Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 6: Thieving Thieves

"Never give a man hope then dash his head against the wall."

Alzamard was a hole in the ground, a bombed, burned and collapsed in on itself hell hole.

So this is what the upper level of hell must look like...

Verik mused to himself as they continued to struggle down the streets and to think they had better chances here than elsewhere, that alone spoke volumes of their utter desperation to stay alive in what were apparently very trying times. As the wagons clacked along the wide, heavily worn and damaged cobblestone road Verik took in the various sights not that there was much to see.

Once upon a time, long, long ago this place must have been a truly spectacular city to live in with its tall stone or brick buildings, painted various bright colors and adorned with designs and colorful frescoes. Not anymore, now the buildings looked like a bomb had gone off inside blowing the sides out and leaving the inner workings visible to the world.

Whatever was left and indeed what few buildings had survived were few made the air feel oppressive, it was like visiting a warzone after the armies had lost interest and moved on leaving the hapless locals to scavenge for whatever they could find while others had attempted to put things back together with little success.

Some attempts were being made to shore up buildings but the lack of materials was severe and the best they could manage was to fill in the holes with mud bricks or toss a rag over the hole. Yet this city was not in a warzone, it was supposedly peaceful and if this is what the cities that were not under siege looked like the rest of the region must be even worse. Or was it?

Perhaps this city was the exception? Had Zuberi's comment about the North meant a little more than just idle chatter to get the guard to move on? Maybe staying here would be a very, very bad idea not that he had much choice at the moment.

Rattling down the street as jars clattered and rocked as the wheels bounced in and out of holes in the road only added to the commotion as all around them zebra's and others tried to shout above the rest in the hopes of pawning whatever they had to passing caravans or locals.

There were no guards too, the few at the front gate had amounted to seven he had seen, only two watched the caravans going in but here there was not one guard in sight, everyone was left to fend for themselves.

Passing beyond the ramshackle buildings took some time as the road turned towards another wall. The deeper they went into the city nothing changed except for thieves running wild.

Bodies continued to press in tighter as they neared another towering wall that divided the city off and guards were present but they were not guarding anything. It was a shakedown. For wagons to pass another "fee" was paid.

Verik stowed his spear and shield away in the wagon, they would do little good here if anything happened and instead kept a hand on one of the "rungu" as Jelani had called them. Locals eyed him but moved on and indeed most were to busy swatting or beating kids away to care.

Little thieves darted in and around anyone trying to pass through the gates either begging with open palms or shaking small bowls. Others however simply darted in and tried to yank anything they could get their hands on before darting away.

Few succeeded however, the locals were much too used to this and most had nothing to take anyway so they continued to move on to greener pastures and very quickly the caravan he traveled with was busy beating them away.

One tried to slip up to him but froze and looked up at him, baring his teeth at the little zebra she let out a yelp and ran off into the crowd. Looking around he saw Sefu grab two by the scruff of their necks and threw them into the crowd while Jelani smacked one with the butt of her spear to get them away from a wagon.

It was a zoo. A zoo where the monkeys had been starved then shown wagons of food and let loose except the monkeys were not really sure if there WAS any food on the wagons. Flocks of striped or colorful filtcher birds continued to swarm at them till they reached the gate and the guards took over, now the cargo was under their protection, protection that came at a price.

One was not very luck, they had not gotten away in time as a guard grabbed them and yanking them off the wagon hurtled the foal off to the side resulting in a cracking sound as their body crashed into a pile of stone rubble.

No attention was paid but he saw a few in the convoy flinch including Asha and Jelani but none dared move. His eyes wandered back and forth between the guard who had a spear leveled at the crowd and the shakedown going on between Zuberi and another guard.

While Zuberi bribed the guard with a few coins a small cluster of kids ran up to the body and patted it before dragging it away while hissing or making what he could only describe as "angry horse noises" at the guard who stepped forward and threatened to skewer them.

Price of passage paid they passed through the gate and behind them combat began anew as the next wagon train was plagued by groping hands.

There was no need to ask where they were now however, the buildings were better kept but to say they were "better" was to compare a truck hit with a small bomb to one that had been set on fire and burned out. Both were wrecks but one was at least recognizable.

