Twilight Daylight

by thedarktome

Chapter 26 - City of Serl

After Madun and Celestia parted, Celestia turned to speak Arcadia. But she was engrossed in conversation with one of Psera's congress ponies were whispering in her ear. Whatever it was made Twilight gasp.

"When?" She asked sternly.

"At around midnight," she responded. "We managed to contain it, but it's still a mess in the lower levels."

Arcadia huffed but nodded. "Very well. What facility?"


"I'll visit S3 when we return to help clean up. Was anything folded beyond repair?"

Another congress pony approached and shook his head. "No ma'am. Everything is just everywhere. It looks like it's alive, based off the photos we saw." Cadance, Celestia, and Luna shared a glance before Madun and Molten Ice trotted over to listen. The royalty got into a sort of huddle while Arcadia whispered the situation. A few minutes later, they broke apart wearing obviously fake smiles.

Arcadia walked over to Celestia. "I'm afraid we have to take our leave a little early. A situation came up in Psera that I have to tend to."

Celestia nodded before she walked over and pulled Arcadia into a hug. "Be safe, Twilight." Arcadia nodded and pulled back before she lit her horn, creating a large portal on another side of the room. The Royalty and lawmakers of Psera began to trot towards the portal followed closely by the guards.

Before she could walk through, Cadance stopped Arcadia by placing a hoof on her chest, catching her attention. With an innocent smile, she said, "Make good use of that information."

Arcadia didn't get it at first, but widened her eyes and blushed a moment later. Scoffing, she walked hastily through the portal followed by Madun and a giggling Gardeen. After that, the others followed along. Then the portal closed. The press began asking questions about the deal, but Celestia was too busy smirking at Cadance with Luna. Shining Armor had his head buried in his hooves, and Cadance shrugged innocently. "I had to tell her! I can't wait to see what they create."


A violet portal opened up inside of the lobby of the Castle back in Psera, catching the crowd of Pserateps attention who were signing up for an audition to perform at the wedding by a few castle employees. Two guards trotted out first followed by King Madun and Lady Arcadia. Then everyone else. The ponies around immediately stopped their talking and quickly bowed in respect.

"Rise, fellow Pserateps," Madun said at the same time Arcadia did, both with smiles on their face. They looked at each other in surprise before sharing a nuzzle and a kiss. "Better stop copying me. You might get something you don't want."

"Oh?" Twilight asked in surprise. She gave Madun a half lidded look and asked, "Like what?"

"Like Merry grilling you about it. She's right there." He motioned towards the opposite side of them. Merry was staring—correction—grinning at them from the side with wide orange eyes. It made Arcadia a little uneasy.

"That...was so...ADORABLE!" She squealed. Arcadia squeaked and held her hooves over her face, prepared for a crash when Merry would definitely fly into her, and pull her into a tight hug. But it didn't come. Instead, Merry slowly walked over and pulled her into a gentle hug. Then slowly backed away, still grinning.

Arcadia lowered her wings and shared a confused glance with Madun then looked back at her. "Uhhh, Merry?" She asked slowly. "Are you okay? You're acting...not yourself."

"Ohhh definitely!" Merry assured. She waved her hoof, literally waving off her worries towards Arcadia and added, "Something happened while you were out."

Arcadia trotted forward and asked worriedly, "Was it bad?!"

"Oh no! No, no, it was great! I'll tell you later, just come to my apartment!"

Twilight sighed in relief. "Okay, I will. But I have to go and see what happened in Serl first, then create some plans second. I'll be around later." She turned around and quickly kissed Madun on the cheek. Then hastily made her way towards the doors of the castle with eight of the guards behind her.

Merry watched her go in confusion for a moment. Then turned to Madun and asked, "What's going on?"

He sighed and walked over while keeping his eyes on his fiancee when the guards opened the doors for her. "Well, there was a chemical explosion when the guys at S3 had put in a chemical compound into a stack of metal. It stopped mid-blast. They got their desired results, but it wasn't supposed to explode. Now there's a giant ball of metal with spikes in the laboratory level, and Arcadia has to go break it down with a spell."

That sounds like her department. Merry nodded then asked, "How was Equestria?"

Molten sighed, then walked over and answered, "Terrible. When Arcadia said things were going to be bad, I was not expecting another devastated Psera. It was close to our situation. Really close. Now how was your day, daughter? Were you busy, and is that why you're walking like someone kicked you in the—"

"Mom?" Merry interrupted. "This morning was amazing. I finally did it."

