//------------------------------// // Chapter 53: The Princess and the Apple Part 1 // Story: Children of Harmony // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// On a sunny morning, Apple Eden is outside helping her animal friends with their house cleaning. She loves taking care of her animal friends with her mother, and playing with the. When she is not taking care of her animals, she helps her father and the apple family at Sweet Apple Acres gather the apples, and make apple products. Eden finishes cleaning and happily says, "It sure is a nice day and it's a good day to do some cleaning, right everyone." All of the critters talk in their animal language with glee "Oh, I'm so glad," Eden happily says, Just then, Eden hears mother's voice calling out, "Eden!" Eden turns around to see Fluttershy calling Eden from the cottage. Eden runs over in front of her mother to see what she needs. "Yes mother?" Eden asks. "Your father and Applejack wants you to help out with the apples today," Fluttershy says. Eden nods her head and answers, "Okay." Eden realizes that the animals still need help with the cleaning and asks, "But what about the animals?" "I'll help with that," Fluttershy says with a giggle. "Okay," Eden replies. Apple Eden puts some of the cleaning gear away and puts on her favorite bandana, and make her way to the farm to help with the apple bucking. Eden turns back and says, "See you later." "Bye bye," Fluttershy says with a smile. Eden then spreads her wings, and flies across Ponyville to get to Sweet Apple Acres. She then start to think that it's a very nice day, and think that she can have some fun with her friends later. She then hears a familiar stallion's voice calling out, "Hey Eden!" Apple Eden turns to see Aerial Ace is up in one of the clouds. Apple Eden flies up to Ace and happily asks, "Oh, good morning Ace, how the weather?" "The weather's fine. I was hoping that you, me, and Sakura practice for the games," Ace says with glee. "I love to practice, but I'm needed at Sweet Apple Acres," Eden says. Ace starts to feel a bit disappointed about Eden won't be able to practice right now, but she knows that it's apple picking season. He and his family loves the apple's apple product, especially his dad, loving apple pie. Then Ace suggests, "How about after?" "We'll see," Eden says with a smile. "Great, see you later!" Ace says with excitement. He then zooms away so he can do his own practice session. Eden giggles seeing her friend all excited, and continue to make her way to the farm to help out. At a different part of Equestria, there is a village called Mareathor. There is houses, and other buildings. There is also a large castle that is made of stone, and some jewels. Sadly, the ponies of the village are unhappy because of the hard work and misery their ruler is forcing them to do. A young light orange stallion gather up some of the pumpkins as he tiredly ays, "This is tiring father. That rotten Lefty Shield and his knight have been making us work day and night, and been stealing from us," I know my son, but we must, but as long as Lefty Shield and his guards hold our young queen cative, we must do what he says," The elder gray stallion says. Just then, they both hear a deep stallion voice, angrily shouts, "Out of our way patients!" "It's Lefty Shield!" The young orange stallion exclaims in shock. The two ponies move out of the way to see soldiers running past the. The large and muscular unicorn stallion in front is named Lefty Shield. He ha slight blue fur, orange mane and tail, he is wearing a gold, knight uniform. He is also carrying a spear and shield with his magic. "Faster knights, faster!" Lefty Shield orders the rest of the knights. "Yes, Lefty," A white unicorn pony wearing a blue hat says. The stallion's name is Warlock. "I wonder why he's in a hurry?!" The old gray stallion questionably asks. "Something must have happened, but what?" The young orange stallion asks. Just then a purple stallion wearing a straw hat runs over, and happily announces, "The young queen has just escaped from the castle!" "She's free!" The young stallion surprisingly says in excitement. "Hurry, we must find our young queen before Lefty does!" The old gray stallion says. "Long live our queen!" The purple stallion happily announces. At the edge of town, the pony Lefty Shield along with the rest of the soldiers are looking for the young queen the ponies speak of earlier. Lefty is determine to capture her. "I must recapture the queen, Basil. With her leadership the peasants will overthrow me," Lefty Shield angrily says. "I'll look through the fields," Warlock says, running to the fields. While the two ponies with the solidres are going their separate ways, a mysterious pegasus mare is running to a different direction. When she manages to escape the ponies and out of the fields. The pegasus mare looks exactly like Apple Eden, from the hair to her eye colors. The only differences is that her cutie mark has a golden apple with a red robin wearing a small crown on it. The mare has injured her wing, so she has no choice but to run away from the soldiers until she can find help. Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Eden along with her family are bucking the tries and seeing them fall in the barrels. It's feels like a nice day to do some old fashion hard work, and not worrying about any trouble. "There sure are a lot of apple to pick today," Eden says, as she sees the apples falling into her baskets. "And lots of trees to buck too," Baked Apple agrees, hitting the tree with his hind legs. Then he happily says, "I think this is turning out to be the best apple buck season," "I agree," Apple Eden replies. Seeing her baskets are full, she fly over to see her Aunt Apple Bloom and her dad are sorting out the apples to see which are good, and which are bad and have worms inside. Eden flies over, and happily says, "Aunt Apple Bloom, daddy, got two more baskets of apples," "Thanks, just empty it right there," Apple Bloom says, pointing to the large barrel full of apples. Eden flies over to the barrel and pours the apples inside. Eden loves helping out around the farm. Applejack comes over to see how everything is going. Looking at the many trees that are empty of apples, Applejack decides that ti will be a good time to call it a day. "I think we got enough apples, so we can call it a day," Applejack says. Baked Apple walks over with the two large buckets of apples on his back, and calls out, "Got the last ones ma!" "Thanks," Applejack says. After getting the apples they need, they clean up the supplies and put them back in the barn. They also put the barrels of apples inside the apple storage under their land. Eden looks at the sun to see she has some more time before she can head home for the day. She turns to Applejack, and asks, "Aunt Applejack, I'm going to check on the fruit bats and vampire fruit bats at their sanctuaries." "Alright Eden, but come straight back. It's starting to get dark," Applejack answers. Eden then makes a quick flight to the far east side of the orchard to check on the vampire fruit bats. When she arrives, she can see all the adult bats are gathering apples for their little ones. She is glad that the sanctuaries are very helpful for the bats, and her family gets more apple trees from the fruits that are dropped on the ground. "Hello vampire fruit bats, how are you all doing?" Eden asks with glee. The vampire fruit bats screech and talk in their language, and they seem happy. "Glad to see you're doing fine, and the apple harvest has been successful," Eden replies with a smile. Then Eden says, "I hope you all are have a pleasant event. I need to check on the other fruit bats and see if they're going good." Eden the means walking through the orchard so she can see the other bats. She then starts to have this scared feeling that somepony is spying on her, and is not sure where. Eden looks around to see that nopony is here. Before she continues on her way, Eden somehow gets hit with some kind of magic, and falls to the ground, and her bandana falls off. Back at the bard, Baked Apple and the rest of the Apple Family are wondering where Eden is. They are starting to get worried about her whereabouts, and the sun is already setting so it's making them more worried. "Where is she? She should have been back by now," Baked Apple says with concern. "Maybe she already went home," Apple Bloom suggests. Baked Apple and the others are thinking about that suggestion, but they think that Eden usually lets them know when she's leaving or going out somewhere. Just then, everypony else look to see Fluttershy flying towards them with a worried look on her face. Applejack walks over, and asks, "Fluttershy, what brings you here?" "Applejack, have you seen Eden?" Fluttershy asks with concern. "You mean she didn't went home," Caramel says, getting a bad feeling. "Not at all," Fluttershy answers, worriedly. This is very serious now, Eden is not at the barn, and is not at home. They begin to wonder if something happened. "This ain't good," Baked Apple replies, looking very worried. Sometime later, Applejack and Fluttershy have call an emergency meeting, Sakura and the others are with them while the children and babies stay with the Cakes for a while. Baked Apple explain to everypony what happened and are shocked about it. "Eden has disappeared!" Ruby says, dramatically. "Yes, and none of us had seen her. What if something terrible happened?" Fluttershy adds with worry. Twilight comes over to reassure Fluttershy, and says, "Don't worry Fluttershy, we'll find her." Fluttershy puts on a small smile, knowing that with her friends, and her daughter's friends are here, Eden with be found in no time. Everypony decide to check out the two bat sanctuaries since that where Eden is heading to. Everypony look around and see Eden's hoof prints. Sakura and her friends follow the hoofprints to see a bandana on the floor. Ruby gasps in shock as she lifts the bandana and says, "This is Eden's bandana. I know that fabric anywhere!" Sakura and the others take a closer look at the bandana and can see the blue flowers on the band and. They gasp to see that this is Eden's favorite bandana. "Eden never goes anywhere without her bandana," Baked Apple says becoming very worried. "Look guys, more hoofprints!" Raspberry calls out, a few feet away from the others. Sakura and the others run over to see Eden's hoof prints, but they notice somepony else has been with her. Ace says, "That's Eden's, and somepony else's." "And I'm detectiving that magic has been used here, and it seems to be coming from the other hoof prints. I'd say the other prints came from a unicorn," Sakura adds using her magic to help pick up on anything. Raspberry becomes scared and worriedly asks, "Do you think you ever made the print… has Eden?" Ruby gasps and horribly screams in fear, "That means Eden's been foal-napped!" Sakura and the others gasp hearing this. They know now, that the situation is very serious. "Then we must find her," Baked Apple says with a determined look. Sakura turn to ruby and says, "Ruby, I need you to go back and our parents and tell them what happened. The rest of us will try to find Eden, and see where her abductor has taken her." "Of course darling," Ruby answers. Ruby runs back to the barn to tell the parents of this terrible discovere, while Sakura and the others leave to go find Eden and her foal-napper. Sakura and the others follow the abductor's hoofprints, and from the looks of it, more ponies are involved in the abduction. The hoof prints lead the friends at a small house, and can see that the lights are on, meaning that somepony is home. "Maybe somepony at that cabin would know?" Baked Apple suggests. The friends walk over to the house to see if anypony really is home. Sakura knocks on the door, but the door has broken off. Everyone gasp to see that the inside of the house has been wrecked. "What happened?" Sakura asks. "The place looks like it's been hit by a tornado," Ace says. Then Sakura says, "Let's see if anypony is home, and figure out