Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of Scootaloo

by PonyJoel

First Day in Military School Part 3! Hangout in Canterlot City Mall! Beautiful Night!

Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were on their way to the next class. They will be in the history of warfare. To learn about different weapons that were manufactured, different tactics to winning a battle, clips from previous wars and battles that happened either last year or other wars that surfaced in their world. Either way, history is history to them. Sure they'll learn and adapt to their new army/squad but for now, they will have to listen and take notes depending on the subject. Since Scootaloo and Silver Spoon are the new cadets, the history instructor decided to play a movie for everyone to watch. A Movie called Battleship. Everyone in the class was happy to see the movie that their instructor was playing. It was really giving them a day off from the other footages they were to watch.

The class ended in an hour and 15 minutes. They'll continue to watch the film the next day. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon enjoyed the movie. They have seen it before and liked it. If the instructor were to give a test based on the movie, they'll ace it for sure. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were on their way towards the computer room. They sat next to each other waiting to see what happens next.

"Alright Cadets!" Slaughter yelled out. "Today and for the rest of the week, I will be replacing Sergeant Moose. I know Sergeant Moose had something quite interesting for you all so I will carry out his objective here. Everyone turn on your computer and open the draw to pick up the items inside so we can begin today's class!" Slaughter commanded.

The cadets turned on the computer and took out the only items inside. A gaming controller and a mic. Some of the cadets were confused while the rest were happy to see what they may end up doing.

"Today, you'll be playing Call of Duty Battleground! Each of you will be randomized into 4 different teams. Then you'll be playing against each other in team deathmatches! Use this game to your advantage for the team tactical coming up this Thursday. It'll determine how you would like to play the game. Now choose your team. Once you picked the team you choose, there are no take backs or trades. You must commit to your team even if it means that some of your teammates will suck playing the game."

Some of the cadets didn't care. They wanted to play the game and crush anyone who isn't on their team.

"What team are you choosing Silver?" Scootaloo asked.

"Black Wing. Why you asked?"

"We should be on the same team sniping so we can have a plan when we team up with the Dazzlings."

"Oh, smart idea Scoots."

The two chose the Black Wing team. They'll be joining with Connor and Rollin Thunda. The rest of the teams goes as follows, Red Hawks, Green Cheetahs, Blue Sharks.

"Alright, now that the teams are set. Time for death battle!"

The cadets cheered and began to play the game.

"Alright, what classes are you choosing from?" Connor asked.

"You know me, Connor, I roll with the heavy duty. I love the LSAT in the game. Reminds me of the heavy machine gun I was using before Sombra basically disciplined me in front of everyone."

"Silver and I will be using the stealth class. We're good at sniping so it does make sense for us to use it in the game."

"Good point, I'll use the assault class. Rollin and I can cover ground as you scope ahead. Taking anyone out that comes near you or us."

"Perfect. That settles it. Let's begin playing shall we."

"Team Black Wing. 1, 2, 3!"

"Black Wing!" Connor, Rollin, Silver, and Scootaloo shouted.

Some of the other cadets shouted their team's name as the countdown began.

In the game, Connor and Rollin were scouting ahead searching for the Red Hawks which consists of Dynamite, Iron, Brandon, Cube. Scootaloo and Silver sniped both Dynamite and Cube pissing them off immediately.

"Goddamn, you campers!" Dynamite shouted.

Scootaloo and Silver Spoon laughed a little as they concentrate on the game. Connor and Rollin got killed by Iron and Brandon.

"Lucky shot!" Connor yelled.

The score is 2-2. Silver and Scootaloo went into a different position to snipe. They wind up killing the entire team as they shouted in disgust. As the game went by, Scootaloo and Silver lost their life only 3 times each. They both killed 15 times. Connor killed 12 times but died 8 times. Rollin killed 23 times but died 18 times. The final score between the two teams, the score is 65-32. Black Wing obliterated the Red Hawks pretty badly. The Green Cheetahs obliterated the Blue Sharks. 72-35. The losing teams will face each other while the winning teams will face each other. The Green Cheetahs consist of Heather, Woody, Damien, and Rain. Rain and Damien work best with the assault class. Woody is their sniper and Heather uses the heavy class.

"Alright Black Wing, let's do this!" Connor shouted.

