//------------------------------// // Build 01 // Story: Gundam Build Fighters: EGs // by PoisonClaw //------------------------------// Gunpla Battle, Startup! Heralded by the roar of an engine, Sunset pulled into the driveway of Twilight’s house, glancing up in awe at the glorified mansion of a house towering over her. Despite seeing it several times before, Sunset was still as shocked as the day she had learned Twilight and her family were loaded. I suppose it makes sense given that Twilight was going to an expensive private school like Crystal Prep, I just never figured they had this much money. Dismounting her bike, Sunset walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. She didn’t have to wait long before the door was opened by Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet. “Ah, Sunset, dear! Come in, come in!” Ushering the teen inside, the woman beamed as she asks, “Would you like some tea? Coffee?” “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass. I’m really just here to see Twilight.” “Of course, she’s upstairs. I haven’t heard a peep out of her all day, which usually means she stayed up too late working on one of her little projects. Again.” Twilight Velvet sighed, shaking her head. “I’ve told her time and time again to not stay up so late, but she can get so caught up in her work that she loses all track of time. Just like her father…” A loud sneeze echoed from the other room, causing the pair to glance over for a brief moment. “Thanks, I’ll go and check up on her for you.” Ascending the stairway, it wasn’t long before Sunset was standing outside the door to Twilight’s room. Raising her hand, she rapped her knuckles against Twilight’s door. “Twilight, it’s Sunset. You alive in there?” When she garnered no response, she reached down and twisted the doorknob, smiling when she found it unlocked and stepped inside. It wasn’t hard to spot Twilight, lying slumped over her desk with her back to Sunset. Scattered across her desk were tools and pieces to… something, which Sunset couldn’t identify other than a humanoid frame that looked to be part of some kind of model. Tiptoeing across the room, Sunset snuck up behind the slumbering girl and gently shook her. “Wake up, Twilight…” Twilight mumbled something in her sleep but remained fast asleep. After several more attempts failed to stir Twilight from her slumber, Sunset decided it was time for more… drastic measures. “Time to take a page out of Rainbow’s book…” Popping her finger in her mouth for a moment, Sunset pulled out her drool soaked digit and stuck it swiftly into Twilight’s ear. “Waaaaahhh!” The cold intrusion in her ear proved enough to finally snap Twilight awake, flailing back and almost falling back out of her chair if Sunset hadn’t been there to catch her. “Whoa, easy there, Twilight!” Blinking the sleep out her eyes, Twilight straightened her glasses as her vision began to clear. “Su-Sunset? What… how… what are you doing here?” “Your mom let me in. Sorry to barge in like this, but you weren’t answering any of my texts, so I started to get worried.” Glancing over at her nightstand, Twilight eyes widened as she saw the blinking notification light on her phone. “I’m so sorry! I completely forgot we were supposed to hang out today! I got so lost in my work that it completely slipped my mind!” “Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Sunset said before Twilight could go into full-on panic mode. “We all make mistakes, it’s nothing to worry about.” Taking another glance at Twilight’s desk, she asked, “Mind telling me what it is you were working on?” Twilight bit her lip, glancing away. “... Promise you won’t laugh?” “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Sunset said, going through the motions of Pinkie’s little ritual perfectly. “Alright…” Taking a deep breath, Twilight said, “I was working on building Gunpla.” “Gun-what?” “‘Gunpla’. Essentially, they’re plastic scale models of giant robots called Mobile Suits from a series called Mobile Suit Gundam, with Gunpla being a play on the words ‘Gundam’ and ‘plastic’.” Spinning her chair around, Twilight began to work on attaching pieces of armor to the frame she had already finished. “I find them a fun and relaxing hobby to build and paint, and the best part is using them to complete in Gunpla Battles.” “Gunpla Battle? What’s that?” “I’m not surprised you haven’t heard of it,” Twilight began to explain, still tinkering with the model as she talked. “Gunpla Battle first started in the east a few years back and only now has it