Shattered Glass

by Lucky Seven

A Bold Decision

It had been a week since Solar had met Princess Celestia and learned of his true destiny. It wasn't very reassuring either, he could tell you. Yet for some reason, it hadn't even been the main thing on his mind during that time. All he could think about was the mare of his dreams, Princess Luna. He had decided that he would grow a pair, so to speak, and ask her out the following day, as it was getting late. He had been staying at Twilight's for the time being, because she had offered, and he was just glad that she was nice enough to. Suddenly, he heard the front door being opened and walked to the living room to see who it was. It was Twilight, and he had been wanting to talk to her all day, but she had been at Rarity's helping organize her wardrobe.

"Twilight, thank Celestia you're back, I've been wanting to talk to you all day."

"What's on your mind Solar?", she responded.

"Well, it's not something, it's somepony."

"Awww, you have a crush on somepony?"

"More like I can't stop thinking about her!"

"Well, who is it?"

"I don't know if you'd find it appropriate..."


"What?! NO!"

"Well then tell me!"

"It's her sister..."

"You like Luna?"

"Yeah, it's not appropriate, I know..."

"How exactly is it not appropriate? You're both alicorns, and she doesn't even have a special somepony right now," Twilight retorted.

"I guess you're right, and I was thinking that tomorrow morning I'd head up the castle to ask her on a date."

"Well, you can't, I'm sorry."

"Why not? Do you think she'll say no?"

"Well, she's the Princess of the Night, so she basically isn't here during the day. You'd have to ask her at night," explained Twilight.

"Wait, so I could be over there right now asking her on a date?!"

"Yeah, go ahead and go, I can try teleporting you if you want."

"Sure, but Twi?"


"Can you come with me in case something goes wrong?"

"Of course, you're my friend now, and I'll do anything to help out a friend."

With those words, Twilight teleported Solar and herself to the castle. He was so nervous at that point, that he was shaking. Twilight noticed this and chuckled a little bit, earning a glare from Solar, but eventually he joined in. After a minute of walking, they were at the front doors of the castle. Twilight knocked quietly so as not to wake Celestia up, but to her surprise, Celestia was the one who answered.

"Where is Princess Luna at right now?", inquired Twilight.

"She had some business to attend to, but she should be back shortly." She then noticed Solar standing next to Twilight, "What brings you around these parts Solar? Is there something you wanted to ask me?"

"Actually, there is something I want to ask, but it's for Luna to answer."

Celestia quickly realized what he meant, and invited Twilight and Solar in for a cup of tea. They were talking about the goings-on in Canterlot, and Twilight was telling Solar how much he would get along with Rainbow Dash. Instantly, his mind replayed the events that transpired the morning he was sent to Equestria, more specifically, the image of Rainbow Dash performing a Sonic Rainboom to save Rarity's life. He decided he would introduce himself to her the next day, but let Twilight take care of explaining where he was from. Suddenly, Princess Luna opened the door to the study, and upon seeing the three ponies drinking tea, wondered what was going on. It was almost eleven at night, and her sister, Twilight, and Solar were relaxing.

Celestia was the first to speak up, "Luna, I believe this young stallion here has something he would like to ask you."

"State thy question Solar?"

"Uhh, well, it's um... gosh, I didn't think it would be this hard..."


"Would you maybe, I dunno, want to go out to lunch or something with me tomorrow?"

"Art thou asking me out on a... date?"

"I guess so, yeah, I just really like you, but I'd understand if you said no."

"Of course I'll go on a date with thou! I hath never been asked on a date before!"

Solar could do nothing but smile with joy, the mare of his dreams had said yes! He didn't even know what to say next. He just stared in disbelief. The most gorgeous mare in the universe had said yes!


"Solar! Wake up! You're going to be late for your date!", yelled Twilight.

"I'm getting up, I'm getting up..."

This was it, he was going out on a date with Princess Luna in just a little over an hour. He decided to go to Rarity's to see what she had in stock that he could wear. He quickly got out of bed and trotted over the the boutique. He decided to skip knocking since it was a store, and walked in.


"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique!", greeted Rarity

"It's me, Solar."

"Oh, what are you here for darling? It's not like you need formal attire right now."

"Well, I actually do, I'm going on my first date since I came to Equestria."

"And who is the special somepony if I may ask?"

"I'd rather not say just yet..."

"Why not, I won't tell, I swear!"

"Alright, you promise?"

"I promise, now who is it darling?"

"It's Princess Luna."

"You're going on a date with Princess Luna?! You'll need the best attire for this occasion!"

"I agree, which is why I came to you Rarity, you are the best fashionista there is.

Rarity simply smiled at his comment and got started measuring him in order to find an appropriate suit.

"Now Rarity, please don't get the best suit you own, just something... nice."

Rarity winked and smiled at him and went to look for a suit. About 10 minutes later she came back with what he thought was the perfect suit. A white dress shirt, with a black jacket, black pants, and a blue tie. It perfectly matched Princess Luna!

"This is perfect Rarity! Thank you so much! You're a life-saver!"

He put on the suit,paid for it, and went back to Twilight's house. As soon as he got in the house, he heard a knocking at the door. He opened and there was the beautiful Luna, wearing a very stunning dress. It was azure blue, with hints of sapphire on the borders, with black pantyhose, and black shoes. She looked absolutely amazing.

"Are you ready to go Luna? I know the perfect restaurant."

"Then let us go, Solar."

This is where I'm going to have to leave off chapter 4 guys, sorry, but I've been really busy as of late. My entire family is out of town, and I have to manage an entire house with 2 cats and 2 dogs by myself. Let's just say, IT'S A BITCH! But not to fear, because I am at least about to start writing notes on what will happen in chapter 5. Obviously it will revolve around there date, but I want to brainstorm ideas for where they go, what they eat, and what they do. Thx again for reading guys. As always, like, favorite, follow, feedback. Until we meet again!