//------------------------------// // Chapter 46: Snow More Jokes // Story: Children of Harmony // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// Time has gone by and it's already winter in Equestria. Snow on the ground and falling from the sky, ponies are working doing special shopping for food and supplies for the winter, and their vacation trips. In the town hall, everypony in Ponyville are having an important meeting discussion with Mayor Mare about the winter events that will be happening for a few weeks. Sakura and her family are here with her friends and their families. Everypony are wondering what the meeting is about. Mayor comes on the stage on stage, "Hello everypony, now I understand that winter has already come, but I have received some, um, bad now." Everypony start to discuss about what this bad news could be, and some are growing to worry. The mayor says through the microphone, "Now everypony calm down, it's nothing too serious. I have just received news from Cloudsdale Weather Factory that there's been an over amount of snow, so in a few from today a snow storm will be hitting Ponyville. So all of you will make sure you stay indoors, gather what ever supplies you need, and say warm. Hope you have a good day, and be prepared." After the meeting, Sakura, her friends, and family are in Sugarcube Corner having some hot chocolate, hot apple cider, and some warm cookies, and s'mores. All of their parents are discussing about the storm that will be coming in a few days, and what they can do to prepare for when it happens. At the same time, Sakura and her friends are talking about the storm and other activities and events that will be happening during the time. "Wow, I can't believe there will be a harsh snowstorm coming," Ruby says. Eden shivers, feeling scared of the storm and says, "I don't like storms very much." "Don't worry Eden, we all been informed about the storm, so long as we're prepared for when it does arrive, it won't be so scary," Baked Apple says with a reassuring smile. Then Sakura adds, "I remember a snow storm arrived while I was on vacation with my family, it was kind of scary, but we stayed in doors and stayed warm." "That's good," Eden replies, feeling a bit better. Then Raspberry says, "And who knows maybe we can all have a sleepover during the storm." "Not to burst your bubble Raspberry, but I don't think all of our families are able to fit in one house," Sakura confirms. Raspberry thinks about it, and imagines all of the families and friends in one house. The shows them all getting squished and not enough space for everyone to fit. Raspberry blushes, and nervously says, "Right, nevermind." However, their discussion has come to a terrible end when they suddenly end up being covered in a blanket of snow. Sakura and her friends stick their heads out to figure out where the snow is coming from or who let them in. they then hear laughing and turn to see somepony is laughing while rolling on the floor. The pony is a earth pony stallion, his name is Joker. Joker has a vanilla skin, bright green hair, and lemon yellow eyes. His cutie mark is a joker playing card, with pink whoopee cushion next to it. Sakura and her friends can see they have been pranked, but excluding Raspberry, everyone else doesn't like it at all. Ruby angrily says, "Joker, would you mind stop with the pranks?!" "Why not, pranks can be very fun?" Raspberry asks. "Yeah, they're supposed to be funny," Joker replies. "Not for everyone. There are some who like to enjoy pranks, and those who done. Joker, you don't seem to stop and think that, or bother to see which prank will fit with the ponies he is pranking," Sakura explains. "And being covered in cold snow it's just mean, and we're already cold enough already," Baked Apple says in a firm tone. Joker doesn't seem to care and says, "Aw, you guys are no fun?" Joker leaves with an annoyed look on his face, leaving Sakura and her friends covered in snow. The only one who also think it's fun getting covered in Snow is Raspberry Pie, and it's because he like practical jokes and pranks. For the past two days, everypony are preparing for the snowstorm. However, Raspberry and Joker have been on a pranking spree of late, and ponies are not liking it at all, especially when they're serious about the snow storm coming around. On a snowy day, Sakura and her family are having hot waffles and syrup for breakfast. However, Sakura is also feeling a bit distracted at the moment, and her mother is the first to notice. Twilight comes over to her daughter and asks, "Sakura, are you feeling okay?" "I'm fine mom, I'm just a little worried about…" Sakura explains looking concern. But her mother guesses, "Raspberry and Jokers' pranks." "Yes. Those two have been pranking ponies