Twilight Daylight

by thedarktome

Chapter 25 - We Have Reached An Agreement

While in flight over the plains by Ponyville, Madun groaned and threw up his hooves, catching the attention of the others flying with him. "I forgot to ask where to get Rarity," he groaned, facehoofing at his own forgetfulness. "How am I supposed to find her if I don't know where she is?"

"We can always ask one of the ponies around the camp," one of the congress ponies answered. "And if I heard correctly, she is one of those creating the tents for the citizens."

"Ah, right." After a few more seconds, the group landed once more on the dirt path next to the farm, frightening a little filly with a red bow on her head who happened to be walking out from the farm. Applebloom shrieked and jumped away from them, frightening Madun in the process which made his wings flap in surprise. Realizing it was just a little filly, he took a deep and calming breath. "I am so sorry, little one. I didn't mean to scare you." Applebloom looked him up and down for a second, assessing him. Then gaped a little at his wings.

"Whoa," she muttered before walking up to the pony and circling him. The Pserateps looked at her then up at Madun who was smiling down at her. "You have big wings."

"Thank you," he responded back. "And what is your name?"

"I'm Applebloom! And that's Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo!" She pointed towards the farm at a pair of fillies that they didn't notice before walking up to them with eyebrows raised. Scootaloo gasped and quickly trotted up to the king. Then pointed a hoof at his wings.

"What?! I can't even fly, but he gets like thirty foot wings?!" She exaggerated.

"They're actually nine feet," Madun corrected with a chuckle. The other Pserateps were smiling while the guards were keeping a sharp lookout. "And what is your name, little filly?"

"I'm Scootaloo!"

"And I'm Sweetie Belle!" The white one greeted before she shot him a suspicious look. "Who are you? How come we've never seen you before? I'm pretty sure we wouldn't miss you with those one hundred foot wings."

"Nine feet. And I am King Shimmering Madun. I am here in a conference with Celestia to speak about making deals to help your land."

"Are you a pegasus?"

"Er...yes, but a different and highly evolved kind. My ponies are an experienced race, way ahead of Equestria's."

"Ohhhhh!" They all said before Scootaloo added, "I don't get it."

"You'll understand someday. Can you help me? I am looking for a pony by the name of Rarity. Do you know where she lives?"

"You're looking for my sister?" Sweetie Belle asked, surprising him. "Says 'darling' a lot and is obsessed with fashion?"

"Yes, that's her. And your sister?"

"Yeah! We live together! I'll take you to her!" Sweetie Belle started to walk down the road followed by the other fillies before she stopped and turned around. "Oh! And we are..." The three fillies put their hooves together high in the air and yelled, "THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!" The Pserateps' ears rang for a moment before the fillies continued along the road, followed by the Pserateps rubbing their ears. The guards took the lead beside the fillies, providing protection for his majesty and the other congress ponies. After a minute, Scootaloo just couldn't take it anymore. She lagged behind a little bit and walked beside Madun. Then tapped his hoof, getting his attention

"Mr. Maroon sir," she called, getting his name wrong. "Can I please get on your back? I need to look at your wings. I just have to." Madun chuckled then extended his wing. He scooped her up, sending her into the air and onto his back where she landed. Then continued walking. "Why are they so big?"

"They grow from admiration," he explained. "That is all I can tell you about our wing growth."

"Awwww!" The Pserateps chuckled before they walked into town, making Scootaloo a little uneasy with the attention she was receiving. Some of the ponies were standing up and looking at them, anxious. "Umm, are you sure it's safe for us to be here? They ran me out of town with all the other Pegasi and I was hiding on Sweet Apple Acres."

Madun chuckled and motioned towards the guards. "Our guards are experienced in combat because they exercise their moves everyday. That and our weapons are extremely deadly. If a pony approaches..." One of the Unicorns on the side yelled something before the guards flexed their wings, revealing the attached blades, sharpened and reflecting the sun's rays. The Unicorn who yelled instinctively backed up while they passed, wings still flexed outwards. "Then they get those."

