Children of Harmony

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 58: Taking Precautions

Sakura opens her eyes, and moan in exhaustion. Her eyes are barely open, and ye, she can tell that she's not in Whitetail Woods anymore. As Sakura slowly sits ip, she rubs her head and feels like she is having a headache. She rubs her eyes, and look to see that she is back in her bedroom.

Sakura looks around as she asks in her thought, "How… how did I get back in my room."

"I… I remember… walkin in Whitetail Woods, and I saw…" Sakura says to herself, rubbing her head.

Sakura gasps and quietly exclaims, "Naga!"

"Oh, so it seems Naga's spell didn't affect your memories very much," A familiar male voice says.

Sakura looks around, and asks, "Discord, is that you?"

A flash of light appear, and disappear to show someone is in the room. Sakura becomes surprised to see Discord is appear in her bed room.

"Hello Sakura, how are you feeling?" Discord asks with a smile.

"I'm fine. I guess.

"But my head felt like it got hit by a truck," Sakura mutters, deadpanned.

"Oh, that doesn't sound very good, but kind of truck would you think?" Discord asks in remark.

"Discord," Sakura mutters, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, okay. I just come in to see how you're doing," Discord replies.

He then holds out a tray that has two eggs, three pancakes with butter and syrup on it, a bowl of fruits, two buttered toast, and a glass of milk. He then happily says, "Also, I brought you some breakfast."

Discord then puts the tray on Sakura's bed. Sakura is surprised to see Discord spoiling her with goodies. In fact, Sakura feels very hungry right now. She grabs a fork and knife and begin to cut a piece of her pancake and puts it in her mouth. Sakura loves the taste of it, and has the buttermilk taste. Sakura then swallows the piece of her breakfast. Discord smile to see Sakura is enjoying the breakfast and looks very happy.

Just the Sakura realizes something, and asks "Discord, do you have any idea how I got back home. I remember walking in the woods when I saw Naga. I think he used his eyes to hypnotize me, but my memory feels a bit fuzzy."

Sakura begins to rub her head because some parts of her memory is a blur.

"Well, your friends along with Queen Angel Wing was able to save you and brought you back home safe and sound. Of course, you were still under Naga's trance at the time, and you were out like a light, and it's already 10:30 in the morning." Discord answers.

Sakura becomes stunned to hear that Queen Angel Wing has come to her and her friends aid. Sakura wonders how the queen knows that Sakura has been put in danger, and her friends as well.

Discord begins to walk to the door as he says with glee, "Now you enjoy your breakfast, while I got tell the others that you're up and running."

Discord opens the door, leaves the room, and closes the door. Sakura sighs and can see that Discord will always be Discord.

Sakura giggles and says in her thoughts, "If I didn't know better, I'd say that he and Raspberry's family are related. They even have the same excited and willing to play like personality."

Sakura then decides to continue eating her breakfast, for still feeling a bit dazed from her experience with naga.

Down stairs in the dining room, Twilight along with her friends, are talking about the incident. At that time, they are having some tea, cider, milk and some eggs with hay-browns and some blueberry muffins. They're worried about what happened, and how they aren't with them when there's trouble. The most worried pony, is Sakura's mom, Twilight Sparkle. She is passing back and forth with a scared and freaked out look on her face.

Rarity comes over and says, "Twilight darling, you need to calm down."

"How could I calm down knowing that the very creature I was warned about almost took my daughter away!" Twilight protests sounding upset.

"I have to agree. Our children almost got hurt by this Naga creature," Fluttershy worriedly agrees.

"Yeah. My son, Ace wanted to tear that guy apart, and he's doesn't like snakes. That took loyalty and courage," Rainbow says with pride.

Rainbow saldy sighs, and says, "Still my son almost got hurt. That snake creature and his magic were strong."

Then Pinkie asks, "How was Ace's wing?"

"It's not broken or sprained, just got bruised when he hit the tree. He will be find for the games, but needs to take it easy for now," Rainbow answers.

"That's good. I'm just glad our kids didn't get hurt as bad as I was fearin," Applejack replies with concern.

Twilight sighs and says, "I'm just glad Queen Angel Wing was able to reach them in time."

"And Ace can't stop asking if Sakura's going to wake up soon," Rainbow adds.

"Ruby has been asking the same question since we woke up," Rarity adds.

"So did Baked Apple and Apple Eden," Applejack agrees.

"And Raspberry acted like me when I go all fast and make it hard for anypony to understand what I'm saying," Pinkie adds fastly.

"I guess the little ones are worried because of what happened, and felt guilty for unable to do much to help her," Applejack replies.

"Sadly it's true," Rarity agrees.

Then Twilight asks in a panic, "But what can we do? We can't wait for Naga to appear! Equestria, including our children are not safe as long as he's free!"

"I'm sure we'll come up with something," Fluttershy shyly replies.

Then Applejack says, "One of the thing that we can do is to be sure that Naga doesn't get too close to her. It will also be best to keep a close eye on our kids and Naga."

"You're right about that, but I really like to take some extra precautions in case something happen," Twilight says.

Just then, Discord appears, and says, "Well I have an idea."

The six mares look to see Discord sitting on a sofa floating in the air and is eating something in a bowl. He grabs the food with his fork and puts them in his mouth. The mares are confused to see what Discord is eating.

