Alien: Twilight's Gashing Origins

by TwiRaptor

Fall of Encomi

Rahzzy ducks as Rumham is tossed back against the wall, avoiding having the large stallion thrown at him. He looks to the android they woke up moments ago. The android turns to Rahzzy and rushes forward using one hoof to push him against the wall pinning him up against it. Rumham slowly tries to push himself off the ground but after a long argument with the android. He is too tired now to move more than a couple inches in place. Rahzzy looks into the android's eyes and does his best to start explaining himself to her.

"Coco, I understand you're angry with us. For shutting you off, lying to you, and taking over the station" Rahzzy is cut off as Coco Pommel presses her hoof harder on his chest to silence him. "Fuck! I'm sorry!!"

Pommel eases her hoof letting the stallion go, she looks over him briefly before speaking. Her voice is crackly and soft from being shut down only moments ago. "Three-Years, I have been shut down for three long years!" Coco steps away looking over to Rumham with a smile on her face. "I expected better from ponies I used to work under ..." The intercom would begin buzzing over their heads. The station's stabilizers were shut down and the station was on its way for a crash landing onto the surface of Equis. Coco's ear twitches as she listens to the news booming overhead, the android looks too the two stallions shaking her head slowly as her disappointment was beginning to grow stronger. "Now my station is crashing? Don't you think enough stations have fallen in the past years?"

Rahzzy took a deep breath, sucking up his shame and also being thankful that Coco was being kind after everything. Looking into the android's eyes he begins to explain everything. His words are carefully chosen as to not set off the Android, she used to be one of the evil ones in the past. " I am sorry for everything ... Mistilie just never loosens her grip. She knows what she wants and who she wants to be. Using myself and others to get it all done, when she doesn't get her way." He stops as Pommel places a cold hoof on his muzzle to silence him. The mare's eyes shifted from her regular blue color to an evil shade of red.

"I don't care how threatening the mare is, however, I do care about my life even if it is artificial" Coco removes her hoof and walks slowly to the exit of the Synthetics. Rumham finally pushes himself to a stand reaching a hoof out to the android, spilling the beans on the current situation.

"The station isn't just crashing, Coco Pommel!!" Rumham screams at the Mare Droid to make her stop walking away from this. "The Xenomorphs!! They are here too and the station is bringing them crashing down too!" Anger spread across Rumhams face, stomping a hoof in anger. His anger built up from just having been thrown around by the android. Rahzzy nods not saying anything to add to it, thinking Xenomorph would sum up the threat clearly. Coco stops lowering her head like sadness crept up and consumed her. The android turns to look at the two stallions once again, her eyes still a red color as she responds to Rumham.

"Xenomorphs? It has been too long ... Mistilie is aware that her father never wanted them this close, right?" Coco moved slowly, rentering the room as she continues to speak. "They will kill everything we know if they survive the crash!!" Coco stares into Rumhams eyes growling as she speaks, Rumham flinched as the Android uses one of her hooves to push him up against the wall. "I am getting my flank off this station ... Under Order IronX. You two are coming with me" Rahzzy closes his eyes and Rumham nods not wanting things to escalate any faster than it already has. The intercom continues to buzz and time is running out for the station. Coco releases Rumham and heads for the exit once again to begin her way to the evacuation and to get off the station.

Leaning over to whisper in Rumham's ear Rahzzy does his best to be quiet. Rahzzy still had Twilight Sparkle on his mind, after seeing her with the Xenomorph fang features. The stallion had a lot going through his mind, even if he knew more than he let out. "Do you think Twilight is okay? She will get off the station too right?"

Rumham moves his head away as Rahzzy whispers this in his ear and responds for the first time in a serious tone of concern.

"I don't know buddy ... I really don't think many of us are making it off this Station"
Mistilie stares out the window of the control room listening to the radio buzz beside her. The mare taps her hoof on the desk thinking about everything that has just happened to her and this station. The monitors of the control room are monitoring the altitude of the station and it wouldn't be long from now and the station would be entering the atmosphere. With her other hoof hovering over the control panel she waits listening to the voice on the other side of the radio. The frequency was distorted so she lets out a long sigh before asking the voice a question, the tone of her voice is a fake expression of concern.

"Sector B Canterlot, this is Encomi Station requesting procedures for crash landing in Equestria Territory" Mistilie rolls her eyes after repeating herself. "Our stabilizers have failed and we wish for procedures that will keep the station from being destroyed" She taps her hoof harder against the counter waiting for Canterlot's Response to this current situation. The Responder is quick to get straight to the procedure necessary to keep the station safe.

"Encomi Station, tracking systems on the surface of Equis have determined your current estimated touchdown point" The radio was full of static but Mistilie is still able to hear the voice on the other side. "Based on this estimation you will need to deploy all window shields, heat shields, and use what is left of the stabilizer fuel in manual mode to slow down your station once the flames from entering have stopped burning" Mistilie looks over to the security cameras watching as images of Xenomorphs attacking the crew start popping up on the screen. Nodding to herself she responds to Canterlot's solution to the crash.