like crazy and they can't seem to stop. I know Joker is one of Raspberry's good friends, but he's becoming a bad influence on him," Sakura explains looking a bit upset, and trying to eat her breakfast. "Did you try talking to him?" Twilight asks Sakura sighs sadly and says, "I tried the other day." Sakura can remember what happened yesterday. Sakura remembers Raspberry and Joker are in the park even though it is cold. Sakura believes it's about time to talk to the two pranksters about their out of control pranks. Sakura comes up to the two pranksters and says with a firm look, "I thought I'd find you two here." "Hey Sakura, how are you doing?" Raspberry asks with a smile. "Fine, but I really need to talk to you,"Sakura answers. "Can it wait a minute, Raspberry and I are trying to come up with new awesome pranks," Jokers says, showing the blueprints to his plans. "That's what I need to talk to you two about. I think it's about time you two stop this," Sakura says not looking happy about it. "What?!" The two pranksters ask with a shock. Then Sakura firmly explains,"Nopony are liking your pranks at all, and with the snow storm coming, now is not the time to be fooling around." "Aw come on, everypony needs to learn to lighten up. We've been having a blast, and we'll be ready for the storm," Joker says, who act like he's not listen. "I know you like to have fun, but there's a time for work and I time for play. Right now, we need to work before the storm comes in," Sakura explains. Raspberry turns to Joker with a concern look and says, "Um Joker, I kind of have to agree with Sakura." "Huh!" Joker replies looking confused. Then Rasberry says, "Maybe it will be a good time to stop with the pranks, and go on with the storm preparing, " But Joker rolls his eyes, and says, "Come on, I thought you love pranks." "I do, but maybe it will be a good time to prepare for the storm," Raspberry answers. Joker yawns in boredom and says, "Boring, I'm going home. I got some cool pranks to do and it will be hilarious." With that, Joker leaves the scene and is going home for the day to prepare for his pranks. As he leaves, Joker calls out to Raspberry, and says, "Make sure you meet me tomorrow." When Joker is gone, Sakura and Raspberry look at each other with worried look. Joker hasn't listen to them at all. Raspberry feels like he has a lot of thinking to do. "Bye Sakura, I… got some thinking to do," Raspberry says looking unsure about the pranks. Raspberry gets up and decide to head back home. Sakura does the same, but looks back to see Raspberry looking very sad, which worries Sakura. After explaining everything to her mom, Sakura shows a worried look on her face. "And that's what happened," Sakura sadly says. Twilight starts to think about this and says, "Sounds to me that Raspberry is starting to realizes where is true focus should be." "I guess, I hope I can talk to him," Sakura sad replies. Sakura continues to eat her breakfast, and the rest of her family is enjoying their breakfast. After they finish eating, Sakura and Ame help their mother with preparing for the storm, while Yuki keeps little Tsubasa entertained. Just then, yuki hears the door knocking. Sakura walks towards the door, and calls out, "I'll get it!" After talking to whoever is at the door, Sakura close the door and go to the living room with a letter in her hand. Yuki walks over to Sakura to see what the letter is. She sees Sakura opening the letter and start reading it. Yuki asks, "What is it?" "It's from Princess Celestia," Sakura answers. "What's it say?" Yuki asks. Sakura shows the letter to Yuki, and says, "According to the letter that Princess Celestia needed me in Canterlot right away." "I wonder why?" Yuki asks. "I don't know, but I have to go there," Sakura says. With that, Sakura grabs her jacket and boots, and is going to head outside to go to Canterlot right away. She opens the door and is about to leave. Before she goes, Sakura calls out, "Mom, Princess Celestia needs me at Canterlot, so I'm heading there right now." "Okay, make sure you're safe," Twilight says. "Okay," Sakura replies. Sakura walks out and is heading towards the train station to get to Canterlot. However, the train is closed because of a lot of snow on the track. "How am I going to get to Canterlot now?" Sakura asks herself. Just then Sakura has an idea, and says, "I know I'll fly there." With that, Sakura spreads her wings and start to fly to Canterlot. Even though her wings are getting a little cold, Sakura knows she needs to get over there and see the princess right away. Back at Twilight's house, Twilight and the twins have just finished preparing for the storm. Just then there's another knock on the door. Twilight opens the door to see Raspberry Pie. Twilight smiles, and