And indeed fire had burned through this area, scorch marks and smoke stains covered walls and windows on several buildings but the equines continued to pour in and out of them as if this were perfectly normal.

Some were not that bad though, the farther on they went some became quite nice. Somewhat well maintained and whitewashed they reminded him of what people believed the ancient Egyptian buildings must have looked like to a degree, guards were somewhat more present here as well.

Fareed had divided up the city, slums for those unable to pay, ghettos for those who were either useful or who could just barely pay then areas like this: where those who could pay the minimum lived.

There was a tugging on his left arm and jerking his head to look he saw Jelani tugging him in closer to the wagons as he had begun to stay a little while examining the destruction around him.

"Where are we going?"

"Bazaar, just up there."

He followed her arm and could make out the tops of tents and tarps in the distance, moving closer took a little time as the streets were clogged now with equines bustling about trying to get in or out of the market.

Entering the giant plaza they passed the dense rows of tents and small shacks heading towards some distant buildings that looked like warehouses. Rows of large and small shops lined the outskirts and were well maintained, guards bustled about in groups of twos or threes to discourage pickpockets and thieves.

Everything had an odd smell to it as they continued on, spices, herbs, incense, perfume, rotting fruit, bread and the smell of cooking food filled the air. Watching the stalls as they passed he saw a vast variety of items for sale, while the city was poor it did not mean there was any lack of trade and indeed it was living up to its supposed reputation as a major trading hub.

Whatever profits were to be found here however were quickly being lost to extortion, bribery and theft however, judging from the sheer quantity of goods available there was really no reason for the city to be so mind-numbingly poor.

Traffic had opened up as well, there was no crushing mobs fighting to get in or at the wagons anymore. Everyone was too either too busy buying or selling to care and most of the traffic was focused in the bazaar itself not the road that they traveled on.

For an alien world he recognized many sights and items from pictures he had seen, it was a market taken from time and space then dropped in and staffed with equines. Even the food being sold looked familiar in some ways and was not offensive to the senses but it was surprising to see fish on the menu.

Scared of him for eating flesh but they themselves had no issue eating fish? Hypocritical little striped bastards.

Verik had to push some away as their worlds equivalent of "traveling salesmen" approached with hands filled, beads, baubles and useless items were what they sold but a few approached with baskets loaded with fruits, vegetables and even bread.

It must have taken hours to reach the warehouses and their arrival was greeted by merchants eager to see what they had but Zuberi ignored them all choosing to wave them off and continue on.

After passing several rows of buildings where other caravans were being unloaded or packed and moved away they arrived at their destination and Zuberi called for them to stop. Word came down the line to wait here and protect the wagons just in case while he went looking for someone so they all waited, most choosing to stare off into the bazaar.

Yawning in boredom they waited for what felt like an eternity in the hot sun, the only "excitement" had been two guards walking by who had to solve a dispute between two arguing parties a little farther off though they only solved it by shaking the two down and filching some coins from them before moving on.

One thing clearly stood out in this city so far: it was better to solve a dispute yourself rather than allow the guards to know about it. Secondly it was quite obvious that there were no rules nor law so long as it did not disturb the passage of coin inside the walls, outside was another matter but here... Here was where Fareed made the bulk of his money and the bazaar was not to be touched.

At least he hoped that was the rule.

Zuberi returned with two strangers in tow who quickly looked over the wagons before nodding and beckoning for them to follow. Signaling them to follow those pulling the wagons gave a heave and followed the two down a smaller side road between the warehouses.

Bending one way then another they wound their way through the maze of buildings before coming to a halt in front of one with its doors open and they were quickly ushered inside where another group of wagons waited quietly pulled by oxen.

Rows of handlers stood ready to load the other wagons but waited quietly as Zuberi led the two over the wagons checking the contents of the jars and pots.

Watching them closely to see what they had really been carrying they stopped at the middle wagon and popping a lid off Zuberi reached inside and began yanking objects free but laid them aside and continued to dig.

After some digging he pulled out small wicker baskets and handed them over whereupon they were opened, inspected, clay vials removed, opened, checked, sealed then repackaged. Nodding they went to the second wagon and repeated the process quickly before haggling began.

Arguing back and forth over the best price for the true cargo took a little time before a price was agreed too and a sack of coins was brought over and gold coins were carefully counted out along with many silver ones that were all quickly tucked into Zuberi's pouch.

