//------------------------------// // Tree Hugger Sells Acid to Trixie // Story: Tree Hugger Sells Acid to Various Ponies // by Super Trampoline //------------------------------// One evening, Trixie arrived at her favorite sketchy alley to set up Trixie's Back-Alley-at-Midnight Firework Shop. However tonight, she found said back alley already occupied, by none other than Tree Hugger (with Fluttershy nervously along for the ride). "The Grrrreeeeaaat (With a rolled "r") and Powerful Trixie demands to know the meaning of this usurpation of my customary illegal fireworks selling spot! Explain yourself, fiend!" This gives us an opportunity observe one of everyone's favorite character traits that Tree Hugger possesses: her manner of speaking: "Woah there, mare. I'm getting some serious negative vibage coming from your direction. It'd be bodacious of you to, like, waaaay major chillax, you know?" This did not have the intended effect though, as Trixie hated hippies. " Fucking hippie I swear to Celestia I will shove a Chineighs firecracker so far up your ass, your head will explode!" Fortunately Starlight Glimmer was there to calm her down. " Whoa whoa whoa let's calm down. There's no reason we can't work this out without resorting to violence." She then turned to the strange mare who had occupied their back alley (heh). "Hi, I'm Starlight Glimmer. What's your name?" "Oh hey, you're that mare who had, like, a major meltdown and tried to fry time. Pretty faaaar out, mare. I'm Tree Hugger, and I think you already know my shy buttery friend, Fluttershy." Starlight smiled, at this point used to ponies bringing up her dark past. "Yeah, I made a few mistakes. But who doesn't, haha!? Anyway, speaking of mistakes, I believe you've set up shop in our back alley. I'm sure you didn't mean to, but I'm going to have to ask you to move please." Tree Hugger was unfazed. "That's cool and all, but, like, this alleyway is considered common land and thus free for all ponies to use." Trixie smirked. "Enclosure, bitch! I bought land use rights for this alleyway. It's mine to sell illicit fireworks on as I please. So go suck a fat one, you dumb hippie bitch!" Fluttershy finally spoke up. "Trixie, you may be right, but you know what? You're a huge cunt. I just want you to know that." "Whoa now, I'm really not digging all this antagonism in the air here. It's really harshing my mellow. I think we can work something out. How about this: Trixie, in exchange for finding another back alley to sell fireworks in, I'll give you some wicked strong gummies that will blow your mind. Figuratively speaking. Unlike your fireworks, acid is rather safe. So what say you, magic horse?" Trixie knew a good time when she saw one, and took Tree Hugger up on her offer. She moved her operations to another back alley, and in exchange, Tree Hugger gave her a bag of LSD-infused gummies. Trixie promptly ate them all at once and had a very unpleasant trip, but that's a story for another time. Good thing Starlight Glimmer was there to tripsit.