Fluttershy questionably asks, "Are you eating… paper?"

"Really? How odd of me?" Discord says, sarcastically. The puts another piece of paper in his mouth and eats it.

Twilight angrily mutters, "If he's eating pages from the library, he's going to get it."

"Now, now Twilight, I won't do such of a thing. This are just unused scrolls from the library," Discord says as he continues eating.

"Why do I even bother?" Twilight says, rolling her eyes.

"On that note, Sakura has just woken up and I made her a nice breakfast for her," Discord adds with a grin.

Twilight then pounces on Discord, making him drop his bowl to the floor.

She then panicky shouts, " Sakura awake! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

With that, Twilight runs upstairs to check and see if Sakura's alright. Applejack and the others run after her, so that Twilight won't get to crazy. They leave Discord who is till stunned by the unexpected pounce from earlier.

In her bedroom, Sakura has finish her large breakfast, and is reading one of her books from her homeworld 'The Little Sparrow'. Just then, Sakura hears someone knocking on the door. She suspects that it might Discord or her mom.

Sakura turns to the door, and says, "Come in."

The door opens, and Twilight Sparkle enters the room. Sakura is surprised to see her mom being so calm right now. She expects her mom to get into an aneurysm with concern.

Twilight walks the bed, and asks, "How are you doing sweetie?"

"I'm doing fine mom. I was aled to eat some breakfast, but my memories of last night have some blurs in them," Sakura answers.

Twilight begins to show a worried look on her face. She then gets on the bed and sit next to her daughter, hoping to cheer her up.

Twilight hugs Sakura as she says, "Oh Sakura, I… I was so worried when I heard what happened yesterday."

Sh the let go of Sakura and asks, "Are you going to be alright?"

"I think so mom. My head feels a bit fuzzy from last night, and my body still feels a bit numb right now," Sakura says.

She tires to get up as she says, "But I need to met Ace and Eden at the field. We're going to practice some more before the games tomorrow.

"Actually. Ace got injured when he tried to help you. He's fine to compete, but needs to take it easy for now. So he's can't use his wings," Twilight clarifies with a sad look.

Sakura eyes widen with a shocked look. Ace has got hurt because he was trying to protect Sakura. Sakura looks down and feeling guilty that she ends up getting caught and one of her friends got hurt because of it.

Hours later, Sakura has been in her romallway, and doesn't feel like going out today. The door opens, and Sakura's friends, Ace and the others has come in. Ace is wearing a bandage wrap on his right wing. Raspberry is holding a cake that says 'Get Well Sakura' on it.

"Hey Sakura, how are you feeling today?" Raspberry asks with a smile on his face.

"Fine. I guess," Sakura answers, and doesn't feel like she's in a good mood.

The five ponis look at each other with a concern looks on their faces.

Eden walks over, and asks, "You're still a little upset about what happened."

"Yeah. I let Naga caught me unguard, Ace ended up with an injured wing, and you guys were put endangered," Sakura answers, sounding upset.

Ace comes over, and says, "Don't beat yourself like that. None of this is your fault. I felt that I couldn't help you when you were attacked."

"You were?" Sakura asks looking shocked.

Then Ruby says, "I guess what Ace is trying to say, is that we were scared that we're going to lose you."

"And we were pretty bummed that might not be able to help y'all," Baked Apple says.

"But were going to find away to stop Naga from whatever he is planning," ACe says.

"And protect you from him as well as we can," Eden adds.

Then Raspberry fasyl says with a smile, "Then we be like our mom and stop him by using ou elements. Then we defeated him we can throw a party with cakes, balloons, cake balloons, and…"

Ace covers his mouth, and says, "I think we get the idea.

Raspberry muffles with her hoof over his mouth.

Sakura smiles with tears coming out of her eyes, and says, "Thanks guys, you are all the greatest friends ever."

The group of friends pull each other for a hug.

Then Raspberry asks, "Hy Sakura, think we can hear a song before we head back home."

"Sure," Sakura answers with a giggle.

Sakura then drinks a cup a water to clear her throat and because her mouth is dry. Then she begins to sing. In japanese, but uses her magic to make lyrics appear so friends can know what she is singing.


Midori no hikari yureteru, kokoro no mori no naka wo aruku

(A green light flickers, I walk amid the forest of my heart)

Mimi wo, sumasu

(I strain my ears to listen)

Anata no koe ga kikoeru, fukai fukai ne de tsunagatte

(I can hear your voice, connected to me by deep, deep roots)

Chiisana ki, tadoritsuita

(Reaching their way to a small tree)

Aa, tada massugu, todoketai, sunao na kimochi

(Ah, I want to convey my honest feelings, simply and directly)

Sono yubi ga, mune wo tsukamu ibara no tsuru wo

(Those fingers begin to unravel )

Tokihogu shite yuku

The vine of thorns entwined around my breast )

Yasashiku, anata no koe, mimi ni hibiite...

(Gently, your voice echoes in my ears…)

Sukoshi dake kono jikan ni, yasuragi wo mitsuketa

(For just a little while, I have found peace)

A few minutes later, Saura looks out of the window to see her friends heading home. She waves goodbye and her friend does the same. Of course, the six friends are excited that the Friendship Games are tomorrow, and everypony is going to be there. They can't wait to play, and help Ponyville win the gold. And to have all kinds of fun at the games.