Scootaloo was just staring in surprise before she yelled, " so....awesome! If only Rainbow Dash could see this. She'll say, wow! You're really cool. And I would say, yeah, duh! And then we'd all go out and...." Madun shared a glance with Bold Shoulder while she rambled on, who was smirking at him.

"And you say you're not dad material," he commented. Madun stopped and shook his head at him before they continued on towards a large tent on the right. They spotted Rarity talking with a few other ponies, carrying some of the tents on her back. She spotted them after the conversation ended and then cocked her head in confusion.

"Why hello, Madun. It's good to see you again," she greeted before looking down at her sister and chuckling. "I take it you met the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

The guards lowered their wings and took up defensive positions while he stopped in front of her. He chuckled then turned his body to reveal Scootaloo messing with his wings. "Yep. The are a mess."

Rarity smiled and motioned towards Scootaloo. "I see you've warmed up to having a filly with you. Are you practicing for—"

"Do. Not. Finish. That. Sentence," he interrupted sternly. "I. Am not. Having foals."

"Your mind will change when the time is right, I assure you. Now who do I pay for this visit?"

Madun cleared his throat and stood up regal. "Celestia. We want to make a deal with Equestria. In exchange for metal, the Pserateps want high quality gems, since Equestria seems to be practically drenched in it." Rarity looked down to the ground and casually nudged a bag of rubies and diamonds towards him.

"You are correct," she responded while one of the guards picked it up with their wing and held it out to him. "We literally walk outside and make a hole in the ground where we can find at least two gems. I guess Celestia suggested to find me so I could help you?"

"Yes. If that is alright with you?"

Rarity scoffed and yelled, "Absolutely! Anything for Equestria. Just let me get my assistant and we'll be on our way. SPIIIIKE!!" Madun cringed and covered his ears from her loud yelling, wondering if yelling was a tradition here in this land. A few seconds later a small purple dragon eagerly ran out of the tent with gem dust around his mouth, and saluted to Rarity.

"Hey, Rarity! How can"

"Madun," Madun corrected before he leaned down close to him. "Arcadia's assistant?"

"I guess previous now," he sighed before turning to Rarity for an explanation. "When did they get here and why?"

"A few hours ago. They are here to try and help us, Spikey Wikey. Spike is my assistant when looking for gems. I hope it's alright if he comes with."

"No problem," Madun responded enthusiastically. "The more the better....I take that back. This amount of ponies is fine." He gestured towards Scootaloo who was pulling his wing out, trying to get a close look.

"You may want to bring Fluttershy too," Spike recommended. "Where we go for gems there are animals that only she can tame without hurting them. She's over there talking to a few bears." He pointed with his finger towards the right, where the yellow pegasus with a dirty coat was speaking kindly to a few of the large animals, who seemed to be listening. She said something to them and they pulled her into a hug. Then let her go, turned around, and walked away. "Fluttershy!" She turned around and quickly made her way back to the group of ponies and three fillies.

She stopped and said kindly, "Hello, Spike. How can I—oh my gosh! King Madun!" She instantly plugged her face into the dirt when she bowed and said with a muffled voice, "How can I help you?"

"Uhh...Fluttershy?" Spike asked. "You can stand up now."

"Oh. Yeah." She pulled her face out of the dirt and graced him with a dirty smile.

King Madun cleared his throat, thus clearing up the awkwardness before he told her, "Miss Rarity informed me that you can talk to animals to calm them down without hurting them. Is this correct?"

"Oh, yes," she responded. "Well, umm, my special talent is talking to animals."

"Excellent," Bold Shoulder replied enthusiastically. "Because if an animal approaches his or her majesty with ill intentions, my men are trained to attack, not talk. So...we could use your assistance."

"Oh! O-Of course! Now...why?"

Rarity stepped forward and said, "Arcadia and Madun's ponies can apparently help us with the shortage, but are asking for gems as a sort of payment. I am going out to look for them and we could use your assistance just in case."

