Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 8: Needle in a Haystack

"Doing what is logical is not always to do what is right." -Advisor Zahir

"And furthermore you can forget your request for additional funding! Press this matter any farther and I will have you whipped, you are fortunate I put up with you and only then because you are useful!"

Dana went to open her mouth but the sultans adviser Zahir cut her off.

"Out! Do not waste the sultans time! Out! OUT!"

Zahir gestured to the guards who grabbed the hapless librarian and dragged her quickly from the room and tossed her out before shutting the doors behind her, she was the last visitor of the day and had fared the worst not that she did not insist on trying again and again.

Alim watched with mild amusement at the other advisors antics, indeed most eyes were on the usual quiet Zahir who almost always tried to whisper in Fareed's ear to listen and at least consider helping his downtrodden subjects.

Today however the roles had reversed to such an extreme that he hardly recognized Zahir, indeed the other advisors were just as shocked whenever he snapped at those who came pleading for aid no matter how petty it may be.

As usually Fareed had them thrown out but when the one dared to talk over the sultan they were promptly dragged away to be whipped and Zahir had remained oddly silent when normally he would be the first to try and have the punishment lessened since Fareed would never allow such a petty slight to pass as they were always punished with all due haste.

Once, even Zahir had been punished not that Alim had gotten away unscathed either but as to why Fareed tolerated their presence he had no real answer but he had a good guess: personal amusement. Watching Zahir squirm every time he had some hapless sod beaten, whipped, hung, raped and the list of punishments he came up with went on and on proved to be highly amusing to Fareed.

Then again why did they even work for Fareed for that matter... The stallion was evil incarnate in Zahir's book not that Alim did not agree but they had been born and raised here, studied in the same university, graduated and were promptly grabbed and ordered to be advisors since they had done so well. Too well.

Ah yes, that is why they suffered so, because Fareed willed it to be so, it pleased him to keep them around.

Alim glanced over at general Xerin who had watched Dana being drug away with a smile, he had greatly enjoyed today and he despised Dana more than he hated Zahir. Seeing her protector turn on the pitiable librarian had made him smile ear to ear leaving a rock in Zahir's stomach.

"With that, court is adjourned for the day."

Clapping loudly Vaxian dismissed everyone as Fareed was already gone at this point.

No doubt to invent new ways to torment us... Arrogant, pompous little...

His line of thought was halted when he watched Zahir storming from the throne-room. The usual gaggles had formed but as always Basir was quick to excuse himself and go back into hiding, he hated Fareed as much as Zahir but the rest were content in their roles and some even reveled in them like Xerin did.

It boggled the mind that two so twisted of mind could find each other and get along so well, even complimenting each others madness often enough that it made his fur go cold.

Walking after Zahir quickly he caught up eventually in one of the side hallways and clapped a hand on his shoulder to slow him down.

"I have a question for you old friend... What bug crawled up your ass?"

Zahir spun on the spot and looked furiously as him in return.

"I try to help them but no, no matter what I have done it is never enough, how long have we tried to help them?" He pointed out at the cities slums. "Decades isn't it? At least twenty? Until now they have at least shown gratitude towards us for trying to help them!"

"Slow down, is this about what happened yesterday? Your little outburst the other day caused the gates to be locked and the guard was sent to comb-"

"Yes! I was trying to get through the gate into the bazaar-"

"Traveling incognito as the garbage stallion again hmm?"

Zahir let out an angry snarl which only made Alim chuckle and wave his hands.

"As you well know friend... I like to travel the streets and see what is really happening... Well I can rightly say things have only gotten WORSE now that Fareed has all but allowed the mercenaries free reign! There is no law! Only their law. At least they used to be discrete in stealing and hostage taking was limited..."

He calmed himself a little and smoothed his robes for a moment.

"At least they did not murder the hostages but let them go free when they were done using them, now they grab anyone that catches their eye and have their way before cutting their throat. A wagon passed me that had more dead from their throats being cut than disease or starvation!"

