//------------------------------// // Zoor's Last Stand // Story: Rise of Equestria 2: Cannon Fodder // by Israel Yabuki //------------------------------// Twilight and her friends launch their attack at Zoor, ultimately hitting their intended target. However, Zoor makes a swift movement at the last minute before she's blown back. She lets out a yell as the Elements of Harmony not only do some damage on her, but also destroy the jewel that was embedded in her necklace, rendering her magic-absorbing powers completely useless. Now all that Zoor has to aid her is her own magic, which might turn out to be more hazardous than the group might think. Zoor picks herself up and glares at Twilight and the others, snarling menacingly at them. "For what you have done to me, I will show you no mercy! You and your friends will never see the light of day!" Zoor says, approaching them group slowly while she coats herself in a black magical aura. "How about you zip your lip for once in your life! It's us who should be angry at you! First, you take our friend, Spike, with that blasted song you stole from Melodia, then you turn him into a giant rampaging dragon, and now you've injured some of our friends! If you think you're above everypony else just because you grew yourself a pair of wings, then think again!" Rainbow calls out in frustration. "You could have become a hero to your village, the ponies who looked up to you, even your old teacher, Starswirl the Bearded, but all that you cared about was becoming an alicorn!" Twilight scolds. "Silence, I will not allow you to talk about my so-called master after what he did to me! He's nothing but a useless memory and a pathetic old fool! In fact, maybe after I finish you all off, I'll find a spell to travel back in time and destroy that old fool once and all!" Zoor says with a nasty grin. At that point, Twilight felt like her pride ha been struck when Zoor talked badly about her idol like that. "You have no right talking about Starswirl the Bearded like that! He was an amazing unicorn who came up with so many spells for the sake of helping everypony out! For you to insult him like that, you are obviously a glutton for punishment!" Twilight says in a low tone. "Twilight, wait! Don't lose your temper, she might use it against you!" Sunset warns. "I know how much Starswirl mean to you and I know he was a great unicorn, but you can't let insults like that get to you." As hard as she tries to convince her friend to not lose her cool, Sunset finds herself being lifted in the air by a black magical aura and is blown back. "This does not concern you!" Zoor shouts, making Sunset land on her side, grunting in pain. "Anypony else have something to say?!" Watching Sunset get tossed to the ground by Zoor was too much for both Twilight and Eternal to stomach, causing Eternal to growl. "Zoor must be stopped... no matter that cost," he says in a low tone. Without thinking, Eternal charges towards Zoor as he coats himself in his red magical aura. However, unlike the last time when he lost his temper, Eternal succeeds in controlling his anger, allowing him to think more clearly. Zoor notices the young prince coming towards her and fires multiple dark magic blasts, but Eternal dodges them all, jumps up and over Zoor and lands behind her before firing his own magical shots. Zoor takes the hits, but doesn't give in and uses her wings as shields. Once Eternal stops firing, Zoor fires a longer magic blast, but Eternal blocks it with his magic shield. But his shield cannot take too much punishment, so at the last minute, before Zoor's attack reaches him, he teleports behind her and sweeps her hooves, causing to lose her balance. Eternal tackles her and slams her against the boulder she slammed Melodia and Tidal Wave into. She shouts in pain and collapses to the ground, then looks up, annoyed at the prince and his assault. "One shall stand... one shall fall," Eternal says, looking down on Zoor. "Why throw away your life so recklessly?" Zoor asks, picking herself back up. "That's a question you shoud ask yourself, Zoor," Eternal replies. Suddenly, Eternal's magic glows brighter, slightly inflicting fear inside of Zoor. She backs up and growls, "No, I'll crush you with my bare hooves!" although she says that, she does not just use her hooves. Zoor tackles Eternal, yet he stands his ground and latches onto the dark alicorn to keep his balance. The fight becomes too intense for some of the ponies to just watch, so Shadow Force and Rainbow Dash charge in to lend Eternal Flames a helping hoof, worried for his safety. "Hang on, buddy!" Shadow calls out, rushing in. "Don't leave me outta the action!" Rainbow calls out. "Rainbow, no!" Twilight says, but Rainbow doesn't listen. "Stay away, Shadow! That's Eternal's fight!" Spark Burst yells out, but Shadow doesn't listen either. Both him and