"Your highness!" Madun turned around towards one of his guards. "Lady Arcadia approaches!" He motioned towards a few dots coming from Canterlot in the sky, slowly growing shape. Madun directed his attention towards the dots, allowing Scootaloo to ramble on about his wings that she just couldn't get enough of. Arcadia lowered her altitude and quickly soared over the tents when she arrived, nearly skimming the apex of them and creating a strong breeze when she flapped them to slow her speed. The ponies at Rarity's tent immediately covered their eyes from the dirt she kicked up, staining their already dirty coats.

"Madun," she gasped before quickly pulling in her wings and rushing forward towards him. "Quick. Let's go look for these gems so we can start these talks. Cadance is going nuts about intercourse." She turned her head and yelled, "Hurry, Gardeen! She's coming!"

Gardeen landed next with the rest of the guards, although with her face in the dirt before she jumped up and flew towards Arcadia. After landing next to her, Arcadia lit her horn and put them all in a giant bubble, including her guards who followed along. Then she ran forward and flapped her large wings, soaring back into the sky with everyone at an intense speed that impressed Scootaloo so much she squealed.

"Twilight!" Cadance yelled when she landed at where she was a second ago. She looked around for a moment but didn't see her. So she shrugged and flew back to Canterlot.

"Tw-Twilight?!" Madun asked loudly as she leveled out. "What's going on?"

"It's Cadance!" Gardeen yelled. She pulled out her notepad and flipped through a few pages. "She's telling us about the 'Princess Way' of having sex!"

"WHAT?!" They all yelled before Arcadia landed in the Whitetail Woods. She popped her bubble to let them all out. Then took a deep breath to relax.

"Nevermind it," Arcadia reassured. "I'm sure she's gone now." She stretched and flapped her wings a little before regaining her composure with a smile trained on Madun. " are things here?"

"Well darling we were just headed over here to the woods," Rarity answered, gesturing towards the woods with her hoof. "To search for gems. Fluttershy is going to accompany us in case of wild animals who are hungry."

"Good idea," Arcadia agreed. "Let's go." Rarity lit her horn and followed her senses towards the gems, followed closely by the Pseratep group and the...Cutie Mark Crusaders relaxing on Madun's back?

Arcadia chuckled and nuzzled him underneath his chin, grabbing his attention. He looked over and gave her a confused look. "What?" Arcadia gestured to his back where the fillies were staring at her. "They uhhh... they're attached to me."

Arcadia giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It's really sweet. You're such a sweetheart."

Madun smiled and gave her a greatly appreciated nuzzle. "I know."

"You'd make a great father." Madun sighed before Arcadia reassured him. "Hear me out. When the time arrives, whether sooner or later, I believe you can, and will, fulfill that role." Rarity stopped and pointed towards a seemingly empty patch of dirt that Spike instantly dug up, revealing a den of five red gems. "Red Beryl, right off the bat! Gardeen, write down Red Beryl please under the list titled 'Gems Needed'." Gardeen quickly did as asked while Arcadia walked forward towards the gems to get a closer look. She grabbed them out of Spike's hands once he held them out towards her and observed them. "Yep! Red Beryl! Highly rare in Equestria!" Arcadia created another bubble and placed the gems inside before they continued on and she continued her conversation with Madun.

"Seriously," she whispered. "You'd make a great father." Madun rolled his eyes and looked away but Arcadia caught that smile on his face before he did. Deciding to leave it alone, the group continued walking along, getting some more of the gems that the Pserateps asked for. Seeing this as a good time as any, Rarity decided to ask a question that has been bugging her mind.

"Twilight?" She asked from the front as Spike dug up another gem and tossed it into the bubble. "How much metal do you actually have in Psera?"

The Pserateps quickly shared a glance before Madun answered, "I'm sorry Miss Rarity, but that information is highly classified among foreign ponies. But I assure you we have enough to give Equestria once our needs are met."

"Oh," she responded before turning back to the ponies of Equestria who decided to travel with her. They all shared the same look of uncertainty. They were obviously hiding something.

