An Eventful Evening

by Devela

Waking Up

Rarity was laid out on the couch in the center of her showroom, her left hoof drapped over her forehead as the right hindleg hung off the end of the red leather couch. She had been laying there for a while, long enough for Sweetie Belle to collect all of Rarity's friends and come back. The whole group walking in and seeing the state of their friend filled some with worry.

Though the air was filled with laughter. "Hahahahah. This is too funny! Oh no a mare is in love with me. Woe is me." Rainbow laughed and held a hoof to her forehead as she mimicked fainting in the air before swooping up and around the couch to lean against the back. Her eyes alight with mischievous ideas and jokes as she leaned over the back of the couch and stared down at the poor mare.

"But Dashie what if the pony is actually a demon from another realm here to suck away Rarity's soul. Or maybe she's from a dimension where they are all monkeys who walk on their back legs, where we are nothing but a TV show. Now she's stuck here and always loved Rarity from the show and now has gathered all the courage she could to actually ask her out. Maybe this is just a fan fiction from a person in another dimension and these are words being read by fans of the show." She stared up towards the sky, her hoof lifting up as she set her lips and began trembling with a frown on her face, both her eyes wide.

Everypony just looked at one another before staring towards Pinkie who was still pointing towards the ceiling. Applejack shook her head as she walked towards the couch, using her nose to push the fashionista to try and wake her. "All ah know is dat she is overreacting to a simple love confession. There ain't nothing to be acting like this about."

Sweetie was calmly sitting there before she snickered and ran up to set her hooves on the arm above her sister's head. "At least it isn't love triangle. With like another mare who had a crush on my sister freaking out. Even though I know that isn't possible. That would be really weird. Like Pinkie's whole writer thing. Right Applejack?" The white filly had the biggest innocent smile on her face, but the eyes told another story.

Applejack looked at Sweetie for a moment before looking away as she noticed the malicious look deep within the filly's eyes. "Ah think we should just wake her up to make sure she's okay. Now who has an idea about how to do dat?" There were beads of sweat rolling down the nape of her neck under the mane.

No one got to voice their thought's before Rarity's eyes snapped open. She sat bolt upright with a gasp. Only to smack her head right into Rainbow's. Both mare's groaned and rubbed the foreheads lightly while glaring daggers at each other. Sweetie smiled as she hopped up and took the recently vacant seat beside her sister.

Applejack stepped back for a moment, a look of concern on her face as she eyed Rarity. "Ya alright sugarcube?"

Rarity rubbed her head for a few more moments before glaring towards Dash. "I'm perfectly fine darling, save for a headache from a certain ruffian who doesn't know the meaning of personal space."

Dash glared back and opened her mouth to respond before Fluttershy snapped a wing, setting a feather right over the cyan mare's lips. "Dashie be nice, she just woke up after fainting." The timid mare usually didn't give orders but the tone itself dared any to defy her. It didn't even take a second before the athletic mare nodded and settled back down with her head on her hooves.

"So sis, you wanna tell everyone why you fainted?" Sweetie had a knowing smirk as she looked her sister dead in the eye. For a moment though it seemed as if her eyes flickered to stare at Applejack as the reason why she asked the question. The only pony who picked up on it was Pinkie, who at this point was simply waiting to be included again.

"Finally my part again, well I think we all know it is because a mare none of us have ever met, proposed to go to the Grand Galloping Gala with her. The most notorious and noble event of Equestria. I mean it is a pure love story from here on out unless someone has something to say to Rarity that may sway her away from the one who asked her first. I mean she could simply say no to the mare, but would that really be fair when she had the courage to even ask Rarity in person." Again everypony looked towards Pinkie as if she was insane.

Twilight chose that moment to speak up herself. "Although Pinkie did sound weird she does have a few good points. None of us even know who this mare is or met her before. Then the fact that she had the courage to ask Rarity out in the first place. I'm not saying she should accept the offer but we need to all meet this mare and find out what she is like. Now I am not saying we..." Before Twilight could even finish the thought three mare's quickly left the room. All of them making a cyan, orange, and pink rainbow as they shot out the door. "Hunt her down and interrogate her..."

Fluttershy smiled sheepishly as she fluttered over and nuzzles Twilight. "I appreciate your idea Twilight. I'll see if my animal friends know of this mare. I'm certain the birdies can help is find her." With a smile and wave the Pegasus left towards home.

Twilight sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose before walking towards the door. "I'm going to go write a letter to the princesses and seem if they can help us find anything out."

Rarity frowned a bit before she hopped off the couch. "Actually Twilight, maybe we could handle this ourselves. She is a single mare, why bother including the princesses when they have such busy schedules already. I know you mean well but I'm sure with all we've been through we can handle finding and talking to a single mare." While talking she walked over and set a hoof on Twilight's shoulder and looked into her eyes.

"Well when you put it that way it seems silly to write about a love confession when we don't even know the mare. You're right Rarity. I'll just go make sure the others don't harass the whole town in their search." After that Twilight left the sisters alone as she went off to search for the three that went off on a wild search.

Rarity turned back as she thought on the dream, the dress in particular was fresh in her mind. Without even thinking a pencil and notepad began designing every aspect of it as another was absently writing out the song she had heard. Sweetie was watching softly before she walked over to see what her sister was writing down. The song even had notes on the various instruments and spots of pause from the low heartbeat of the bass. It was amazing as she watched the song finish composing itself, a smile crossing the young filly's face as she put the note pad in her bag. Though she did see the title of it written by Rarity's own mind. 'Rose Quartz' Sweetie didn't know why that name was picked but it was something else as she slide her saddlebag on and started for the door.

The last the filly heard was the sound of her sister whispering to herself. "We almost kissed, and I wanted it..." That made the filly squeal with joy as she ran off towards the artists' homes.