Rainbow watch at first, noticing Eternal and Zoor pushing themselves away from each other. Eternal's magical aura still surrounds his body as he once again charges at the corrupt alicorn. But Zoor prepares for the young prince's assault this time and fired a dark magic shot at him. She manages to hit him on his left side, in which Eternal lets out a grunt of pain. Despite the minor damage he took, Eternal continues to charge at Zoor and traps her in a headlock, their horns emitting strong magical sparks from them. Rainbow Dash and Shadow Force decide it's now or never and join Eternal in the epic clash and surprisingly overpower the alicorn, pushing her back even more, much to Zoor's annoyance and anger. "I will not let a bunch of weakling ponies get the better of me! I am Zoor, I will be the one to make all of Equestria bow down before me!!!" she shouts. Her magic explodes and blasts everyone in sight flying back, except for Sunset who jumps in and uses her magic to form a shield in front of her. Eternal joins in and combines his magic with hers, strengthening their magic shield and press on. "That's where you're wrong, Zoor! Equestria was never yours to rule over! You abandoned Equestria for your own selfish desire to become an alicorn and betrayed Starswirl The Bearded's trust! I once had respect for you, but now you have replaced it with pity!" Sunset calls out. Zoor hisses at Sunset and readies another magic attack. "I could care less about your pathetic pity! You'll never be able to understand my ambitions! This world does not deserve to live peacefully, not after everything was taken from me by that senile old fool! But now that the old fool is gone, no pony in the world will ever stand in my way of becoming the true ruler of all of Equestria. Not even you!" she says. "And to think..." Twilight says, getting up and then walks up to Zoor. "...that aside from Starswirl, you were one of my most favorite idols! I looked up to you and you betrayed us all! Eternal, I didn't want to say this, but... go and use the Elements of Freedom to vanquish her," she says in a low tone. "Sorry, Twilight. But Tidal Wave's still unconcious, so without him and his Element of Knowledge, we can't proceed use the Elements of Freedom! You'll have to use the Elements of Harmony in order to finish the job!" Eternal replies. Twilight only grows more agitated, which only makes her friends worry about her more. "This is no time to be arguing or letting your anger cloud your judgement!" And thus, he makes a valid point. Twilight still feels frustrated, but she goes along with the plan, "Girls, let's finish this off for the last time!" Twilight commands. The bearers of the Elements of Harmony all join together in front of Zoor. The evil alicorn hunches back and readies one of her magic blasts. Her horn emits black sparks of magic. Twilight and her friends combined their powers and launched a magic rainbow onto Zoor. Meanwhile, as they launch their attack, Zoor launches her own beam of magic energy. Both sides are evenly matched. "Melodia, please tell me Tidal's okay!" Sunset begs, keeping her eyes on the battle. "If he were awake, I would have said something by now!" Melodia replies. The pony/dragon hybrid stayed in the sidelines, not because she's too exhausted, but because she's trying to revive Tidal Wave. The way Zoor slammed him against that boulder wasn't something she wanted to see happen to him. "Come on, you fool! Get up, your blasted friends need you! I need you!" she begs. Melodia never begs for anything and hasn't done so in over a thousand years. Perhaps it was all because of the kindness that she was shown by Tidal Wave back when she was tossed aside by Zoor who had absorbed her powers and yet, despite her evil plans, he forgave her the most. She doesn't realize it yet, but somehow, Melodia has grown more attached to Tidal Wave in ways she isn't used to, yet she embraces it. Perhaps to her, this is what it feels like... to love someone. She holds the unconcious, light blue earth pony in her claws and whispers in his ear. "Please wake up," and soon, her tears begin to leak out of her eyes and her body shakes. One tear falls from her face and lands on Tidal Wave's closed eye, which causes him to suddenly twitch his eye and open it. "W-What happened?" Tidal asks, weakly. Melodia's weeping ceases and she holds the earth pony in her arms. "Tidal, you idiot! Just what were you thinking trying a stunt like that?!" she shouts. Tidal is unable to say much due to Melodia hugging him too tight. "C-Can't... breathe!" Tidal struggles to say. Melodia loosens her grip on the injured stallion. Tidal Wave gasps and starts to pant heavily. "Melodia, what's going on?" he asks. "The girls are putting everything into their power to stop Zoor, but the Elements of Harmony are barely matching up with Zoor's magic by half," Melodia