started coming overseas to the west. A brilliant scientist by the name of Nils Yajima invented a particle he classified as a ‘Plavsky Particle’ for how it reacts to a certain kind of plastic, namely the kind Gunpla are made of. It’s because of his Plavsky Particle that Gunpla Battle is even possible.” Sunset raised an eyebrow at Twilight’s explanation. “And this ‘Plavsky Particle’ reacts with these models how, exactly?” Twilight opened her mouth to delve into another explanation, but stopped herself. “Know what, it would take too long to explain. It’d be better if I just showed you.” Gasping, she spun around in her chair and leapt to her feet. “We could even invite the others and make a day of it! I’d love to show everyone how fun Gunpla Battle is!” Like a switch had been flipped, Twilight suddenly went from excited to demure, doing her best Fluttershy impression as she mumbled, “I… I mean, if you want to that is… You don’t have to…” Walking up to the nervous girl, Sunset put her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Why not, sounds like fun. We’ll have to ask the others first, but I don’t see why they wouldn’t want to join us.” “G-great…” Twilight stuttered, slumping back in her chair and wheeling it over to her laptop. “I’ll send you all instructions on how to reach the store I get my Gunpla from, along with a time to meet-up.” As Twilight typed away at her computer, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had just made a horrible mistake. *** The next day, the group arrived one after another at Snap Fit’s Models and Hobby Tools thanks to Twilight’s directions. As Sunset parked her bike, she took a moment to glance at the store, which was a humble looking average sized one-floor building with colorful posters and advertising displayed in the windows to entice customers inside. “Remind me again what we’re doing here?” Rainbow Dash asked as she leaned up against the side of the building. “I can think of a bunch of other things I’d rather spend my Sunday doing than visiting a toy store.” “Oh, hush, Rainbow,” Rarity reprimanded her. “We’re here because Twilight asked us to, and as her friend you could at least try and show some interest in her hobbies. I don’t remember Twilight complaining when you dragged her to that concert of yours, if you could even call it that.” “Hey!” Rainbow Dash glowered at Rarity. “Don’t you dare diss ‘Atomic Vikings’! That concert was awesome!” “If have a thing for premature hearing loss, maybe.” “Why you…!” “Do I have to separate you too again?” Sunset asked as she walked up to them, crossing her arms over her chest. Though the pair chanced one last glare at each other, they ultimately let the matter drop as they continued to wait for Twilight. Luckily they didn’t have to wait long, as a blue SUV pulled up into the parking lot minutes later, Twilight stepping out of the passenger side with a briefcase in her hand. “Thanks for the ride, Shining!” she called out to the driver, waving as her brother drove back onto the road and quickly sped off. Spotting her friends waiting near the side of the building, Twilight beamed as she ran up to them. “You came! I was worried you wouldn’t come.” “Course we would, Twi,” Applejack said, giving Twilight a firm pat on the back. “Y’all asked us to come, and so we did. Now, care to show us this “Gunpla Battle’ thing I keep hearin’ about?” “Of course.” With Twilight leading the way, the group entered the store one after another. Once inside, they could truly get a feel for how big the store was compared to the outside, with numerous shelves running up and down the length of the store, the majority of which were lined with countless boxes with colorful imagery of giant robots doing battle. Several visible shelves were also stocked with a rainbow of paint selections and tools such as plastic nipper and files, among other hobby tools. “Hello, Snap Fit!” Twilight greeted the person behind the counter, a rather portly man with dark brown hair and beard, and lightish green skin. Glancing up at the sound of his name, Snap Fit smiled at the sight of Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle! Good to see ya again! How’s my number one customer doing?” “Just fine, Snap Fit,” Twilight replied. “I called in yesterday about reserving one of the GB Projectors?” “Yep, just give me a minute…” Tapping away at his computer for a moment, he nodded as he double checked the reservation. “Everything seems to be in order. You’re on projector three, and your reservation lasts until five, so try not to hog it too