Sunset Shimmer stepped out the portal back onto Earth holding her stomach while trying to contain her laughter. After Arcadia, Gardeen, and her guards had jetted, she decided to head back to Earth for a little while to get some good R 'n R from all of the craziness happening in Equestria. Including Twilight, or Arcadia. But she had to admit. Something weird was going on over there, but she just couldn't put her hoof—er...hand on it. Realizing she was back on Earth and holding her stomach like a maniac, she let herself go and walked forward. Straight into Pinkie Pie's grinning face.

"Hiya' Sunny!" She greeted. "How was Equestria? Was it fun, did you like it? Huh, huh, huh?" Sunset Shimmer pushed her face casually back before looking towards the right at her other friends, all expecting answers. Rainbow Dash was currently balancing a ball on the top of her head with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, and Rarity was filing her nails, which wasn't new. But the others were looking at her for answers.

"Well...Twilight decided to show up with King Madun to help us out," she responded casually with a shrug. "They're talking relationships right now as well as a trade for services. Priceless gems for metal. How much, I don't know but I have a feeling it will be a lot." Rarity looked up from her nail file before going back to grooming herself. "You know...I feel like the Pserateps are hiding something. Have I ever told you guys about what happened after you left the visit from Psera? And I stayed behind with Trixie and Starlight?"

Rainbow Dash let the ball drop before she stopped and looked towards her. "Nope. What happened?"

"I think I did but I'll tell you again. Arcadia decided to give us a tour of Psera from overhead. It. Was....indescribable. It looked like a Utopian world, it was amazing. She said there were a total of seventeen cities. Psera Skies, which were eight cities in the sky on clouds. They went by place of direction. So Psera Skies North, Psera Skies Northeast, you know. Then you have the ground cities. Merōl, Fenix, Lavender, Capita, Eventa, Rayray, Snow, and Cop."

"Wait, hold on," Twilight interrupted before counting off her fingers. "I think you're missing one, Sunset. You said there were seventeen cities. I only heard sixteen."

"Exactly." They all gave her a confused look except for Rarity who was checking her phone. "Twilight only showed us those. Me, Starlight, and Trixie were all like, 'Twilight I think you forgot one.' And she was all, 'I hope you enjoyed the tour. Now it's time to head back'. I know she heard us, we were right right behind her. And the air was silent up there. She was hiding something. Before I actually got back here, I spoke with Celestia about it along with Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor. Who all agreed that they were hiding something. They had also noticed the Pserateps acting strange. But we just don't know what. What do you guys think about that?"

"Well," Applejack answered. "I do think it's kind of fishy that Princess Twilight—er...Lady Arcadia is keepin' secrets. And apparently the only ponies who know are the Pserateps. So maybe they are keepin' secrets, or maybe they just don't want to talk about it."

"But don't you think it's important for us to know? What about you Rarity? You've been staring at yourself for too long now. You have a vanity issue." Rarity lowered her mirror and looked at the smirking faces of her friends.

"Well uhh...I mean...I-It's Twilight, darling. What exactly could she be hiding?" Rarity answered matter-of-factly. Besides an entire land literally made out of gold, she thought to herself.

"Okay, this time I can relate to something," Twilight responded, recalling when she first stepped onto Equestria. "I wouldn't keep secrets from my friends unless it was a life and death situation. But it doesn't seem that way to me since she was willingly keeping the secrets. So maybe it's something else entirely. Maybe something that has to do with Science. You know, since they have it over there. Did she figure out what was causing the metal to decompose?"

"Yeah, she said it was the air," Sunset responded. "There's something in the air that's activated by heat that creates a super quick oxidation process, rusting the metal really fast when it gets heated. So now, we have to figure out how to clean that up before we can start supplying metal that Arcadia gives to us. If she has any. Like I said, something fishy is going on."

"Oh, I don't doubt she doesn't have metal," Twilight responded. "Did you see what they have over there? The giant obelisk, the mountain range, the weapons and tools they use. Not to mention the Castle of the Gods that has to have a full skeleton of tons of metal, more than enough to supply Equestria and this city we're in right now. Canterlot City. I have no doubt that she has enough."

