and slam to the ground hard. "How do ya like them apples?" she asks. But Applejack later regrets asking that question as Zoor shoots a glare at Applejack with her red eyes. Zoor's horn lights up again and quickly breaks the rope and stands back up on her feet. "You inferior ponies are starting to try my patience. You have trifled with my powers for the last time. I was merely going easy on you and your pathetic friends, but now I'm going make you SUFFER!" Zoor shouts. In the midst of her angry outburst, her dark magic surrounds her and widens gradually. Her overwhelming strength causes some of the group to be weighed down and lose their breath a bit. But her magic stops and returns to her right after Eternal Flames runs up to her, turns around and kicks her 10 feet away with his powerful hinde legs, thus being able to break her concentration. Everyone is able to breathe again, but Zoor is now more furious than she was before. She teleports in front of Eternal and traps him in a magic stranglehold by his neck. Eternal futily squirms to break free of her grip, but to no avail and he can't even concentrate enough to perform a spell. "ETERNAL!" Tidal Wave shouts. The aqua blue earth pony runs up to Zoor and tackles her to the ground and breaks her concentration, freeing Eternal from her grasp. Tidal Wave helps him back up on his hooves right before Zoor grabs Tidal Wave with her magic and slams him to the ground over and over and then throws him against a boulder, causing him to shout in pain before collapsing. The entire group gasps at what she has done. But the one who was affected the most was Melodia. She had just finished breaking the spell of the dragons who were under Zoor's spell and Melodia doesn't like what Zoor has done with Tidal. With a low growl and a small flash of her sharp teeth, Melodia steps out of the barrier while the dragons stayed inside under Melodia's orders. She slowly approaches Zoor, flaring out her wings while her pupils became more slit than before. "Alright then, your highness. Let's get something straight: You can go on your temper tantrums all you want. You can blab about being a pretend ruler for all I care. You can even go on a power-hungry rampage like the brat that you are. But when you hurt the one stallion I care about the most, you've just landed yourself into a world of pain!" Melodia says. "You! I absorbed your magic once, I can do it again!" Zoor replies. Both mares glare at each other, each was brimming with magical energy. The group begins to think that they should move out of the way and watch as the two mares begin their epic clash. In a blur, Melodia and Zoor take to the sky and attack each other with all their might. Being part dragon, Melodia shoots out a stream of fire at the evil alicorn. Zoor dodges and fires a magic beam, which Melodia dodges with ease and counters with some magic blasts of her own. Despite what happened with the others and how they tried to use magic to defeat her, she still insisted on using it. Zoor does not waist time and absorbs Melodia's magic, but only a portion of it while some of it injured Zoor. Zoor returns fire with heat-seeking magic missles. Melodia soared through the skies, trying to outrun the pursuit of Zoor's attack until... Melodia teleports in front of Zoor. "W-What the?!" Zoor asks in surprised, backing away out of surprise and grits her teeth. "For the record, that was to milk on my performance. Now how about we see if you, the so-called soon-to-be ruler of Equestria can absorb your own magic," Melodia says before teleporting at the last minute and let's Zoor absorb the blow. She shouts in pain and plummets to the ground. "Aww, too bad, and I thought you would make a fine henchwoman, or even my right hoof pony. It would seem that you can only absorb magic that's not originally your own." And it seems like Melodia's mind tricks are working against the evil alicorn. If she plays her cards right, Zoor will be playing in the palm of her claws. But then, Zoor lowers her head, covering her face with her mane. Melodia thinks Zoor iss accepting defeat, but sadly for her, she's mistaken. Instead, Zoor can be heard laughing in a low. It starts off low and quiet, then quickly turns into a loud and evil cackle. Zoor's head is thrown high into the air as she laughs her evil laugh like a derranged lunatic. Once she stops, she catches her breath and looks at Melodia, her nasty grin returning to her even nastier than it was before. "Do you actually think it's that easy? Play me like a fool to let my guard down? Sorry, but I'm not going to be taken down so easily by the likes of you!" Zoor says calmly. "You have no say in the