long, alright?” “Thanks so much, Snap Fit. Come on girls, right this way.” Leading the group through the store, the six girls behind her couldn’t help but glance around the store, wondering just what they had unknowingly stepped into. Eventually, Twilight stopped next to a massive projector that looked like a massive flat table on the shape of a plus sign and formed out of four hexagon shaped machines. Hefting her briefcase onto the machine, Twilight clicked the latches open and popped the lid up to reveal the contents. Nestled inside was a white device that resembled a smartphone, a clear screen covering the front of the device and beside that was Twilight’s pride and joy: her very own personally customized Gunpla. The model was only about six inches or so tall, depicting a humanoid machine with a V-shaped crest on its helmet. The torso was painted half dark blue and half violet, little specks of white stars standing out from the darker colors. The shoulders were pretty wide, thrusters barely visible at the very tips and were painted a lighter violet to the chest, a color that extended to all four limbs. Attached to the back of each hand was a navy-blue panel that resembled a knuckle duster, while the legs widened noticeably at the calves and ankles to accommodate thrusters in the legs. Gripped tightly in its right hand was a large beam rifle, so large in fact it needed to be propped up on its shoulder. The most striking feature on the Gunpla, however, was the massive backpack strapped to it, consisting of two semi-circles with three pods attached to the side of each, giving it the appearance of a six-pointed star. A pair of similar pods were also attached to the Gunpla’s hips next to the skirt armor. Rarity whistled in wonder at Twilight’s Gunpla. “My, my, Twilight. I must say that looks rather exquisite.” “Really?” Twilight blushed at the compliment, fiddling with a lock of her hair. “It’s my own variation on the Legend Gundam from Seed/Destiny. It took me an entire weekend of planning, building, and painting to get it to my intended specifications. I even considered entering it into a builders contest once, but I doubt I would have even placed.” Rarity pursed her lips as she took a closer look at the Gunpla. “Well, I may not know much about ‘Gunpla’, as you call it, but from one artist to another I dare say you would have had a decent shot at the gold, and I’m not just saying that as your friend.” “You… you really think so?” “Oh, I know so.” With a gentle smile, Rarity held Twilight’s hands in her own. “You give yourself far too little credit, Twilight.” “So…” Reaching over and grabbing Twilight’s Gunpla from the suitcase, Rainbow Dash turned it over harshly in her hand as she examined it with a bored expression. “Just how are you supposed to fight with these things again? I don’t see any kind of ON switch…” “Hey!” Grabbing the Gunpla from Rainbow, Twilight clutched it protectively to her chest. “I said I would show you and I will!” “Whoa!” Flinching back, Rainbow held her hands out defensively in front of her. “Geeze, it’s just a toy, no need to go and bite my head off—OW!” Rubbing the side of her head where she’d just been flicked, Rainbow glared at Rarity. “What was that for?!” Rarity glared back, crossing her arms over her chest. “Honestly, Rainbow, have you no appreciation for art? I would be fearful too if you handled one of my pieces as roughly as you did Twilight’s.” After looking over her Gunpla for a moment to make sure nothing was broken, Twilight walked over to a panel on the side of the machine and tapped a series of buttons. The machine slowly whirred to life, an automated voice coming from the speakers inside. [Gunpla Battle, Combat Mode, Startup. Model Damage Level, Set To C. Please Set Your GP Base.] Picking up the phone like device, the GP Base, Twilight set it into one of the ports on the projector, the screen lighting up with her name and basic information about her Gunpla. [Beginning Plavsky Particle Dispersal…] The projector lit up with blue light as a cascade of light particles flowed outward from the machine’s center, forming holographic barriers around the sides of the machine. At the same time, a freestanding hologram cockpit formed around Twilight, display screens on her left, right and directly ahead. “How pretty!” Rarity exclaimed, her eyes lighting up at the starry lights. After a moment, the particles coalesced together into a realistic image of a sandy stone canyon atop the projector. [Field 09, Canyon. Please Set Your Gunpla.] Setting her Gunpla