says, "Hello Raspberry how are you doing?" "I'm fine, so is Sakura home?" Raspberry replies as he walk into the house. "No, she's not. Princess Celestia send Sakura a letter to go to Canterlot immediately," Twilight answers. Then closes the door behind her. Raspberry arched his right eyebrow, and questionably says, "That's weird, there's no mail coming today." "Huh?" Twilight replies, looking confused. Then Twilight asks, "Then where did the letter come from?" Raspberry and Twilight are trying to figure out this mysterious letter. Plus, if Spike sends the letter, Spike would be here or something. Then somepony knocks on the door the third time. Twilight turns to Raspberry and asks, "Can you give me a minute?" Raspberry nods his head and leave to the living room to see the twins and the baby playing together. Raspberry can hear the conversation, and from the sounds of it, it's rather bad. Twilight comes back with a worried look on her face. Raspberry walks over to Twilight and asks, "So who was at the door?" "That was some of the pegasus from the weather factory. Apparently the snowstorm is going to be showing up at Ponyville in a few hours, and because of it all mailing and train stations are closed," Twilight explains. Raspberry realize this is serious, since the letter is not fromt eh princess, Sakura can be in danger in the storm. "But that still doesn't tell us where the letter came from," Yuki replies. Then Ame says," And if we don't get Sakura back, she'll get caught in the storm." Raspberry is starting to think of how the letter Sakura has come from. From the sounds of it, it seems someone is playing a rotten trick on her, and it's going to put her endanger if they don't do something. Raspberry has an idea as he narrow his eyes, and firmly says, "I think I know who sent Sakura that letter." With that, Raspberry leaves the house in order to find Joker, and he knows where he can find him at this time, which is not long at all. Raspberry find Joker at the joke store, and he seems to be snickering under his hooves for some reason, but Raspberry can see what he is laughing about. Raspberry comes over to him with a serious look, and says, "Joker." Joker stops laughing to see Raspberry, but not noticing the serious look on his face. He then sits himself up so he can talk to him. "Hey Raspberry, what's going on?" Joker asks with a smile. "Did you did any pranks today that I should know about?" Raspberry firmly asks. "I did actually, I sent Sakura a letter so she will think it came from Princess Celestia," Joker answers, and then he starts laughing. Raspberry eye wide, and screams with horrors, "You did what?!" "Yes. I can't wait to see the looks on her face whens he comes over to Canterlot looking so clueless," Joker says while laughing and lying down in the snow. "You think this is funny?" Raspberry angrily says, trying not to let it show. "No, it's hysterical!" Joker remarks with glee. Raspberry is not very pleased with Joker at all. Just then something in him is making him realize that this is what Sakura is talking about. A joke is fun, but Joker's prank on Sakura is not fun at all. As he look at his pranker fiend, Raspberry eyes show a bright blue glow, and makes him realizes that the jokes he's doing with him is not funny at all, and it ends up going too far. "Well what you did is not funny at all," Raspberry sternly says. Joker stops laughing to look at Raspberry with a confused look. Joker can see Raspberry is looking very serious about this. Joker asks looking confused, "What did you say?" "I said your joke on Sakura is not funny at all," Raspberry repeats himself. "Come on Rasp, of course it's funny," Joker says, not taking the situation seriously. "No it's not, Sakura is flying to Canterlot not knowing the storm will be coming ahead of schedule," Raspberry explains, looking very furious at Joker. Joker is not buying it as he rolls his eyes and says, "Alright, now you're just pulling my hoof." "You don't get it, not at all! My friend is in trouble all because of your pranks, In fact, I've noticed that your pranks are starting to get really mean. A pranks and joke is only funny when everypony is laughing, not the one who is laughing, and not that involves tricking, or making ponies feeling bad. What you did to Sakura is going to get her caught in the storm if we don't do something now, " Raspberry says being so angry. He then begins to walk away as he says, "Now if you excuse me, I need to get some help." Raspberry leaves the joke store to go get some help. As Raspberry leaves, Joker is starting to feel bad about it, and his prank is going to cause a lot of trouble. He then runs into the joke store so he can get something. Raspberry manages to get to Ace's house and is able to tell him what