//------------------------------// // Meeting Among Friends! Side Already Chosen! Another Trip! Researching For More Answers! Reunions! // Story: Civil War: Light vs Dark // by PonyJoel //------------------------------// Twilight and all of her friends are in the Friendship Map Throne room. Twilight used her magic and showed everypony what she has witnessed in the past 48 hours. All but Twilight and Starlight were amazed but horrid by the upcoming war between two immortalize ponies and they're great powerful magic that the two have on each side. For a few minutes, everypony have thought and made their decisions. "So, after witnessing my memories and gathering your thoughts about all that was shown, whose side are you going with?" "C'mon Twi, it's obvious that Celestia is right in all this...I mean where in her lifetime that she's done something corruptive? Never! Princess Celestia is the symbol of Light and Harmony. EVerything she ever did and continues to do builds up everything we do." "I have to agree with Dash here Twilight. In my family's history throughout generations, there has never been anything demented from Celestia. Sure she has faced many foes before us but she is not evil." "Twilight, darling. Celestia is the Princess of the Sun. She is everything that light is supposed to be. She brings it to us every day." "Technically you are a student of Celestia. IF anypony should know her better out of all of us is you Twilight." "Yea!" Everyone shouted. "I know I know but still, everypony here is entitled to their opinion but I just wanted to hear from you girls. All of you have valid points but you're agreeing with one side of the story...of the war that will take place in the next few days." "Yea so..what about it?" "Rainbow Dash. I know that you jump to conclusions but you did saw what Sotnas has shown me. Do you even consider that something may not be right here?" "Uh, let me think about that...No! Twilight, you should know those evil tyrants will create something oblivious to mess up everypony's mind. To corrupt them from the blinding truth. Now if you excuse me, I need to get to Spitfire and see if I can participate with the Wonderbolts on the upcoming attack from Sotnas' forces." Rainbow Dash flew out of Twilight's castle. Rainbow said something that impacted Twilight. The words are very similar to what Sotnas about blinding truths and a creation to corrupt everypony. "Twilight...I know how the others feel. I can understand your side...Sotnas side of the story but he still has a hatred towards Celestia. Discord had the same but was changed for the better. Luna did as well. Maybe Sotnas is trying to get something else rather than the land. Perhaps a friend or two..?" "Fluttershy...he has his colony and friends all around where he's at. I highly doubt about making friends here and friendship being the solution as well. It's more than that." "Twilight, I know that this Sotnas guy can seem promising but it takes time to build trust and there are some ponies out there that are rather off not dealing with. I know friendship is key but Twi, this is war and it'll come down to the winner of the side. If you excuse me, I need to get back to the farm and arm myself for war." "Darling, let's be honest here. Sotnas is uncouth. He is everything but harmony in his name. I mean really. Cutie Marks...a bad thing. It defies ponies for who we are and our special talent is meant for a greater purpose. I can't imagine life without one...No offense Starlight." Starlight sighs "None taken." "Anyways, I need to pack up and head to Canterlot. I'll meet you in Celestia's castle." "I'll join you Rarity." "Me as well!" Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie, left the castle leaving Starlight Glimmer, Spike and Twilight alone. They pounder on the situation at hoof. Neither of them wants to choose Celestia because her side has more followers than Sotnas but they don't want to be wrong because of Sotnas' manipulation techniques. It's easy to jump to conclusions than to give reason to it but still. It bothered everyone in the room. Twilight got up after hours of thinking. "I'm going to find more answers." "Count us in as well." Both Spike and Starlight said. "Thanks but I'd be better off alone in this quest." "No, you won't. RIght now our friends are choosing Celestia because of her good nature and side of the story. We want to understand exactly how you feel in all this and in case you were to get into some kind of trouble." Starlight said. After full consideration, Twilight agreed with Starlight and give them the green light to come aboard on their quest. Together they'll find the missing plotholes in this war. They'll find out whose side is Harmony and the other Disharmony. The next day came. Starlight, Twilight, and Spike are at the train station. Their friends were already on the move heading towards Canterlot to meet up with the Princesses and Shining Armor. The train pulled up and now the will have to wait 13 hours to get to their destination. 