Children of Harmony

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 40: Deep in a Centaur's Eye

In Canterlot, Sakura, Ame, Yuki, and baby Tsubasa are having a relaxing time in the Canterlot Garden. Sakura is simply keeping an eyes on Tsubasa and Blue Quartz while playing with his toys, while Ame, Rose Crystal, and Yuki play a little soccer. Of course, keeping an eye on the little boy has become a challenge since he started walking a few weeks ago. But Sakura has managed to make sure he stays out of trouble.

At the doors, Twilight, Princess, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor are watching the kids having a wonderful time. Twilight, and Shining Armor and Cadence are glad that their children are getting along very well. They can see that they are close as they can be.

Princess Celestia says, "I'm glad the children are having a wonderful time at the garden."

"I have to agree, it's very wonderful to have us gather here as a family," Luna replies with a smile.

"Yes. I'm also glad that I'm able to help you with the royal banquet for tonight," Twilight adds with a smile.

"I agree. It's going to be a well deserved banquet for all the reality around Equestria," Celestia says with a calm smile.

"Which we should probably get ready for, before the guests arrives," Shining Armor says.

Luna says, "You're right."

Agreeing to the idea, The princesses, Twilight, and Shining Armor walk back into the castle to get ready for the Royal Banquet for tonight. Of course they do have some of the royal guards watching the children while they play. The preparation has been going on all afternoon, and it's already late in the evening.

In the entrance to the ballroom, There are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Twilight along with her children, and Shining Armor and his family are waiting to welcome the royalty who will be coming for tonight. Sakura and her sibling are wearing casual and yet formal clothes for the occasion. Sakura and Yuki are wearing simply white long sleeve dresses and Sakura's dress has pink cherry blossom, and Yuki's dress has light blue snowflakes and wearing matching black slip on shoes. Ame is wearing white button up shirt with a blue vest, gray shorts, and red shoes. Tsubasa is wearing a blue shirt, blue jeans, and small green shoes. They are wondering what kind of royalties they will meet for the evening.

Just then carriages are arrives and each royalty exist the carriage to enter the castle. As each royal family walks in, the princesses great them and then they make their way to the other room. Sakura can tell that some of them are looking at her and her family because they are very different. All of the sudden, Sakura notice something or someone is catching her attention.

Sakura can see that a family of centaur are entering the room. She is very surprised, Sakura had never seen a centaur before, until now that is. However, the young centaur is who she's curious about. He has bright red skin on top and short shaggy dark gray on the bottom, black hair and tail, yellow eyes, horns that at the side of his head, and he is wearing gray like armor on his body, with buckles. From the looks of it, that male centaur is a little bit older than she is. Sakura starts to blush for some reason seeing the boy coming towards her. She doesn't know what it means or what to do about it.

She snaps into reality when Princess Celestia says, "King Thor, and Queen Misty, it's very nice to see you both again."

"It is a pleasure to see you too princess," The centaur named King Thor says.

Then Queen Misty says, "You also remember my son, Prince Alain, right."

"Yes. It's very nice to see you again Princess Alain," Princess Celestia greets with a smile.

"Yeah. It's a pleasure to see you," Prince Alain answers, sounding a bit emotionless or just cold.

Princess Celestia simply smiles and says, "Well, I hope you and your parents will have a wonderful evening with us."

"Yeah," Alain mutters with his arms crossed.

Sakura seems a bit confused about the young centaur's behavior. From the looks of it, it seems that he doesn't want to be here. Ame and Yuki seems to be more interested on getting to know the guests who are coming the party more. Sakura then smile to see that the party's getting started, and there will be a lot of new faces to meet.

Sometime later, everyone in the dining room having dinner, talking to each other, and seem to be having a wonderful time. Sakura and her family are having a good time too, but Sakura also seem to be distracted as well. She is having trouble keeping her mind away from that boy. There is something different about him that she is having trouble describing it.

Sakura says in her thoughts, "Why can't I shake this feeling? There is something different about that boy, but I can't put my finger on it."

Twilight notices her daughter deep in her thoughts, and asks, "Sakura, is there something wrong?"