onto the machine as instructed, a bar of blue particles scanned vertically up the model. As it passed over the head, the once inert model tilted its head up, its eyes lighting up in a burst of green light. “It moved!” Fluttershy gasped, the others just as stunned as she was. “Oh, it does more than just move,” Twilight said with a grin as a dashboard appeared in front of her accompanied by a pair of yellow orbs acting as the controls. Grabbing an orb in each hand, she readied herself as the hologram shifted to surround her Gunpla, the model now standing ready in a launching station. [Battle Start!] “Twilight Sparkle, Star Nexus Gundam! Launching!” At her command, the Gunpla was catapulted into the battlefield, its thrusters propelling it forward as the newly animated model soared through the sky. The HUD inside the cockpit displayed Twilight’s surroundings in crystal clear clarity, giving her the true experience of piloting her very own Gundam, a feeling that Twilight never grew tired of no matter how many times it happened. With practiced ease, Twilight maneuvered her machine towards the canyon, blowing up sand as she flew in low before coming to a stop. Glancing up from her view screen, she turned to her friends, all of whom were still visible through the transparent walls of her cockpit and were all staring at the machine with wide-eyed expressions. “Pretty cool, huh?” The bespectacled girl snickered as her friends continued to stare in amazement, not that she could really blame them. Tapping a finger against the dashboard, a keyboard popped up, allowing her to scroll through a list of options. “Readying a simulation battle against the computer…” [Deploying CPU Controlled Gunpla.] After a moment, her monitor displayed a rapidly advancing speck on the horizon. Zooming in, Twilight could make out a squad of five nearly identical Gunpla headed her way. All five machines were painted a military green and had a bulky torso, thick arms and legs and a bucket helmet with a large yellow camera screen. Two of the machines were armed with a standard rifle, while the third carried a much larger Dober Gun strapped to its arm, as well as a circular shield attached to its left arm. The last two machines were also equipped with round shields, though these two were each carrying a beam saber as well. “A squad of Leos. Perfect.” Raising her beam rifle, Twilight aimed at the Leos, the crosshairs flitting left and right as they focused on the opposing Gunpla. The second the crosshairs all aligned, Twilight press a button on her right controller and fired, a crackling beam of red energy lancing through the air. Four of the machines were able to dodge away from the attack, but one of the beam saber wielding Leo’s wasn’t so fortunate as the beam tore through its right arm and torso like a hot knife through butter, the machine sparking for a brief moment before violently exploding. With one of their team shot down, both rifle-wielding Leo’s opened fire, peppering the canyon with a hail of beam fire. While most of the shots missed, kicking up tiny clouds of dust against the canyon floor, enough came close enough that Twilight was forced to activate her leg boosters to hover away from the onslaught. However, this action left her open long enough for the third gun wielding Leo to take aim with its Dober gun and fire, striking the Star Nexus Gundam in the left shoulder with enough force to send the Gunpla reeling. “Ah!” Twilight cried out as her cockpit rattled to simulate the effects of battle, forcing her to quickly catch her footing. Tapping a button on her left controller, she scrolled through a list of her abilities and weapons. “Dragoons, fly!” At her command, the pods lining the side of the Star Nexus’s backpack separated and rocketed through the air at blinding speeds. Seeing the oncoming swarm of advancing UVAs, the Leos once again opened fire, but the Dragoons all zipped around their shots with ease. Focusing on the Dober Gun wielding Leo, the Dragoons surrounded the Gunpla and all fired beams of green energy, lancing through all four of the Leos limbs, its head and torso simultaneously and tearing them apart before the Leo exploded. Their initial target eliminated, the Dragoons focused their attention on the two remaining gun wielding Leos, whose attempts to shoot down the pods proved futile as one shot a beam through the helmet camera of one, while another two pierced through its gun and torso as the remaining three Dragoons shot simultaneous beams through the other Gunpla’s torso, the two machines