Arcadia flew quickly through the skies, soon flying away from Cop's view and over the mountain range in the direction of Serl. The land leading towards it was hot to say the least. Like the badlands in Equestria. But much larger. It was a desert. She looked down around the guards flying below her to see one of Psera's vehicles heading towards Serl with her. The road leading up to it was pretty much invisible. You would be guided by large boulders set apart, but there was no concrete or cement. It was a hard system to follow for any potential enemies, but very easy for the Pserateps.

The boulders were on each side of the "street", but were spread apart really far on both sides. On one side you would have one rock and way up the road on the other side, you'd have another. Then you'd have to follow through them to the very secure checkpoint fifty miles away from Cop, and two miles away from Serl. At the checkpoint, you'd have to be verified to get in by "regular" Pserateps asking where you were headed and what you were doing way out there in the desert. In order to get past them, you'd have to use the password, "Narmeelah". Who was the first ruler of Psera. Then they'd let you pass. Along the way, there were hidden guard posts watching and listening to everything going on, as well as an escort group. Then when you arrived, you'd have to get your vehicle or body inspected in case of weaponry. If you had any weapons on you that were not approved of the guard, you would be held behind the containment unit of the city, then taken to her highness Lady Arcadia to have your mind erased. That last part was recently put in when Madun learned of that spell, and recommended it be added to the security protocol. Arcadia agreed entirely.

In mere minutes, the group of nine saw the checkpoint down below, an old warehouse hosting guards. They were in uniform, waiting for an intruder. Of course Queen Arcadia was a common face.

Arcadia motioned down to the ground so she could be checked in. Even the Lady of Psera was not an exception to this highly classified location and facility. Ever since the Pserateps learned of Changelings, everyone had to be checked. Even those in charge of the whole facility. Arcadia and another Pseratep by the name of Bright Gold. Named because of her snow white coat, mane and tail, and her bright yellow eyes. An albino Pseratep. She was a stickler for rules and was mostly serious all the time. Which is what Psera needed at this location. Serl was strict and was always kept under a very close eye. If something happened, the military of Psera would strike hard and fast.

Arcadia landed first, then followed immediately by the guards. Once situated the group made their way towards two Pseratep guards standing to the side. Spotting her, they wore fake smiles and walked towards her. "Hello, Lady Arcadia. What are you doing—"

"—Narmeelah," Arcadia interrupted.

The guards quickly bowed and motioned towards the distance. A few more guards walked out of the warehouse and opened their wings with their weapons extended. Then bowed with them. "Hello, your highness," they all greeted.

"Rise, my fellow Pserateps," she instructed. They did as asked before Arcadia motioned towards the distance. "What happened in Serl?"

"A mishap, ma'am," one answered. "Just a malfunction that could've taken one of the lives. The record has been recorded and documented."

Arcadia nodded then turned back towards the distance. She opened her wings backed up and took to the air, followed by her guards in Cop and five more in the warehouse. Everyone was keeping a close eye on anyone that approached the facility. After minutes of beating wings, Arcadia spotted the giant steel wall that held their city of science from long on both sides it escaped the Queen's sight, even from this height.

Soldiers on the ground in front of the electronic gate that served as the only entrance into the city. It held a plethora of guard towers on top and a few more inside. Nopony was getting inside without a fight.

They all swooped low and landed in front of the gate to be checked. Arcadia lifted her wings so they could ruffle through her feathers. Then did the same to her guards that came with her from Cop. Once they were verified, the large group of guards all bowed.

"Your highness," the front pony greeted.

"Rise, my fellow Pseratep," Arcadia ordered gently. He did as asked while a few of the guards made their way back towards the booth to open the door. "I heard there was a situation."

"Yes, ma'am," he replied. The siren at the gate blared as the lock that kept the doors shut lifted, and the doors slowly parted with a loud groan, revealing the concrete road that led into the city. The group stared at it before the doors finally stopped opening, then led Arcadia quickly inside. The city was just that. A city. Just far away from civilization and filled with scientists that held a ton of respect for Arcadia, evident by them bowing once more when they saw her. She quickly trotted past and made her way towards a shuttle on the side that would lead them towards the three tall buildings in the middle of the city. They were all made out of steel and had no windows. Giving them the impression that they were just steel blocks.

She flew in through the open top of the vehicle and got comfortable while the guards got into a few separate vehicles behind and in front of her. Then they were on the move. The lights on all of the pods were flashing as they made their way towards the center of the city, stopping anyone who happened to be walking by, and catching the eye of the guards in the towers surveying over the city. They barked orders into the radio-like devices that Arcadia herself designed and created for the military of Psera, letting them know of her position. After brisk minutes of casual driving, they arrived at one of the large buildings and the vehicles parked in front of four large steel doors.

