How to Deal with Bullies

by Sliver Swirl


Rainbow felt Tank nudge her from his spot beside her, “not now Tank,” Rainbow said, using her hoof to push him aside without taking her eyes off the sky in front of her. Rainbow couldn’t afford to focus on anything but flying slowly.

She couldn’t afford to further distance Scootaloo from flying, she was so proud of her fil- sister for having the courage to take to the skies once more. However, telling her that might ruin the cool image she had of Rainbow, so she kept her mouth shut and cheered her on inside her head not wanting to destroy Scootaloo’s image of her.Tank nudge her again using his head, she looked at this time, determined to get him to stop distracting her, only to see him, slowly, stretch his neck towards her back where Scootaloo who had fallen asleep on her back.

Oh, she hadn’t realised, Rainbow thought, “Sorry buddy, looks like we are heading home,” whispered quietly Rainbow to her green friend. She slowly turned and flew the way she came until her cloudhouse came into view to get the filly to bed.

Rainbow gently landed and folded her wings over the sleeping filly, keeping warm and secure. While, quietly trotting into the cloudhouse Rainbow unclipped Tank from his leash and left him to his own devices. She would check on him after Scootaloo was asleep.

She turned towards the hallway and walked up the hall slowly, determined not to wake the filly. It felt painful moving so slow but Rainbow was determined and nothing would ever stop Rainbow when she was determined.

Once she arrived at the filly’s room, she opened the door and walked towards the bed avoiding the few toys on the floor. Rainbow used her wings to place the filly on her bed, it was then she noticed a problem. Scootaloo was wearing her jacket and wearing a jacket would make her too hot and wake up.

Rainbow nervously tapped her hooves, what could she do?!? Did she call Twilight? Fluttershy? Applejack? Pull yourself together Rainbow, she muttered to herself, Twilight was the anxious one not Rainbow. Rainbow was calm, cool and confident.

In the end the only solution, Rainbow could think of was ripping the jacket off. But, then Scootaloo might be upset that her jacket would be ruined. She hoped Scootaloo would understand. With this in thought, Rainbow gently pulled on the jacket using her teeth and pulled it off Scootaloo’s body with a quick rip.

B***, Rainbow thought, she hadn’t expected ripping the jacket to make such a loud sound. She then turned towards the filly making sure she was still asleep. Fortunately, the sound hadn’t caused Scootaloo to wake.

Rainbow then used her wings to get the pieces vowing to bring it to Rarity when she had a time, it wouldn’t be tomorrow she would be busy with Twilight and the day after that she would be with Twilight again and then she had work…..

That meant Scootaloo would have to wait a long time until she had her jacket back, maybe… there was another way. With this is mind, she tucked her filly in and walked out of the room only to see a familiar shape taking residence next to the sleeping fully.

“Thank you Tank”

Now, that Scootaloo was asleep and her special project was hidden from both Tank and Scootaloo’s wondering eyes Rainbow could work on tidying her house. All her friends, mainly Twilight, had told her the importance of a filly having a stable and clean living space which apparently meant Rainbow had to clean more then once every year or two years.

She grabbed a feather duster, not thinking about where the feathers came from, and began dusting the living room until it was clean or at least better. She then moved on to the kitchen and groaned, seeing the remains of her pancake disaster.

Only to see a batch of, slightly, burned uneaten pancakes. Buck, Rainbow thought, she had forgotten to feed Scootaloo.

There was only one way to fix this, make a massive breakfast to make up for no dinner. Humming I’m Awesome, Rainbow spread her wings and checked the time on her WonderBolts Alarm clock, she had four hours. That was plenty of time to make the best breakfast ever!

Now first she would start with a pancake mix, that she wouldn’t cook Rainbow didn’t want to disappoint her number one fan and taste tester. Next, would be eggs and then maybe a sweet.. Or should she do cereal. Both, Rainbow decided, this needs to be a big breakfast after all she thought to herself.

Rainbow collapsed on her kitchen floor, now she understood why Pinkie had so much energy. She needed it for all the baking. Almost done, she thought, pulling her aching body off the floor. All Rainbow had to do was take the pancakes off the pan in 15 minutes, but instead of waiting Rainbow decided she needed sleep or she wouldn’t be much help in the master plan today.

Reluctantly, Rainbow pulled her body away from the kitchen and moved towards her bedroom, and collapsed into her bed once it was within reach. She quickly reached over and set the alarm clock for 10 minutes.
10 minutes….nap….must wake up in 10 minutes….. Can’t burn food…..can’t let down Scoots…………..

Scootaloo stood in a beautiful field full of daisies and orchids, she stretched her orange wings and felt each individual feather enjoying the warm sun and the wind blowing through it. She loved her wings….

“Scootaloo,” a voice whispered behind her, Scootaloo recognised the voice but she didn’t know where from. It was warm and kind, it made her want to stand beside her forever in the sun.

