Dovah's New Life

by Fazponyjack

A New Life

Chapter I

A New Life

Dovah is a patient dragon. But Skyrim has worn it thin. He has been battered with swords, pelted with arrows, and blasted with magic. He has had enough.

He used a scroll that will grant him unconditional passage into any dimension he desires, but only once, and he can't undo it. Dovah chooses a somewhat peaceful - none are truly and completely peaceful - called Equestria, a land inhabited by many different species, like Skyrim. he decided to be the most advanced species, since he had the option to disguise himself as any of the dimensions species he chooses, the ponies.

His massive size shrunk him to about the size of the bigger of the species two rulers, Princess Celestia, the other, Princess Luna, being the smaller of the two. His pony form still retained his dragon wings, but at a reduced size. he is covered in red scales, with his naturally soft underbelly, and a completely black mane and tail. he has steel-colored reptilian eyes, and his horns were kept, which are his most prominent figure. He also wears a tattered brown cloak. He also decided to not have a cutie mark, since he did not believe in being judged by what he was best at, especially if it was killing innocent bystanders for sport.

Dovah's POV
Unknown Forest

I landed in a clearing in an unknown forest. I looked around to get my bearings. It looked like a forest. "Great," I said. "Another god-damn unknown forest in another unknown god-damn world with no god-damn civilizations anywhere in fucking sight! Fuck this shit!" I got angry. I stormed off in one direction, not caring where I went, just hoping to escape this forest.

I stomped through this forest for hours, smashing through bushes and the occasional Timberwolf through my trek. I was angry, and endless forest for miles is not helping.

"Yor Toor Shul!" The nearest tree was set ablaze by the fire I spurted, along with the surrounding underbrush. I sighed, and sat on the grass admiring the way the flames kept devouring any plant in it's way. I shook my head violently, snapping me out of my admiration.

"Fo Krah Diin!" I shouted. The young flames were snuffed out by the frost I breathed. Instead of flames, the charred tree were now covered by ice. I reluctantly continued my trek, shaking away the thought of living alone. 'That was my undoing,' I thought darkly.

I heard a roar somewhere up ahead. I then saw three screaming fillies dart under me, hiding behind my legs. I looked at them, my expression a mix of anger, frustration, and confusion.

I heard the roar again, this time much closer. I looked up, and came face to face with a dragon. The fillies screamed and ran away screaming. I watched them fade in the distance. "They won't be able to scream for a few weeks after this," I thought.

I looked at the dragon, who was also watching the fillies running. The fillies now gone, the dragon started flying away. I spoke in the dragon tongue, keeping him grounded. "Joor Zah Frul!" The dragon fell to the ground, confused as to why he couldn't fly, and why he felt weak.

"What did you do?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!" The dragon started yelling. "Dragonrend. You're now temporarily mortal." The dragon growled, still attempting to fly. I put my hoof on his shoulder, stopping him and causing him to look at me in confusion. "Why must you make me mortal?" He asked, his common sense telling him not to attack the pony who temporarily made him mortal.

"I couldn't let you chase those innocent little fillies. They must have gotten lost, and if you hurt them, I would have to kill you," I replied, no hesitation in my voice. "I do not want to see this world end up like my world, before I would be able to explore this world."

The dragon looked to the ground, guilt clear on his face. "But they --" he started.

"They what? Did they steal your sweet roll?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. "There's no excuse. You attacked those innocent, lost fillies for being lost. That's not a good trait to have."

I took my hoof off his shoulder, turned and walked a few steps. I stopped "Dragonrend will last one more hour. Use this time to think about your actions. If I hear about a dragon terrorizing innocent ponies," I warned him," I'll be coming after you." I finished in an ominous tone. I walked off, leaving him to sit there for an hour.

As I walked in the bushes once more, I wondered where I was going to live, because this forest seemed to be endless. I walked into a clearing, still not getting anywhere civilized. I stopped and looked around, hope gone from mind. I sighed. I took my emerald amulet from behind my cape, and looked at it in my hoof. "Please let me find a place to live and hopefully start a family." I said out loud, hoping the Nine Divines heard my plead for help.

I replaced the amulet in it's spot under my cape, and continued on my way. I comtinued walking, going back into the bushes to continue my quest in vain.

One hour later, I walked into another clearing. Actually, more like out of the forest.

I gasped in joy at the huge town in front of me. I saw a sign to my left. In my burst of hope that I will indeed live a full and long life, I hadn't noticed the two story cabin pretty much right in front of me.

I cleared my throat and my expression returned to serious as I walked into town. As expected, ponies stared, but not as much as he was expecting. 'I'm liking this place more and more already,' I thought in admiration.

'I need to find a library,' I thought, while finding out where it might be. I asked the nearest pony, who was basically only pink, smiling wider than her face, and jumping up and down.

"Do you know where the library is, ahrk wah til?" I asked her.

She stopped jumping. "Oh, it's the giant tree. Ya can't miss it!" She hopped away.

I looked in the sky, looking for the giant tree the pink pony mentioned. Nearly right away, he noticed the tree, sticking out like a strawberry in a sea of blueberries.

I headed there, the walk being surprisingly short. I couldn't find the sign saying it's name, so I walked in.

"Who's there?" A female asked. I looked around, but couldn't see her.

"Dii los Dovah," I answered in the dragon tongue.

"Huh?" A lavender pony with dark purple mane and tail and a pink highlight in both, and violet eyes and stars on her flank, standing on the stairs, said.

"Nevermind," she said. "How can I help you?" She asked in a cheerful tone.

"Name of the town, do daar, and history." I replied, hoping to get assistance.

"Oh! History of Equestria!" She went to find the book. "The towns name is Ponyville," she replied, as if she's answered this question many times. I noted the town's name.

