Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 11: A Long Night

"When realization hits, it hits hard."

Creaking and groaning through the tall grass the gaggle of zebras and one man crept along while pushing their heavy cargo onward trying to not make a peep less it invite disaster. Behind them the first shouts had risen into the night air as the army of bandits closed in and the struggle for control of the camp began.

There was almost no sound of actual fighting however, occasionally a death scream or pained howl would pierce the air but it was the deathly silence that quickly fell which had all of them on edge.

Whatever was happening the bandits were following the instructions on the sign: either pay in coin, cargo or body. If you were unwilling to pay the price of passage... You died.

As the wagons crunched through the dry grass Verik's hearing had become hypersensitive for some reason allowing him to pick up what was happening behind them not that he really wanted too as he had already had his fill of it in the city.

A quick glance back at the fading camp revealed that paying in bodies was rather popular as bandits had their way while others coughed up cold, hard coin. Some were not so lucky, they were loosing part of their cargo as payment along with everything else not nailed down.

Turning his head away from the sigh he managed a passing glance at the other caravans that had followed them but unlike the Wete they had failed to cross the line in time. Unlike those behind the bandits took a higher toll of those who refused to stand and pay, indeed being clever about it by trying to slip away the bandits were demanding a higher price: their lives.

It was rather like culling a herd really: those who were smarter and figured things out got cut down fast if they tried to use their heads while those that just knelt down with their ass in the air might get hit but then again maybe not. It was pretty much how earth worked.

No, that's exactly how it worked. Crabbing. Anyone tries to climb out, the rest drag you back in and punish you for it.

So long as everyone played by Fareed's book the world was unfair but they could live but play your own game...

Another scream filled the air as another was stabbed to death to their right, torches were being lit and began to cast their deathly glow across the landscape but from where he stood it did something else: It illuminated their eyes.

Only a few times had he stared at the eyes of a would be killer but these eyes were in a league of their own even at such a great distance. The equines of this land had larger eyes than normal resulting in a bigger glow but also made it easier to make out their expressions.

They held the look of a psychotic maniac.

Only twenty-five some odd yards separated the two groups at one point but thankfully the fighting had drawn their attention elsewhere. Within a few minutes they had left them behind and continued on their way picking up speed until they were moving faster than they had on the road, it was almost a race to get away as the wagons bumped and bounced wildly.

Escape came at a price tonight but it was one they seemingly did not have to pay: Tonight someone had to die for the other to escape. A price being paid by the caravans left behind.

They would live but others would die in their stead.

Ahead of him Sefu kept looking back before doing something that made a chill cover his body. Grabbing Zuberi he hissed something and began beckoning to everyone in a way that any fool could understand: stop and get down.

Everyone held their breath as a small group of bandits ran along the road not too far from them, two ran past and cut them off somewhere farther up but the other stopped and waited along the edge of the road.

Turning back from whence they came Verik could see two more following the wagon trail through the tall grass searching for the errant caravan.

When Sefu drew his knife rather than the scimitar there was no question as to what would have to happen. Looking around he pointed to various zebras and motioned before waving Verik off to the side and approaching quickly hissed for him to keep an eye on the one at the road.

As zebras stalked off into the grass the bandits stared out trying to make out the shapes of wagons or people, one even yelled something at one point but no on responded. They were beating the grass as it were, unsure to where exactly the wagons were but they knew somewhere along the road a caravan had escaped them.

The trail left behind was absolute proof of this and odds were good they would not stop looking till they were either dead or found them.

Thankfully did not seem to know how many had escaped. How they had missed a caravan going missing in the first place was unknown as surely they had been watching the whole camp for hours. Maybe in their greed they only had eyes for the larger ones and since Zuberi kept positioning them oddly it may have given them just enough leeway to make a break for it.

Not that it really mattered: the bandits had their backup plan.

Everything remained silent even after Sefu had gotten behind the ones tailing them but it was the one on the road that got the most attention. Walking down and into the grass they leveled their spear and quietly moved forward closing in on the wagons. Maybe the bandits though they could win through sheer fear like they had against those in the camp.

What made things more difficult now however was that Sefu was too far behind to close the gap while Jelani was gone to the front and while the others had weapons they huddled by the wagons as they always did.

Should that one sentry spot them after getting close enough they would not have to fight but only yell and a small army would come running. If that happened the wagons would have to be left behind while a mad dash for the hills would be the result as everyone scattered to the four winds to avoid being killed or worse: captured.

Shuffling back to the wagon Verik passed his spear off and stalked into the grass then off to the side of the bandit, if this one got a warning out it would not matter if Sefu killed the two behind or Jelani those to their front.

Perhaps what was saving them was the low dip they were in with the brush trees and shadows masking them somewhat. All the same, it was now a matter of time.


