Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 5: Madinat Alzamard

"Even a thief must eat and if stealing to live makes you the thief... So be it."
-Hidaji, Thieves Guild, Alzamard-

Dinner passed in relative silence as everyone was too exhausted from just surviving to talk very much let alone move around. Once more Zuri had to plaster Verik's arms in salve to remove the burns and she warned him that once they reached Alzamard he would need to buy something to cover himself with as she would not keep using up her healing salve.

When asked what exactly the "magical" salve was and how she made it Zuri brushed it off, the concoction was not over her own making but given to them by Subira (Soo-Bee-Rah) before they set off along with other potions they might need including the goop that kept the flies away.

Eating slowly they all stared at the burning embers of their fires and listened to the distant cackle of hyenas, the guard was doubled that night but Verik was not put on guard duty; It was still clear there was a great rift between them and it stood to reason from their standpoint he had only fought because his life had depended upon it.

While not true there was no way of proving the point otherwise so it was pointless to even bother trying. So far the only two that showed any sign of trusting him even slightly more were Jelani and strangely enough Sefu.

Not that he really trusted any of them either, except Asha. Sefu probably saw him as just another mercenary to hire and keep around so long as he was useful but so be it, they shared a common goal: survive.

When they had first stopped Verik decided on keeping some of his new "weapons" close to where he slept had raised eyebrows among several and caused some hushed arguments before they finished unloading for the night but Sefu had waved them off.

Either he was certain he could kill Verik easily, which was certainly true, but there was nothing to gain by it nor did it make much sense that he would "betray" them at this point.

Or at least that is what Verik figured was the reasoning behind it, the conversations had been far too hushed to make out.

Asha tossed and turned that night waking up a few who grumbled before scooting farther away. She had chosen to sleep a little closer to him that night and moving his own sleeping mat closer he laid down again and threw out an arm and placed a hand on her arm quieting the tossing and turning mare before closing his eyes.

Sounds of movement and shuffling of hooves woke him easily in what could only be assumed as early morning, Sefu and Zuberi were the first two up every morning it would seem. Sitting upright on his mat Verik stole a long glance at Asha's sleeping form before rising and walking over to join Zuberi and Sefu.

"Have you figured out your story yet?" Zuberi and Sefu watched him quietly and waited.

"Yes, if anyone asks I am from the extreme north, tell them I am from Germania, I doubt anyone knows any better."

"Hm... Very well, do not forget you are a mercenary, do not talk even if spoken to, just ignore them."

"Understood, but does being a mercenary mean I get a pay raise?"

Zuberi let out a small groan.

He really is acting like a mercenary...

"Maybe if things go well, you are already fitting the part well enough."

Turning his attention away from Verik he looked at Sefu and nodded, they would be leaving as quickly as possible judging from the hurry that ensued.

Verik rejoined Asha near the little camping spot they shared and collected the bowls before getting in line with the others, she had not woken yet and after getting their allotment he returned and placed them aside.

Shaking her a little Asha let out a yelp and nearly bounced off her mat and looked around wildly before calming down a little, without a word she stood and snatched the small jar and walked off to the well leaving Verik to stare and wonder.

"So we leave him in Alzamard?"

"Yes. I do not trust him and I will not have a predator, even one who barely knows how to fight, in my caravan."

Sefu stared at Zuberi a moment chewing slowly on the dried fruit Zuri had given him.

"If he wants to return with us?"

"Sefu, he is a risk, one we are better off not taking, we have already taken too many by allowing outsiders into the village. One already had to be killed, Tendaji was clear about allowing others in."

"True... Verik fought for us though, not against. Tenda-"

"I know! But that was just as much to save his own hide as ours. Sefu, I know you want more fighters to train because of what is happening but that one is a predator. He eats meat like the jackals do! Probably."

"So you do believe Nuru's stories... Yes, he eats flesh but that one eats other things, stories say the jackals also ate like us sometimes. Dey eat many things."

Zeburi let out a heavy sigh.

"So you want us to what? Take him back with us and hope that he is less like the jackals but close enough? If not then what? How do we know he is not going to betray us should the opportunity arise?"

"He not run during fight, he stood and waited on them. They ignore him during attack but still stays and fights."