13 hours has passed. Everypony and dragon left the train. Twilight trotted the same direction where she found the entrance and there it was. Same place where she found it the first time. She used her magic and she went inside with Starlight and Spike. The three of them slid down the entrance heading to the same place where she met Sotnas. There he was again. Sitting on a circle with candles. "Hello Twilight, nice to see you again. I see you brought Spike and Starlight Glimmer to our domain." Starlight and Spike were surprised to hear Sotnas saying their names like he knows them. "Yes. We're here to talk." "Very well but not here. Since Spike is not a pony, he'll be just fine heading into paradise. The difference is that he'll be grown but in control of his passion. As for you Twilight, you'll have to come through without your Cutie Mark. Same goes for you Dictator Glimmer since you're used to removing Cutie Marks." "How did you know about that?" Starlight asked. "Without a Cutie Mark, us Unicorns are also able to see each other's past so we as a colony can help one another better." "Wow." "Now you will feel a change when I extract your Cutie Mark off of you. You will feel the unlimited magic our world provides in a matter of moments." "Alright then." Sotnas uses his magic to remove Twilight and Starlight's Cutie Marks. He placed them in a spellbinding protection circle. Twilight can feel the sensation of magic flowing through her body. Allowing herself to change size. Starlight becomes overwhelmed with the magic building up. She had never felt more powerful in magic than ever before. It was truly something worth believing. Her body also changed as well. She is the same size as Twilight but she's as tall as Celestia now. Starlight became enthusiastic. "I see somepony enjoying the new fond of magic?" Starlight blushed a bit. "Twilight was exactly like you when she first transformed and felt the unlimited magic coursing through her body. Anyways, we have to get moving to my home. Everypony in paradise is already getting ready for war. Into the Darkness!" Sotnas ran deeper in the darkness. Starlight and Spike looked at each other wondering about the Darkness but Twilight ensure her friends that there is nothing to worry about. Twilight escorted her friends deeper into the dark hallway. At the end of it, they see a light. What Spike and Starlight saw in paradise was amazing. Not even Equestrian lands can be this bold and majestic. Spike has grown into a full-size dragon. His wings expanded from his back allowing him flight. He flew around the paradise as he saw earth ponies flying by with books. He got to witness an interdimensional gate opening in the sky. He saw pegasi flew out of the gate. It amazed Spike as he flew next to the pegasi. They waved at him and flew towards the ground. Spike flew back to Twilight as she alerted them to come into Sotnas home. As they entered, Sotnas closed the door and placed a silencing circle around them so they can have a private conversation in peace. "Alright Sotnas, I have some questions for you if you don't mind answering." "Not at all, what you have in mind?" "Starlight used a deliberation ritual but it was having trouble solving the questions I asked. Why would the deliberation spell not have an answer?" "Celestia's manipulation with magic. To protect herself and keeping the others from finding the exact truth. It would be best that the ritual would have a harder time understanding to cover herself." Starlight couldn't believe with her own ears that Sotnas gave a really good reason to why her ritual wouldn't work. Spike just watched as Starlight gave a funny response to the answer. "So if everything you told me was true, how come my friends couldn't see the truth when I showed them my experiences here and told them your side of the story." "Well, for starters, you've broken the solemn promise but not mad at that. You did what was right. Anyways, answering your question about your other friends, they are quickly blinded to the exact truth. When following Celestia after so many years, it becomes harder to detail everything that co-exists in our world. Also, it becomes harder to withstand Celestia and her manipulative magic thus allowing everypony to fight for her than to fight against her. Later this week, we'll free the ponies from the truth. Already our numbers have doubled." "What?!" "Apparently, King Alpha and Queen Omega are on our side. They have sent us new members to add to our family. " "Who would that be?" "A pony couple that rules the Crystal Empire along with their subjects. They have seen the Darkness and know that Celestia needs to be stopped before our world collapses." "Cadence and" "Shining Armor." This paralyzed everypony in the room. Twilight and Starlight couldn't believe that Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are teaming up with Sotnas. "When...how..why?!" "Before you pass out, they came here on a vacation day. They wind up slipping here by accident. I showed them what I showed them. They didn't want to believe everything I say but I have more valid points that Celestia about our world. I showed them the real Equestrian World ruled by Celestia and they were disgusted by how things were running. I was the one that broke the silence letting Cadence know she isn't a real Princess. It broke her heart as she stood long enough to see her horn evaporate. When she tried to use her magic of love, it didn't work out for her. She finally saw the truth and wanted to help us take back our land. Shining Armor is outside of my home gathering the army together for impending war. " As soon as Sotnas said that, Twilight quickly left Sotnas home and found Shining Armor along with several generals and Sunburst. Shining Armor turned as he felt magic coming from Twilight. "Twili?" "Big brother!" The two embraced and hugged each other. