//------------------------------// // This Deal, I Will Accept. // Story: Pinkie's Unique Other. "No I'm Not In A Relation With Her!" // by Taken-By-Insanity //------------------------------// Throughout the week staying here I've been helping around the rock farm and getting to know everyone better. Not much happened after the small incident with the bandit other than a small haunting demon problem which, after solving it, gave me the ability to go through most solid objects, though I can't enter a building without permission unless I own it or it's a public building that's open and I can't go through living things which sucks flank since that would have been nice. This is the last day me and Pinkie are going to stay before going back to Ponyville and I just got done fighting Maud's demon, Brizo. I've been training for a while with the other demons, trying to get a feel for fighting since I usually just dodged when I got into a fight in my old life, those other fights were just instinct and adrenaline. I was pretty tired and Pinkie said yet again, 'Another lost, sure, but that just means we can get better!' She always says this when we are done sparring to try to cheer me up since she can see that I'm a little down for losing. I went to the guest room to start packing things for our return, clothes, toothpaste, toothbrush...party supplies. I always find party supplies somewhere even though no one puts them there. I one time even found the bathroom filled to the brim with party supplies! They vanished whenever we look away for even a second. Anyways, I continued putting the stuff away before hearing a knocking at the door. "The doors open," I said in response to the knock. When I turned around I saw some ink(?) but I can't be sure since I suddenly had the lights turn off, A.K.A I was knocked out. When I woke up I found myself in some kind of room that was vaguely familiar. It kinda looked like the first room in Bendy And The Ink Machine after you walk down the walk way. "Welcome, to my mind," I heard an unfamiliar voice say behind me. When I turned around I saw a black coated earth pony or unicorn stallion with horns on the sides of his head and a black mane wearing a black suit and tie, this guy LOVES black, oh look, he has white gloves, lastly he has a demon tail instead of a regular one. "So, what do you think? Too much like the real Bendy's place?" he asked with a small frown of worry. I slightly nodded my head in a yes. "Change of scenery then!" the strange stallion yelled, making the place become a beach with an ocean of ink going to the horizon. "How about now?" "Better. It's more relaxing and open than that place," I answered honestly. This guy seems nice, am I right? But there is that weird vibe I'm getting from him. "Good, good. I love the place to be relaxing when I'm making a deal." Deal? "Yes, a deal. But we'll do that later. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Bend Ink but call me Ben. I'm a little like you, used to be a human beforehand but were demons from the start without knowing." How does he know that little fact? I've never even thought back to that except when I was confused in the first chapter. "I'm known to make many deals and I never have had someone refuse one of them before." The way he said 'never' may or may not have put me off a little. "Your turn~," he said all sing song like. "Zalgy Cake's the name, killing evil demons is my game," I said while striking a little pose. He did a 'go on' gesture, likely meaning he want to know a little bit more about me. After rolling my eyes I said in a plain voice, "I'm a demon that had the previous host to be a human, my current host can break the rules of all things involving reality including magic and physics and I have a love for chocolate as well as the color grey and red. Happy?" "Thanks for the info. Now, here's my proposal. You simply do this tiiiiny errand for me and I'll lend you some of my abilities or you could share some of your past before coming to this world, whichever you choose. Us demons got to stick together, right?" Hmm, that is a very tempting offer, but it can't be that easy. Also, I only remember having a human host before but nothing about what I did with my host so I can't do the second option. "Are there any drawbacks?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, even though I don't have real one's. "None that I know of," he said. "I guess I except this deal then," I went to shake his hand but the most crazy thing happened before I could. First, the inky ocean turned pink. Second, the sand became small yellow candies. Third, the clouds turned into cotton candy. And fourth, Pinkie appeared with a giant red hammer. "There's only room for two buster! Now get out, before I use this hammer I found!" Jeez Pinkie, I had no clue you had a fighting side. Bend Ink turned into some kind of monstrosity made of ink that looked kiiinnndaaa like a werewolf before saying, with two overlapping voices might I add, threateningly, "This won't be the last time we see you Zalgy." He then turned to Pinkie. "As well as you Pinkamena." He then disappeared in a