Children of Harmony

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 63: The Story of Naga

Meanwhile, in the Ponyville Town hall, the three princesses has called an important meeting among mane six parents and the mayor. Ace and the other young ones stay outside, but want to hear in on the conversation. Ace and the others are very worried about Sakura's well being. And who knows how much Sakura's free will will last at the claws of Naga. They listen in on the grown up's conversation.

"Look that sorcerer has my daughter! And I want her back before…" Twilight says sounding very upset. She covers her face with her hooves, fearing what will befall her.

Angel Wing puts her wing on Twilight to comfort her, "There, there, Naga may have done many bad things, but I don't think he will harm Sakura."

"The question is, what does he even want with Sakura? He went through a lot of trouble to have those ponies attack the part like that," Moon Sword says.

"And from what the children told us of their last encounter with him. It seems that he want Sakura to rule by his side, against her will," Celesta clarifies.

"Still, that snake's nuts! Sakura is fifteen, she's too young to get married! And that snake wants to use her for taking over
Equestria! Rainbow angrily shouts.

Then Applejack says, "Still, that unconscious pegasus may be the only one who can tell us where Naga took Sakura."

"That may be true, but what if Naga use his power to erase that pony's memory. Naga is always persistent when it comes to covering his tracks. Especially while using his hypnotic powers," Angel Wing says.

"You're right mother, but one thing we do know, is that Sakura is in the clutches of an evil snake sorcerer and we have no knowledge of the plan he has in mind," Luna replies.

"We have to do something. I already lost my sister for 20 years, and I'm not ready to lose my niece, even if it means I'll be taking him on myself," Shining Armor says with determination.

Twilight smiles with her eyes water, "Oh Shining."

"I want to help to, but we have no clue where Naga took her. What's more, Naga appears to have powerful magic," Cadence says.

Fluttershy shivers, "Naga must have been very powerful and evil for you to exsile him."

"He did, and it was no different what he tried to do the last time he came to Equestria," Moon Sword says with a frim glare.
Twilight and the others look at the king with confused looks on their faces.

Twilight asks," What do you mean? Are you saying Naga tried something like this before? I mean, I know you said he came to Equestria, but what did he tried to do the last time?"

Angel Wing looks at Celestia, and asks, "Do you think we should tell them? I… I know it will be painful for you."

Celestia sadly signs, "It is time they knew the story?"

"What happened?" Pinke asks.

Well, this all happened some time after Luna was imprisoned in the moon by Celestia, Moon Sword begins explaining.

Flashing back to a thousand years ago, Celestia is still crying in her bedroom as she looks at the night sky. She sees a mare face that is on the bright white moon. Both of her parents, Angel Wing and Moon Sword are sitting on the bed with her, hoping to confront her. Sadly it's not helpful.

"Around that time, Celestia was still very sad and full of remorse about having to banish Luna to save Equestria, and we've become very concern for her well being," Angel Wing explains.

Then the scene shows the king and queen are in the throne room helping Celestia with her royal duties until she feels better. Just then, the doors open, and Naga slither inside.

Then Moon Sword says, "One way, Naga comes into the throne room saying that he can help Celestia with her problem."

"At first, we were reluctant about the help, but Naga said he knows a powerful spell that can relieved Celestia of her remorse. We accepted the help and brought him to Celestia," Angel Wing says.

Then Moon Sword says, "Sadly, we have no clue of Naga's real best interest lie, and it was a terrible mistake asking for his help."

"I guess it's understandable, you just didn't want Celestia to live her life in guilt," Twilight says.

"Twilight's right. You just wanted to help my sister," Luna says.

Celestia nods her head, "And I really appreciate that you two care so much, even I assumed Naga just wanted to bring happiness to me."

"What happen next?" Rainbow asks.

"We lead him to Celestia who was… still laying on her bed after letting off her tears of guilt," Moon Sword explains.

Moon Sword remembers the day it happen, The two royal couple opens the door to Celestia's rom, and Naga enter. He look to see Celestia still laying on her bed looking up at the sky, even though the sun is up.

With a mischievous smile, Naga calmly calls out, "Hello Cssselestia, it is sssso nice to meet you."

Celestia gasp and turn around to see Naga holding his scepter.

"Um, yes? Who are you?" Celestia questions.

"I am Naga, and I'm here to help you with your problem," Naga answers.

Naga slithers close to Celestia with a sinister smile on his face. Celestia becomes a bit nervous and skeptic about the
serpent. Before Celestia is react, she flinches to feel something on her neck. She looks down to see Naga using his long
tail to slightly wrap her neck.

Naga cuffs Celestia's face with his claws he says, "Don't worry, it will all be over soon."

The next thing Celestia is seeing is Naga's eyes changing into a vortex of colors. The colors are so bright that Celestia can't look away or say a single word. Just then, Celestia's eyes begin to admit the same pattern. Naga smirks to see the young princess is under his spell.

