//------------------------------// // To Twilight Sparkle // Story: Letters // by paxtofettel //------------------------------// Dear Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville, Let it be known that I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, who single hoofedly saved Preece from sea serpents, want to tell you something. Trixie hates you, Twilight Sparkle. No, not hate, Trixie despises you, loaths you, detests you, abhors you. There are not enough words in the Common Language to describe how much Trixie hates you. You have ruined me, taken away what has kept me afloat for years. Before you came along, Trixie's name was known throughout Equestria. Ponies from all over flocked to see my feats of amazing magical prowess. Trixie awed those simple minded yokels and had them eating from Trixie's hoof. But then you came. You humiliated Trixie, made her look like a weakling. Trixie could have saved the town if you hadn't ruined everything. Now, with Trixie's carriage destroyed, Trixie now has to live in a dirty poorhouse in Manehattan. It is all your fault Twilight Sparkle, all of it. I hate you, I hate you so damn much. And yet, a small part of Trixie admires you. You are the only unicorn powerful enough to lull an Ursa Minor to sleep. A part of me adores you, loves you even. Maybe, if we had met under different circumstances, you could have been Trixie's assistant, maybe even, a lover. But my desire for you is clouded by my anger at you. If the heavens seek to keep us apart, then so be it. If you can't be Trixie's love, then forever more, you shall be Trixie's enemy.