replies. She also mentions what transpired after Tidal Wave got knocked unconscious, even the part where she went berserk on Zoor. Though, she doesn't mention that she cried for him to wake up since he already saw her leaking tears. After Tidal gets up to speed with everything that transpired so far, he was about to enter into the battle, but Melodia stops him. "Melodia, wha--?" he asks. "You go out there, you'll end up getting slammed against that boulder like last time! What do you think will happen if your little stallion friends watch you lose, not just the battle, but your life as well? You think that's going to solve anything, well guess what, you're dead wrong!" she say. "This is a war we're in! Against a one-pony army now who's got the strength of hundreds of pony soldiers, maybe even over a thousand pony soldiers! If I don't get in there right now, we all lose!" Tidal argues. "Don't be a fool! You nearly had your skull cracked open the last time! As long as I'm kicking, you're not going anywhere and that's final! Hate me if you want, but my point still sta-" Melodia rants on, but she is stopped by Tidal Wave in a way she had not expected him to. Her lips are being silenced by his own lips for only a few seconds, but it's enough to stop her from talking him out of the fight. "Why would I hate such a beautiful creature for caring so much for my well-being?" Tidal asks, causing the hybrid to blush out of embarrassment. Another thing she's never done in a long time. "J-J-Just... make it back here alive or I swear I... I'll drag you back myself," she stuttered. Tidal nods and runs back into the battle and re-joins the other Elements of Freedom. But there was no time for a happy reunion, as the group of stallions assist the Elements of Harmony. First, the guys circle around Zoor close enough for their magic to reach her, yet far enough to not get caught in the blast. "Altogether, now! No holding back!" Eternal calls out. "Right!" the other stallions call out in unison. Concentrating all of his magic into the Elements, Eternal causes his and the other Elements of Freedom to glow with powerful magic. 6 magic beams appear out of the elements and all connect with Zoor, weaking her by just a bit. Despite being outnumbered, Zoor's determination keeps her from giving into the pain she feels from the 6 magic beams being fired at her. She bellows and puts in her remaining strength to pushing back the magic coming from Twilight and her friends. "You've got to be kidding me! Even with the Elements of Freedom, she still won't give up?" Sunset asks herself, watching in amaze the battle that takes place before her very eyes. "Maybe another push oughta do the trick, let's hope I can help out at least a little bit." Sunset runs a little closer towards Zoor, but keeps a safe distance from the gangs. She finds an opening and readies her magic as she takes aim at Zoor. She gives out a loud battle cry and fires her magic at Zoor, causing it to surge throughout Zoor's entire body. She screams in pain, nearly losing her grip on her concentration, but it's still not enough. Sunset doesn't give up, nor does Zoor. "YOU PONIES HAVE BECOME A THORN IN MY SIDE FOR FAR TOO LONG! I WILL ERADICATE YOU DISGUSTING VERMIN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!!!" Zoor bellowed in a fit of anger. Her rage somehow increased her magic, not one she's using to hold off Twilight and her friends, rather the magic she emits all around her, trying to push the Elements of Freedom back and break their attack. Eternal and a few of his comrads felt the force of Zoor's magic trying to break off their assault. They do everything they can in order to keep their hooves from being flown off the ground. Zoor's laughter returns, only this time, her laugh becomes more psychopathical. The pressure from the magic she emits becomes almost impossible to bear for the stallions on the ground. But then... in their darkest hour, a ray of light shines upon them. Or in better terms, a burst of green flame from above and it lands on Zoor, cancelling out her magic wave she emitting. Hey eyes dart up in the sky and she catches the sight of a very familiar purple and green dragon. Much to her dismay, Spike has entered the battle and he's back feeling better than ever. "YOU FOOL!!!" Zoor shouts in annoyance. But this soon becomes her undoing as her concentration breaks completely and soon feels Twilight and her friends use the Elements of Harmony, trapping Zoor in a rainbow tornado, which gives Eternal and the rest of his gang to clear the way. Zoor's screaming and shouting echoes over the sound of the rainbow vanquishing the evil that lurks inside of her and all the others could do was watch in awe. Never in Eternal's life has he ever witnessed such power that benefits the needs of all Equestria and neither has his friends. Melodia