As the game went on, Black Wing and Green Cheetahs were neck and neck. The score is 54-54. Time is not on their side. Scootaloo and Silver had fewer deaths than the guys but they had more kills than the girls. The same goes for the Green Cheetahs. The girls had fewer deaths while the guys had more kills. Time is winding down as the game got more intense. Silver got killed but Scootaloo got the final kill. When the game ended, the final score was 59-57 Black Wing. Woody and Heather groaned loudly as they were part of the final kill cam. Turns out that Scootaloo got the two for one in her final kill of the game.

Sergeant Slaughter saw everything and called the game off. The cadets groaned not wanting to stop playing. Sergeant Slaughter allowed the cadets to leave the room so they can head to their class of the day. It is now 1:25 in the afternoon. Just 35 minutes to go until the first day at the academy comes to an end. Silver and Scootaloo met up with Adagio, Aria, and Sonata heading into their final class which takes place outside of the academy.

"Alright, everyone! You will be running 3 laps around the academy's track. After that, you can go home." Fleetfoot shouted.

"3 laps? That it?" Scootaloo asked Adagio.

"Yea, every day we all gotta do 3 laps. That's how the day will end. The faster to finish the better."

Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata ran on the track. It took them 30 minutes to complete the dreadful track. Sombra was waiting for Scootaloo near the parking lot. He saw Scootaloo interacting with her new group of friends. He smiles and called everyone who was tired from the running.

"I figured since you 5 will be a great team together that you should all spend the rest of the afternoon leading to the night together. I'm taking all 5 of you to Canterlot City Mall. I will pick you girls up by 6:00. Sounds good?" Sombra asked.

All 5 girls nodded and went into Sombra's truck. From there he drove towards the mall. The first day of military school started off with a bang. Everything went well for Scootaloo. New friends, new group and now a new army. Dragon Army. Scootaloo gaining a lot of respect from the other cadets in the academy. They know she's the daughter of the legend Speedy Bullet. Scootaloo's new life in the new year is going perfectly. An hour later, Sombra arrived at Canterlot City Mall. It is now 3:00 and the girls have a good 3 hours to spend time and learn more about each other.

"We'll take good care of them, Commander. No need to worry." Aria said.

"Good, see you later," Sombra said as he drove out of the mall.

"So, let's grab a bite to eat then we can talk," Adagio said.

The girls went to Canterlot City's food court. They each bought food and brought it to the table nearby.

"So tell us? Why did you come to the Equestrian Military School?" Adagio asked.

"I'm here because my life last year was a living hell. My dad Speedy Bullet went to war. My mom and I had each other while dad was away. Ever since the Battle of the Bands, Rainbow Dash been hanging out with Sunset Shimmer. She spends more time with her than me. I was going through a deep depression. My mom barely had time for me. Going home, I would normally get picked on and beaten up by Gilda and Lightning Dust on my way back home. Rainbow Dash used to walk me home from school but since Sunset Shimmer became a priority for her, she stopped walking me back. My former friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle came up with an idea to go along with..."

"Former friends?" Sonata questioned.

"Sonata hush!" Aria said jamming a taco into Sonata's mouth.

"You were saying," Adagio said.

"Yea. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are no longer my friends. Apple Bloom created Anon-A-Miss after being jealous of her sister Applejack spending more time with Sunset than her. Apple Bloom told everyone on MyStable using the Anon-A-Miss account about Piggly Wiggly. Sweetie Belle felt the same thing with Rarity. Sweetie Belle actually helped Rarity set up a slumber party and she was gratefully thanked by getting kicked out of the slumber party."

"Ouch," Sonata said eating her taco.

"Sonata please," Adagio said with a stern look.

"Like I was saying, Sweetie Belle got kicked out by her sister so she snuck in when everyone was asleep and took Sunset's phone and uploaded the pictures. It didn't feel right with me messing the girls up on the internet. I decided to stick with it to see how it plays out. I was depressed and having the idea Rainbow Dash to come back into my life was worth it at the time. When Principal Celestia called me into her office, she told me the devastating news. I knew what it was about but it hurt a lot. She was the one that told me that my dad, Speedy Bullet died in the war. I was completely devastated. Depressed out of my mind. Celestia told me that I can have the rest of the week off. A few hours later, I called the school. I called Vice Principal Luna letting her know that I was part of Anon-A-Miss. I didn't reveal Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's names to Luna. I was trying to protect them. I was hoping they can see why I stepped away from Anon-A-Miss but things took a darker turn from there. Sunset Shimmer fell apart throughout the school. She was saved by Princess Twilight Sparkle. However, the portal at the statue is disconnected to Equestria. Sunset and Twilight went back to their Equestria. As for me, I was at the funeral home visiting my dad. Unfortunately, ever since Anon-A-Miss was caught when the account was deleted, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were caught red-handed by Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings."