matter! You can take all the magic I possess in my body, you can blast me off after I have nothing more to give, and you can even insult me, I do not care! But when you slammed my stallion all over the ground and into that boulder like some rag doll, that's where I draw the line! If he so much as go into a coma, I won't hesitate to tear you to ribbons with my own 4 claws!" Melodia threatens. "Hmm, so the so-called former dragon princess does have a weakness after all! I never expected the former princess to be so attached to a measly earth pony! You truly have gone soft!" Zoor gloats. "Soft? Oh... I'll show you soft!" Melodia says in a deep, dark tone. In the next instant, she lights up her horns and fires her magic straight at Zoor. The evil alicorn doesn't even move an inch, she just stands there, chuckling evily and braces herself. Melodia's magic makes a direct hit, but Zoor absorbs it. Nevertheless, Melodia still keeps pressing on her assault, hoping to at least damage Zoor. But the evil alicorn is unharmed and lets out a yawn and watches in boredom as Melodia continues her useless assault. Zoor's power begins to grow stronger by the minute. Growing more bored with Melodia's assault, Zoor covers herself in a magic aura coat and charge straight at Melodia. She knocks her back and slams her against a tree, but she kicks Zoor off of her and rises to her feet. But Zoor is far from done with her. Just like Tidal Wave, she lifts Melodia up in the air with her magic and slams her down to the ground repeatedly like a rag doll and throws her to the boulder. She grunts and collapses next to the unconcious Tidal Wave and tries to get up. She stares at Tidal Wave's unconcious body and feels her eyes swell up with tears and hugs the earth pony. "Forgive me... I tried," Melodia whispers into the stallion's ear. The unconcious stallion is unable to hear her, but the evil alicorn approaches her, grinning menacingly. With a little effort, she moved herself over Tidal Wave in order to use her own body as a shield to protect him. "Aww, such a sweet moment between two helpless little FOOLS!" Zoor shouts, slamming her hoof on Melodia's back, which makes her grunt. "You were a fool to challenge me! You and your pony friends are nothing to me, even with your silly little magic trinkets! All of Equestria will be mine! And to make sure it does happen, I will completely immobilize you... for good!" Zoor lifts up both of her forehooves while Melodia braces herself for the pain that's to come. But suddenly, the one who cried out in pain was Zoor. "Wha-?" was the only thing that comes out of Melodia's mouth. She looks up and sees Eternal Flames standing on his front hooves as his hinde hooves slammed hard on Zoor's neck where her amulet necklace is, making the corrupt alicorn back off from her assault. "Eternal?" "Don't just stand there, get Tidal Wave out of harm's way!" he orders. Melodia would mostly act on her own, but this time, she makes an acception and takes Eternal's friend with her. "How dare you strike your ruler!" Zoor snaps. Her injuries aren't fatal, but she's quite raving mad that Eternal interfered with her. Eternal turns around and looks at Zoor to see if he did any damage. The only thing he can see as far as damage was done was the red jewel embedded in her silver necklace. The jewel in question seems to be letting out small sparks of magic from it. Twilight and Sunset are curious of whether or not Eternal's actions gave them a chance to counterattack, or if he has made everything worse. One thing's for sure, though, the battle is just getting started. Sunset Shimmer takes a calculated risk and fires off a magic blast at Zoor. Twilight gasps at what might happen, then gets caught off guard when the magic blast ultimately sends Zoor flying a couple of feet instead of being absorbed like she usually does. "I... how did...?" Twilight asked, surprised. "It must have been that kick Eternal delivered! I think we've got a chance now! Twilight, try to use the Elements of Harmony one last time! With a little luck, Zoor might be vulnerable to magic now!" Sunset implies. Twilight nods and gathers the girls back up for another group assault. "No... No... NO!!! I will not be beaten by a bunch of inferior ponies!" Zoor bellows in anger. As the Elements of Harmony now stand together, Twilight lights up her horn and feels herself, as well as her friends levitate off of the ground. Twilight locks her eyes on Zoor, who has her sights on a certain red-maned stallion for kicking the jewel on her necklace. With Zoor's rage distracting her, Twilight and her friends unleash the power of the Elements of Harmony straight at their target.