Children of Harmony

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 60: Equestria Games Part 2

At Sweet Apple Acres, Sakura, her friends, and their families are having some apple pie, apple slices with peanut butter, apple cider, and some peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches. Everyone are having a good time eating and talking to each other.

Sakura looks at the trail and wonder where her mother can be. She still have this funny feeling about this Starlight character, and still believes there is something off about her. Just then, Sakura sees her mom walking down the path to the farm.

Sakura calls out, "Hi mom!"

The others look to see Twilight heaven their way. Sakura gets up for on her seat and walks to her mom.

When Sakura reaches her mom, she asks, "Hi mom, how was the interview with Ms. Glimmer?"
"It was fine. Starlight had to end earlier. She started it suffer some kind of headache," Twilight answers with a skeptic look on her face."A headache?" Sakura questionably replies.

"That's right," Twilight says.

Sakura and Twilight start to wonder about Starlight's strange behavior.

Just then, they hear Ace shouting, "Hey Sakura, you need to finish eating and then we need to get going to. The stadium for us to compete."

"Okay!" Sakura calls back.

The mother and daughter head back to the picnic table and have their lunch. After eating, Sakura, Ace, and Eden rush back to the stadium so they can be well rested and do a little more stretching for them to catch compete.

At Starlight's hotel room, she drinks a glass of water, and sits on the bed. Starlight feels a bit tired and uneasy since the sudden headache. Then again, Starlight feels that she remembers the things she needs to do, just can't remember who has give her it.

Just then a hissing sound surrounds the room, and a familiar voice says, "I ssssee that your interview went rather well. Too bad you were starting to break out of trancssse I placsssed on you."

Starlight gasps and turn to see someone's glowing yellow eyes in the dark closet. The mysterious being comes out and it's Naga slithering towards Starlight. Starlight is becoming rather scared, and have trouble saying a word.

However she nervously asks, "Naga… what are you doing here? And… what about the others?"

"I decided to sssse how you and the otherssss are doing. I see that you and the otherssss are doing well. And, I like to see Sakura for myself," Naga answers as he slithers to Starlight.

Starlight look down, trying her best not to face Naga.

Then Naga says, "Besides, I have a little job for you."

Starlight gulps hearing that Naga wants her to do a job for him. She worries the this has something to do with Sakura.
At the stadium, Twilight and the others have just arrive to see the kids compete in the games. However, there is one little problem.

"But mom, I don't want to go through that strange thing," Yuki scaredly says as she hugs her mom.

Before anyone can get into the stadium, unicorns need to go through a gate with a disabling spill on it to prevent any cheating. Everyone else has gone through, but Yuki is scared to go through. She has never go through a disabling spel gate before.

Twilight hugs Yuki, and says, "It's okay Yuki, the security guards are professionals and the gate is only going to disable your magic temporarily."

"So it won't hurt?" Yuki asks.

"Of course not. Would you like it if I go first?" Twilight replies with a calm.

Yuki reluctantly nods her head in reply agreeing to the idea. Twilight walks through the gate as the spell is being placed on her. She look to see the swirl of magic on her horn. Twilight turns back to see Yuki and she's still a little nervous. Yuki takes a deep breath and comes to the gate. She touched it and it feels a bit funny. Yuki then goes right through the gate. Yuki looks up to see the magic doing its work.

She giggles and says, "It kind of tickles!"

"See Yuki, that wasn't so bad," Twilight replies.

"I guess you're right," Yuki calmly says.

Then happily says, "Now we can see Sakura race."

Yuki then runs with same so they can see their sister race in the relay. Twilight giggles and use her magic to stroll Tsubasa to the stand.

In the middle of the stadium, the obstacle course is all set for the flying relay race. At the Starting line, Sakura is ready to race and is also with the other competitors. Her family along her friends and their families are cheering for Sakura and the others.

At the starting line, a unicorn stallion uses her horn to glow as she says, " On your mark!"

Everyone begin to get in possession to race.

"Get set!" The unicorn adds.

All the competitors are ready to go

The unicorn creates a flash of light up in the air as she shout, "Go!"

The racers hear the signal and Begin to fly in the air. Sakura along with a pony from Cloudsdale are neck in neck. She makes sure to get through the obstacle course without bumping into someone. Sakura looks to see Eden and races fast to the next part of the course.

Eden grabs the horseshoe from Sakura and flies off for her next part of the course. Eden may not be the best flyer, but she always tries her best. As she flies across the course, the other flyers are trying to catch up with her. Eden sees Ace up ahead and tries to fly faster than she ever does in her life.

At the last part course Ace sees Eden coming so he posssession himself. However one of the contestants who is from Cloudsdale doesn't look too happy. He wants to win by doesn't want anyone else to. Eden gives the horseshoe to Ace, and takes off in speed. The Cloudsdale team reaches to the last one and does his best to catch up Ace. Ace and the Cloudsdale racer are trying to reach the finish line. Just then, the Cloudsdale racer ties to bump into Ace.