puddle of ink and we found ourselves in a shared mindscape that had half of it a grey forest with those weird timberwolves and the other half was a cheery candy land. "How does he know your real name?" I thought out loud. "Why does your mind seem creepy?" Really Pinkie? You're wondering about that instead of who that was? "Do you know who that guy is?" There it is. "For the second question, he's some kind of demon named Bend Ink, he likes to be addressed as Ben though for some reason," was my answer. "For the first one, I have no clue. I just wanted a little building to be my mindscape but it seems to be infinitly big so I probably should have done something else for the place." "So the forest and Timberwolves came on their own, got it." I think it might have something to do with my mind wandering a lot of the time but basically that's correct. After just admiring how our vastly different mindscapes looked we heard someone. "Zalgy, Pinkie are you alright?" I think Marble found us. I let Pinkie take command while I tried to figure out why I accepted the deal so easily, I would normally not except a deal like that, there are too many possible risks! Perhaps the guy has some kind of ability that involves charisma? That may be why... I kept thinking up of different reasons why I accepted before I heard Pinkie mentally calling my name. "Yeah Pinks?" I asked with interest. Pinkie Pie's Point of View After The Deal Incident Thing After getting up and reassuring Marble that we're okay I started shaking all over and having an eye-flutter at the same time for about three seconds. Le gasp! There's somepony new to Ponyville! But that can wait for a few minuets, family goodbye must come first. I dragged the family to outside the house after packing everything in 1.265 seconds flat. "It was great seeing you guys again. It's feels like it's been forever since I last visited when it was only about...oh wait. Right it's been about six-seven years, time flies," little ol me said this in case you couldn't tell by the text color. "Let me guess. 'I hope you guys have a good time while I'm gone and remember, try to always stay happy!'" Inky knows me well. I nodded an affirmative. Marble gave me a quick hug before saying, "Please stay safe Pinkie, love you." "I love you as well Marble," I said with a large smile, "And you Dad, as well as Mom, Inky, Limestone, and Maud!" In my speed talk I then said, "SorrybutIgottagonow!Newponyintown,loveyouallandhaveaniceday!" The translation is, "Sorry but I gotta go now! New pony in town, love you all and have a nice day!" They luckily can understood me since they're so used to it. After giving a bear hug to each of them, and all of us shedding maybe a tear or two like when I first left the town, I went to the train station, bought a ticket, and jumped through one of the train windows, while doing a barrel roll in the air, before landing on my hooves in a bow. The passenger that saw this clapped at the display before the intercom went off saying, "Next stop is Ponyville, now leaving Rock Down." Zalgy Cake's Point of View 'We're baaaaack.' I looked at the Screen of Sight and saw that we were already back in Ponyville and Pinkie is setting up decorations with the help of the Cakes. One of the twins were helping as well, don't ask me how but the unicorn one's magic surges are helping for some reason. "Pinkie, could I help with the decorations?" I asked Pinks. Pinkie answered with a yes before going to her room and letting me take control and yada yada, you know how it is. Pinkie gave me some of the decorations and told me to put them. "Soooooo who's the new one in town exactly?" I asked Pinkamena. "Oh shoot! I need to ask around, bebackinabit," and now Pinkie is poof! Gone and seeing who the new guy/girl is. Mr. Cake started a conversation while putting up the banner that says 'Welcome to Ponyville' with the Mrs. by saying, "So, Zalgy. Where were you just a second ago?" "Hanging out in Pinkie's room. I had no clue ya'll were preparing a party for a new pony coming to town until Pinkie came up and told me," was my answer. "We didn't see you come in though," Mrs. Cake said, "How'd you get in their without us knowing?" I told her that I used parkour to get up there and left it at that. There was silence for about three minuets minus the sound of magic from Pumpkin before Pinkie came back from her search of info. "From what I've gathered, the pony is known as Captain Ace and is a part of the Royal Guard or something along those lines. He's not very known except for that," Pinkie looked slightly disappointed on that fact but went super speed and finished the decorations before getting to a table with a large pile of envelopes and blank invitations. "We gotta hurry before he leaves!" After writing invitations for everyone faster than you can say 'I forgot about the cake' Pinkie gave me half of them and quickly said, "Take a half of Ponyville and give out an invitation to everyone you see as quickly as you can!" Before she herself dashed like there was no tomorrow. Since I don't want to be on her bad side I'm just gonna go and do it, be back in a bit.