exploding in unison. During all this, the final Leo managed to reach the canyon floor and charged the Star Nexus, swinging its beam saber in an effort to take off the Gundam’s head. Jumping back, a panel within the Star Nexus’s leg opened up and ejected a beam saber hilt for the Gunpla to grab with its right hand, a blade of pink energy shooting out to meet the opposing machine’s saber as it took another swing at her. The two beam weapons crackled as their blades met, each side trying to force the other back. With blinding speed, Twilight kneed the Leo in the chest, causing it to stumble back enough for her to lunge forward and drive her beam saber straight through its head. The Leo went limp before Twilight’s Dragoons came flying over and shot through the Gunpla’s body, Twilight deactivating her saber and jumping back as the Leo exploded in a flash of fire and light. [Battle Ended! Winner, Star Nexus Gundam!] Once the Dragoons had redocked onto the Star Nexus’s backpack, the entire landscape vanished in a flash of blue particles, the projectors shutting down to conserve power now that the battle had ended. As the cockpit faded as well, Twilight took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from her brow before turning to her friends, grinning at the star-struck expressions on their faces. “Well? What do you think?” No one said anything for several moments as they picked their collective jaws off the floor. Sunset was the first to recover, stuttering, “That… that was…” “AWESOME!” Pinkie hollered, bouncing around like a caffeinated rabbit. “Twilight was like ‘BZZZT!’ and that one suit went ‘BOOM!’ and then the others went ‘PEW! PEW! and Twilight was like ‘Ahh!’, but then you were like ‘BLAM! BLAM! and they were like ‘BOOM! BOOM! It was so cool!” Bounding up to Twilight, she grabbed the startled girl’s hands and pleaded, “Let me try! Pretty pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top?” “Settle down there, Pinkie,” Applejack said, placing a hand on Pinkie’s shoulder and pulling her back. “I reckon we all be wantin’ a chance to take that there model for a spin. How about it, Twi?” “Er… well…” Twilight twiddled her thumbs as she debated on what to say. “Not to sound rude, but I don’t really like the thought of anyone but me using my Star Nexus. I think it would be better if you all built your own Gunpla, instead.” “Our own?” Rainbow repeated, scratching her head. “How come?” “Because that’s half the fun of Gunpla Battle.” Picking up her Gunpla, Twilight smiled down at her personally crafter machine, her partner. “Fighting other machines is fun, sure, but building your own Gunpla and watching it fight is even more fun.” “I don’t know…” Sunset remarked, glancing at the others. “Besides you, none of us have any real experience building these things.” “It’s easy, and I’ll help you as best I can,” Twilight reassured them. “It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or complex, just a straight build is more than enough.” Sunset hmm’ed in thought for a moment, thinking it over. “Alright, I’m in.” “Count me in, as well,” Applejack chorused. “Right here!” Rainbow said, raising her hand. “My interest has been peaked, so I would like to join as well,” Rarity added. Both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie nodded their head to show they were in as well “Yay!” Twilight cheered, ecstatic that she was getting the chance to share one of her favorite hobbies with her friends. “Well, the first thing we should do is figure out what each of you are looking for in a Gunpla and start from there.” Picking up her things, Twilight led the group to a row of tables set up at the back of the store for customers to build their newly purchased kits. Sitting at an empty table, she pulled out a notepad from her back and flipped it to an empty page. “Now, what’s one thing you want your Gunpla to focus on? Performance? Speed? Power?” Rolling her pencil between her fingers, Twilight pointed her pencil at Applejack. “Applejack, anything in mind?” “Well, I’d like it if you found somethin’ for me that ain’t too complicated. None of those flyin’ lasers or fancy tricks like yours has.” “Hmm… IBO kits are pretty straightforward, like the Barbatos Lupus and Astaroth.” Jotting down a few options, she pointed at Rainbow next. “Rainbow, how about you?” “Got anything fast? Like really fast?” “I guess I should have expected that,” Twilight said with a chuckle. “Well, there are any number of OO mobile suits to choose from that possess Trans-Am, as well as a host of transformable