"More than you think," Rarity commented under her breath. Applejack looked towards her in surprise.

"What was that Rarity?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing."

"You said somethin'. What was it?"

"It was nothing, Applejack, I assure you. Hey, why don't we go and get some coffee or something? Let's get rid of all of this metal hooey." she turned around and made her way down the sidewalk while the others looked to Applejack for an explanation.

"She said something," she whispered. "After Twilight said 'I have no doubt that she has enough', Rarity was like, 'More than you think.' I think she may know what's going on." Sunset raised an eyebrow while they followed after the fashionista who was looking at her phone once more. She rubbed her chin and squinted at her.

"Maybe," she responded in suspicion. "But we won't find out way back here. Come on." They quickly caught up to her before Sunset placed an arm around Rarity's shoulders. "So, Rarity. What did you do while in Psera? Weren't you busy designing dresses for Twilight's wedding?"

"Oh, yes!" She replied enthusiastically. "Merry and I have a great deal of dresses drawn out and ready to prepare. But Arcadia already picked one and told me not to tell anypony about....anyone about it before her wedding day. It would spoil the surprise."

Sunset nodded and said, "Oh. Well what did you girls talk about? We missed most of it because we were outside touring."

"Well she told me some things about Psera and how much she loved Madun. And...a few other things."

"Oh? Like what?" Applejack asked.

"Don't worry about it, it wasn't really important."

Fluttershy popped her head in from the right and asked timidly, "Umm...then you can tell us right?"

", I'd rather not let anyone know about it. It's something that I'd rather not talk about anyway."

"Come on, Rarity, you're not one for keeping secrets," Rainbow argued. "You gossip all the time everywhere you go. Let us in on this one. Even if I don't like it."

Rarity shook her head. "Sorry. No can do. Arcadia entrusted me with this secret."

"Ooohhh, so it is a secret you know," Sunset concluded. Rarity widened her eyes and cursed under her breath. "Come on, Rarity. Spill. What's Arcadia hiding? I know you know, you're not really good at lying."

"Not telling you. I will not ruin my friendship with Arcadia with something this frivolous. Besides, I wasn't supposed to know myself, Merry let it slip."

"So Psera is hiding a secret," Sunset concluded happily. "I knew it! But what is it? Rarity's not telling."

"That's right."

"But it has to do with metal."

"That's right—wait, what?!" Sunset stopped and pointed a finger at her.

"Ah HA! Got you again! It has something to do with metal! Start spilling, Rarity."

Rarity stopped and turned to her with a scowl on her face, clearly agitated. "What did I just say Sunset? I can't tell you about the metal, since Arcadia entrusted it to me. And I Pinkie Promised not to say something. But I assure you it is not dangerous...I hope."

"So you don't really know yourself. But do know that it has something to do with metal." Rarity nodded.

"Yes. That is all I am allowed to say. You will just have to find out on your own from this point on."

Sunset sighed and nodded her head. "Alright. I'm probably going to start bugging Twilight about it the next time I go to Psera."

"I wouldn't do that," Applejack warned. "She's about to become queen and has plenty of power over Equestria by herself alone. That and she pretty much trusts you to be her only friend from Equestria. I myself would be pretty upset if I learned that a person I trusted has been snoopin' around in my business underneath my nose."

"Yeah, you're right," Sunset sighed. "But I just can't help but feel bad news coming from this secret if Arcadia herself won't even let us in on it. We're the good guys and she won't even tell us."

"She has a right to keep a secret," Fluttershy responded.

"But it's obviously the same secret that everypony in Psera is obviously hiding. Which means this secret is big enough that it involves Psera as a whole. Not just the metal, but Psera entirely. It's something big. Really big.

Two hours after Arcadia and Madun had gotten examples of the gems that Psera had needed, she teleported them all back to Canterlot in front of the castle where the royalty were all talking with each other about something intense that Arcadia raised an eyebrow at. "We should just ask her," Luna responded to a past question. "It's so obvious."

