The Story of Dawn and Twilight Sparkle

by ChiefKitsune

Chapter 1: Summer Sun Realization Prologue [morning] (edited 08/12/18)

At 05:00 in the morning the eyes of one adorable little purple filly snap open like they have for as long as she can remember. Dawn only takes a few moments to collect her thoughts coming to several realizations that have a varying degree of surprise.

First, she is surrounded by a warm cuddly thing, that could only be her big Sis Twi, completely smothering Dawn in warm, fluffy snuggles. (The least surprising since this is how Dawn has awoken pretty much every day of her short life)

Second, after some shuffling of the Big Sis blanket enough to see the window (that faces East, yes I mention that specifically cause in Discords reign the Celestial bodies change from rising in the East to the West to the North back to the East than the South and continuing at random, also there is a prank in the future) as she sees the sky shift to a dark purple slowly transitioning to the clear blue of day, this being what her namesake is 'Dawn'. (Second least surprising point as Dawn has the tendency to awaken before or when dawn starts for the day)

Third, she begins to idly wonder what the day would bring since they both (read: Twilight) was super excited for this day since it is their first real Summer Sun Celebration. Since they still weren't allowed to participate in the all-night festivities they did get their bedtime pushed back to 11:30 or so. (This being the most surprising as the only other time that Twi got this excited about anything was on their first day of Magic Kindergarten which was also the reason behind them being homeschooled)