just shrugs and gives off a blank stare, like she can do better than that. Moments later, the screaming stops and a flash of light blinds the group for only a split second. Once their eyes adjust, they all see the evil Zoor, lying on the ground. Everyone gets in closer and sees that dark magic seeps out of her entire body in the form of black mass. "I don't think anypony's gonna come back after getting hit by a group assault that powerful," Spike says. Of course, just after he says that, Rarity lunges at the young drake and brings him into a deep hug. "Oof!" he exclaims, spinning around, getting a little dizzy. "Hey, hey, take it easy, Rarity." "Spike, you shouldn't be out here, it's dangerous!" Rarity says, concerned for the young drake. "On the contrary, he's the reason your flanks are saved in the first place. If he hadn't gotten Zoor distracted with that fire of his, you'd all would have been crushed. So really, you should show some gratitude for little scaly here for sparing you from a miserable defeat," Melodia commented, keeping her cool. "I hate to admit it, but she's right. We'd all be beaten if it wasn't for Spike's help," Eternal adds. Though she is eternally grateful, Twilight still worries for Spike. "Spike, I'm glad you saved us. You're not still exhausted from what happened to you earlier, are you?" she asks with concern. The young hugs Twilight and the rest of the girls jump in for a group hug. "No need to worry, Twilight. I'm in much better shape than I was before. Are you guys okay?" Spike asks. "We're fine, thanks to you. Now that Zoor's no longer a threat, I think it's safe to let down the barrier. It's time for all of the dragons to be set free," Twilight replies. Sunset and Eternal nod and approach the dragons. Their horns light up and cause the barrier to light up and instantly disappear. The dragons all wake up from their slumber, scanning their surroundings. Their eyes lock on the ponies and they are not exactly feeling comfortable being around the gang one bit. "Hey, what's going on, why am I here?" Dragon #1 asks. "Why don't you ask the measily little ponies, I bet they might know," Dragon #2 implies. "Are you trying to start something with me, Pepper Breath?" Dragon #1 asks, growling. "Who are you calling "Pepper Breath," "Pepper Breath?" Dragon #2 asks, about to start fighting. But the two are stopped by Melodia, who grabs them by the back of their heads and bonks them on each other's heads and then breaks them both up. The two dragons growl at her, but she makes them both back off with a sinister smile and her glowing, yellow eyes. "Now, for the record, you dragons should feel lucky that we even saved your sorry hides. If we hadn't stepped while you were in snoozeville, all of you would still be under the spell of an evil alicorn who would have used you in order to take over all of Equestria," she explains. "And what makes you so sure of tha-" Dragon #3 steps in, but is soon cut off by the ground shaking underneath their feet, followed by the sound of loud rumbling. The dragons look in the direction of where Zoor still lies motionless, but find that the ground underneath her body has cracks. "You know what, I won't even bother with this, I'm not sticking around this place any longer!" All the other dragons nod and spread their wings out before flying off to their home, back to the Dragon Lands, leaving the gang to fight off Zoor... one last time. Speaking of which, the evil alicorn struggles to her hooves. Her whole body still shakes from the last attack she took from Twilight and her friends. Her eyes dart in the group's general direction and growls deeply. She mumbles Pony Latin with her gaze fixated specifically on none other than Eternal Flames himself. With her last, remaining strength, she turns into a puff of smoke and screeches as she enters Eternal, causing the young prince to shout in agonizing pain. "What in the blasted blue blazes?!" Shadow Force exclaims. "Eternal, NO!" Heat Blitz calls out to his older brother. Eternal stumbles to the ground, trying his hardest to fight off the evil that's invading his body. He can feel the dark magic coarsing through him. He once felt dark magic trying to enter him before back at the castle of the royal sisters, but this was far worse and much more painful than anything else. Soon, black magic coated his neck. To everyone's horror, the magic around his neck transformed into the infamous Alicorn Amulet. A few seconds after the Alicorn Amulet wrapped around his neck, Eternal stands back up with his head hanging low and his mane covering his eyes. Everyone in the group either backs away or stands where they are, except for Heat Blitz and Sunset Shimmer, who approach Eternal slowly. Once they were 5 feet away from him, Eternal lifts his head up, his eyes closed for only a second. But when he opens his eyes, Eternal's