Sakura looks at her mother and answers, "It's nothing. I think I'm going to go outside for some air."

"Alright, but don't stay outside for too long," Twilight says.

"I won't," Sakura replies.

Sakura gets up off of her seat and start to head the doors leading to the balcony outside. She is still feeling a bit on edge about the boy she had seen at the castle earlier that night. At the same time, she can tell that the boy seems to have something else on his home, besides being a bit stubborn.

Just then, she can hear someone opening and closing the door, meaning someone is coming out of the room too. Sakura turns around to see who is exiting the room. To her surprise, the one has come out of the castle is the young centaur prince, Prince Alain. Sakura feels a bit surprised and and a bit nervous to be alone with him.

Sakura nervously says while curtseying in respect, "Um, hello Prince Alain."

"Hey," Alain mutters.

Sakura is not sure what to do now. Alain does seem like he wants to talk about anything to anyone else. She then decides to ask some question and try to start a conversation.

Sakura walks up to him and asks, "So, how are you enjoying your evening?"

"It's fine, I guess," Alain answers as he walk pass her.

He then put his arms on the railing, as he look up the sky. Sakura can tell that the prince doesn't seem very interested in talking to her or anyone else for that matter. Sakur then comes to the railing and is standing next to him.

She looks up to the sky with a smile and says, "The night sky sure is nice,"

"Yeah," Alain answers quietly.

Sakura can see that look and says, "You don't seem you want to be here,"

Alain shakes his head and says, "This isn't exactly my idea of fine, but my parents think that I'd spent too much time inside reading my books and study magic."

"You study magic," Sakura says looking a bit amazed.

"Yes. I'm actually one of the rare few of centaurs that are able to use magic. My parents are supported about it, but think there is more to it than just studying," Alain explains.

After hearing that statement, Sakura starts laughing, but Alain is looking a bit confused about it. He has no clue what she is laughing about, but is annoyed by it.

"I don't see what is so funny about," Alain says while glaring at Sakura.

Sakura stops laughing and says, "No… I'm not laughing at you it's just, you kind of remind me of my mother when she was around our age."

"Huh!" Alain replies, arching his eyebrow and looking confused.

Sakura turns to Alain and explains, "My mother used to be Princess Celestia's student and she told me she spent all of her time studying and working on her magic, and never want to make any friends. What you said is something my mom would say. But she explained to me that magic can only take you so far, and the friendship she made was able to help her magic more,"

"Really," Alain replies, seems a bit interested.

Sakura nods her head, and says, "Yes. Now I'm princess Celestia's student and I'm not only studying magic, but I'm studying everything that is Equestria."

"I guess," Alain replies.

Then Alain says, "You know there's something been bugging me since I saw you."

"What's that?" Sakura questionably asks.

"Why do you look like that? You don't look like a pony, but yet, you seem to have some features of of, including wings and a horn on your forehead," Alain explains while talking Sakura's horn with his hand.

Sakura starts to blush a bit and answers, "Would you believe me if I told you I'm half human, half pony?"

"Human?" Alain questionably replies.

"Yeah. I… used to live in a different world before living in Equestria, that's where my father lived," Sakura explains.

She becomes sad and adds, "Sadly though my father died last year before we came to live here."

"I'm sorry," Alain says, feeling sorry for Sakura.

"It's okay. I sometimes wish dad was here with us, but I know he is still watching us from heaven," Sakura replies while looking at the night sky with the moon and the stars.

Alain start to look up in the sky too. For some strange reason, he never feel this way before. Then again, this is avery long time since he does something with someone else.

Alain calmly says, "I… It's been a long time…"

Sakura looks at Alain with a confused look and asks, "Since what?"

"Since, I've been around and talking to others," Alain finishes his sentence.

"Really, you never been around others since you studied magic," Sakura says.

"Yeah. I guess, I never been around before. I used to be very shy, and I don't talk to others very much," Alain explains.

Sakura looks a little sad and says, "So you've always been alone,"

"Yeah," Alain sadly answers.

Sakura can see that Alain seems to always by himself. While living in Okinawa she used to be shy too. But her mother was able to help her. In the end she ended up with a lot of friends. Since she moved to Equestria she ends up with more friends than she had before. So she can kind of understand how Alain felt.