In a moment, everything changed. The sun turned from shining brightly to hiding behind the clouds, darkening the field, the wind turned from friendly to cold and the air changed completely, it was filled with smoke and made her cough.

“Scootaloo, won’t you stay?” the voice asked, it had also changed from kind to fake. What was happening?!?!

Scootaloo jumped out of her bed, and looking around trying to understand what was happening. She could barely see as sleep still filled her eyes, making the world blur before her eyes. She tried to collect herself, by taking in a deep breath but that just made her cough like in her dream.

She wanted to close her eyes and give up, but a nug and a lick stopped her. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and saw Tank beside her, pushing her to move. Even without the sleep in her eyes it was still hard to see. Everything was black and smoke was filling her room quickly.

“What cough happened?” She asked Tank, she knew he couldn’t talk but he might be able to tell her something. After a few moments, Tank slowly pointed his head towards her wall where she had a picture of a flame.

Scootaloo gasped and grabbed Tank, “we gotta go!’ She yelled, crawling below the smoke towards Rainbow’s room. She wouldn’t leave without Rainbow! And she was pretty sure Tank wouldn’t leave with Rainbow either…

She slowly made it to Rainbow’s room and tried her best not to inhale the smoke, swallowing the house whole. In the room, she saw Rainbow sleeping and her alarm clock ringing noisily next to her.

She crawled onto the bed and shaked Rainbow, “Rainbow!!!” she cried, “Rainbow!!’ she watched as Rainbow slowly opened her eyes and looked around confused, “Scootaloo? What's wrong… did you have another nightmare?” She asked, obviously concerned.

“There’s a fire!” Scootaloo yelled, and was immediately pulled into Rainbow’s hooves as she took off, “hang on!” Rainbow yelled. Scootaloo nodded her head and held on to Rainbow while making sure Tank was secure. She breathed in the fresh air and finally felt save in favourite pony’s hooves.

Rainbow cursed herself as she flew away from her burning home, how could she be stupid! She should've just stayed awake and toughed it out instead of taking a nap and burning the dish. She had ruined another thing for Scootaloo, first it was ruining her dinner and now ruining her breakfast. Maybe, she wasn't cut out to be a guardian. Maybe, love wasn't enough, maybe she needed more.

She shook her head, she couldn't deal with her feelings now. She had to focus on Tank and Scootaloo, she had to focus on getting them out of this inferno and making sure they were safe. First, she pulled the two close to her body and flew through the roof of her bedroom escaping the fire.

Once, outside Rainbow noticed lots of ponies surrounding her house dealing with the flames, "Over there!" she heard a medical pony shout, she looked towards the voice and saw a grey pegasus in a medical uniform fly towards her, "are you injured?" she asked.

"No," Rainbow answered, "but these two might be," she said lifting the tortoise and filly to her eye level. She felt Scootaloo shrink at being the centre of the nurse's attention as she scanned the filly for injuries, Rainbow wished she could make Scootaloo feel more comfortable but it was more important that she get checked out first by the nurse.

"Well?" Rainbow asked, praying she wouldn't have to take Scootaloo to the hospital, Scootaloo hated hospitals after her visit following the Cobalt incident.

The nurse pony raised her eyes to meet Rainbow's, "I think that we should take her to either a clinic or a hospital to ensure that she is fine. Also I'm a little worried about the amount of smoke she inhaled."

"I see," Rainbow replied, "Well Scoots looks like you are going to the hospital," Rainbow said as calm as she could. She hoped she was betraying her inner feelings, "NO!!" Scootaloo immediately shouted, "I don't want to unless you and Tank are coming with me!"

Rainbow sighed, "I'll come with you and so will Tank but we can't stay the whole time," before Scootaloo could state her opinion once more the nurse cut in,"But Miss Dash, I believe it would also be important that you also get checked out with the young filly."

"I will go but I do not need to be checked out!" Rainbow said, betraying her inner turmoil, "I'm sorry," she immediately apologised. It wasn't the nurse's fault.

"It is fine, Miss Dash. I understand this must be difficult, now shall we," the nurse asked, using a wing to wave in the direction of the hospital, Rainbow nodded and gripped tighter on the Scootaloo, who has begun wiggling. She leaded down towards the filly's ear as she followed the nurse,"It's gonna be fun Scoots and once we get back home after your check up we can redecorate and I can check if my pancake mixture survived."

Rainbow watched the filly nod slowly and continued to follow the nurse, ignoring the silence that followed and instead looked back at her beautiful home which had been consumed by a large dark cloud of smoke. She felt sadness try to slowly creep in, but she ignored it. She couldn't deal with her feelings now, she had more important things to deal with like dragging Scootaloo to the hospital, getting Tank checked as well, meeting Twilight and checking to make sure her bank account could handle the price of redecorating her house.