Arcadia quickly jumped out and made her way towards the extremely guarded building. These labs were just one complex out of the twenty in Serl. Psera was always a highly technological land. The guards stationed outside bowed and opened the door for her as she walked past, letting her right in.

"Lady Arcadia," a feminine voice greeted from the right. She looked over to Bright Gold, white as snow, bowing to her. "Glad you made it."

"Please rise, Bright. Tell me everything." She did as requested, then motioned for the lady to follow. The two walked deeper into the building, walking along the marble floors on the upper level that held the offices. They passed by the front desk watched over by the Royal Elite for two pairs of large doors. One of the guards standing by it pressed a large and round green button on the side.

"At twelve forty three this morning, one of our technicians tested how a chemical compound would fare against steel. Well as you already know, the test was disastrous. It was a small piece of metal that somehow blew up into something far bigger and extremely dangerous." The elevator dinged open, revealing practically a large bathroom space that the group piled into. Arcadia walked in with Bright then the guards. She walked towards the keypad next to the door and entered a code. Then pressed Level 4. The doors closed a moment later, and they felt the elevator begin to move down.

"Was there any damage?" Arcadia asked.

"Yes, three lower levels have been pierced out of the seven. Now we have to repair the floors and the ceiling. Not to mention replace anything else damaged."

"Hopefully I can repair it." The elevator continued down for thirty three more seconds. Then stopped and opened up, revealing another security desk with more Royal Elite Guard behind it. They bowed as the group walked out and turned right, heading towards two large white swinging doors. The guards pushed it open for them as the two made their way into the labs.

The entire area was bright and white. With rooms on the left and right that held instruments, tables and machinery, all visible by the large glass windows. Along with test tubes and chemicals they created. Some of the technicians walking around spotted her and quickly bowed. They were all wearing badges on them and lab coats that held a few government insignias on it. Including a small steel pin that held "S3" on it. "Your highness," they greeted.

"Rise, my fellow Pserateps," she said kindly. "Can you take me to the site?" One of them nodded and made their way to a separate hallway on the side. The group followed along after him, passing more empty laboratories and clopping along the tile floor. They arrived at an area that was roped off with yellow tape. Ducking under it, Arcadia and the others continued on until they arrived at the scene. There was a huge wall of metal in front of them that had very long and very sharp spikes, some sticking into the floor and ceiling near and above them from at least fifteen feet away. Arcadia walked around it and stared at in interest. She calmly lifted a hoof and tapped the ball of metal. Then turned around towards the technicians. "Do you still have the formula for the chemical?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Keep it." They look at her confused. "I want you to archive that chemical and put it through some more tests. However in a more controlled environment." She looked back towards the ball of metal spikes and smiled, adding, "I have a feeling it could brings us more victory in battle if an enemy were to strike Psera. We are a very desired land."

"Ma'am, are you sure?" Bright Gold asked.

Arcadia nodded. "Yes. This piece is still going to be demolished, but that chemical could still be of some use. Every mistake made could always have a use in the future if there is a reason." She lit her horn and began to use a spell to break down the ball of sharp metal. "I need some scientists from S3 to head to Equestria. The deal has been made. I learned that their metal there is being destroyed after welding by the air molecules. I don't know by what, and I'm afraid I don't have the time to find out." The metal in front of Twilight slowly began to break down into rust, revealing some of the damage done. "Yeah, this whole area needs a look over."

"We'll be happy to go your highness," one of the labcoats stated.

Arcadia looked back and smiled happily. "GREAT! But there's a catch. You'll have to be stationed there. Whatever is over there we don't want coming here. As soon as the problem is discovered, come and find me."

"Yes, ma'am. When do we start?" Gold asked. Arcadia levitated out the the rest of the rusted metal ball from the hole in the ground revealing the damage in the ceiling and level underneath them.

"I want you to start tomorrow," she explained. "I'll have Madun and Bold Shoulder give you two platoons of guards and I will create a semi-permanent portal so you can pass through immediately back here. We need to create a laboratory there. I'll let Celestia know." She looked up through the hole in the ceiling and added, "It won't take me too long."

Celestia, Cadance, Sunset, and Luna were meeting with each other in the Crystal Empire the next day after the deal to discuss things. More importantly, the odd things. Sunset was tagging along because she was the only one who had direct contact with Arcadia, or Twilight, and also had some very important information.

wilight's parents were sitting on one of the couches in the lounge on the side while Cadance and Shining Armor were on another. Flurry Heart was busy messing with Twilight Velvet's tail, attempting to braid it with her magic but kept failing. Sunset was beside Luna and Celestia, who were across from the Crystal Empire rulers drinking tea and discussing once again—

"Twilight," Celestia said. "Has guards, a fiancee, a large Kingdom that rivals our own, and apparently enough metal to build an army."