Ace dodges it, exclaims, "Hey!"

Ace tried his best to be a good sport and tries to get to the finish line. Seeing the cloud finish line, Ace flies faster and faster. The Cloudsdale racer tries a to keep up, and still tries to hit Ace. Luckily, Ace is able to avoid getting hit, and crosses the finish line first.

Rainbow and the others cheer with excitement to see that Ponyville team has won the event.

Rainbow cheers, "Yes!"

Ace, Sakura, and Eden hugs each other with glee, and are happy that they won the event.

Then the three friends happily cheer, "Go Ponyville!"

Everypony in the stadium cheer with excitement to see the wonderful race.

Sometime later, Sakura and her friends are having a dinner at the restaurant to have some dinner. Of course, Raspberry and his family are giving them a dinner party to celebrate their win.

"Congratulations you guys!" Raspberry cheers, throwing confetti all over the place.

Sakura laughs, and says, "We heard you Raspberry. Several times."

"In this breath," Ace mutters while rolling his eyes.

"I have to agree," Eden agrees with a smile on her face.

Raspberry and his parent are going all out. They have a large cake with candy on it. Of course, they have mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy, apple juice, hay burgers, apples, and other kinds of food. Everyone eat their food and they love the food Raspberry and his parents made.

As they are eating, they hear someone asks, "Is it alright that I join you."

Everyone turn to see who it is, and it's none other than Starlight Glimmer.

Twilight, "Hi Starlight, I see that you're feeling better."

"Yeah. I'm feeling much better now," Starlight nervously replies.

Sakura moves over a bit, and says, "You can sit next to me."

Starlight doesn't say a word and simply sits down next to Sakura. Sakura notice the nervous expression on Starlight's face, and wonder what's on her mind.

Sakura asks, "Are you okay, Starlight?"

"I… um, just got through a headache and feel a bit uneasy about it. I want to get some fresh air and then I saw you guys," Starlight explains in a very nervous way.

Sakura questionably says, "Okay?"

Starlight looks down feeling ashamed to be this close to Sakura, especially the orders Naga has given to her in the hotel room. Sadly, she remember the orders when she's in the room.

Naga holds out a blue pill as he says, "I want you to find Ssssakura and her party, and place thissss in her drink while sssshe isn't looking."

"Why? What does the pill do?" Starlight asks in concern.

Naga chuckles while hissing and explains, "That young pony is ssssimply a ssssleeping pill. This will put her out for hours. The pill won't take full effect during the party after award ceremony tonight. Sssshe'll be too assssleep to know that I'll be taking her back to my castle that very moment."

Starlight feels worried because Sakura is a good girl and been through a lot. However, Naga has place a hypnotic command into her head so she has to do it.

Sakura gets up and says, "I'm going to get myself of some water."

Starlight gets up, and says, "I'll do it. I need to get a drink anyway so I'll get us both drink."

"Okay," Sakura says, with a smile.

Starlight gets up from her seat and leaves to get glasses of water. When she gets the drinks, Starlight secretly places the pill in Sakura's drink. She sighs sadly on how she has to cause harm to Sakura and her family.

Starlight comes back and places hers on the table and give Sakura one with the pill.

Sakura grabs her cup, and says, "Thank you Starlight."

"You're welcome," Starlight sadly mutters.

Sakura starts to drink her water and the pill that is already dissolved.

Starlight looks down in guilt and says in her thoughts, "I'm sorry Sakura. I'm very sorry."

Later on at the stadium, the award ceremony is taking place, and all of the contestants are receiving their medals. Now they are revealing the winners of the games. They put Griffinstone's flag in third. Cloudsdale in second. Finally, Ponyville's flag is in the middle which is the first place section.

And the stands, Sakura, her family, friends and their family, along with all of Ponyville cheer to see that they won the Equestria Games.

Pinkie happily says, "Wow that was a very close call. And it took only one medal to win it.

"And it's our kids is the one with the winning medal," Rainbow says with pride.

Yuki happily says, "Your medal is so pretty."

"Yeah. You deserve it," Ame says with glee.

Tsubasa grab the medal that is still on Sakura's neck and start to chew on it.

Twilight gives Sakura a hug and kiss as she says, "Your father would be so proud."

Sakura simply nods her head in reply. Everypony being to look in the sky to see the fireworks are shooting to the sky. This is a great games in Equestria. However, what everyone don't know is that just outside of Ponyville, Naga is holding his staff and shows a smirk on his face.

Naga says to himself, "Things are going according to plan. Ssssoon Ssssakura will be mine, and all of Equestria will bow before me."

Naga then uses his staff to teleport himself to where the party is and will wait patiently until Sakura is his for the taking.