//------------------------------// // The Night of Tragedy // Story: Betrayal of Friendship // by Inactive Pone //------------------------------// December, in Equestria. Hearth's Warming was coming very soon- Everycreature at the School of Friendship felt very merry and wanted to hold a party that day, even though it's still a while until then. But, to their surprise- Christmas came early. Not in their favor, however. December that year- A night no student in the school and no creature in their world would ever forget. The month of crisis, the month of tragedy, the month of distrust. The month... That nearly caused Equestria's demise. "Are you sure you want me to do this, master?" A voice was spoken into a magical communication device. Their limbs were shaking vigorously- From what they were about to do. The creature had something hidden in their saddlebag. "Yes, unless you want our world in ruins." "Sir, you do realize: If I did this, and I get caught- I'm dead. And if I kill her- No one could predict the consequences..." "It's best to prevent the problem before it starts- Just follow my plan, and be rewarded." The creature nodded and continued to creep through the corridors of their own School- The School of Friendship. It was a night of fear. This creature stepped with heavy steps across the awfully quiet, eerie yet still familiar hallways, on a night where the moonlight was shunned out by the curtains before the elegant windows. This, ensured said student's plan to be secreted. They were about to deliver a scary- uncalled- And even bloody Hearth's Warming gift. Murder. It stopped before the headmare's office- Where she had been working non-stop and fell asleep on her couch inside after finishing her work for the day. The door creaked open, the princess in sweet dreams and wiggling in her beauty sleep. "Alright," The master began. "I will now perform a spell to make you less recognizable. We've done this before- Don't freak out. Kill her, and cover the evidence. Again, do not ever make a reaction. They can still hear you." Whoooooosh Soon, the creature turned into a human, a spell nopony else knew about. The voice cut off, and it was up to the murderer. They reached into the saddlebag, pulling out a dagger. Holding it with the tip facing backward, they stepped closer to the prey- Every step becoming more heavy and hesitant. At last, getting close, the creature opened their mouth. "Shall you be alive, Miss..." They spoke, "I wish you'll expel me- When all this is over..." Twilight Sparkle turned, still lying, and when her eyes merely opened, she finally realized what was going on. When her vision was finally made clear, the only thing she could do in those mere seconds- Was to scream. "Murder!!!" Nathan Hon Presents, a story inspired by Mafia... The Betrayal of Friendship Yaaaaaaawn~ Silverstream just woke up from a long night’s sleep. She was working hard on her homework so she slept early. However, what she saw around her when regaining consciousness was not what she expected. “Wh- This... This isn’t where I slept last night...” She moaned. “Did I stay up that late and not return to Mount Aris? No, that can’t be right...” She got off her bed. The hippogriff was back in her dorm room. She did recall staying a little longer in her dorm to work with her friends Ocellus and Smoulder on planning the Hearth’s Warming party which is coming up later that month, but she remembered going back home to rest, instead of falling asleep here. After a little stretch, Silverstream noticed something on her desk. It was a letter. Initially, she thought her family sent a letter to her, or maybe someone from her town, but it definitely wasn’t- After all, who in Equestria would use a black envelope with a skull sticker to conceal the message in it? She opened the envelope, and read the letter in her head. Greetings, dear player. You may not know who I am, but I do know who you are as a student of the School of Friendship. I see you and your friends have been having much fun recently. But, I regret to tell you the fun I am going to explain will not be what you imagine. I regret to inform you, an unknown mastermind has teleported and locked you and some other students in this school. Also, murder was committed on the headmare, Princess Twilight Sparkle, last night. As a member of the EEA, on behalf of the council, I deeply apologize for such acts committed. We do understand the safety measures were not taken seriously enough, and our council is partially to blame for this incident. I cannot tell you more, for I am being forced to write this message at this very moment. Allow me to give you the gist of the situation. Inside the envelope, you should also see another note and a specific item of the unknown force’s choice. For more information, refer to said note. Thank you, and we wish you the very best of luck in this game. Again, we sincerely apologize for the terrible situation- But there is no avoiding it. All we can say is this: Let the games begin. -The Equestrian Education Association Silverstream took a minute to process what she just read through- She couldn't feel any pure emotions- Should she fear? Should she cry? Should she be upset about the sudden situation? Nonetheless, she picked up the next note and read through it again. Let’s play a game, shall we? I’ve given you all the chance to surrender and close down this school. However, the council and you all wouldn't let me. You leave me no choice. 10 Students, 10 roles, 1 Mafia. Don’t know how to play? Fine. Let me explain. Now, you and 9 other students, all being your friends, are trapped in this school. The only way to leave is if you kill the Mafia. There are 9 pacifist roles: The cop, detective, doctor, hunter, knight, angel, defender, witness and innocent. You all have the same target: To kill the last role- The Mafia, the one who assassinated your headmare. The catch? You are not given who your friends’ identity is. I wish to see how much your group of friends can trust each other- I want to see how strong your ties really are. In this game of trust, the innocents may have different abilities to help the group figure out who’s the Mafia- Without knowing what roles one another has. Every day, you all will gather for a discussion. One by one, you’re commanded to express your thoughts of your suspect. And at the end of the day, you may take a vote- Whoever is suspected the most will be punished. You need not know what it is. Every night, the Mafia kills another player. So, it’s best if you could figure them out as soon as you can, or else you might not see your jolly holiday come to life. If you can’t find them out... It means you’re all dead. You will receive your secret item that identifies your role. To find out more, turn to the next page. -The Godfather Now, the curious Hippogriff had even more questions- Who is the Godfather? Why is he making this game? Why must we be trapped in our own school? I mean, it’s not like we want to leave the school forever but... However, she dug into the envelope anyway. Inside, she found a badge- The gold and silver metal reflecting the light from the window. When she put it on, it disappeared, and soon she was given access to a few interesting weapons of choice: A gun, a baton and a taser, which could be operated by magic if she so chooses. They were put into her saddlebags, secured and invisible to anycreature but her. She turned to the other page of the note. Player Silverstream: The Cop. You are playing the cop. You have the ability to kill the Mafia. You may initiate your attack anytime during the daytime session, but after when the hunter is killed. You won’t know who it is until they die. You may also only initiate your attack when enough evidence has been given and enough suspicion is targetted on the Mafia- Because if you kill the wrong person, it’s an instant game over, and everycreature dies. You could do so early- But do it at your own risk. You should find your weapons of choice with your selected item. If you wish to keep justice served, and your friends in one piece, then make me amazed. If so, I’ll set you all free. The Mafia is waiting. Good luck.