"That proves nothing."

"Proves something."

"And Tendaji?"

"My problem... Maybe he tested more, find out truth yes?"

"How exactly do you plan on doing that Sefu?"

"Dont know yet, but will think of something... Maybe spirits show us."

Zuberi scoffed for a moment before looking away when Sefu turned and glared.

Asha showed no signs nor interest in talking that morning even after they finished eating and packed the wagons. Today was supposed to be a slow, lazy day of just getting there and unloading the wagons at Zuberi's instruction but something hung over her head all morning.

Verik watched the surrounding flatlands as they continued their journey towards the distant city, the ground still had enough of a rise at some points to give him a somewhat distant view of the city.

Last night it had been hard to see but now that they were getting closer it was clear the vast slums outside the walls was quite vast indeed, farmland stretched out far and wide along the riverbanks as small boats began to move up and down the river but at this distance they were nearly invisible.

One thing that stood out however on one rise was the sight of distant wild dog packs moving along the grasslands, rather than coming at the caravan however they were headed for the city as well which was very odd.

Even a hyena pack was visible at one point as they hurried along acting as if they were going to be late for something and the closer to the city they got the more became visible and it was not looking promising. Well fed vultures inspected the tiny caravan at one point, circling and sitting in some nearby trees as if waiting for something before loosing interest and moving on.

"Asha... Why are there so many vultures, wild dogs and hyenas?"

It was not Asha who answered however, Jelani was walking nearby and piped up quickly before the young zebra had a chance to even look up.

"Disease, starvation, bandits. All means death, last time I was here they were burying hundreds who died and wild dogs were attacking the grave diggers to get the bodies."

"Okay that is disturbing... Why again does anyone even live here? Why not move far, far away from this living hell?"

"Nowhere to go, so they stay. Here they can steal to eat and survive, out there..." Jelani motioned to the Savannah. "Out there... Few survive on their own."

"Safety in numbers but the numbers are so great it causes starvation and makes things worse."

"Yes. Long, long ago city was not so bad, very safe, plenty of food. Now Fareed rules, he sells everything but leaves just enough everyone is desperate but not strong enough to challenge him."

"What was the city like back then?"

"Too long ago to remember, only ancient stories."

"And Fareed? Is that why no one resists or overthrows him?"

"Yes and no. Fareed greedy and corrupt but also very strong, mercenaries protect him and bandits serve to scare everyone. Everyone too afraid to fight, he makes examples of tribes tha-"

Asha hissed at Jelani a moment and the two exchanged looks before going quiet, Jelani moved away and went back to the wagon taking up a different position leaving Verik and Asha to themselves.

"What was that about?"

No response was forthcoming as they continued to walk, whatever Jelani had been going to say had put a damper on Asha's usually cheerful expression more so than whatever dreams had plagued her that night.

Approaching the city late that morning was a small task as the trail they followed did not line up with any roads resulting in several turns and struggles over less even and rocky bits of terrain as they wound their way around the outermost part of the slums that ringed the cities exterior.

Finally reaching the primary road on the southern end Zuberi began guiding them forward but in a much tighter, compact formation.

Everything about the slum city was ramshackle, rotten pieces of cloth and tarp were stitched loosely together to provide shade, some actual buildings stood made of rough mud bricks. A few were even two stories high with ladders allowing access to the upper levels of the bent buildings that looked as if they might collapse at any moment.

Tents, shacks, lean-toos and even holes dug in the ground that were ringed with whatever material could be found to form walls and roves were the average home in this filthy area.

Zebras and some other breed of colorful equine filled these areas hustling about either panhandling, stealing or busied themselves with their everyday lives. Large pots were carried on their heads as they hustled about or carried their cargo in baskets, smaller hand pulled wagons were somewhat common as goods were moved to the various destinations in the shack city.

A wagon passed them going the other way being pulled by a large team of shackled equines, it was loaded to bursting and with great effort they pulled it along as an overseer walked beside them yelling out loudly the price of body disposal and burial.