"Will this keep the station intact afterwords?" Her voice has a hint of concern, she doesn't want the place destroyed from what she has done. "So that if ponies can't make it to evacuation in time ... they will have a chance at survival"

The Responder sounds concerned as well responding quickly. "We recommend getting as many ponies off the station as possible. The station will still suffer major damage but the strongest areas will remain in fairly good condition, though lives are more important than the station and I recommend getting as many off quickly" Mistilie grins pressing her hoof down disconnecting from the radio.

"Thank you Canterlot, I just hope you will be ready to evacuate us when we crash" Mistilie reaches into her pocket on her coat with her magic. Taking out a picture of her father she smiles down at it, she turns the picture over revealing a Weyland Badge. "No reason to hide anymore ..." Removing the badge from the photograph she pins it to her coat before looking out the window. The planet shine beams into her eyes reflecting inside them like a mirror as she grins, the stations window panels begin to close darkening the entire station very quickly. "You don't deserve a second chance"
Twilight still being held tightly by a Xenomorph begins to wake up, everything was blurry, she was no longer inside any ventilation shaft. The Alien hissed stomping down the hive covered hallway, bodies of ponies strapped up against the wall in a thick black slime, holes in the chests of the dead from newborn aliens that now roamed the station as adults. Doing her best to look around she is able to spot several resting Xenomorphs clinging to the wall or curled up on the floor as if bracing for something. When she moves the Xenomorph tightens it's grip to prevent the alicorn from falling out of the creatures arms. The deeper into the hive the Alien takes her, the more sounds and sights she beings to see as she wakes up more. The sounds of dripping water, growling, and Xenomorphs moving on the walls echo in her ears. It is clear that the hive used to be the labs of the station, many projects, holding cells, and other scientific data was scattered and broken throughout the hive floor.

"Where are you taking me?" Twilight turns her head to look stare at the Xenomorphs dome head as it carries her around like a child. "This is your home, yes, you live here when not killing all my friends?" The Xenomorph obviously will not respond to the question. The creature only keeps moving down the hallway hissing and growling as it passes the other Xenomorphs inside the hive. The area around them getting darker as the lights deeper inside the hive were covered by the slime so thick, no light is able to pass through and bring light or they lights are destroyed by the Aliens inside.

Twilight feels the alien loosen its grip on her as it gently lets her down onto the floor. The Xenomorph growls before walking away from her back where it had come from before, roaring before disappearing completely into the darkness. She is wobbly as she pushes herself back up to a stand, the room was dark but there was enough light to see everything here. Eggs were placed all over the floor and her heartbeat begins to pick up as she looks to the table before her, it wasn't the eggs.

The lab had many chambers that were smashed when the Xenomorphs escaped the lab. Though there was a pony that was laying at the center of the room that was out of place, like she had been brought here by the aliens previously. Tears build inside Twilight's eyes as she approaches the table to see the mare before her. The Alicorn on the table was in rough shape, blood matted the mares body and a huge wound in the mares gut area. The Alicorn on the table ... is Twilight Sparkle.

"What ... "Twilight didn't know what to say as she looked down at herself on the table. The other Twilight obviously suffered a wound from a large Xenomorph Tale. It was the wound on the alicorns gut region. The other Twilight's eyes open but in surprise she doesn't look surprised to see herself standing above her. Like the mare had seen herself before now. "Who are you ..."

Twilight on the table smiles weakly and mouths the words, 'I am you'. She was wearing a medical band with the words printed on it reading, Source Specimen. The station begins to rumble in the walls as the station gets closer to enter the atmosphere. The shaking causes the Xenomorphs to scream and hiss from the stress the station was going under, the Twilight on the table groans in pain from her wounds.

"I have to get you out of here, I can't let you ... me ... I have to get us out of here" Standing Twilight uses her magic to carefully remove several tubes strapped to the other her off.

"Let me help you understand" Table Twilight's horn glows a light shade of green, a fog of magic floats being absorbed by Standing Twilight. "My name is Twilight Sparkle" As those words were spoken flash backs of the previous events are forced into Standing Twilight's mind. Memories of Valuntas Station, the lives of all Twilight's friends being taken away from the Xenomorph Gash. Memories of Fort Waid Station and when she was infected with the Xenomorph Queen. The most powerful memory forced into her head was , love.

"Sunset Shimmer" Standing Twilight shakes her head and looks down too the other her realizing the truth. The Twilight on the table wasn't the other her. The one on the table is actually the original Twilight Sparkle. The Twilight on the table reaches up with one hoof out to her duplicates head.

"Please help me" The station sirens begin to blare inside the hive, the station was entering the atmosphere now and with this new confusion added to the situation. "Weyland Yutani Company is in control. I need you to do this for me ... You are me" The Xenomorphs start entering the room surround the two alicorns as if protecting them from the current possible dangers. Tears form in the duplicates eyes and she shakes her head in denial saying one last thing as the Xenomorphs around them make a bubble of protection.

"I'm fake ... what am I?"