Then Sakura says, "I'll tell you what, for now on, I'll be your friend."

Alain looks at Sakura with a surprised look and quietly asks, "You… you will?!"

Sakura nods her head with a smile and answers, "Sure I will. Even though we both lived in different towns, I'm sure there is a way for us to stay in touch."

"That's would be fine, but I lived in a kingdom outside of Equestria," Alain says.

"Where do you live?" Sakura asks.

"Tambelon," Alain answers.

"Tambelon?" Sakura questionably replies.

"It used to belong to an evil ram sorcerer name Grogar. But a hundred years ago, my great great grandfather was able to overthrow him with his best friend who became a royal adviser when he ruled," Alain says explaining his family history.

Sakura says with amazement, "Wow, that sounds very cool. I remember my mother told me Equestria got it's start when 6 ponies became friend and learned to live together after settling their difference. That's also the same day as a holiday called Hearth's Warming Eve."

"Yeah. I remember hearing something about that. However there are some story that are not so pleasant to tell," Alain replies looking a bit serious.

"Like what?" Sakura asks with concern.

"I don't think this is something I should be telling you much about. That is something Princess Celestia should be telling you. All I can tell you is that over a thousand years ago, there was a centaur who had the same magic as I do, but he used his for evil," Alain says looking very serious.

"I'm guessing that centaur found his way to Equestria and tried to take it over," Sakura says with concern.

"Yeah. Like I said, I shouldn't be the one to tell you this story," Alain replies.

Sakura calmly answers, "I understand."

Before they can continue their conversation, the doors open and cause the two to become surprised. They turn to see Princess Celestia, Sakura's family and Alain's parents. They figure they must have been out longer than they should have been.

Princess Celestia says, "There you two are, we've been looking for you."

Queen Misty comes over to her son and worriedly says, "Alain you almost had us worried."

"You know you shouldn't have gone off on your own, especially without letting us know where you're going," King Thor says firmly.

"I'm sorry, I was just talking to Sakura," Alain apologizes.

"Sakura?" The king and queen questionably reply.

Princess Celestia walks over to Sakura and says, He means my new student that I'm training."

Queen Misty smiles and compliments, "I remember seeing her earlier. I'd must say she's beautiful."

"Thank you," Sakura replies.

"Well, what matters is that the children are safe and we don't have to sent out anything severe for it," King Thor says.

"Sakura did told me she was going to be here for a few minutes, but they must have been for like over a half hour," Twilight replies.

"I'm sorry mom. I guess I lost track of time," Sakura apologizes.

"That's okay Sakura. But I can see you were having a good conversation with Prince Alain," Twilight replies with a smile on her face.

Sakura smiles back and says, "Yeah. I guess we did.

Sometime later, all of the guest are in their carriages heading back to their home kingdoms. Twilight and her family will be staying at the Canterlot Castle tonight. At this moment, Sakura's brothers, sister, and mother are already asleep in their rooms, except her. She begins to look outside from the balcony to see the stars. She can't get her conversation with alain from her mind.

Sakura says in her thought in a calm tone, "I wonder how Alain is doing?We sure to have a good talk for the night, and he seems to be happy while doing so. I hope we get to see each other again someday."

With that, Sakura walks back into the room and closed the door. She then lies down on the bed and falls asleep right way. She is glad to have met someone like alain even though it was a bit difficult to get through to. She does hope Alain will come back for a visit and maybe someday she'll be able to go visit him at his home land.

At the city of Tambelon at the castle. Alain is looking out of the window seeing the sky, moon, and stars, just like he had done with Sakura this very night. He think that Sakura is able to get through to him somehow, and was able to accept him as a friend.

Alain says in his thoughts, "Sakura, I don't think I'll ever be able to forget you. I do wish we'll become good friends someday."

After that Alain closed the doors to his window and make sure it's locked. Then Alain uses his magic to tuck himself in and start to drift off to sleep. Alain seems to become quite fond of Sakura. He does hope he'll be able to see her someday, and get to talk to her again very soon.