//------------------------------// // What Was Up With That Flashback? I Never Lived Through That, Right? // Story: Over-Powered Shapeshifter. "At Least I'm Not A Mary Sue." // by Taken-By-Insanity //------------------------------// 'The most plausible possibility is that this dimension has the ability to adjust to a new being staying there, making it have to do changes to the past, present, and future. That, or I stole someone's body,' I thought in my head. I've been pondering why that strange flashback happened since I woke up and the only possibilities I could think of that made sense, in a way, was that either the world is adjusting to my stay or I took this body from the owner while dead, asleep or unconscious and I'm seeing memories that it had. The others woke up about an hour and a half ago and ate the food that was left for them before just pacing back and forth, waiting for the day to go by. I joined them in the pacing only a little bit ago and it's really boring, even though I've done this countless times back home at school. 'Now that I think about it, can my chaos magic adapt to work despite this necklace thingy?' I stopped and took a seat on one of the beds, specifically the one across from the window(which was at the right wall inside the cell). 'If it does then that would likely only happen with this individual one and not all of them,' with that thought in mind I tried to make the sunlight shining through the window dimmer, make a small sound, anything that would be an easy and small feat, only to be shocked. Beat It started telling me how 'it's no use' and all that but I ignored her and kept trying. The shocking seems to startle my body, causing me to instinctively cancel the spell I'm casting, so it won't be anytime soon before I can successfully use my chaos magic. Unholy magic doesn't really seem to have any adaptive abilities unless it's manually made to happen so that's out the window, changeling magic is mostly all about change but only through a special transmutation, and it's a manual thing so that can't really work either. I kept trying to use my magic and have my body expect the shock the whole day and I came up with nothing. I went to sleep soon after the others and found myself in the forest yet again, but it was barely recognizable. Everything was dead. No leaves were on the trees, there were corpses of animals killed in different ways, even the air didn't feel right in the lungs. I looked down to find I was covered in blood as well. Just like the strange hallucinations I had back home a lot of the time while I was at school. Though the sky was clear and bright of all things instead of the cloudy sky I was expecting. A flash of a lightning bolt then struck, blinding me for a few seconds before fading and revealing that the forest was lively once again. Leaves were on trees, animals were alive without any injuries, I wasn't covered in blood, and the air felt fresh and pure. But the surprise about this was that I was wearing a long, simple, grey dress that went to my knees, grey gloves going up to my elbows and I felt my hooves covered in some kind of shoe, similar to Princess Luna and Celestia. Luna came soon after I took all this information in. "Another walk through the forest I see," she commented. I nodded and walked in a random direction, not really caring where I would end up. Luna caught up with me and said, "We were interrupted during my questioning last night. Care to explain what happened?" I stopped by an averagely sized lake and said while looking into the water, "I had a flashback about my childhood when my hive was murdered." When I said 'murdered' lightning struck from the sky and everything was dead yet again with the river being blood red. I turned to the saddened Luna with a smile, "Don't worry though. I don't feel anything when I look back on it, don't bother trying to comfort." The transition between dead and alive happened again after we continued walking through the woods with the occasional anvil or cake falling onto the ground. "Why are there object falling from the ground?" Luna said. I simply said a little something that I like to say whenever someone says 'it doesn't make sense.' "Oh, dear Princess Luna. It's because where's the fun in making sense? It's amazing to see how someone reacts when one does something random and unpredictable." Luna just looked at me like I was crazy, which I am but still, and asked, "Are you related to Discord by any chance?" I went into a laughing fit at that question for the next minute until I calmed down and gave her a negative answer to me and Discord being related. "How about Miss Pinkamena?" she asked, me giving her another negative. "If I was related to either of them then I wouldn't have been caught and put into a prison cell with two bank robbers," I said after the second negative. "Let's do a change of scenery, I always did see the night as a more relaxing time of day," I then said before raising my right hand and snapping, causing the sun to turn into the moon from the middle and causing a shock-wave in the sky, changing from day to night. "Although. It's a little too quiet and peaceful here. Hmm, let's turn the place into a city," I clapped and after seeing a rainbow surround us and vanish, Luna and I were at the edge of a small park in Manehatten. Various ponies were walking about, some old couples, young couples, and a few small families were around and just admiring the park's beauty, while outside the park there were quite a few grouchy ponies and occasional griffons walking through the streets in a hurried manner, trying to do what they need to do as soon as possible. "So. What was your next question?" I asked while starting to take a stroll through the park. Luna followed after me and said, "Why would you attack a defenseless mare?" That made me stop in my tracks and have a lightning strike, causing the dream to be quiet and dead. I slowly turned around and gave her a look that said 'you're kidding, right?' I opened my mouth and told her, "I would never unless she was responsible for something that would make me hold a grudge, which is almost impossible due to my ability to shrug most negative feelings off. The mare attacked me first, struck the first punch or whatever. I was simply trying to at least knock her out." Lightning struck again, making everything alive again before I turned around and continued walking. The princess caught up once again and bid me farewell before leaving my dream. Now that she's gone. I can actually kill some things before I go mad and do it in the real world.