Verik froze as the bandit called out, Sefu froze in his tracks farther back having been in the process of taking one of them from behind before lowering himself back down. Back and forth they called for a minute then the search was on again as the group to the rear continued to follow the trail.

Moving forward again Verik could not help but wonder as to how badly this would go as the last time he had stalked anything it was as a kid stalking deer in a field. The catch however was that deer dont shoot back.

Inch by inch he crept around the bandit giving them plenty of space before finally getting behind them then closing in.

How good was zebra hearing? Did the ears have to aim back for them to pick him up?

Eyes scanning he caught sight of Sefu finishing off the last tracker before moving towards him, the bandit however had other ideas and kept advancing slowly. This one was apparently incapable of seeing very well into the dark, bushy undergrowth where the rest were hiding which was one more stroke of luck.

Removing one of the knobbed throwing sticks Verik followed step by step while remaining hunkered down in the grass as the gap between them began to close.

If one more shout went out it would be all over without the two trackers to answer. Sefu being too far away and Jelani somewhere else that left the one in front of him with no one to keep an eye on them...

Was this all pre-planned?

Sefu had only three warriors and Bwnai did not really count, he tried but was just as likely to trip over himself in the process. The rest were glorified warriors in that they knew how to fight, sort of, more than him at any rate but beyond that... Well they knew which end to stick into the target and how to hold a defensive formation.

Verik continued to close the gap while pushing those thoughts out of his mind as a shout from up ahead sounded out calling to the rest. Their time was up.

A quick response flew from his target but one of their ears turned back towards him quickly then their head began to turn.

They had heard him.

As the bandit turned to see if anything was behind them he brought the throwing stick up hard and fast aiming for the jaw and a cracking sound filled the air for a moment then the bandit collapsed backwards in a heap.

Jumping on them he hammered away with the stick at their skull several times before backing off and waiting. Jelani would have moments to pick off the other two.

She did not hesitate either, a throwing stick smacked one down and he could just make out her form as she popped up behind the other and did something with her hands before yanking them down into the tall grass, it was like a landshark had just reached up and snatched them before pulling them under.

Not wasting time he looked down at the body and in the darkness then felt around quickly. Undoing their belt he yanked it free while rolling the body around searching with his hands for anything.

In a land this wild it was eat or be eaten.

Apparently they had left their things behind. With a belt in hand along with a spear he had pulled from their dead grasp raced towards the caravan as it began moving again while Sefu urged Zuberi on. They had bought some time but sooner or later, most likely sooner, the scouts would be missed and more would come looking.

Back on the road they all joined in heaving the wagons forward to put distance between themselves and their near ill fated end.

All of them had been tired from the long march during the day but there was no choice now: either keep moving or be fed upon by those still waiting behind. Everyone pushed or pulled with great haste and looking beside him Verik saw Asha pushing for her life but with ears splayed back and droopy.

He was not the only one near the snapping point nor in a great hurry either.

Heaving the wagons onward long into the night Sefu had passed them much later on then with a quick turn the wagons rushed off and into the grass again, Sefu passed them once more to do something, presumably to try and hide the wagon tracks by standing the grass back up somewhat before rejoining them a few minutes later.

Could you even do that? Well, if zebras could talk who could say "no" to the endless possibilities of this land.

"Sefu, question."

Verik called out to him quietly as he returned from his task and the giant slowed to stare.

"How exactly do you hide a wagon trail?"

"You dont, impossible, but at night you make it hard to see, use spear to mask trail, push grass back up but come day dey see easily."

He rushed off again to the front leaving him to think that one over. As time continued to wear on the pace slowed as they moved away from the road and into the brush to rest. While not a long rest some quickly fell asleep leaning against the wagons while others fidgeted and jumped at even the slightest sound.

The world was on edge tonight and with good reason for if the bandits chose to chase them down they would have the marked advantage: they were not moving wagons.

Indeed all good things came to an end as Zuberi signaled them to resume but wove them farther away from the road and between some low ridges before stopping again. Now they could sleep then come dawn the race would resume.

With the crack of dawn came a mass of grumbling as they took their positions once more and began moving again. It was a nightmare for many of them being on the run for their lives but Sefu seemed to think come noon the bandits were not going to waste their time chasing down three wagons when they had their plunder to divide.

So far his theory had held up too as there were no bandits in sight as they continued on their way while Jelani had moved to the top of a hump to watch the surrounding terrain before climbing a small flat topped tree. Satisfied with whatever she did nor did not see the scout returned and as word was passed the pace slowed again.

Sefu had been right: no bandits traveled the road nor the area that she could see, not that some other band might be waiting farther ahead it did remain somewhat doubtful however.

When they finally stopped for the day it was getting late, all that divided them between the water wells was the great amount of scrub brush that hid them. Teams of two were sent to collect water and bring it back then after that had been accomplished Jelani brushed their tracks away just in case someone wandered down the road then spied the tracks leading off into the bush.