"That has never caused such outburst in you before, not that you have not tried and been whipped for it... Why was yesterday and today so special?"

Zahir let out a heavy sigh and continued walking slowly.

"While I may not be perfect at blending in... The people usually ignore me or at least give me room to pass. The thieves are kind enough not to rob me just in passing, there was a modicum of mutual respect. Yesterday though... Some... THING grabbed me and used me as a weapon against a guard! It grabbed me and rammed me into them so it could get away! It was a thief! A cut-purse!"

Alim broke out laughing which added to Zahir's ire as he turned on his friend and glowered only making the younger Arabian laugh harder.

"Forgive me but I am not surprised it did not happen sooner." He continued to laugh between words. "Surely you must know that not all thieves will be so... Noble. Maybe this one did not know who you were which would be quite rare indeed." He stopped for a moment... "Why did you call it a thing?"

"Because I know not what it was, when it bolted through the gate with the guards chasing it down I barely got a good look, flat faced, pale and rather scruffy looking. Never seen a creature like it, tall too... It wore such strange garb..."

"So this creature accosted you and fled in the chaos hm? Was that why you had the gates sealed?"

Zahir let out a guilty groan.

"Yes... These past two days have not been my finest moments but it just angered me so much!"

"Well we all tend to snap after a time considering those we put up with."

"Yes but I should know better! I am an advisor for spirits sake! We are supposed to be calm, collected, logical and do whats right! Not act on impulse like some... Foal."

"It happens." Alim squinted his eyes a moment. "Let us consider the good that has come from this then: your actions somehow convinced Fareed that you are indeed on his side and worth keeping. That you are indeed doing things in his interest and by lashing out at the poor the way you did with the guards he thinks better of you. Having Dana thrown out of the throne room for the first time... Ever, I believe, also raised you in Fareed's eyes. He was quite pleased with how you acted today."

Zahir seemed crushed by this revelation but Alim patted his shoulder.

"Hearing you say I "pleased Fareed" makes me sick. I am supposed to help them not make their lives more miserable than they already are!"

He pointed out at the city quickly.

"True... But there is only so much we can do without getting executed for treason. At least you will not be on the chopping block anytime soon, you nearly wiped your slate clean today."

"That does not make me feel any better."

"I certainly hope not! After all if we began to feel good about ourselves and what we do I would probably jump off one of the towers... Not that I dont feel like doing so some days."

"Also true... So where exactly are we going?"

"You really are lost today... After seeing how you were acting I had a servant take a message down to Mabi, I asked her to prepare something to lift your spirits."

Zahir nodded as they turned a corner to the stairwell and began to travel down.

"Once upon a time we would never have spoken so freely in this place for fear of being overheard and executed for it."

Alim let out an angry snort.

"Let them. Fareed knows that anything he could possibly do to us would be an improvement at this point in our lives. Tell me, where did the creature go? Did they find it yet?"

"No, thankfully. I am still furious but a part of me hopes the thief gets away, I understand how miserable life here must be and while I would like to wring its neck..."

"Maybe you will bump into it again on one of your jaunts, then you can at least try."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Alim, I may not be a warrior but I can still fight." He sighed. "If I ever do meet it again I would prefer to speak with it, ask it what it is and why."

"It would be an interesting meeting, it caused a bigger riot than even the mercenaries usually cause."

"Alim? Are you certain we will not be missed just walking off like this?"

"Ah, your mind was indeed elsewhere... When Fareed leaves without saying a word and leaves Vaxian to handle things-"

"He is off partaking in his other "indulgences." Well, I guess we have till noon tomorrow then to do as we please again, at least that bastard is predictable."

"Language Zahir, but yes I agree, at least he is predictable."

Verik rummaged through the heap of clothes that he had been pointed too by his "host." Most of it was made for thieves with extra pockets, purposefully ragged, dirty and gave any onlooker the feeling they were looking at a beggar.

"I was actually looking for something a little more... Long term, suited to travel."