Cadance responded with, "Yeah, but how? We can't just ask, 'Arcadia. Are you and the Pserateps hiding something? And if so, can we hear about it?' That is entirely unprofessional."

Arcadia raised a hoof to her muzzle and cleared her throat, taking them out of their conversation. Celestia gasped and said, "Hello, Twilight...Arcadia. Did you find the gems you needed?"

Arcadia stared at them then at Madun who passed the bag over with his wing. "Yes," he responded slowly. "We have a few gems that we request in large quantities in trade for large quantities of Metal." Luna grabbed it in her magic and pulled out three. Red, green, and orange. The Equestrian Princesses observed them briefly then nodded in agreement.

"Very well," Celestia agreed. "Let us head inside and discuss international relations." Arcadia lit her horn and teleported them all into the boardroom in the castle, already in their seats. Arcadia, Madun, the Congress ponies of both sides who stood behind their respected rulers, and surprisingly Molten Ice. She's been absent this whole time. And the one time they find her, she's drinking a smoothie from a cup with a straw.

They all stared before she answered their unasked question. "I had Arcadia open a portal for me back to Psera to grab some drinks for us while we make this deal." She gestured with her hoof to a table where tall wine glasses had been setup with fizzy Pseratopian beverages. "Sorry I wasn't around. We may be here for some time so I thought it best."

"It is quite alright," Princess Celestia grabbed three glasses and passed them out among the group with her magic. "We appreciate the gesture. Thank you, Molten Ice."

"You're welcome."

"Hold on," Cadance announced when she stood up, catching their attention. "This is history about to be written. Literally. We need a historian in here that happens to be in this castle with us in case we come to an agreement. And possibly journalists and a parchment. I will return in a few minutes." She turned and made her way out the room while holding a drink in her magic. After the doors closed, the atmosphere was turned into a calm but hot arena. Although the Pseratep guards were around, that did little to change the high tension in the air.

"So...Twilight," Celestia said, breaking the quiet area and catching her attention. "Did you erase Chrysalis' mind when you dropped her off here a few months ago?"

"Uhh...yes," she admitted. "Yes, I did. She was trying to take over Psera and I was not going to let that happen. So I erased her and her drones' minds of the continent. Thankfully nopony was hurt when she arrived."

Celestia hummed and took another sip before Luna asked a question. "How many Pserateps are there?"

Molten Ice set down her drink and answered, "Based off of last year's census, nearly a strong eight billion."

"That is a lot of ponies," Shining sighed. "And you rule over all of them? How many cities are there again?"

"Seventeen," Molten responded before taking another sip. "City-States. The ground ones took a decades to build, but Psera Skies took only a few months to mold. Right, Arcadia?"

She nodded and added, "I had to apply a lot of magic to the clouds so they could support solid objects weighing more than a house, and could hold a skyscraper instead of just moisture. It took a while, but I managed to get it done while also managing a few more...important projects." She picked up her wine glass and took a sip.

"Ah, what projects have you been researching lately?" Celestia inquired, offering a smile. "More Starswirl the Bearded?"

Arcadia set down her glass and shook her head. "No. I've been working on my own spells at my office in Se....Psera." Molten Ice quickly slid her another drink from the corner of the table with her wing to disguise her slip up before she took over to quickly switch the conversation.

"Her office rivals mine. Although, mine is filled to the brim with old papers and records. Not to mention novelty items I've gained from exploring the world."

"Explored the world?" Celestia asked in interest.

"Yes. Equestria and Psera are not the only continents and lands. There are more, some a lot smaller than others but big enough to deem habitable for reproduction and civilizations."

"Are there any ponies?"

"Ah, yes! By the trillions. Equus is a playground. But out of all of them, Psera is the largest; Directly in the middle. Some of our scientists have informed me that some of the dirt from the bottom of the ocean had actually gathered together to create Psera through hurricanes, watersprouts, and large waves that could go inland for miles. Building up into what Psera is today. Although there are some arguments to that theory since Psera has...unique traits."