Gundam that can change into jets or aircraft like the Arios, Delta Plus, or ReZel.” “Ohh, those jet ones sound pretty sick!” “Right, transformable it is. Rarity, any ideas?” “Well, I know this might sound off coming from me, but I was hoping for something… standard I suppose is the right word?” Twilight blinked at the suggestion. “Really? I was kind of expecting you to want a fancy or pretty looking Gunpla, all things considered.” “I am merely considering the future, Darling. If this does turn out to be more than a one-time thing, I would like a model I could customize and design to my heart’s content without having to worry about the initial details.” “That’s fair. Astrays are pretty popular basic machines, come in multiple colors and aren’t that hard to build. Sound good?” “Indeed. I trust your judgment on this, Twilight.” “Right. Pinkie?” “Got anything with HUGE guns? I want something I can blow things up with!” Pinkie exclaimed with far too much enthusiasm to the point the others were beginning to stare worriedly at her. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but just as quickly closed it. “Know what, I actually have the perfect Gunpla in mind for you.” Writing it down, she turned her attention then to Fluttershy. “What about you, Fluttershy? Anything in particular?” “Uh…” Fiddling with her hair, Fluttershy muttered, “Is there any way I can maybe get something… cute?” “How about an SD, then? Their proportions are a bit squished compared to the Real Types, but they are still pretty popular. Many also come with expressive anime-like eyes for the faces.” Gasping, Fluttershy clasped her hands together as her eyes sparkled. “That sounds adorable!” “One SD it is then. That just leaves you, Sunset. Anything you… Sunset?” Glancing around, Twilight noticed that a certain fiery haired girl was suddenly absent. “Where did she go?” *** Sunset strolled up and down the aisles of the store, scanning the countless kits lining the shelves on either side of her. Every so often she would pick up a random kit to examine it, taking in the colorful artwork on the front used to promote the finished product. “There certainly are a ton to choose from.” Sunset was beginning to feel overwhelmed by the sheer variety of models available, setting a model showcasing a machine that looked more like a teddy bear than a robot back on the shelf. “How am I ever going to decide?” As she exited the aisle to continue her search, she noticed a display out of the corner of her eye. Her interest piqued, Sunset walked over to take a closer look. The first thing that stood out to her was a clear case containing not one, but two fully constructed models of the same Gundam standing beside each other atop a table loaded with stacks of identical kits. The Gundam showcased inside was painted a solid white color, a single horn protruding from its helmet. Clutched in the model’s right hand was a long-barreled blaster, while a large white shield was strapped to its left arm. Next to it stood an identical model carrying similar armaments, only this one had several panels of armor raised to reveal clear paneling underneath that seemed to glow with a fiery radiance. Also different was the head, now sporting a faceplate similar to the one on Twilight’s Gunpla and with a golden V-shaped crest on its forehead in place of the horn. Picking up one of the kits off the stack, Sunset examined the artwork, showing the same machine flying through a starry void. As she read the name of the kit, her eyes were drawn to two particular words, one she only vaguely knew and another she knew better than anyone. “Unicorn… Gundam?” “There you are!” “Wah!” Just barely avoiding dropping the kit, Sunset whirled around to find Twilight running up to her. “Twilight?” “I’ve been looking all over for you,” Twilight said as she skidded to a halt. “You just disappeared all of a sudden and I was worried you might have gone home.” “Sorry. I guess I did kind of wander off to have a look on my own. ” Glancing behind her at the shelves of kits, she remarked dryly, “You certainly didn’t make things easy for us, Twi.” “Oh… yeah…” Twilight rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. “I guess this can seem pretty overwhelming to someone who isn’t used to it. Would you like some help picking a Gunpla to build? I could give you some suggestions if you’d like.” Glancing down at the kit still in her hands, a smile slowly worked its way onto Sunset’s face. “Actually… I think I just found the perfect Gunpla for me.” [Next Time: Unicorn Gundam, Launching!]