"Unload the wagons, quickly!"

Zuberi motioned to them and pointed to where he wanted the cargo to go while repacking the smuggled cargo. He patted one large pot and pointed at Verik then at the waiting mats across from the waiting wagons and cargo haulers.

The scramble began as they yanked the heavy contents off the wagons and Verik's was quite heavy but not impossibly so, like ants they hustled over and laid them down before returning for more and repeating the process the wagons had been cleared of everything but the water, food, medicine and personal affects.

Everyone waited as the other party walked along and double checked they had not pulled a switcheroo on them before nodding and with a loud clap from the mare in charge the other team scrambled forward and loaded the awaiting wagons in a great rush.

Within moments they were loaded and out the other side of the warehouse and with a short bow and motion of the hands the two left the other side and the doors were thrown shut leaving them alone in a mostly empty building.

"These here, load them!"

Zuberi patted a small pile of boxes and jars before stepping away. Loading the small pile was quite easy for the most part but the small 2x1 foot boxes required two in order to handle, indeed Verik could guess why they were so heavy. Among the other things loaded were a few bars of metal that had not been put in boxes.

Whatever Zuberi had smuggled into the city was quite valuable indeed.

When they finished loading they were traded places with those who had pulled and leaving the warehouses behind Zuberi led them away and back towards the bazaar stopping them on the outskirts as they headed back the way they had entered.

Halting them he walked down the line and carefully counted out coins for each of them which in his case amounted to squat when compared to Asha or Jelani: One silver coin and a bronze one.

They had come not to spent money on themselves but buy things the their tribe? Or were they a village? He had only been with them a short time but he had never really asked for details about where they came from and now that he thought about his own options, where he too was going.

Anywhere was better than here.

Accepting his two coins Verik held them and looked them over before turning them. Neither were the same in that they came from different cities, that much was clear, not that he could read Arabic or cuneiform, he could not read a single sign in the entire city for that matter.

Rolling them over in his hands he pondered how it was strange that there would be such a variance in language yet he was somehow able to understand the spoken word but not read it. Meanwhile the locals showed no signs of having issues with the system, they seemed to be able to go back and forth freely between at least four written languages judging by the signs on some buildings.

Or perhaps there was more to it than that, none of that mattered as Zuberi began calling out names and motioning them forward, Verik was one of them.

Everyone would take a turn going into the bazaar and buying whatever they wanted but not all at once, Verik, Asha, Sefu and a few others would go first then the next group would go while the rest protected the wagons, probably more from the guards than the thieves.

It was somewhat funny how the roles had become rather reversed in this city.

Not being able to count his own coins was an issue Asha was aware of and Sefu seemed to catch on very quickly as the little group walked through the market. Wandering deeper they found little of interest or much use but eventually Asha and Sefu found what they were looking for and had him stand and watch as they haggled for items.

Nothing here had a set price, it was purely up to the expertise of the two doing the haggling to come to an agreement then make the trade, Asha had apparently taken his comments on her clothing somewhat to heart and bought some cloth which he guessed would later be turned into something wearable.

As the shopping continued he saw little that interested him, survival was of paramount importance and that meant finding useful tools and clothing not baubles, cloth or whatever it was Sefu had bought.

"You need cloak yes?"

Verik looked at Sefu and nodded as he motioned with his hand towards some buildings, they had nearly crossed the entire length of the bazaar in a short time. Not pulling wagons clearly made a difference in traveling time.

Wandering towards a shop that had what looked like used clothing for sale they pushed their way through the bazaar, unlike the main road this area was quite crowded as hagglers shouted back and forth at each other either bidding or selling.

What did grab his attention though was an area devoid of tents and shacks, it held only a long, four foot high walkway. On it stood a line of equines, bound and shackled while a fat nosed and squat little stallion shouting out the various prices as bidders responded.

Wagons pulled by more slaves waited to one side, their bones showing through their hides as more slaves waited on-board and mercenaries stood around waiting quietly.

Verik's gaze returned to where they were going once more, the going-ons of this city were well and beyond his power so there was no point in arguing or fighting it. Right now his own survival was paramount and he knew it would probably be another running battle to get out.

Asha spotted something of interest however and asked them to stop while she looked over the various cutlery being sold as Sefu leaned closer to Verik.

