Rainbow...? I miss you.

by Majorminor

Hey squirt! ... What’s wrong?

Scootaloo winced as she hoofed open the rusty, creaky metal gate. She hoped she hadn’t woken Rainbow up. Not that Rainbow ever slept anymore. More of rested, yet still mentally active to her surroundings.

“Oh who am I kidding!? Scootaloo whispered angrily at herself. “Coming here like this! I’m only gonna get more upset.” She stopped, starting back for the gate, to leave while she could.

“Hey squirt!” Came a scratchy voice from above.

“AHH! Rainbow! Why’d ya scare me like that!? I’m gonna die of heart failure some day! Not cool!” She scolded her sister.

Scootaloo has stopped thinking of Rainbow as an idol to be, but as an equal to appreciate many years ago. She was now in her middle teens and no less angsty than every other adolescent, zit riddled teen she knew. Rainbow just loved to see her grow. She, on the other hand, hadn’t aged since a couple years ago. Three years after they had met. She was still in her early twenties physically. Late twenties mentally. And still the same personality, not a day aged since they met.

“So how come you’re leaving so soon?” She wanted to see if Scootaloo would tell her the truth as she’d heard earlier, or play a lie.

“I was coming to see you.” She sighed.

“Really? Cuz to me it sounded like you were more ready to leave before you’d even entered.” Rainbow stated. “But since when did you not want to talk to me?” She spoke softly, trying to mask the pain in her voice with a curious smile.

The smile didn’t hold.

“I-I- Sorry. I’m just... I’m really upset and I wanted to just reminisce in your company. You always support me. Whenever it’s hard. Your like the Mum I never had, the big sister I always wanted...” a small lonely tear began to form on her face. “And I really miss you.”

“... I know squirt. I know.”

Gently, with delicacy, Dash dried the lone tear with her wing and soothingly wrapped up Scootaloo. Rocking her back and forth, shushing the growing sobs.

“How is every pony? That’s the worst thing ya know, how I can’t visit them. Or you.” Rainbow then added “I wish they could all see me, but you’re priority, when I had to choose one, it had to be you.” She breathed deeply -not that she had too- and stroked Scootaloo’s mane. It felt soft to her, but Scootaloo couldn’t even sense her doing it. Her hair didn’t even move under Dash’s strokes.

“AJ’s never been so sad. I know it’s been two years but I think that fact is just making it so much harder to deal with. She still talks nonstop about how she never did answer your request to diner. She was out at the time, and then suddenly, you were gone. She blames herself and says that if she hadn’t gone out and had been with you, things would be completely different.”

“He yeah. I remember that like it was yesterday. I had finallygathered the courage to ask her if she wanted to eat out sometime, but she was at Rarity’s. Left a note saying ‘I’ll be ten, don’t you go none, be back in a jiffy!’ . I waited for what felt like ages, when suddenly...” she stopped. And just stared ahead. Beginning to cry as well now. Scootaloo snuggled up to her as best as she could, even though only Dash could fell it, the gesture was meaningful. “So did I ever get an answer?” Rainbow questioned.

“She said she couldn’t have said yes faster.” Scoots laughed lightly.

That’s cool to hear. You know. That I would have made it... By the way kid, I still wonder how it is that you can see me.”

“No idea. Magic maybe? Or maybe because you’re an Element of Harmony and special? Or perhaps it’s pity or somepony’s repaying a debt to you...? Either way, I couldn’t be more thankful.” Scootaloo dwelled, then stated.

“Yeah, me too. It gets quite lonely out here without you. I just wish I could fly out of here. Just for ten minutes. Stretch my wings, ya know? Try and give you a Rainboom lesson, like I’ve always promised you.” Days sighed gently.

“Well, I think I’ve already figured it out actually.” Not that I could do it. I highly doubt that still, what with my weak stubby wings.” She stated.

“Oh yeah? How’s it done then?” Rainbow smiled. She had a feeling that Scootaloo had finally figured it out, from all the passive hints Dash had been giving her in casual speech. She had a feeling that the Rainboom wouldn’t be just hers much longer, and she was ecstatic!

“Well, it seems that every story you’ve told me about them, they’re always done for someone else, not you. And you’re the only one ever recorded to perform one. Aaaaand you’re the bearer of Loyalty...”

Rainbow smiled with glee. She knew that nobody should be ‘taught’ the sonic rainboom. It was only for those who had it in them to figure not out in the first place. And Scootaloo clearly did.

“Practically every one has saved someone, you pushing your limits to unimaginable heights! Like how you saved Fluttershy from falling to the ground below or Rarity and those Wonderbolts in that competition! It’s not about you, it’s for them. It’s the one trick where you aren’t showing off when you do it, because when you tried to replicate it for yourself after you did it the first ever time, you couldn’t. Anyone can do a sonic rainboom. If they have the heart and courage for their friends like you do!” Scootaloo gazed up to Rainbow’s astonished face.

“Well done Scootaloo. You’re the second ever pony to figure out how to do a sonic rainboom! One of these days you’ll have to do one. For me. I’ve never seen one from outside the colour explosion... And even then my eyes were watery, blurred and half closed from the wind!” Rainbow laughed.

“Well I guess I should start working on my wing power then shouldn’t I!? I pinkie promise I will.” Scootaloo giggled.

They say there relaxedly for a little while longer.

“I love you Scoots.”

“I know. If I didn’t love you and miss you back, I wouldn’t visit this often!” She chuckled. “Maybe next time I’ll bring your friends!? I could be like the voice to speak for you to them and you could all catch up!” Scootaloo squeed. “Why didn’t I think of that before!? We could all meet u- ”



“I refuse to bring my best friends here to this place. I won’t let them come here. We must save them from that. It’s my resting place. What would they do if they knew I was here? Not resting? Alone? I refuse to ruin their lives more because I was too greedy to just... let it be. I must suffer more than they by not seeing them. They mustn’t. And they won’t be put through that pain knowing I may never be at peace. What lengths would Twilight go to to fix the unfixable? How often would the mourn me and pity my existence more than they would me no longer existing?” Rainbow stated forcedly but still gently to Scoots. “I’m sorry Scoots, but I already thought of that idea a long time ago, and I’ve never thought it again for those very reasons.”

“Oh....” Scootaloo cast her melancholy expression towards the ground. “I guess I didn’t think that through... Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” She smiling.

Scootaloo brightened slowly, “You really are the meaning of loyalty.”

“Heh, yeah kid. And so are you.” Rainbow gently hoofed her shoulder.

Scootaloo smiled at the meaningful comment that she’d forever remember. “Anyway, I guess I should get going, it’s getting dark out...” Scootaloo pouted but not in the annoying way. “I promise I’ll come see you tomorrow! Okay!? Pinkie promise!” She grinned.

“Sure kid, I’m already looking forward to it!”

“Bye Rainbow! Enjoy your nap!”

- She said as she closed the rusty, creaky, metal gate to the cemetery.