
by Alaborn

The Champion


By Alaborn

Standard disclaimer: This is a not for profit fan work. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright Hasbro, Inc. I make no claim to any copyrighted material mentioned herein.

The Champion

The next year, Fluttershy was surprised to see Big McIntosh come for a visit during the Running of the Leaves. She had been his confidante, the only pony he could talk to about his experiences in the world Discord sent him. And the way he had talked about running, about racing, about winning, she was sure he would be racing in the Running of the Leaves.

“That’s Applejack’s thing,” was all he said when she asked why.

“Big McIntosh Apple, that’s no explanation. Not when I know it is, in fact, your thing.”

“No, running is my thing. The competition, the crowds, the noise? I experienced that. In the end, I got used to it, but I didn’t enjoy it. I much prefer being the heart of Sweet Apple Acres, where I can enjoy peace, quiet, and the company of good friends. Besides, you wouldn’t believe the poor conversationalists those equines and bipeds were.”

Fluttershy and Big McIntosh shared a chuckle.

“Actually, the equines are called horses, and the bipeds humans. Surely you would have picked up on that,” said Discord after popping into the cottage.

“Eenope,” Big McIntosh responded. “I was too busy running.”

“I could always send you back, you know,” Discord offered.

“I’m officially retired from racing,” Big McIntosh said.

“What a coincidence! So is American Pharoah,”

Big McIntosh looked at Discord suspiciously. “So what is it that a retired racing horse does?”

“Oh, he simply spends the rest of his life in service as a stud,” Discord said with a grin.

Big McIntosh laughed. “As tempting as that sounds, I don’t think Sugar Belle would appreciate that much.”