"Aha!" She took a nook of the top shelf named Equestrian History, and handed it to me. "Please don't mess it up. I don't have any other copies," she said in a worried tone.

I put it my saddlebag, and nodded once at her. "Kogaan," I told her before I left. I turned around and was about to walk out the door before she stopped me.

"Wait! Why do you keep speaking like that?" She asked, genuinely curious.

"It is the dragon's tongue, dovah, spoken only by the dragons of Keizaal, or in your tongue, Skyrim." I answered, leaving before she could ask anymore questions.

Realizing my mistake of forgetting to ask for a map, I went back in the library, while she was walking up the stairs. "Saraan! Wait!" I said. I walked in and shut the door.

"Do you have a map of Ponyville, wah aak, and possibly of the entire golt, land?" I asked.

"Oh! Wait right there! I'll go get it!" She exclaimed as she ran up the stairs. ' Ponies are nice, I thought, ' Maybe I could live here.'

She ran back down the steps and handed me two maps. "You can keep them. I've memorized them."

' Maybe I should get her name, for future reference.' "What is your name, deinmaar?" I asked.

"My name?" She repeated. "It's Twilight Sparkle, librarian of Ponyville!" She answered with pride. 'She must really love books,' I thought.

"Kogaan, Twilight Sparkle," I said, actually leaving this time. I put the Equestrian map in my saddlebag, and looked at the Ponyville map.

I searched for a place to work. 'Might as well earn my money,' I thought. I saw a place called Sweet Apple Acres, a place that grows only apples.

'Maybe I could work there,' I reasoned. ' am strong, after all. I put the map in my saddlebag and headed there, memorizing the route there.

As I arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, I saw an orange pony with a blond mane and tail, both tied by a red ribbon at the ends, with freckles and green eyes and orange coat, and three apples on her flank. She was also carrying two large baskets of apples.

As she passed me, she greeted me.

"Hello, pardner! Ah'm Applejack! What brings ya to Sweet Apple Acres?" She asked in a cheerful tone, more so than Twilight.

"I'm looking for a job, liiv," I replied. "I can help carry apples, zu'u lost mulaag." I gestured at the apples on her back.

"Let me show you my strength." She looked at the apples, then at me.

"Go ahead," She dropped the baskets and moved a few steps away, watching me. "Impress me."

I slid under the harness, lifting the apples with ease. "Where do you want them, mul gein?" I asked.

She gestured at the barn, about halfway across the farm."There an' back."

I nodded, and faced the barn. "Wuld nah kest!" I shouted, carrying me forward half the way. I walked the rest of the way, not weighed down at all.

When I reached the barn, I turned and flew back, completing the whole trip without dropping a single apple.

I looked at her seeimg her surprised face. Without hesitation, she spoke. "Yur hired."

I sat in the library, reading the book Twilight gave me. "Kulaas?" I quietly asked myself.

"Spike!" I heard Twilight yell. I then noticed the very small and young dovah staring at me. He switched his attention to Twilight.

"Yes, Twilight?" He replied, complete loyalty to any task given evident in his voice.

"help out Dovah with anything he needs, I'm going to buy some more quills." She said.

"Yes ma'am!" Spike happily answered. After Twilight left, he turned to look at me. "Need any help there?" Spike asked me.

I looked back at my book. "Nid kogaan, mal dovah." He looked at me, a confused frown on his face.

"Um, what?" He asked.

"No thank you." I translated. "oh, okay!" He said as he smiled once more and ran upstairs. I shook my head lightly with a grin at his antics.

"Spike." I softly called. He poked his head over the railings. "Yes?" He asked.

"You're a dovah, right? a dragon?" I asked.

He nodded."Yes sir! Why did you need to know that?" He asked.

"Since you're a dovah, I would have expected you to know the dragon tongue." I shut my book, focusing all my attention on him. "Would you like to learn some, mal dovah?" I asked.

"No thank you,"He replied.

"Hmm." I stood up.

"Wuld nah kest!" I shouted. "If you change your mind," I whispered into his ear,"I'll be waiting."

I went back to my book, grabbed it with my left wing, put it into my saddlebag, and went to work. Spike stared in shock and awe.

As I arrived, I was instantly put to work. 'I love hard working families,' I thought.

I got to work. I walked to the tree nearest the barn entrance. I sensed Applejack, the pony who hired me, was watching me out of the corner of her eye.

I started circling the tree, analyzing it, trying to think of a way to harvest the apples without breaking the tree.

"Jus' kick it!" Applejack yelled over her shoulder.

I shrugged. 'Here goes nothing.'

I turned and bucked the tree, splintering it, and sending the top half flying, it flying past a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail, violet eyes, and a thundercloud with a rainbow thunderbolt on her flank.

She barely dodged, not expecting it. "Hey, watch it!" She yelled, as she turned to see who caused that flying tree.

"My bad, bo gein!" I apologized. I turned to face Applejack. "Sorry, apple lahvraan. That was entirely my fault, daar bo reyth."

"Well, i'm hungry. Know where I can find some meat, kul quality?" She froze at meat.

"Ya eat meat?" She asked.

"Yes. We dovahs eat meat." I sighed. "If only Alduin did. Could've not had to mess with the dovahkiin."

"Who's this Alduin?" She asked.

"The master dragon. Eats the souls of the dead." I snorted in disdain. "Embarrassed all the dovahs. Making us look bad."

"Wait, dragon? Ur a dragon?" She asked, in mild panic.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you, apple kahvraan. I don't do that anymore." I reassured her.

"Anymore?!?!" Applejack yelled.

"It's okay, i'm just looking for a peaceful life," I calmly said.

'And I hope I get one,' I worriedly thought.