Luna shook her head and commented, "I really doubt she'd use it on us."

"I agree. Although that does not determine if she would use it on somepony else. Another creature outside Equestria."

Sunset shook her head and clarified, "Twilight isn't the type to do an invasion."

"Nor was she the kind of pony to blatantly destroy castles. Let alone toss us around like rag dolls. She has become very unpredictable."

"Well," Cadance muttered. "She seemed more...calm while we were around. She didn't attack. Although Blueblood is an exception. And it wasn't going to be her that attacked."

The royals chuckled and turned to the parents' confused faces. Luna took a sip of her tea then clarified what they just discussed. "Arcadia's fiance, King Madun, is quite protective and influential over Twilight. Always watching over her, I noticed. And he keeps her calm with just a touch. I feel your daughter is in good hooves."

Shining nodded and agreed with, "I felt that way too."

"Only time will tell," Twilight Velvet guessed. "How was the deal?"

"It went well," Cadance answered. "We agreed to help each other. Eleven thousand metric tons for rare gems. I don't know how they have that much. It's... it's impossible."

"I believe it," Sunset admitted, catching their attention. "On the day of your unexpected visit and lock up—"

"Don't remind me," Luna muttered.

"—Arcadia, or Twilight asked us to stay behind."

"Ahh, yes," Celestia agreed. She poured another cup of tea and passed it to Sunset. "I remember that."

"Yeah, well she took us on a tour of Psera." Sunset picked up the cup and took a calm and relaxed sip.

Oh!" Cadance exclaimed. She grinned at Sunset and asked, "What was it like?"

"It was amazing. Like, Equestria holds greatness and all, but Psera? Legendary. Everything there is just so big. The PDS, the Castle, The National Hospital, and Eventa. Psera has a total of seventeen cities. But something was off. Cop, Merōl, Rayray, Snow, Eventa, Lavender, Fenix, Capita, and the Psera Skies family that Twilight created in the sky. That's eight floating cities."

"Sunset, that's sixteen cities total," Luna corrected.

Sunset nodded and said. "And those are the ones she told me. There's another one, but Twilight didn't talk about it. Nor did anypony else. They were all silent about it. There's another city, but nopony's saying anything. I think it ties in with whatever Psera's hiding about metal."

The princesses glanced at each other for a second, then back to Sunset. Celestia set down her tea and asked in suspicion, "What do you mean?"

"Well, one day I went back home and told my friends some things. Then I brought up the tour and how Arcadia was acting strange. Well the others agreed that something weird was going on. Rarity had said something that Applejack picked up on, but she wasn't telling what it was. Before that, me and the girls weren't so sure about Psera having that much metal. Our Twilight denied that and said that the Castle more than likely held a city of metal in its infrastructure. After that Rarity said something to herself that Applejack picked up on. Rarity said, 'More than you think.'"

"So Rarity knows what Twilight's hiding?" Luna asked urgently.

Sunset shrugged and said, "Not much if any. Rarity admitted that Arcadia did in fact tell her something. But she was really tight-lipped about it. Rarity had stumbled over her words and did say that it was about metal. But other than that she wouldn't tell us anymore but that we would just have to investigate on our own. That got me thinking. This isn't about Twilight, it's about Psera and Twilight is just one out of the Pserateps that know about it. It's Psera as a whole. And it has to do with metal."

"So Psera is hiding something big, it seems," Cadance concluded. "Twilight's just in on the action." Sunset nodded. "Alright, that's one thing we know."

The book in Sunset's bag vibrated by her side, catching their attention. She pulled out the communication journal that was pulsing violet and flipped it open.

Reading it aloud, it read, "'Dear Sunset. Tomorrow morning, I am sending a group of specialists to Equestria to setup a laboratory and assess the air quality. They will have to build a laboratory for their research and are coming with two platoons of Psera Royal Guard. I am coming as well to setup the portal connected to Psera before I have to head back. For more information, please respond back with your query. We have pushed back the date for the auditions to next friday. You are all welcome to come and be one of those in the simulated audience. At Events at Eventa?!' She wants us to go inside that thing?!"

"What's Events at Eventa?" Celestia quickly asked.

Sunset shut the book and said with wide eyes, "It's a stadium..."

"Oh," Twilight Velvet shrugged off. "I thought it—"

"—that's as big as a city." Luna spat out her drink.