Nimja let out a snort.

"Better to wear that than anything new, if the guards see you traveling with us in new clothes or anyone for that matter they take interest. They are getting too greedy lately and with so many hands in the jar-"

"They are fighting over the scraps."

She nodded.

"So how exactly are you going to get me out of here when I stand out so well even if covered?"

"Easy, through the front gate."

Verik balked at her.

"What? Its true, guards will be watching closely but we have ways!"

"Must be some "ways" to get past a guardpost on full alert."

"They are not as good as you think, dangerous yes but not that good."

"Except the mercenaries."

"Except them, if they are there we go another time."

He pulled a few cloaks, shirts and pants aside then began to look them over and size them up.

"Whats it like? Being in a "thieves guild" that is?"

"Curious one arnt you? Why do you ask?"

"Because where I am from you are a fantasy, stories told to little children of the noble thief trying to help the world but still only a fairy tale. Not that you are entirely altruistic mind you, but neither do you go out of your way to make others miserable or take everyone for whatever they have."

"True enough... You have to enjoy being hunted your entire life or at least able to ignore it, enjoying the feeling you get when you steal something but also knowing that what you make will be shared with the others so they can all eat even if they fail."


"Yes and no, it is a business arrangement but also family, you would kill for the others and die before betraying them but also not go out of your way for them. Sometimes."

"Hm. I forgot to ask, are there other places out there, better than this?"

"Better than Alzamard? Yes."

"No, better than Zebrica."

"Dont know, my life is here, whatever there may be of it."

Guess I got nowhere else to go.

"Alright, any word on the caravan?"

"None, still looking but if they were not grabbed because of what you did they will be found. Eventually."

"Needle in a haystack?"

Nimja nodded before looking away and yawning.

"What can you tell me about Fareed? Besides what you already have."

"Why do you care? You will be gone from here soon enough."


*Hmph* "Several advisors... Most bad but a few good. Fareed is very wealthy, long have we dreamed of getting into the palace... Servants have told us what he has and if we could just get some of that we would all eat for months."

She shrugged quickly and sighed.

"No matter, his mercenaries keep close guard and those who tried were caught and hung. His city starves but he has enough to outlast any siege. You asked before about taking the city and so I tell you now: It would do no good. He would hide behind his palace walls with food and water to last for years and laugh."

"Well at least you would have him contained. I like this one," Verik held up a light, khaki cloak, "how much?"

"Meh, I offer you a special deal: ten copper then twenty for every one after."

"Rather steep."

"Better than prices at bazaar for same."

"Why are things so expensive here even where its... Safe?"

"Fareed taxes everything, if you are special and friend to him you pay less, otherwise everything has a high price."

"Smugglers paradise."

"Yes, many smugglers but too dangerous usually, few dare operate in the city but they still exist."

Verik thought back on the exchange he had helped and look at Nimja a moment before describing it to her in detail.

"Smugglers, so your friend knows them hm?"

"Zuberi is no friend of mine. I understand him well enough but that does not mean I like him. So what do you think they were smuggling anyway? They wouldn't tell me."

"They wouldn't tell you? Must not trust you very much but neither do we... Small vials yes? Probably juju."

"What the hell is juju?"

"Potion, very hard to make, very few know how. Makes you strong, healthy, brings life back. Very valuable, very valuable..."

"Your not planning on robbing them now are you?"

"No. That would be impolite, we have a deal."

"How much is juju worth?"

"How much did you say Zuberi bought?"

Verik told her and from the motions of her fingers Nimja was counting off the values.

"Sounds correct, metal very valuable and expensive though common enough, sounds like he got a good deal and has plenty left over."

"I got the whole of a silver piece and one copper."

*Hah!* "He got you good."

"Not really, only been with them a few days-"

"He must not like you, he should have given you more than that."

"Well when I see him I can take it up with him. Alright, I will take this stuff here, how much?"

