Civil War: Light vs Dark

by PonyJoel

Sotnas The Demented! Finding Truths!

"Twilight, there is something that you need to know about that Colt," Celestia said.

"Celestia? What is it you have to tell me?" Twilight asked.

"Sotnas along with the outsiders are demented. They are everything that evil supposed to be. Destructive, cruel, nefarious, liars, deceptive and unholy. Sotnas is far worse than Queen Chrysalis and her Changeling Army. He controlled all life in hell. The demons would play with ponykind. Waging wars or creating corruption by any means necessary. When I was brought into existence, my goal came clear. I needed to find a way to reverse the effects of how all ponies lived but in order to do so, I needed to gain Sotnas trust. Apparently, he mastered immortality and that was my key to finding his weakness. Sotnas actually fell in love with me in my 20's but I used my charm to gain the upper hoof. I seduced him a little into teaching me his immortality spell. Then after he taught me how to use it, I turned to my sister Luna and taught her the same spell. After years of research, I created the one thing that'll hold off Sotnas and his forces. I created the Cutie Marks we all have today. Not only they signify our purpose but they give us more reasons to fight back against the darkness. Our Cutie Marks gave us the opportunity to crush Sotnas and his colony. Everypony started to gain Cutie Marks and decided to live among us. The Cutie Mark's purpose allows the bearer to master that certain art and use it to our advantage. It worked, only a few remained. Sotnas have been planning revenge for a long time now. Since you brought him here Twilight, I should thank you for allowing all of us to finish what he started. To end his reign of terror once and for all."

Twilight thought about what Celestia have spoken. She took it into full consideration. It bugged her. Two sides of the story and they both have compelling reasons and facts but Twilight is having a difficult time figuring out who's lying and who's telling the truth.

"So, since you have sent letters to the Quadrants of the Equestrian Army, what would you like me to do about the situation? "

"Find your friends, get them ready for battle. Things are about to become hectic in the next few days." Celestia stated. She left her room and headed towards Luna's corridors.

Twilight flew back to her castle to alert her friends for the upcoming battle. Starlight Glimmer trotted her way towards Twilight.

"Hey Twilight, how you been?" Starlight asked.

"Not fine Starlight. Also, I need your help."

"What you need help with?"

"The truth."


"Celestia and this other pony I met have a major conflict between each other for millenniums. Now they're back at it again. I've seen and heard both sides of the story. Is there a magic spell you know that can bring the verdict on both sides?"

"Yea, it's a deliberation ritual. I learned it when I was 17 and the spell allows me to see the answer to anything that comes to mind. What is going on with this pony you met and Princess Celestia?"

"It's probably best if I show you."

Twilight used her magic for a flashback memory spell. It allows both Starlight and Twilight to see what she witnessed 48 hours ago. Starlight is seeing Sotnas for the first time and she felt very uncomfortable at first but she eased up during the conversation the two were having in the flashback. Starlight was able to see Twilight give up her Cutie Mark temporary. It made Starlight feel bad about her past sins when removing Cutie Marks for her friendship ways. Starlight saw the paradise that was presented in the darkness. She couldn't believe what she saw in Twilight's eyes. The land is far more beautiful than Equestria. She thought that it had to be a fake. Starlight kept her cool and listened to every question asked an answered. Then things took a turn heading into Canterlot. Seeing Sotnas and Celestia fight like that. Then Celestia explaining her side of Sotnas. Everything just didn't feel alright once the spell has ended.

"Alright, I now know why you would ask me for the deliberation ritual. Stand back a little and we'll find out exactly who's right in all of this so we can put an end to it."

Twilight stepped back a little. Starlight used her magic and she levitated a little. Her Cutie Mark glowed as a blinding white stream of magic exploded. Twilight and Starlight are in the spiritual guide realm where their questions can be answered.

"In all of the years in Equestria, who is telling the truth about the foundation of the land? Celestia or Sotnas?"

The realm quickly changed gears and projected a widening view of Equestria. Unfortunately, the realm gave exactly both sides of the story to Celestia and Sotnas. It was unable to determine who's side is more realistic. After a few moments, the realm closed and both Starlight and Twilight are back to where they were. Unsure to do what's next.

"This is crazy! Not even the ritual can answer that question! It's unable to decide which is the truth!"

"Sorry Twilight but there is not much I can do from here."

"Starlight, gather the others and let them know about everything you and I discussed and witnessed."

"Will do."

Starlight trotted her way out of the castle. Twilight turned and remember what Sotnas have said.

"Darkness is not dark at all. Darkness is a special word that brings us together. In the Dark, you're not alone. It's quite beautiful actually. You see the world clear as day. Darkness is harmony and Light is Disharmony. Celestia would switch the terms meaning that Darkness is evil and Light is good. She used it and then others started to follow her in the wrong direction. Never to be seen again."

Twilight thought of an idea. If she wasn't able to get the answer to the conflicts then perhaps she can get the answers to what Darkness and Light really is. The true meaning of it. Twilight used the same magic spell she saw Starlight used. It worked. She is now back into the spiritual realm and asked about the real difference between Darkness and Light. Just like before, the realm couldn't pick up the actual right answer. This left Twilight astray. Unsure what to do now. Starlight came back to the Castle with their friends. Now it's time to clear things up about the upcoming war that awaits everypony.

"Girls, there is something serious we need to talk about. It will hinder on Equestria as we know it..."