"Our smith made good spears but not so good at knives yet. Not enough metal to practice."

"Ah, that makes sense... So the metal Zuberi bought will be turned into what? Weapons and tools?"

"Yes." Sefu nodded. "More important things come first."

"Is there a metal shortage or something then?"

"No, but mining brings... Unwanted attention. Fareed finds out, you pay high price."

Verik's gaze flowed over the items and off to the side where a sight made his blood run cold.

A short distance away a guard and some other zebra stood watching Asha quietly, they looked at her and talked quietly before nodding and one pulled out a pouch and began walking their way.

Oh crap...

Moving forward with his mouth open to say something Sefu was doing the same but neither were fast enough. The zebra made a noise that caused Asha to jerk around as he tossed the coin pouch at her.

"Dont catch th-"

Both Sefu and Verik were saying the same thing but it was too late, she caught the pouch.


Asha jumped and looked around confused then down at the pouch in her hands, caught in this little ambush it was clear from their proximity to something else what they were planning on doing. The glint of metal caught Verik's eye as a coin fell out of the pouch. Verik reached her first and snatching it from her saw the guard approaching with a smirk on his face.

There was no negotiation, no such thing as thinking this over, clearly the only rule in Fareed's city was that he get a cut of whatever action was going on.

Grabbing the one who threw the pouch Verik slammed them into the guard and ran like hell.

Both went down in a heap as equines cleared a circle around them and plowing through the throng of onlookers he ducked low and tore a path towards the buildings while the collapsed guard screamed in anger.

Whatever they were planning had been specific, very specific. They had even bothered to fill the pouch with coins to make it more convincing as if they cared. Hopefully the bruised pride and ego of the two would draw them away from Asha and towards himself, no doubt they were unwilling to loose whatever they had stuffed the pouch with either.

With a luck they would ignore her and follow him on a wild goose chase through the packed bazaar while Sefu got Asha away, he hoped Sefu would, he knew he would, somehow.

But how do you outrun a horse?

When that epiphany struck home he realized his lifetime of karma was being burned up rather fast. Pounding through the crowd he could hear shouts behind him and keeping low could just make out the tips of spears moving his way as guards pushed their way through the dense masses, at least that much was going in his favor.

Why the hell am I doing this?

Was it an innate sense of justice? He had only known her a few days and while he liked her a great deal this was pushing it, especially since the others were so quick to use him. She had warned him and treated him very well though, helping with his wounds and caring for him...

There was no time to argue over his life choices as the screams and shouts closed in, they guards were faster on their hooves than he on his feet.

Crashing through a shop and tearing towards the back he heard one shout that was getting too close for comfort. Blasting out the back door and nearly tearing it from the hinges he tore down the alley and past startled onlookers.

One bend after another the sound of pounding hooves followed him without relent but the pouch was still firmly in his hand, throwing it would not help anything and if he could somehow get out of this one alive perhaps he could take it just to spite the bastards.

Boots pounding hard as the heat caught up with him he blasted through another side alley and found himself back on the main road and directly in front of the main gate with the guards busy shaking down another caravan.

The same two guards stood watch doing their shakedown as he ran into them, one had just turned to see what the commotion was and with a hard swing of his fist Verik caught them in the side of the muzzle and with a loud crack their head swung and pounded into the wall as they slid down.

Tearing past the last guard who jumped in surprise he passed them and ran into the throng of thieves and equines just trying to get through, the number of screams grew as he bounded over a basket dropped by a startled old mare before diving into the crowd again.

A guard emerged from the crowd as he pushed through and reached to grab him but Verik reached out quickly grabbing a somewhat well dressed stallion and with a hard shove sent him crashing into the guard allowing him to run past as the stallion cried out in protest.

Howls of protest filled the air as guards began battling their way through the crowd again, lungs burning he drove himself forward and into the ruined buildings, first one then out the other side and skirting wide into another.

Unfortunately the crowds ebbed off here and it would not be long before the speed of equines would allow them to quickly close the distance and judging by the shouting they had fanned out around him and were going to very soon outflank him and that would be the end.

Exhaustion was tearing at his lungs as he rounded another corner and felt a tugging on his his and jerking it away looked down and saw a young zebra colt keeping pace with him.