"Whaaaaaaaaa?" Sonata interrupted as she got another taco shoved into her mouth but this time it was by Adagio.

"Next time Sonata, I'm gonna put duct tape around your mouth and tape your hands behind your back if you keep on interrupting Scootaloo's story here. Capisce?" Adagio said angrily.

Sonata nodded and stay silent.

"Thanks, Chrysalis had an assembly about Anon-A-Miss. Then some students led by Diamond Tiara torched my house along with killing my mom in the process. Then the very next day, there was another assembly in the school. The National Guard came and delivered a message. They apprehended the arsonists and Diamond Tiara but Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were happy that they saw Diamond Tiara taken away because she led the charge to kill my mom!. I showed them a lesson of my own before I was taken away from the shithole Canterlot High. Commander Sombra is my new father now. Radiant Hope is now my new mother. Ever since I moved in with them, my life turned for the better. Now I go to the Equestrian Military School. Made new friends and you know what, I don't need Rainbow Dash or anyone from my past anymore. Except for you girls of course. You weren't part of my depression or Anon-A-Miss. I learned to accept you as part of my new family."

Silver Spoon, Sonata, Aria, and Adagio shed some tears after hearing Scootaloo's story.

"I'm here because my former best friend turned out to be a murderer. Her name is Diamond Tiara. Anon-A-Miss turned the school into a living hell. If you three had your amulets and demented minds, you'll be having a feast at the school. Those are the words of Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. I couldn't and didn't want to deal with the negativity in Canterlot High so I decided to come here. To serve my country first then donate my wealth to those who really need it." Silver Spoon said.

"Now that leads to us," Adagio said, "ever since the Battle of the Bands, we've lost our magic and our hunger for hatred. Our minds became clearer and we started to change for the better. We still have those horrid memories from our past and we were pretty much homeless. By coming here to the Equestrian Military School, they give us food to eat, clothes on our backs and a warm bed but you know that already. We were actually hoping to find Sunset Shimmer and Twilight one day to say thank you for freeing us from the curse of the amulets. Now that you're telling us that the portal is closed, it's too late to thank them. Oh well, on to the next chapter in life right?"

"Yea. A new year and new beginnings. Right now, we should have a name for ourselves since we're the best sniping unit in the school." Scootaloo stated.

"Yes, we should. When the time comes, the name will pop in our heads." Aria said.

"Now let's check out some of the stores."

The girls checked out the stores in the mall. Having a good time looking at the newest tech, gadgets, and clothes. Time went by pretty quick as Sombra came on time to pick up the girls. He drove Silver Spoon, Adagio, Sonata and Aria back to their dorms. He then drives Scootaloo back home. An hour later, Scootaloo headed inside and quickly gave Hope a hug and kiss. She then tells her mother everything that has happened in Military School. Hope smiled and kissed her daughter on the head.

"Change out of that uniform. We're having steak and fries tonight."

"Alright, mom," Scootaloo said headed upstairs to her room.

"My favorite," Sombra said as he kissed his wife.

"So I guess you'll be Scootaloo's instructor for now on?"

"Until my vacation is over Hope."

"Well, at least she leaves at 2:00. Giving me time to bond with her as a mother."

"Yea and I'll be back same as always when teaching and instruct at the military school. 4:00 in the afternoon."

The two kissed once more as Scootaloo came back down in her pj's. Sombra, Hope, and Scootaloo ate their dinner in the kitchen. Having a good time as a family. Scootaloo can't help but smile. They talked and laughed. After dinner, they hugged and watch a movie together. They wind up watching The Warriors. A classic film about an NYC gang heading back to Coney Island. After the film ended, Hope and Sombra took Scootaloo outside to watch the beautiful night sky. Scootaloo got to see a shooting star and made her wish. After that, she smiled once more. They stood outside watching the stars in the sky for another hour before heading back inside. Sombra kissed Scootaloo on her cheek. Hope did the same and hugged together. Scootaloo went up to her room, read Speedy Bullet's journal again before going to sleep. Sombra and Hope went to their room and made sweet love before going to sleep.

Today been a great day for everyone and tomorrow going to be a better day for Scootaloo and her new friends.