eyes flash from normal sapphire blue to crimson red. "Now you will face my wrath once again! You may attack me all you want, but know this: If you strike me, your weak-minded prince will take the punishment, not me!" Eternal speaks in a distorted voice. Twilight and the other Elements of Harmony recognize how he sounds similar to Chrysalis. "Are you sure you want to go down that road?" Shadow asks. He hides his eyes underneath his black mane and puts on a kind of creepy smile. "Uh-oh, this doesn't look good!" Ground Breaker says, backing away. "What's going on, is something wrong?" Spike asks. "Why is Shadow talking like that?" "I'll tell you why: Anytime somepony ever pushes his buttons like Zoor just did, the foal gloves come off and he goes on a complete rampage!" Hurricane Breeze says, feeling worried. "And there's no sense in talking things out with Shadow. His anger clouds his judgement to the point where he won't even care who gets in his way! Our only option now is to get out of the line of fire," Spark Burst adds as he's backing away from his infuriated friend. "But there has to be something we can do!" Spike says, though he is unable to come up with the right plan as his mind draws a blank. "Why don't we just use the Elements of Harmony on Eternal? It gave Zoor a serious wallop, maybe it'll work the same on Eternal, you never know," Rainbow implies. "We can't, Rainbow. We've used up all the magic from our last attack. The elements have to recharge. Our only hope is if maybe Shadow can bring him back." Twilight says, worrying. "First, you steal the magic from our elements when you were brought back, then you steal my pal's entire body just to gain the upper hoof? You're even more dispicable than the crimes of what my old man committed long ago and for what you have done..." he pauses for a moment before jolting his head up. His red eyes were covered by a green magic aura with purple mist flowing out, exactly like King Sombra. Now Twilight and her friends grow worried. "I will STRIKE YOU DOWN!" "EVERYPONY, OUT OF THE WAY, NOW!" Tidal warns. The others do just that right before Shadow Force's begins his brutal assault. Dark crystals emerge from his shadow and make their way towards his possessed friend, who doesn't move a muscle, only gives off a sinister smile before the crystals burst into tiny shards from his magic. Without thinking straight, Shadow charges at his friend, lighting up... or in more diabolical terms... coating his horn in a dark, magical aura similarto his father's magic and wraps Eternal in a black mass, trapping him. But, the harsh red light coming from the magic at the tip of Eternal's horn slowly vanquishes the dark magic that tried to trap him and sends Shadow flying backwards with a burst of his magic. And before he is able to hit the ground, Eternal teleported behind Shadow and slammed his hinde legs against Shadow's back, causing him to arche back and then hits the floor. Eternal flashes a nasty grin, his eyes flashing red and blue as if he's trying to gain control over himself. Unfortunately, Shadow's rage, along with his dark magic clouds his judgement as he charges in for another assault. Eternal fires at Shadow with a few of his magic blasts, but Shadow evades them, teleporting from left to right, successfully dodging them. "That's it! I'm not just gonna stand here and watch them end up killing each other! I'm putting a stop to this once and for all whether you girls want to or not!" Sunset exclaims, growing a bit frustrated. "No, Sunset! It's dangerous! It's one thing for the guys to try and stop Shadow from going on a rampage, but it's another when you're trying to stop two of the most powerful unicorns we knew back in the Freedom Village, plus what if you end up getting hurt?" Heat Blitz tries to warn. "I have to at least try!" Sunset insists. The sunny unicorn runs up to the two brawling stallions and fixates her sights on the possessed one with the Alicorn Amulet. At the moment Shadow Force rams him and sends Eternal flying backwards, Sunset tackles Eternal to the ground. "STAY OUT OF THIS!!!" Shadow's voice echoes. His horn becomes coated in a dark purple magical aura and almost fires off a beam of magic at Sunset. However, Spike's quick reflexes cause him to speed up in front of the blast, using a highly effective cross-arm block while using his wings to shield Sunset from the blast. He takes a deep breath and shoots a large stream of green fire at Shadow to hold him off. "Oh no, Spike!" Rarity exclaims. "Come on, girls! We can't let Sunset fight this battle on her own!" Twilight exclaims, but she doesn't know how she and the girls can help. But then... "Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, you girls aid Spike and help him calm down Shadow Force while Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and I help Sunset