"Follow! Quickly, Quickly!"

Trust no one.

That was what Zuberi said but right now he was shit out of luck and if this kid could pull off a miracle so be it. Following him around a bend then into a building they popped out the other side as the colt shouted something to unseen eyes.

Rounding another bend he pointed at a hole that led under a building then dove and slipped inside with Verik hot on his hooves. Slamming into the ground and crawling fast the colt grabbed and yanked to pull him into the small space and began pushing him to one side.

From outside objects were thrown over the hole and he could hear the sound of quick sweeping motions before it got quiet, in a matter of seconds the guards ran up and converged on their hole.

Shouting resulted in the objects being removed revealing the hole to the world but the zebra just watched him and smiled while scooting farther into the darkness, doing the same saved his life as moments later a spear shot into their tiny cave poking one way then another.

"Damn rat holes! Smoke them out!"

Things were going from bad to worse as flaming material was shoved through the hole. Not even a flinch could be seen on the colts face as he kept smiling and lifted a finger to his mouth and pointed.

Leaning around Verik saw a cloth and bowl, pulling them free carefully and taking a look as smoke began to fill their confined space he saw the colt dip the cloth in the bowl wetting it before placing it over his nose and scooting backwards to the other end of the crawlspace.

Whoever this zebra was they had done this one too many times and the guards too.

Holding his own damp cloth over his face Verik scooted away as a spear pushed the burning mass deeper, twisting his larger form around with great effort he saw the zebra disappear by sliding down and getting closer saw the "rat hole" went below the building.

Following him down they left the smoke, fire and burning heat behind and he found himself in a small, cramped space below some floor boards. Only one, tiny little ray of light lit the interior as it filtered through something above then down through a little hole allowing him to just make out the colts still smiling face.

Staring at each other the colt held a finger to his mouth again before shaking his head and thus began the waiting game as he plugged the hole they had come through carefully so it looked like the buildings support was still there.

They waited a long time before there was a rhythmic tapping on the board making both look up in total silence.

Verik looked at his rescuer and motioned but he shook his head but this time he spoke in a whisper.

"No, not safe yet, guard still looking, you made them very mad!" A small laugh escaped him. "What you steal?"

"This" Verik showed the colt his pouch but kept a firm grip on it. "They tossed it to a... Friend of mine but I grabbed it and ran."

Honesty is the best policy he was taught but now that blunt honesty made him wonder if he should have said that.

*Snicker* "Well you marked now, thief. You just like us! Steal from slavers same as stealing from Fareed!"

"Slavers?" He had guessed as much considering the location and circumstances.

"Old trick, toss coin pouch, call thief, grab, lock away, sell. Many, many times they do this. You just luck you get away!"

"More lucky you somehow saw me and intervened."

"Intervened? What that word?" Shaking his head he pointed at the pouch. "You watched, decide to help you but..."

"Everything comes with a price."

Nodding quickly the colt's smile widened.

"Half, you steal but we hide you then help get away. Yes?"

"Get me out of here... Or out of the city?"

He shrugged.

"Your choice. But pay half."

"Rather "noble" of you... Why bother? Why not let them grab me?"

"You thief like us, thieves stick together. Only way to survive."

"Who taught you that?"

"Thief master, we no steal from thieves or friends or poor like us. Master say "poor have nothing to take, just try to survive like us, best to take from those who have much, not be missed, but never take too much, or they hate us, hunt us."

"Rather... Wise..."

Nodding quickly the colt pointed to the pouch again.

"Yes, he very smart but you, pay now."

"No, I pay when the deal is done, you have yet to get me out of the city, alive and unharmed..."

Confusion crossed the colts face for a moment.

"We thieves not assassins, we no murder, ever. Well maybe very bad guard but otherwise no. Never. Our word good, you pay, we help, unless you stay?"

"No, I will not be staying, I have seen more than enough for a few lifetimes. Alright, I will pay you but since I do not know you I will only pay you one quarter now, the rest after I get out of here. However, I need to find a caravan, a very specific one."

"How I know you not cheat us?"

"You have only my word."

They stared at each other for a long moment before the other nodded slowly.

"Still need talk to boss lady, she decide if deal good but I think so."

"When do I meet her?"

A tapping on the ceiling made them look up.