Namji went over his pile of rags and counted it off and after a quick exchange she nodded and even offered to sell him a sack to stuff it all in which he bought for a few copper leaving his coin pouch woefully low.

"Affording food is going to be an interesting and trying time..."

"You survived today, you will figure it out."

Zuberi and the others had spent a harrying night in the city huddled close to their wagons, Verik's escapades had caused the gates to be sealed up and even the bazaar gate was locked up tight. They had avoided entering that one to start as it was the most searched and costly to pass through and getting out also cost a great deal.

The pouch containing his gains were kept close and never left his person all night, they would need to keep this coin safe so it could be used to bribe officials that would visit the village. Sefu had found out how much Verik had been paid and was less than forgiving but neither did he make a scene.

However, the end result was Zuberi now prayed Verik was dead because if he lived that would mean another fight, he did not like being dishonest but with what he had seen and learned the past two months before coming it was a calculated risk.

What they had gained was sorely needed and if that meant slighting a foreigner who had no relation to them so be it but as the darkness ended he began to worry: Sefu had excellent senses in these matters and if he said Verik was alive, he was.

Popping into view the sun bathed the world in light quickly and with it the day began anew in the city. That also meant all that came with it both good and bad.

Hurrying everyone into position they started the wagons moving and joined the backlog of caravans trying to get out, fortunately the guards were a little more up for the task today since they were tired from their all night search last night and were ushering the carvans through with little harassment.

Chief among those angered the other day was a rather wealthy slaver Zuberi had unfortunately come to know many years ago, his utter lack of scruples was revolting but served him well and being slighted the other day he had naturally wanted Verik's head.

Sefu had described him well enough and after recognizing the description he was thankful he had not seen Zuberi and come over to talk less Asha would have been spotted, this also came with the added bonus the slaver had only ever met Sefu once long ago so the odds were low he would put two and two together.

If he had, well... Everything had a price to him and there was nothing he would not bargain for, period.

He had even offered to sell a daughter to Zuberi since he had too many once, that had been the last straw but he kept himself under control and politely refused, the Wete do not keep slaves. "What a pity" he had said.

Without missing a beat he tried to convince him to join into the slaver business but thankfully Sefu had been with him at that time as well and he intervened and managed to help him escape by saying they had elsewhere to be. "Time was money" and that satisfied the slaver.

As they rattled out of the gateway and into the dingy housing area of the city they began fending off the locals almost immediately as they groped for anything they could get. It took longer than usual to get out but once beyond the second gate they things calmed down somewhat.

Outside things were a little on edge as people rushed about, the undertaker was early and once more overloaded but even he was nervous which was never a good sign.

Sefu joined him as they walked through the shacks and whispered concerns in his ear before walking away, they were very viable ones and made his fur prickle.

Every year the flu would pass through around this time, it was perfectly normal but never on a set schedule, it could arrive a month early or late but always within these three months. No one really died of it either, but it provided Fareed and his mercenaries a new sport: burning out the locals.

In the name of health and safety any areas deemed infected would be torched, inhabitants included. Anyone outside of the area was left alone but every year some group would be targeted and torched, without anywhere to go and no food for the journey the locals were stuck where they were.

This also meant each "zone" did not want to become marked as mercenaries stalked through looking for sport, they could attempt to bribe them away with bodies and whatever they could filch but if they could not pay more than the other groups they would become marked ill or not.

Whoever could pay the most was not only given a clean bill of health but also left alone for several months by both guard and mercenaries, it paid to grovel and lick hoof here.

Bidding had already started as they neared the middle, a band of mercenaries was engaged in accounting as the two neighboring zones along the road fought and argued over who could pay the most and be left alone.

Everything was on the table too, stolen goods, coin, clothing, people, hell even the kids were on the table for one group as they begged not to be burned out again.

Shaking his head as they passed he was glad they would be gone very quickly and not return for another year or more if they were lucky.

He had decided to retrace their steps, odds were very good that any bandits had been killed off or chased away for the time being and if they went now any survivors would not be able to bring friends and wait hoping for them to try their luck again but fate it would seem, had other ideas, ideas that came in the form of Sefu.