with Eternal! Now hurry, the sooner we calm down them both down, the sooner we can be rid of Zoor once and for all!" "You got it, Twi!" AJ agreed. "No problem, Spike's in good hooves!" Rainbow adds. "Hold on, Spike! Help is on the way!" Rarity exclaims just as she rushes into the battle. Rainbow Dash and Applejack follow her close by and approach Shadow as swiftly as possible. Due to Shadow unable to defend himself from other attacks, Rainbow Dash soars down from above then tackles him out of the line of fire, breaking his concentration. Spike pants heavily, barely standing. Rarity runs up to the young drake, obviously concerned about him. "You're not hurt, are you?" Rarity asks. "Just a little exhausted from all those flames I shot out to keep Shadow at bay, but I'm fine," Spike reassures the fashionista with a smile. Rarity sighs in relief and the two swiftly rush to help Rainbow and AJ with Shadow. "Hey, mind givin' a gal a helpin' hoof over here!" AJ calls out. The apple farmer had tied up Shadow with her rope and is struggling to keep him from breaking free. As he struggles to gain back control, his eyes set on the mares as well as Spike. His menacing grin and twitching eyes don't bode well for the four friends, or any of the other ponies, excluding Melodia. Speaking of which, the pony/dragon hybrid joins in on the "fun." As she starts circling over the young stallion, Shadow looks up, still twitching his eyes. Shadow feels provoked and so his horn glows dark purple, unleashing dark crystals from underneath his shadow and up towards Melodia. Melodia chuckles in amusement in his futile attempt to trap her in the dark crystals, but she breaks out with a magic spell that explodes in a flash of bright light, sending him flying away from her. Shadow's body rolls around the grass until coming to a halt in a patch of dirt. Melodia remains in the air, checking the back of her claws, yawning from the immense boredum she felt. "Shadow, you are hopeless. You need to keep your head together or you'll end up just like that useless dad of yours and you don't want that, right?" Melodia asks, unamused. His temper was no longer in effect, but his head is still spinning. "Huh? Silly princess, dark magic is for losers, and Shadow Force is WINNER!" Shadow says, still dizzy before he slumps down, knocked out. Melodia shakes her head from his stupidity and floats down. "Moron," Melodia groans. With Shadow no longer under the control of his own dark magic, the other stallions look after him while the girls go and help Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy with their possessed friend, Eternal. The situation seems grim as Eternal struggles to lift Sunset off of him, despite having intense strength. But thanks hers and Twilight's skills in advanced magic, they combined their magic to bind him by the limbs onto the ground and it seems their group effort proves to be very effective. "YOU'LL NEVER GET RID OF ME YOU PATHETIC PONIES! YOUR FRIEND IS DOOMED," the possessed Eternal shouts in his distorted voice. "I beg to differ, Zoor. I happen to know of a way to banish you from Eternal's mind and I'm gonna make sure you don't harm anyone else in the process. Now sit back, relax and enjoy your permanant exile," Twilight argues back with a confident and determined smirk. "Sunset, look directly into Eternal's eyes and whatever you do, don't take your mind off of him." "Huh? What are you planning, Twilight?" Sunset asks. "I'm going to use a spell that'll transfer you inside of Eternal's mind. If it works, it'll be easier to rescue him, but keep in mind that you have to keep your mind focused on him, otherwise, the spell won't work. I know this is asking a lot from you, but really need your help," Twilight explains. "Twilight, isn't that dangerous?" Fluttershy asks. "Why don't you just send all of us into his mind, that way we can get him out no problem," Pinkie says. "True, but the mind transfer spell can only transfer one pony into another pony's mind at a time," Twilight shakes her head, explaining to Pinkie. "It's fine, I can get him out of there myself," Sunset says, determined. "I'm not gonna sit around and do nothing while I let Zoor have her way." Sunset moves a bit and stares directly at Eternal. The possessed prince growls and glares daggers at Sunset, yet she remains unfazed by his intimidation. Twilight lights up her horn, concentrating all of her magic and aims it at the two ponies staring at each other. Sunset keeps her mind focused on Eternal, who lets out a battle cry before he and Sunset both pass out. "W-What happened?" Rarity asks, worried. "Sunset's inside of Eternal's mind. It's all up to her now," Twilight says, watching as the two ponies lay there, neither of them moving even a single muscle. The area around them has now grown quiet, but the real battle has just begun from within.