Being on the move for two days with little to no sleep in the heat was hell but necessary. Thankfully the cloak did its job very well preventing sunburn but now fatigue from heat and lack of sleep was setting in.

Everyone was sluggish as food was prepared, they would eat once now then twice in the morning they were informed. Mjesani was not far off now and though they were traveling a greater distance the road would actually cut their travel time compared to the ancient trail they had used before.

Still, many had to stay awake while the others slept and guard duty rotated around every few hours but thankfully his own turn would be much later but that left a new problem: Sleeping in broad daylight.

Most scooted under the brush trees to sleep but Verik crawled under the wagon again finding himself joined by Asha not long after but neither said a word choosing simply laid there in silence and content with having gotten away alive.

At first the light bothered him but as the minutes wore on the exhaustion of it all finally caught up and before he knew it, Verik was out like a light.

It had not been the first time someone had woken him via poking and tugging but this time he did not bang his head on the wagons underside. Sliding free Verik saw Sefu waiting, it was his turn to stand guard till sun-up and following the others finger took his position in the darkness to watch and wait.

Unlike the night before nothing had happened which he was grateful for, after having so many hectic days one after another the peace and quiet was wonderful. No caravans, bandits, soldiers or other critters moved but occasionally he could make out some distant sounds.

Morning came with the usual flipping of the celestial bodies but no one stirred as they were still too exhausted from their harrowing flight. When the camp did get around to moving guard duty rotated again allowing Verik more time to sleep as others gathered water and prepared to cook breakfast.

Everyone would be given twice the rations today due to the skipped meal so this would take longer, Asha had collected his rations for him and cooked the first batch then served it to him after waking him back up. Eating in the shade of the wagon he yawned a minute before making a strange face.

"One thing I will miss is toothpaste."

"What is toothpaste?"

"You brush your teeth with it to clean them and be rid of the smell, I have not brushed my teeth in... I cant remember."

"Ahhh that. We have but not bring with us, get home first then you get some. What else you miss?"

"Oh things like books, your world has them I presume but I wouldnt be able to read them so books, clothing that fits and things I will probably remember when I need them."

"You no like it here?"

"Oh I do. Your world is a hellhole but an honest one at least."

Asha stared at him and raised an eyebrow.

"What I mean to say is that you have your problems, lots of them... Lots, but you dont lie about it, I dont think anyone has, you freely admit it but dont hide it or make excuses. It simply is because that is just the way things are for you. Everyone also has their own ways it seems about getting around these problems like the thieves but even they dont lie which is... Strange."

"Strange? Why?"

"Where I come from everyone is told to only look at the good, to pretend the bad does not exist or if so to brush it aside, make excuses, downplay it till the problem explodes in everyone's faces, do anything but tell the absolute truth less you hurt someones feelings. Since coming here no one has lied, granted I have not talked to that many but no one lies or hides the truth that I have seen so far. Except for Zuberi withholding pay. Its just... Pure, a kind of pure honesty. No one bullshits anyone else, they just tell it like it is whether you like it or not."

"That good yes?"

"Very good, refreshing. A bandit is a bandit, killing one does not make others angry or sickened, I bet if I were to kill those soldiers few would care or see it was a justifiable act. Right?"

She nodded.

"Yes, maybe they worry but few would be angry."

"That's the point Asha, you people dont split hairs, maybe some do but so far... If I were back on that other world and people found out I killed a bandit most would be appalled and half would want me locked up because I did not do things "their way" but took the most direct route to solving a problem. Now the other half could care less but I would never hear the end of it from the first half."

"No justice?"

"Whatever there was amounted to spit on a hot griddle. At least here I have a chance of getting it even if I have to take things into my own hands. Here I can do something and get away with it."

"So you want to... Kill all soldiers and bandits?"

"That is beyond me but it wouldn't be a bad start, frankly this region needs a good cleansing."

"Maybe, but if they all go, something take their place, maybe better, maybe worse. Things stay this way, normal, we know normal, understand. Used to, can handle and work with normal."

"True, that is a very common excuse but unlike where I am from you have more opportunity. Look around at the sheer vastness of this land! I have seen almost nothing but you have immense freedom of movement and that is just the beginning."

"You want us move to escape?" Asha scowled at him a moment.

"No, I am living proof that running from problems solves nothing but you have more options than I ever did. Unfortunately for you and everyone else it seems... You got used to it being this way. Everyone just gave up."

"Then what we do hm? Rebel? Fight? Die? Burned out, enslaved and sold?"

Asha was getting a little angry, her voice had lost its usual cheery tone.

"Who knows, your life is not mine and you are free to live your own life however you see fit and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Maybe a rebellion is needed-"

"So you do what? Rebel, kill Fareed and fix world?"