Once clear the giant walked up and pulled Zuberi aside.

"We stop and wait for him."

"Why? He had all last night to find us."

"Liar, you know gates locked and he fled into houses."

"Sefu, if we stay they will get curious, if they get curious they will come over here rather than stay over there..."

He pointed at the distant mercenaries as they continued to count up their earnings, it would appear neither zone was being burned out meaning the neighbors were now at stake.

"Don't care, we wait."

"Fine, you can wait and we will go, same trail as before."


Zuberi let out a strangled groan of frustration for a moment.

"Sefu! We can not wait! Bandits may already be here looking for revenge and bring more to hunt us down! We have to go!"

"No, he stuck his neck out for us, almost killed. We wait."

"This is not the time for your little "warriors pride and ethics!" We have to get out of here! Think of the others and the tribe!"

"I do, we wait! He risk life for us, we repay him, leave him here he die, not know our ways or Zebrica."

"He will survive just fine on his own."

"You too eager to leave him behind."

"You are not eager enough! Yes, he helped us, twice. I am grateful to him, I really am and I even regret slighting his payment but we can not stay! Use your head for once!"

"I use my head all the time, but head mean nothing without spirit to guide it."

*Auuugghh!* "Sefu you want us to risk our lives sitting here along the road in the open while the mercenaries collect their yearly extortion?"

"Yes, but not here, over there, small dip, hide wagons and wait. Verik easy to spot, we spot first, we get quickly and run."

"Please tell me you are joking... Oh hell, your not... Listen, we stick around-"

"I hit you."

Zuberi stared up at the towering zebra who was now getting angry and put his hands up.

"Fine, fine... You win. This time. Alright! Lets move the wagons."

Asha pondered the odd relationship Zuberi and Sefu had, Jelani had filled her in quickly as the two argued but when Sefu threatened to hit Zuberi that had raised some eyebrows.

It really was odd, the two were good friends who had known each other a very long time and got along great in the village but once a year they put that aside and adopted a "business only" relationship on these outings.

For about a month they would be indifferent to each other and assumed their roles perfectly, never overstepping their bounds nor each others authority. Only once several years ago had Zuberi done something that he refused to talk about that had resulted in Sefu's ire.

Everyone knew what had happened too but never why: Sefu had knocked Zuberi out cold.

Yet, the moment they got back to the village it was like nothing had ever happened, the two were friends again and while they spoke of it in hushed conversation none dared bring it up for quite some time and whenever they did neither would talk on it, it never happened.

Still, it made her feel better knowing that at least someone other than Jelani and herself believed he was alive somehow. The three had even talked about it briefly and agreed that he was alive but Sefu had also pointed out after they had moved the wagons into place he had come over and pointed something out to them they had missed: No body was swaying from the walls.

Fareed enjoyed his grim totems and routinely hung thieves and other "trouble makers" from the walls along with actual criminals once in a great age that had done him wrong, Verik had not been there this morning.

Asha fidgeted where she sat as Sefu and Jelani went up to the top of the hump they hid the wagons behind before hiding in the tall grass keeping a close eye on the city, if he came back out he would probably retrace their steps and follow the path back since there were wells along it.

At least that is what Sefu reasoned.

Leaning her head back against the wagon she stared up at the sky and wondered what was happening and why he had done it. All night it had bothered her a great deal and thankfully gave her something else to worry about for once.

Without question he had taken the blame and run to save her.

She had already liked him for some reason from the start but now her affection was growing, he was nice, polite, helpful and quite generous. Saving her like that had pushed something over the edge though.

What a strange looking creature... Not bad looking but strange, he already said she was pretty, maybe. No, she hardly knew him, yes he had risked his life but she still hardly knew him.

Asha closed her eyes and waited in silence with the rest for news, she did not know him but she would do her best to get to know him if he survived this trip.

She prayed he would.