Verik slowed his pace as they approached and getting a better look the wagon saw that it was piled high with dead bodies covered in thick sheets of flies that swarmed into the air as one giant, dense cloud whenever a body was thrown on, with a crack of the whip the wagon moved on after the overseer received payment while more bodies were tossed onto the pile.

I think I would rather take my chances on the open Savannah...

He studied the locals more the deeper they went into the city towards the distant walls, Asha had been telling the truth about clothes being more an option than a requirement: few if any wore anything at all other than a simple belt or string with a pouch attached, most wore them around their necks and fidgeted whenever someone got a little too close.

Any that did were dressed much like those he traveled with: in tatters or as minimalists. A few had been dressed well however, one was the overseer that passed them robed in her finery with silver tassel and lining and the other merchants who arrived with their own caravans all dressed in various kinds of outfits showing off their wealth, all had guards close at hand.

It smelled horrible too, chamber pots were dumped out along the side of the road or randomly along with anything dead or dying, rats swarmed the area clawing and fighting over any moldy scrap the locals could not stomach to eat themselves.

Halfway there things slowed to crawl as the dense throngs swarmed in trying to enter the city in the hopes of earning enough to feed themselves and family, caravans were backed up quite a distance and looking them over they had most certainly been harassed.

Several wagons had deep cut marks on the sides and even dark colored splatters where some poor sap had been killed and slammed into the wagon. Many were pulled by oxen but plenty more were much like their own: pulled by raw body power and numbers.

Guards swarmed the wagons beating locals away but there were so many a few managed to filch now and then but none bothered with the "poor" caravans. Things came to head farther up when some raggedy zebras who looked like scarecrows with their bones showing tried to grab a sack off one wagon.

A guard swung her spear at them and knocked them back but one tried to push her away before being stabbed quickly, things halted only for a brief moment before the body was dragged off to the side and left in an offal pile then things resumed as if nothing had happened.

Verik hardly received even so much as a passing glance from anyone, even the kids that were trying to pick the wagons barely looked at him before racing off, everything here was one massive scramble to stay alive one day at a time.

Screaming started farther up and a band of well armed and dressed soldiers began marching down the road past the caravans, not a soul went near them at their passing but neither did they attempt to pry anyone off the wagons either.

"Fareed's mercenaries."

Jelani tugged Verik a little closer to the wagon.

"Do not look at them, look away."

They marched past bearing well polished spears and metal cap helmets that bore a red plume of sorts, chainmail of some sort akin to a hauberk protected their bodies with some kind of robe underneath of it that reminded him of the garb worn by Arabs.

Following Jelani's instructions to a degree he turned his head slightly away but instead turned his eyes and watched quietly as a hushed silence fell over the throngs at their passing. Once they had passed however it was every man and woman for themselves again.

Reaching the wall however was mesmerizing and disgusting, none were allowed to build near the wall itself resulting in a two hundred yard gap between the slums and the walls themselves but the walls... Soaring up several stories they absolutely towered over everything, anyone who would try and climb this monolith would have a hard time of it.

What was strange however was its design, it was as if different engineers had built some parts but not others, each one changing their mind slightly as to how it should look but using the same giant, heavy stones that showed signs of having once been painted long, long ago.

It was like Egyptians, Hittites and Persians had sat down together and fought it out over who would get to finish the job and looking at the gate... It was clear the Persians had largely won out over the others on that bid.

The gatehouse of Alzamard was a grand structure with three towers and two large double doors big enough to allow a flow both in and out of the city at the same time. Two statues stood out slightly from the structure that were of sitting lions, their mouths open daring anyone to attack.

Though ancient the paint used had clung to the grand structure well enough revealing it to be a kind of blue once, it was covered in small carvings to glorify others who were by now long dead and forgotten but no one had bothered to keep up the paint making it look dingy and discolored.

Neither had the current owner bothered to keep up with the road system, the narrow dirt path they followed did not line up with the gatehouse but bent in sideways somewhat and most certainly was not wide enough to allow for two way traffic as the gatehouse had originally been designed for.

A trench had been dug once upon a time too, while intended for defense the pit was now packed to the brim and overflowing with garbage of every sort and even a distant body being picked over by vultures and rats which only added to the morbidness of this hellish place.

This was not what he had hoped for.

"Remember, do not speak!"