what happened." Sakura and the boys walk in the house to see if anypony is here, but can see lots of furniture and other items are broken and knocked over. Just then, they hear a stallions voice angrily calling out, "Bandits! Haven't you done enough!" Sakura and the boys look to see that a brown stallion with black mane and pink highlights in his mane and tail running towards them. They also see that the pony's hind legs is in a wheelchair. The stallion is very angry and is running towards them about to charge. Sakura then uses her magic to stop him, and is able to get him to stop charging at them. Baked Apple walks over and calmly says, "Easy fella, we're no bandits." "He's right, we're trying to search for our friend," Ace adds with concern. "She has light pink fur, long braided orange mane, and has a zap apple and a blue jay for a cutie mark," Raspberry says, describing Eden, and shows a picture of her. The disable stallion looks at the photo, and tries his hardest to think of who he has witnessed when his home is attacked.. "Well, I didn't see a cutie mark, but did saw a pony by that description," the disable pony answers, rubbing his hoof under his chin. Hearing this, Baked Apple gets up to the stallion's face and panicky asks, "You did, where is she?!" "Baked Apple, calm down," Ace says, dragging Baked Apple by the tail with his teeth. Sakura kneels down to the stallion's level, and asks, "Can you tell us what happened?" The stallion nods his head, and explains, "Yes, these strange stallions have your friend hostage, and barged in here demanding food. Just then, angry peasants arrive and grabbed your friend and escape. They put up a good fight, but with the knights on their tails." Sakura, Aerial Ace, and Baked Apple are wondering about the testimony. It seems that whoever has taken Eden is attacked by another group of ponies, and Eden is taken somewhere else. Just then, Raspberry calls out, "Look Sakura, is this a clue?" Sakura walks over to see Raspberry has found a silver shield on the ground. On the front of the shield, is a picture of a silver robin with a apple next to it. Sakura recognized this, and says, "This shield has the seal of Marathor." "How do you know that?" Ace asks. "I remember Princess Celestia introduced me to some soldiers from the city of Marathor who have the exact seal on their shields. They lived across the valley from Ponyville." Sakura explains. The disable stallion remember something, and testifies, "I remember the two group of ponies mentioning Mareathor and something about having their young queen with them." "Young queen!" Sakura and the boys exclaim. The friends have become more worried for Eden. Not only she has been abducted, but she's been taken from another group of ponies, and is taken to Mareathor. What's more, was they talking about Eden when they mention their young queen. Baked Apple asks with concern, "But why would the ponies of Marathor want with Eden?" "We better find out," Sakura says with a serious tone, looking at the shield. After finding the shield and some clues about Eden's abduction, Sakura, their friends, and their mothers, rush over to Canterlot to talk about the situation with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They might be the only one who might be able to help them. The group are in the throne room with the princesses as they explain the terrible situation Eden is being forced into to. "So you see Princess Celestia, the ponies must have taken Eden to Mareathor. And for some reason, they have this idea that Eden is this young queen," Sakura explains. "That surely was strange," Princess Celestia says, turning to Luna. Luna turns to her sister, and says, "I agree sister, I thought the young queen passed on five years ago." "The queen died? Then who took possession of the throne?" Sakura asks with a shock. "Lefty Shield, he's the captain of the royal guards," Princess Celestia answers. Sakura and the others are becoming suspicious about all this. The dead queen, the ponies abducting Eden, and two different groups of ponies after the young queen who supposed to have died. This is no coincidence. Sakura shows a serious expression, and says, "That's very strange, but I think I understand what's going on here?" "What is it?" Twilight asks. "I think the young queen never died, but was imprisoned for a long time. The queen has escaped and for some reason they grabbed Eden," Sakura explains. Sakura then realizes something, and frantically asks the princesses in concern, " Princess, do you know what the young queen of Mareathor looks like?" Princess Celestia uses her magic to create a image of the Young Queen of Mareathor. Sakura, her friends, and all of their mothers gasp in shocked to see the image of the young ruler. She looks exactly like Eden , but the cutie mark is different. Sakura and the others know what's going on. The two groups of ponies think Eden is the young queen, and is taking her to Mareathor. They need to rescue Eden and find the real queen before Eden is forced to rule the kingdom, or somepony else finds out about the misunderstanding. At the castle of Mareathor, in the royal chamber. Apple Eden is on the queen's bed looking out of her window with a sad look. She looks at the moon and the stars and wishes to return home to her family and friends. She can still remember what becomes of her. She's been abducted by ponies wearing armor, and is taken by ponies to called her the Queen of Mareathor. Since she's very shy, she is able to tell them who she really is. In fact, she realizes that the kingdom is in trouble, and needs to keep this to herself. "Please friends, please help me. I feel that I need to help the poor ponies who has been through a terrible ordeal… but I need you all to hurry and find me. I only hope I can help them until you arrive," Eden says in her sad thoughts. Eden then goes under the covers and falls back to sleep. She wishes this whole mess has never happen. But out of the kindness of her heart, she knows that she must continues the charade until help arrives.