"What kind of unique traits?" Shining asked. There was little to any knowledge about Psera here in Equestria. If they could learn more, the possibility of a permanent trade alliance could be in store for them.

"Just traits that has made Psera so desirable that many lives have been lost to obtain and protect it. Wars were started after ponies attempted coups. And like we told you, they always failed. Since Psera is directly in the middle of them, we are really grateful for the PSD that Arcadia designed and implemented that inform us of any incoming. We are hoping for more projects in the future."

"Definitely," Arcadia agreed. "There are a lot more projects currently in the works for Psera to increase our defense. There will never be another attack on Psera's soil again."

Bold Shoulder cleared his throat and added, "You have yet to teach the guard about the extra knobs inside the PDS's main obelisk, Lady Arcadia."

"Ah, right! Those are more classified knobs that I will tell you about later on when we return. Gardeen?" The Pseratep stepped forward with her notepad at the ready. "Make a reminder to let the generals know about the knobs on the console inside the PDS, please." Gardeen did as asked on a separate notepad for Arcadia's reminders, then quickly stepped back when the door opened up, revealing Cadance holding a large scroll with a few more ponies who were holding cameras and such. Along with obvious historians.

"Alright," she responded while she took her seat and unrolled the scroll over the table. The journalists quickly spread out around the room and took some photos before the meeting began. Cadance took a quill and inkwell in her magic and prepared the scroll. "Let's begin."

"Very well," Celestia responded. "A few months ago, Equestria started to experience a dwindle of metals in Equestria after, for some unexplained reason, the metals began to melt and destroy itself once out of the furnace. Forcing it's leaders to start taking small metals to ration out in case of something disastrous. We talked to our scientists about it who came up with ideas as to why the metal was disintegrating as such. None of them were correct. Eventually our recycled metal capacity began to decrease. From a steady sixty percent to fifty the first week, forty the second, ten the third, then two the fourth. At that realization, Equestria got desperate.

"We stripped our properties and lands of everything metal apart from Royal and nobility properties. They are stashed safely in compounds protected by magic against the elements of nature and the capacity has risen once more to eighty percent. However, we tried to weld the metal again only to learn that we were still having the same issue. The metal would melt the second it came out of the furnace. It was later discovered on this very day that it was not the metal itself, but the air around it that would oxidize it within a few singular seconds

"We reached out to neighboring nations for assistance, but have returned with empty hooves. All unwilling to help out Equestria in a desperate time of need because they fear we are unable to pay it back. So we reached out to another source of power that has swept themselves under the carpet who have experienced a similar issue in the past. But thanks to a fellow pony raised in Equestria, their land was revived and once more put back in its high position that is believed to overpower Equestria and its surrounding lands. The rulers of the land of Psera, King Shimmering Madun, Her Majesty Molten Ice, and Lady in Waiting, Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, along with their congress, have agreed to help Equestria in exchange for rare gems to supply their land. Equestria has agreed to....what gems did you need?"

"Oh! Uhhh Red Beryl, Black Opal, and Jadeite," one of the congress ponies informed her.

"Equestria has agreed to supply Red Beryl, Black Opal, and Jadeite to Psera in a supply of two thousand each, in exchange of..."

Arcadia cleared her throat and added, "Eleven thousand metric tons of steel." The camera clicking and note taking stopped and the Equestrians stared at her then the rest of the Pserateps in disbelief. They were all wearing nonchalant looks on their faces as if it were no big deal.

Celestia decided to break the silence and ask slowly, "...d-did you just say...eleven thousand...metric tons of steel?"

"Yes," Arcadia confirmed before turning to Cadance who was writing the note. "Write down eleven thousand metric tons of steel."

"Are you absolutely sure you have enough?" Luna asked in disbelief. The Pserateps supplied indifferent expressions to each other silently. Then Bold Shoulder snorted before the rest were engulfed in laughter and humor.

"Psera has more than that," Molten Ice reassured her. "Please continue."