Moon Sword's voice comes in, and says, "Still we weren't prepared about Naga's true intentions of coming to the castle."

Outside of the hall, Moon Sword and Angel Wing are waiting for the two to come out. Just then, the door opens. The two royals look to see Naga existing with Celestia close behind.

Concern, Angel Wing asks, "Celestia… are you alright?"

Naga chuckles, and says, "Oh sssshe'ssss fine. Justa little… brain dead at the moment. And now to claim this land as my own."

Naga then use his scepter to hit Moon Sword, making him hit the wall in the process. Angel Wing gasp and use her magic to attack, but still under his control, Celestia uses her magic to stop the field. The two royal couple fight Naga off, and they are forced to fight their own daughter.

"Luckily, Moon Sword is able to use his powerful spell to defeat Naga while I used a special spell to save Celeista from Naga's control."

Moon Sword uses his magic to create a powerful silver sword to attack Naga, and is enough to temporarily disable his spell. Then traps him in a protective force field. Angel Wing is able to hold down Celestia, and create a white light with his magic to break the hypnotic trance. Celestia's eyes change back to normals. Celestia smiles and gives her mom a hug.
After the hug, Moon Sword and Angel Wing use their powerful spell to exile Naga from Equestria for trying to take over and controlling Celestia. Celestia then hugs her parents in relief and feels a bit scared of it.

"We were able to banish Naga, but couldn't help but feel guilty on how Celestia was almost harmed. We never saw Naga for a long time. Until the children saw him," Moon Sword explains.

After the flashback, Twilight and her friends are shocked to hear the same thing that Sakura has gone through almost happened to Celestia.

"Still, it's not your fault that Naga wanted to control Celestia," Pinkie says.

Moon Sword comes over, and says, "Nevertheless, it was our fault that our daughter was put in such danger."

"All we wanted was to help our daughter to comfort after being forced to take drastic measures to protect our country,
but didn't past judgment on Naga's intessions," Angel Wing says.

Celestia comes over and says in concern, "Mother, Father, I… I had no idea you felt that way when I was almost stolen away."

Angel Wing hugs Celestia, "I know, we lost Luna, and we didn't want to lose you too."

"It was a good thing that you managed to exsile him. Sadly, it couldn't stop from other ponies being under his control and his magic from getting back in. If we are going to find him, it has to be somewhere out of Equestria," Luna says.

Twilight comes over, "She's right, we have to rescue my Sakura, who knows what Naga is going to do to her."

"We'll do the best we can to find her. But without a lead, we have no please to track him too," Celestia replies, feeling a bit helpless about the situation.

Outside of the hall, Ace and the other kids have heard everything that the royals said. They are shocked, and know that Sakura is in trouble. Sadly, they don't know what to actually do, and need to come up with something.

"I can't believe, Celestia almost gone through the same thing," Eden worriedly replies.

"Well it looks like Naga has some serious power hungry issues," Raspberry says.

Ace groans in frustration, and says, "We got to do something."

"I know what you mean, but what can we do? We don't even know where that slithering varmint is," Baked Apple replies, feeling frustrated.

Eden worriedly says, "Oh, I just hate to think about what Naga is going to do with her."

"After what Naga said about wanting to make Sakura his queen. I think Sakura is going to be forced to tie the knot," Raspberry replies, scratching his chin with his hoof.

"Sakura doesn't even want to get hitched!" Baked Apple angrily says.

Raspberry nervously giggles, "Right."

"But what can we do? There's no way to know where Naga is. We have no clue of Sakura's well being. And the pony who may know something is still unconscious from last night," Ruby worriedly says.

She then puts her hoof, and dramatically says, "This is the most… worst… possible thing!"

"Alright Ruby, you don't need to get all dramatic on us," Baked Apple says.

Then Ace says, "We can't just wait, we have to save Sakura ourselves."

"Are you crazy?! Our parents said that it's too dangerous to go," Baked Apple protests.

"I agree. They will be really mad if we gone off like that," Eden nervously replies.

"By the time they're done with all of this, we can go and be back again. They won't even notice," Ace says.

Ruby arches her eyebrow, "But even if we could find Naga's hiding place and Sakura, then what will we do?"

"I don't know, but we can't let that snake get away with our friend. My mother told me that I should always be loyal to my friends. Sakura would do the same for us," Ace answers.

Raspberry shows a determine look, and says, "Then let's get going."

Raspberry being to run down the hill with an angry look on his face.

Eden sighs, and says, "Oh Sakura."

"Yeah. Let's do it," Baked Apple says, as he run off.

Ace and the others being to run after them.

"Wait for us Raspberry!" Ace calls out.

"Don't worry Sakura, we're comin!" Baked Apple adds.

Then Ruby asks, "But where we start?"

But luckily Ace has the answer, "Don't worry, I know where and who we can go?"

Ace leads the way while the others follow. He knows exactly where they need to go before they can start on their adventure to save Sakura. They can only hope they can rescue Sakura in time before Naga's plan is fully put in motion.