happened and Sakura is in trouble. Ace want to go, but Rainbow volunteers since she's faster. Sometime later, Raspberry, the others along with their families, are waiting for Raspberry to be back with Sakura. However, with the storm approaching very soon, the others are worried that Rainbow might run out of time. Ruby looks out the window and worriedly says, "Rainbow Dash is still gone," "Don't worry, my mom is fast and I'm sure she'll find her in time," Ace says with confident. Then Eden sadly says, "I just can't believe Joker went too far with his jokes and ended up putting sompony in danger." "And Sakura is heading straight to trouble," Raspberry says feeling guilty about the whole thing. Ruby shows Raspberry a reassuring smile, and says, "Rainbow will find her and have her back before the storm comes.," "I know, I just wish I realized it sooner what Joker is up to," Raspberry replies feeling bad. "It's not your fault," Eden says with a concern look. "I let my love of pranks and jokes get in the way, even though I've noticed Joker's jokes are getting mean and hurtful. I just wish I can make it up to everypony," Raspberry says looking a bit glum, and his hair is going to deflate. Hower a familar voice says, "Actually, I'm the one who need to make up to everypony." Raspberry and the others look to see Joker standing behind them, and with a box on his back "Joker?" Raspberry says looking confused. Joker comes over to them and says, "Just hear me out." "Well," Raspberry says while crossing his hoof with a firm look on his face. Joker sighs and says, "You were right, my pranks were mean and out of control, I just didn't think of it sooner. You were also right about the storm, and I'm really sorry for putting Sakura endanger like that." Raspberry look at Joker and he can tell how sorry he really is. Raspberry comes over with a smile and says, "It's okay, but you still need to apologize to Sakura for sending her the fake letter and on that wild goose chase." "Right," Joker replies. Joker then presents the box to Raspberry and says, "Here, I got you this." Raspberry takes the box and is curious on what can be inside. "Consider this as a reminder of helping me see what real laughter is about," Joker adds. Raspberry opens a box to see a horn inside. He press it and it make a loud noise. Raspberry smiles and says, "Wow, a horn. Thanks Joker." "You're welcome," Joker says with a smile. Raspberry and Joker are glad they are able to still be friends. The others are glad to see the two have learn their lesson, Now all they have to do is wait until Sakura comes back. Just then, the doors open and everyone can see Rainbow Dash and Sakura are back. Everypony are and run towards them. Raspberry runs and jumps into Sakura's arms with a smile, and says, "Sakura, you're back!" "I can't believe you two made it," Baked Apple replies. "Well I wouldn't be if Rainbow hadn't found me, it gave me time to fly back," Sakura says with a smile. Sakura blushes a bit and says, "I can't believe I was fooled like that." "Actually Sakura, you and Raspberry were right about everything. After this, I promised to never do mean or hurtful pranks again," Joker says, feeling sorry about it. Sakura laughs and says, "That we can agree on." "And to show there's no hard feelings, let's shake on it," Sakura says, holding her hand out to Joker. "Yeah, no hard feelings," Joker replies with a smile. Joker and Sakura puts their hands so they can shake on it, but then Joker feels like his hoof and his whole body has a shock. He then let's go of Sakura's hand, and everypony else around them start laughing. Joker look to see on Sakura's hand is a joy buzzer, meaning that he's been pranked. Joker then starts laughing too and enjoy that prank. The next day, the storm is hitting Ponyville really hard. Luckily everypony including Raspberry and Joker are prepared for the storm. In Raspberry's room, he is writing the journal he and the others share and writing in the journal. As Raspberry writes, he says in his thoughts, "Hard to believe the storm is coming in fast, and the past few days have been crazy and hard. What I learn is that pranks can be fun when everyone has a good time, but I got a taste to see what it's like when they don't. Sometimes making your friends laugh and enjoy your pranks is a lot better than making ponies bad and you're the only one laughing." After finishing putting his journal down next to the horn, he start to hear his brothers and sister crying, so his big brother instinct tells him to cheer them up. After Raspberry leaves the room, the horn he receives from Joker creates a blue shine, from the squeaky end to the hole of the horn. Raspberry learn an important lesson and glad that the situation has been set right before it's too late.