"Very well." Celestia cleared her throat and continued recalling. "They will also be assisting Equestria concerning Air Quality so that we can successfully weld the metal without it bleeding off and onto the floor. Afterwards, Equestria would like to get to know Psera more as a country and establish international relations with them, which we are hoping to be recognized."

Molten Ice raised her hoof and commented, "That will be in a separate agreement after King Madun and Lady Arcadia's wedding, and Lady Arcadia's inauguration."

"Very well. Please add that, Cadance." She wrote it in quickly, then motioned for Celestia to continue. "Equestria will provide their services to whatever Psera needs in exchange for their services. As long as they deliver and vice versa. We are aware that Equestria has had some trust issues with Lady Arcadia in the past, and we are all very grateful to her for reaching deep into her heart to help. Thank you, Lady Arcadia." The three Princesses and Prince Shining Armor bowed towards her.

"Your welcome, Princess Celestia," Arcadia answered.

The four rose up and Celestia continued. "Before we settle this agreement, we would like verification on the size of the metal." The Psera congress ponies all turned towards Arcadia who hummed in thought.

"Well we can't exactly show you the metal in one area," she explained. "Don't worry, we're not hiding it from you. Actually, we would love to show you, but unfortunately it is in a location that is blocked off to anypony other than Psera Royalty, Guards, Engineers, Scientists, and Technicians. In order for us to show you, we would have to move it over a few cities which is incredibly dangerous."

" is this metal shaped?" Shining asked in trepidation.


King Madun placed a hoof on her shoulder before he took over. "The steel is welded into a block the size of the Castle of the Gods in Psera, which takes up half the city in CoP. We would have to move that block over CoP in order for you to see it."

"Which is a huge risk," Arcadia added. "The most we could do is go around the city, which means I would have to carry it over the water with my magic. I have enough magic to turn Equestria upside down and then some, so moving the steel block is no problem. But there is a risk of me dropping the steel down into the water, creating a tsunami that could damage the cities along that coast in Psera. So the best time to see it would be when everything is fixed and the air has been recycled. Then I can safely bring it here through a portal spell."

Celestia and the Equestrians all gathered around to converse the matter while Arcadia turned to Madun with uncertainty. He offered her a smile and a kiss to her horn to make her feel better, along with a nuzzle which she happily reciprocated. A few seconds later, Equestria disbanded and focused back towards the Pserateps.

"Very well," Celestia agreed. "We do not want to you to hurt your ponies for us. We understand. We, the royalty of Equestria, decree that the trade shall commence after the recycling of the air in Equestria, however long it may take. We will gather the gems requested and let you know through letter when we have reached the amount and if there are, if any, issues."

Arcadia nodded while Madun responded with, "I, King Madun of the Pserateps of Psera, decree that the metal welded will be reserved for Equestria under the supervision of the Psera Royal Guard and Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle's Psera Detection System. As long as Equestria obtains the gems, we will do our part in protecting the steel. Our scientists will grab samples of your air and take it back to Psera for analysis. Unless we were to come here."

They all stood up and bowed towards each other. Then they all shook hooves before Cadance signed the agreement on the new parchment that she wrote out while they were talking. Twilight was impressed by Cadance's calligraphy. Something she may need to practice on in the future. There were seven spaces at the bottom of the scroll that held the names of the royalty of Equestria, and the Royalty of Psera. Cadance signed it first, then passed the quill to Shining Armor, who did the same, followed by Celestia and Luna. Molten Ice strode forward and took the quill in her wing. Then signed the scroll, ignoring the flashes of lights from the ponies taking pictures and the note scribbling of the historians. Next was Madun who signed his name at one of the two spaces at the bottom, whereas Molten Ice's was alone in the middle of Equestria's four spaces. Once he was done, he passed the quill to Arcadia, who took it in her magic.

She walked forward and pressed it lightly against the parchment. Then scribbled her name down on the last and final space. Once finished, she handed the quill back to Cadance. Madun walked around her and made his way over to Celestia who met him halfway. "I hope this becomes a legendary partnership," she commented proudly.

"I as well." The two reached out and grabbed hooves. Then shook them together, sealing the deal.