Verik's attention snapped back to what was going on around him as Jelani poked him, they had arrived to the gate and now it was their turn to pass through and the city guards had just finished waving the caravan ahead of them through but not before a lengthy argument.

Looking them over they were nowhere near as well armed nor dressed as the mercenaries, simple padded armor or a little metal plate was the best they had along with turbans that would do nothing against a blow to the head but it was clear they were not dressed for war but for something else.


"Halt! State your business."

Zuberi tried not to roll his eyes as the guard then coughed a little and rubbed his fingers together. He had been here many times in his life, his father bringing him here as a colt so long ago, since then things had only gotten worse, at least back then they would try and be discreet.

Fareed has done wonders for his city and people, at least they used to have pride at being corrupt bastards...

"Yes, yes... Caravan from Mjesani, going to sell my goods and return, we will not be staying."

A much older guard eyed him over before slapping the hand of the younger one away, a grim smile came to his face making Zuberi worry as he stepped forward.

"Fine, fine... What is in the pots?"

"Some dried food, fruits, odds and ends to sell that I picked up along the way, I have my manifest her-"

Slapping it aside as Zuberi presented it the guard looked over the first wagon and popped open a few jars before moving to the second wagon.

"Oil too I see... Wine? I smell wine..."

"Yes I have a jar farther back, purple striped one. Why?"

"You carry many odd things, perhaps other things?"

"As if I have the money for such things, even if I did why would I enter the main gate which is so closely watched?"

"Do not stroke my ego boy." The old stallion opened one jar at a time and kept searching. "Where are your oxen?"

"Pah! If I had that much money I would retire or move to the north!"

"Perhaps you left your oxen behind."

Zuberi spread his arms out in fake exasperation.

"These... Peasants, would steal them! I could not dare bring them! Also there are no harnesses see!" He grabbed the bars used to hold onto while pulling and shook.

Shaking his head the old guard continued down the line before halting in front of Verik and staring.

"What the hell is this?"

"Mercenary, weird one I know but he does his job."

"Very strange, what are you?"

"He is from Germania, far to the north, I do not pay him to speak only obey."

Looking Verik over carefully he used the butt of his spear to poke at the bloody pants before looking back at the wagon.

"Feh. Open that big one." He pointed to a large jar in the center of the middle wagon.

Zuberi climbed on and popped the top off as the old guard joined him.

"Big pot for such worthless cargo. Maybe I make you empty it out?"

"Only if you pay for it."


The guard thrust an arm deep into the pot and felt around before pulling it free and shaking off the contents then hopped down from the wagon.

"Satisfied sidiq?"

Glaring at Zuberi the guard nodded before holding out his hand, Zuberi quickly removed two silver coins and passed them over.

"What are you trying at now!?"


Bouncing the coins in his hand the guard straightened up and glared at Zuberi who nodded slowly and acting a little intimidated pulled two more from his pouch and handed them over.

"That is all I can afford, as you can see we hav-"

"Shut up and go."

Waving him off the guard pocketed the coins and went back to his post and when the younger guard said something elbowed him in the side hard making him cough.

As the wagons began moving the old stallion watched quietly till Verik was passing.

"You may be diseased but the mercenary companies are always looking for new flesh."

Verik looked at him with a blank expression and nodded slightly as he passed the old guard who promptly turned while shoving the younger guard out and towards the next caravan trying to enter the city.

A collective sigh of relief washed over everyone as they listened to the next group in line getting grilled by the guards, looking around it was clear getting into the city was a problem but not so much getting out.

"Fareed will have his dues."

Looking at Jelani he raised an eyebrow at her statement.

"Fareed is smart enough not to take twice, usually... They search us to make certain there is nothing of great value, if there is they take it or demand payment for safe passage."

"Tax collectors."

"Yes but they also steal."

"You lot seemed awfully worried when he started to search your wagons."

Jelani just scowled at him a moment before shaking her head.

"Welcome to Madinant Alzamard strange one."

"What does that mean?"

"It means The Emerald City. Pah! Too filthy to be a gem! Should be called dung heap!"

Verik looked around at the buildings as they passed down the once grand street.

"Fair enough..."