The Story of Dawn and Twilight Sparkle

by ChiefKitsune

Chapter 1: Summer Sun Realization part 1 (edtied 08/12/18)

Canterlot Main Square
Date: 06/989 ANM
Location: Canterlot, Equestria

"Come on, come on! Your taking forever!" Twilight screams to her twin sister Dawn who is politely making her way through the forest of legs that has become the Square.

"Alright, alright," Dawn replies rather sharply(as in a clear tone) to her sister. "Would you hold your horses, Twi?! The sun isn't going to be rising for another 15 minutes." Dawn takes a moment to apologize to an older stallion whom Twilight had nearly tipped over. "I'm sorry sir, she is just very excited about this being our first Summer Sun Celebration ever." Dawn offers a sincere smile.

The old stallion waves a hoof through the air. "That's fine no harm done and at least one of ya' is taking the time and being polite about it" With a short nod to the stallion Dawn was off to catch her sister before she could do anymore.

A few minutes later Dawn is unsurprising to find Twilight sitting in front of the stage and waving to her like she was trying to throw her foreleg away. "What took you so long I've had to wait here for, like ever" Twilight whines drawing out 'ever' to prove her point.

*Sigh* "Seriously Twi-?" Dawn starts only to trail off as Princess Celestia took the stage early.

Letting out a mental sigh of contentment, Celestia stoically looked out over her little ponies with not a single twitch from her bittersweet mood. Having noticed a pair of nearly identical fillies in the front row, one of whom was bouncing while she sat, to think a little to herself about this day. I always love seeing the fillies and colts light up when they first see this celebration...Oh dearest Sister, if only you could see the love your night gets now. Though when Celestia looked at the obvious twin sisters expecting near the same level of excitement is struck baffled when the filly was sitting there calmly, and upon noticing the attention gave a bright smile along with a nod of respect. Uh....whuh? ......I've never had that reaction from anypony let alone a foal! I ne- Celestia's thought was cut off when she heard the overly loud trumpets pointed right at her head(actually to the Eastern Sky, it's just Celestia is tall) thus derailing her train of thought rather violently. I suppose I could make it extra special for that filly She decided with a mental smirk, and thus she began her yearly special of raising the sun in an ostentatious fashion.