"Like I told the thief boss lady back in Alzamard: right now my concern is just staying alive and figuring things out. If I cant figure this out everything else is beyond me and even then I am not a one man army, no one is despite their bluster."

"So you give up to then hmm?"

"No, but there is no point on concerning myself with things beyond my control. I have to admit though, the idea of conquering the world has its appeal."

"You savage enough."

Verik stared at her a moment before cocking his head a little.

"What do you mean?"

"Watch you beat bandit to death, savage, not nice way to die. Very painful. You not regret it, see it in your eyes. Since you come, many die by those hands." Asha pointed at him, "many die horrible deaths, slow deaths, mean deaths. But you no regret it... Not bad! But you willing, eager to kill."

"And that somehow makes me a good candidate for conqueror?"

"Maybe. I think, to conquer means many deaths, too many, much blood, run like river. If blood not bother you then maybe... Maybe you have it in you to kill so many they bow."

"Are you saying you want me to conquer the world?"

"No! Too dangerous, you probably die!"

"That is very touching but it could happen anyway."

"Maybe, but would be nice if someone stop this, make it all stop. No more killing."

"Well, we can all dream hmm?"

Asha nodded before wandering off to retrieve their second helping of rations, watching her go he leaned back against the wagon and closed his eyes again.

Conquer the world.

It always had its appeal but back there everyone was so absolutely dead set in their ways and keeping their little bubbles it would be impossible but here... Here there was a real chance. Everything was on the verge of collapse and indeed wars were being waged with little more cause than to show off much like a peacock strutting up and down a road proudly bearing its plume at passing cars while the drivers could care less.

He chuckled to himself at the idea of conquering this world, he had not a clue how one would even go about undertaking such a task but it was a grand concept all the same. Then again, like he had just told Asha there were more pressing matters to attend to such as simply surviving the trip "home."

In less than two weeks they had been attacked twice, framed once and who knew what tomorrow would hold. Right now it was more intelligent to focus on just getting to Wete without getting killed.

Sefu and Zuberi sat arguing again which was not unusual to anyone but their eyes kept shifting over to Verik every so often.

"Yes his vision is excellent Sefu, he was able to hunt the bandit down and kill them just as well as either you or Jelani but dont do that again!"

"Then who I send? Bwnai? He trip halfway and kill himself."

"I remind you that you are the one who got mad at me for using him yet you seem to keep insisting on doing it yourself."

"That different, this test."

"Yes, yes another one of your "warrior trials" I keep hearing about. Sefu, that bandit could have raised the warning!"

"He stop him first, he know, have instinct and follow it. No matter though, had he not bandit would yell anyway and we die. Better things end this way, he take chance, we now live."

"Are you going to "test" him again before we at least get to relative safety?"

"No, pray no need or reason. Should be grateful to spirits, we lucky to have him to fill in gaps."

"I cant believe I am saying this but I do agree with you... This time, no matter how little. However, there still lies that other problem of the chief. How many mouths do we have to feed now and you want to add one more? How are you going to justify bringing a predator into the village?"

"We lost two. They no eat now."

"While that logic is sound but grim I remind you that the chief wont see it that way and also one of those two was a friend of mine."

"Unfortunate but war is war, we can no change that. Friend die in battle though, painful death but honorable."

Zuberi gritted his teeth at hearing that, there was a philosophical divide between the two but there was a logic to it as had it not happened then... It would have happened another day. These were the risks they ran every time they sent off for supplies and all had accepted it. Nor was it the first let alone would it be the last time someone died on a trading mission either.

"It still worries me that he has another nature we have not seen yet."

"Maybe we see it on way home, maybe you test him this time."

"I dont care to test a predator and get eaten Sefu."

Sefu chuckled a moment before going silent and listening.

"Listen, you hear dem yes? Hyenas, many, too many. Far away."

"I am well aware, there is enough death along this damnable road they are well fed and plentiful."

"Probably have to fight them off... Kill a few and see what happens."

Zuberi balked at his friend a moment.

"Are you seriously suggesting that after we fend them off we see if he eats them?"

"He predator, maybe so, maybe not, eat nothing but zebra food."

"Oh heavens above I dont even want to think about that, I hope your wrong."

"Why? Hyenas healthy, not diseased, fat from zebra flesh."

"That is disturbing, you are disturbing. And morbid."

"Still true."

He did not know anymore if Sefu was toying with him but their long history pointed to a mixture of both which made the fur stand up on his spine. Being alone now meant fending off the predators that had long learned that this road was a source of food. Lacking the sheer numbers they had enjoyed a day ago to keep them away they were now little more than walking zebra steaks.

"If he eats one and the chief finds out, which he will mind you... I am not responsible."

Sefu snickered.