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here searching for answers bro." "Well, you've come to the right place. After finding out that Celestia is a no good pony that created Disharmony in our world, it's time to take it back for the better." "So what are you planning here?" "Since I worked as a guard in Canterlot, I know different places throughout Canterlot for a sneak attack plan. Despite Celestia having all eyes on Sotnas, she would never expect Cadence and I to join him thus giving us an element of surprise." "Don't forget, Celestia will have a harder time dealing with me and our colony outside of Canterlot. At the battlefield in case, Celestia was to retreat, you will be there to put an end to her regime." "Sunburst!" Starlight shouted as she saw her friend. "Starlight!" Sunburst shouted. The two embraced and hugged each other. "I've seen you have chosen the right side for war. I now know that my magic has always been with me. It's been hiding away from me due to my Cutie Mark. Now that I'm free from it, my magic spells are more effective than ever." "Good for you Sunburst. Glad that you're enjoying yourself with the unlimited magic in our world." "It's truly amazing Starlight. Also, are you going to participate in the war coming up?" Starlight thought about it but seeing paradise for the first time and seeing how calm Sotnas is, she feels that she needs to be part of the cause. "Yes. I'm going to fight. To end Celestia's regime and taking back our world. The way it's supposed to be." "I can't believe that your here Shining. Where's Cadence?" "Twilight, Cadence is by the waterfall looking at her reflection. She doesn't feel right yet knowing the truth about herself. If you want to talk to her then be my guess but just know, her new form of magic is different but powerful enough to send you flying." "Thanks for the heads up." "No problem my friend." Twilight flew towards the waterfall to have a talk with Cadence. Cadence is no longer an Alicorn. Her talent was a lie written by Celestia. She cried for what seemed like days. As Twilight approached Cadence, she sensed Twilight's magic and turned. Smiling but tears streaming out of her eyes. Anger and confusion are written on Cadence's face. Twilight went towards Cadence and hugged her. "I'm sorry that you were living in a lie." "Me too...I wish I could have known sooner rather than later. I can't believe Tia is a heartless cruel monster that shattered everypony from within. Making a hugely controversial towards ponies with unlimited magic. Controlling them with an iron hoof. I can't believe that Tia is a phony. I can't believe that she made me an Alicorn Princess to protect herself from those who'll find out the truth about the real Equestrian lifestyle. It sickens me and now I want payback for the world she is destroying. " "I can't believe it either. She made me a Princess of Magic. Sotnas said that I'm actually a real Princess but my job is to make sure our world is balanced. That is what Sotnas said about me. Right now, I clearly see why Celestia made our world unbalanced. My question for you is... Are you going to war against Celestia?" "Twilight, Celestia has done more wrong than any of her figments of imagination put together. I will help put an end to her regime. Only then our world can truly be free from Celestia's tyranny." "My BBBFF is already working on plans and tactics as we speak. My friend Starlight Glimmer and Spike are here. They will be joining Sotnas for the war." "What about you Twilight? Are you joining in the war?" "I don't know. Even though Sotnas has shown me and told me everything, my friends who are the wielders of the Elements of Harmony are teaming up with Celestia. I have to try and make them see why Sotnas is right before they get killed." "Twilight, I urge you to go to your friends as we begin to march our way to Equestria. War is among us all and it'll be best to see why they must choose Sotnas. Your friends will know better to trust you even in a crisis such as this." "I wouldn't mind you doing that." "Gah!" Twilight shouted as she was startled. "How did you even came up here?!" "I used my magic to fly up here. I wanted to let you know something but seems that you and Cadence were already discussing it. I would like for you to convince your friends about Celestia as daybreak comes. Just know that if things don't turn out the way you want it to be, then they'll see things the hard way." "Alright then. I'd best be going but to show them that I'm not lying, I don't want my Cutie Mark. I want to show them the way I look right now." "Of course and good luck." Twilight flew out of paradise and she flew towards Canterlot where her friends will be at. Sotnas flew back down as Cadence remained in place. Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, and Shining Armor were discussing the different forms of formation that Celestia likes to use in war. He and Sunburst made some counter formations to drive Celestia's army out. Sotnas came and let them know about different sorts of magic to use in the fight. Spike flew with the other ponies learning about different ways to use flight as an advantage for a dragon-like him. Sotnas also verified the allies that he made. They'll be joining in the war as well. All seems to go as planned in Sotnas' eyes. Everything will soon change for the better. The day is about to end. Twilight is now at Canterlot and in her friends' room. Seems that they are sharing and asleep. Tomorrow everything will be changing in Equestria.